HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1913-12-05, Page 7IHEALTH
Do not get out of patience
scold or whale your baby for cry..
Mg, 110 does not do that to be
ugly -that is not at baby'e nature
hewants to laugh and be 'happy,
but when ho cries that le the way
he takes of telling you he „is in
pain. that his little etoinaoh is out
of r)rder .or that his new t8eth hurt
him, Instead of being Groesive
him a dose of Beby'�s Own Tablets
and you will. soon sea hien laughing
and happy again. The Tablets
sweeten the stomach; make teeth-
ing painless; break up ,colds; cure
constipation and expel worms. Sold
by medicine dealers or by mail at
26 cents a box froan The Dr. Wil-
liams' Medicine Co., Brookville,
_Oldl Sows for Breeding.
If we breed and raise' our own
• Stomatitis.
",Stoma" is the Greek word for
the mouth, and stomatitis is iullam-
enation of any part of the mouth in
front of the soft palate. Stomatitis
springs from different causes.
Sometimes it follows mechanical ir:
lritation, such as the constant
scratching of a broken tooth, the
irritation of a badly fitted tooth -
plate, er the frequent use of a pipe.
Sometimes it is a sign of insufficient
nourishment or a low condition of
the general health.
Infanes who are cutting their
first teeth often have little round
grpatches in the mouth;
called aphthae,
and this form I
ness, says a London correspondent.
These -nen are shod in thick felt
slippers, eo that their footttepscal
not wake the royal sleeper, and one
of teem is always near the Inns e
room uzltil hie majesty ii called by
his valet in the t'nornie&
Every door and window in ,the
palace is frequently examined, and
it would be impossible for any in-
truder to get in without being dis-
covered. The ring is as well pro
tested as the Tsar of Bossier, who
bas a guard of armed Cossacks oat -
side of his room, or the King of
Spain, who is watched by a squad
of specially picked soldiers, who
keep the keys of all the doors of the
palace during the night.
A1gy----"You say she only .. par-
tially returned your affections V'
Clarenee—` `Yes ; she returned all
the love -letters, but retained all
the presents."
sows we always have to have a ave
fthe disorder is called aphthous young sow before we can han
{ old one but as a rule I breed from
stomatitis. The patches by and by
turn into little. red ulcers, and the
baby becomes feverish and frac-
tious. The ulcers must not mach
leoted, but they will not give
trouble if they are properly treat-
ed. This form of mouth trouble,
known also as the thrush, is most
likely to attack neglected and
ill -
nourished. children.
Gangrenous stomatitis is seen
most often in children. It is pro-
bablyhasnot Caused
t been dis overed. some micbe that It
starts on the inside of the cheek,
eats its way rapidly through to the
outside, and is generally fatal.
Very prompt and thorough surgi-
cal treatment is essential. Happily,
this form of the disease is not com-
stomatitis is often a symptom of
a general illness; such as measles,
diphtheria, smallpox, or scarlet
fever ; or it may be caused by medi-
cines given in the treatment of some
other trouble. Children suffer from
attacks of stomatitis oftener than
adults, because they
oftener tput
soiled fingers or germ -laden
into their mouths.
The treatment requires absolute
cleanliness of the mouth. To this
end a physician should be consult-
ed, and the 'washes he presertbes
must be faithfully used. If the diet
is at fault, it meet be very carefully
old sows and if I have any that
have not proven satisfactory I cull
them out and select the young gilts
to take their places, writes Mr, A.
O. Choate.
I find that the pigs from my old
sows always weigh from 25 to 60
pounds more at ten months old than
the pigs from the young sows, They
seem to have morhe is bone
ia a deaare
more growthy.
for breeding from old sows.
There is one rule which I always
follow and that is,. never to breed
a gilt so that she will have pigs un-
til she is at least a year old and I
always let them run with the rest
of the shoats until about two
months before I expect to sell the
bunch and then separate them.
As a rule this is about breeding
time when they will weigh about
175 pounds andd
noe be fat, just
good breeding
My reason for keeping old breed-
ing sows is I can get more bone and
more growth on the litter 'and two
litters a year.
Will Quickly Cure
Any Sour Stomach
Believes Fullness After Reale.
"When I was working around the
farm last winter, I had an attack ot to
flammation," writes Mr, I71 . P. Dawkins,
of Port Ii.ichznond. "I was weak for a
long time, but well enough to wee
until spring. But something
g oritphysico all then time to My
stomach kept sour, ,and always after '
eating there was pain and fulness, and
all the symptoms of intestina
unt 1 I
gestion. Nothing helpd be
s 1
used Dr. Hamilton's pills they Instead
i .. eworld. a li eral ple of each, vl throughout ta
hurting, like Other i) l I:r worlok,sent pootfreo. Andrew) Pette Drug e
very mildly, and seemed to heal the : teem, core.; Dont. sn. s irtoa. V. S. A.
bowels, I did not require large doses i The One,cel)tion.�
to get results with Dr. Hamilton's Piles,.
and feel so glad that I have found a
mild yet certain remedy. To -day 1 axn Lord Kitchener of Khartum, the
well— no pain, no sour "stomach, a ffamous ally a maEnglish soldier, is
and s tete
n -
good appetite, able to digest anything. p
This is a whole lot of good for one battle -field, a cold, silent, grim
a Dr
warrior. However, the following
Why Mary Malone Left the Service
of Mrs. Bixby.
How much perfectly good, ser-
viceable will -power people waste in
mere obstinacy 1 Martha Malone,.
after working three years for Mrs.
Bixby, appeared one morning at
Mrs. Wilson's back doer, and ap-
plied fora place.
"Why," said the surprised Mrs:
Wilson, "1 thought you were work-
ing for Mrs. Bixby 1"
"I was, mum. But I've quit."
"Is that so 7" Mrs, Wilson could
not emcee' her surprise. "I
thought you liked her."
"Indeed I do, mum."
"And I'm sure she liked you."
"I believe she did, mum. Least-
wise she always seemed to."
"Well—" Mrs. Wilson was still
wondering what the trouble had
"Well," said Martha, seeing that
some explanation was expected,
"you see it was like this, mum. I
always put the blue china plates on
the righthand side .of the cupboard,
and this morning the missus comes
along, and moves 'em, and says,
`Martha, every Inornin' for three
years you've put the plates on
wrong side, and I've had to come
along and 'move them --and I can't
stand it any longer.'
"And," said Martha, "I says to
her, 'Mrs. Bixby, every mornin' for
three years I've put them plates in
the right place, and you come along
and moved them, and then I had
to come along and move them back,
and I can't stand it any longer,
"And so I quit."
Assisted by occasional use
of Cuticura Ointment.
Rimed for qualacme fter lity and flavour.
Don't waste your time in preparation.
—Sur "Clarks". n
Stops a Cough
A ilieredy That Hever Fails
It's simply wonderful to think how
quickly a. bad throat or catarrh can
be Cured with CatarrhoZene. Its rich
balsamic vapor is carred along with
the breath into the innermgst recesses
of the lungs, bronchial tubes, and
chest, making it impossible for the
germ of any disease to live. Thus
soreness in the chest is at once elle-
viated—Phlegm is loosened
old standing
ed from the throat,
coughs are removed.
"I suffered from an Irritable, weak
throat for three years. I had a severe
cough, pain over the eyes, constant
bad taste
and noises in
my ears. 1t was chronia c catarrh. No-
thing gave permanent relief till I used
Catarrhozone. In one hour It reliev-
ed, and in a few weeks drove all trace
of catarrh from my system.
"No 6 Lopez street; Kingston, Ja."
Large size guaranteed, costs $1.00,
and lasts two months; smaller sizes,
25c. and 60o. Beware of imitations
and insist on "CATARRHOzONEI"
only. By mail from the Catarrhozone
Co., Buffalo, N.Y. --
Pain in the Feet. '
We do'not realize how constantly
we use our feet until something
happens to interfere with their
function. When that occurs, we
are likely to suffer a good deal of
pain, and still more inconvenience,
and even to find our general health
seriously affected by our inability
to walk—for walking is the most
valuable and necessary of all forms
of exercise.
In many cases the pain in the feet
is owing to the presence of corns,
bunions, or chilblains. But there
are more obscure affections that
cause pain in walking. Two of the
most common are flatfoot, and the
opposite condition—an ovehg'
arch- The latter is really. a partial
Dlubfoot, although those who have
it like to regard it as a mark of
aristocratic blood.
When the each i i too high, properlye
weight of the body
distributed, but falls on the heel
end the ball of the foot. The pain
is especially severe in the ball of
the foot. In flatfoot the pain is
Most severe in the early stages,
when the fibrous sheet that
stretches between the ball of the
foot' and the heel has to do all the
work of keeping the foot in shape,
since the ligaments that are meant
to support the arch arealready
weakened and elongated. After
this fibrous struoture---t e sed, ntar
fascia it is called -has yie hod ed, the
the flatfoot is fully
pain is much less acute.
The fibrous structures are some-
times painful even when the arch
of the foot is neithet too high nor
too low, awing to a so-called gouty
or rheumatic condition. Physicians
are still uncertain just what this
condition really is, but it can
ually be cured in its early stages if
the patient, has perseverance.
There are certain neuralgic condi
iidns---ane ie known as "Morton s
painful toe" --that ate often as dif-
fiouYt .to cure as neuralgia else -
Where. sinful, it
When both heels are p
usually means either thhefluaaotic or
t is
beginning, or that the
gouty tendency is declaring itself.
'When only one heel is affected, the
cause is "usually bruise or strain,
As soon as the- doctor discovers the
source of the trouble iet'noan
b try
remove .it, and the p
often help him. Something will be
paid on that point in another ar-
ticle.- tith's Companion,
medicine to do, an _
Hamilton's Pills are the best pills, and
my letter, I am sure, proves it." .
Refuse a substitute for Dr. Hamil-
ton's Pills of Mandrake and Butternut,
solor din The yellow
Cat rrhozon25c.
oCo., 'Kingston,
Feeding the Groevitig Chick.
Seep the growing chicks well sup-
plied with granulated bone, char-
coal and beef scraps The latter
must be fresh .and fres from any
musty odor. Much damage bar.
been done in the growing flock,
incident 47111 show that Lord
charter can be a gallant courtier as
well as a brave soldier; .
Lord Kitchener had been sum-
moned by Queen Victoria, who
wished to congratulate hila upon
his brilliant work in Egypt.
'When she had finished, and Lord
Kitchen had thanked her respect-
fully, the Queen suddenly added,'
"Is it true that you dislike wo-
men 1"
"All Sit -
"All except one,,:
chener replied, grimly.
"And who is that? Queen Vic -
from the feeding of poor dry cry
scraps, thereforeg reat care should t,oria asked.
be exercised in purchasing this are "Your ._..
title. Charcoal is one of the most The Best Was Easy.
important things to have about the "I understand you speak French
poultry yards, notwithstanding the 'lilts a native."
claim of some poultrymen who s Y, No, replied the student; recent
Woman In Pain
J /onto. Canada's Popplar Commer.
sial School. 'Magni&cenh Catalogue fres.
N. W. DAWSON, Ninety Cotborns Street.
1l Yruit, Stock, Grain. or Dairy Parra,
write H. W. Dawson, Brampton, or 9d
Colborne fit. Toronto.
H. W. DAWSON, Colborne St., Toronto
Gra.venhuret. Proprietor heirs a
druggist. is unable to Rive the printing
otfifo the sa attention n nesition.
it for safe at a aacriSce. No og•
One of the beat tiewr,00ner openings in
the Province for a practical moo. Apply
Wilson Publishing Gontpany, Tnronta.
ORalsoAdarlc erleE Wi b o buy 100 nal,
of blink f"r lireedcng purpo er
Bros., R. R. i o. 1, Strathroy, Ont.
It J Internal and external, eared with.
put pain by our home treatment. Write
ns before too late. Dr. Beilman Medical
f n T.irnitnrl r'nllinownnrl ("Pot
't` F der Stones, Sidney trouble, Gravel.
Lumbago and kindred ailments poettivel?
cured with the uew German remedy.
, Sanol," price 51.50. Another
rnnew cure. rented*
for Diabetes -Mellitus, and
"Sonora Anti -Diabetes' Price $5.00 fronpt
druesists or direct The Ronal Mannfae•
taringCompany of Canada, Limited,
For Three Years
Tells of Her Remarkable Cure.
ry few people could so patiently
for three years as I did," writes
M, D. Durand, from her home in
ata. "Sometimes I did feel very
unaged, but knew that a remedy
d some day turn up with the pow -
relieve ray sufferings. Nerviline
the one thing that ever did me
good. It had the power to sink
my stiff, sore muscles, and it drew
he pain and gave me release from
distress as few people know. Myn
er to
out t
on t
with Itheumatio tendencies to us
Nerviline--rub it in frequently and
bind a hot flannel cloth over the ach-
ing Darts. This is very soothing and
will surely cure."
No home complete without
line. Family size bottles,
size, 25o., at all storekeepers and drug-
gists or The CatarrhoZone Co., Buf-
falo, N.Y.
it is unnecessary when the few s of the grammar and the ae
and chicks are given the proper g i esr fine,but it's hard to
foods in the right peopeeteena It Team own pre gestursb
keeps the gases down and assists .--.11.--
__ stun . --
digestion and prevents many cases
of bowel trouble and other diseases. - T o lV,ucli Political Many say it can't be prevented, neither
____---tS -- but they can er
can 'warts or earns:
"My dwelling is bounded on the cured by Putnam's Corn Extractor; it
north by a gas Warks, on the south cures Doris and warts without vain in
of an radia rubber works, on the twenty-four hours. Also only Putnam'e,
easty a vinegar inegar fad
Men was largely Ilheumatta, Just so
his account I do urge every person Dandy" MOUTH ORGAN, 16 reeds,
highly polished nickel cover, card-
board box, above about ur lddartsr et
actual size. Be sure your kiddies get
one CO., NOW, W., 729 porch esteN r St. LY
10.1.00. -
CENTS brings you a "Jinx
The World's Rulers Are Carefully
Protected at Night.
"Uneasy lies the head that wears
a Drown," says the poet, but the
precautions that are taken to as-
sure the undisturbed rest to King
his npillow.t at Theleast
� brig quiet to
side of the royal palace is of course
guarded by soldiers and detectives
all night; and several night-watch-
men pace up and. down the corri-
dors through the hours of dark -
foxy, and an pyo. at all dealers.
the east by a glue -bailing entad.._....+i• _ii.. --- -4-
The . British Government, to fill
lishment." "A aloe neighborhood,
I naust say 1" "Quite so, but it the ranks of the army, will adopt
has one advantage, 1 can always ills, news -
tell which way the wind blows that panacea for all paper advertising.
without looking at the weather-
Here is A Remedy That Will Stop It
Do you realize the danger in a
neglected cough?
Then why don't you get rid of it?
Yes you can shake it off', even though
it has stuck to you for a long time, >.f
you go about it right.
Keep out in the fresh air as mach as
you can, build up your strength with
} plenty of wholesome food, and take
Na-Drtt-Co Syrup of Linseed, Licorice
and Cliloroclyne. ld remedy has
This reliable household
broken up thousands of hacking, per
sistent coughs, whichnder hal it has
ust as
troublesome as yours,
dote for so many others do fur you.
Na-Dru-Co Syrup of Linseed, Licorice
and Chlorodyne contains absolutely no
harmful drugs, and 'so can be given
safely to children, as well es adults.'
Your physician or druggist can confirm
title statement, for We are ready to 'lend
tlient on request a complete list of alt
the ingredients, ode, bottles say the
Put rip in,ese. anti S
National Drug and Chemical Co. of
Canada, bruited.
oo__ ...�.- Ir rine Eye Remedy
has become a household necessity to
those who have used it regularly for a
time. Many Toronto giving s Paveiiwri
to use their -names if necessary. Cases
of ECZEMA of years' standing Soro feet
g,1IEUMATISM completely gone;
relieved; would not be without it as a
disinfectant; a si> Try buyourself e Pric
SO Del to * etc. all druggists, or
50 Cents a bottle, 158 Bay Street,
Torontq. — -qa,_ _- _
tst alt
trying tomake money fast
fatnard's L,ninient Cures Distemper.
Want a Niel;natne.
TDhe problem of the moment at
Eton is how to nickname Prince
Henry. His brother, Prince Al-
bert, was called the Lobster t Os-
borne. As a rule,
the names
of British royalties have been any-
thing but deferential. When King
George ,and nis brother, the late
Duke of Clarence, wererm ies,
they were dubbed SP (Xing
George) and Herring. Afterwards
when the Duke was in the 10th Hue-
ears, he was nicknamed "Collars
and Cuffs." Prince Henry has al-
ready hada aatisfaotory nipknanria.
His brothers used to call him
"Semler," on account of the ennny'
expression which his features re -
tanned even under ciroumetences :of
"Woman," orated the suffra-
gette, "is denied her great oppor-
tunity. She is continually re- I
strained, held in. And what is the
cease 7"
And before any one had ," somebodyachence
to yell Man,
Mtnard's Liniment Cures Diphtheria.
No Danger.
"Johnny," said the elderly gen-
tleman to the youngster who was
puffing away at a cigarette, "are-
' ou afraid of bringing your
> U t y
0 you have Red, Weak, Watery Eyestt i lifather's hairs in sorrow to the
or Granulated Eyelids. Doesn'ats Seat grave 7"
t Smart
Soothes Eye Pain. Druggists +Nothin' dein'." replied the ur-
Murine Eye Remedy, Liquid, 'robes50cchin. "Pop's bald-headed 1"
2�Itirine Eye Salve in Aseptic ►
25o SOe Eye Books Free by Mail. I.----^'-^""'
An Eye Sante lased for An IgYoo that Nsod CON
Kuria* EEO ilteeneade Co.. Chicane
The man who follows his inclin-
ation seldom travels long in the
straight and narrow way.
Mlnard'$ Liniment Cures Colds, &a.
At His Own Price.
"So you sold that mule for $8."
"Yes," replied Erastus Pinkley.
"He kept a -beating ine down an'
a -beating me down, till finally I
jest sold him de mule at his own
price. I didn't want to miss de
thence of de mule's turnin' loose
an' kiekin' dat man's stingy head
clean off im.
A ring with a glass set in it ill1
make any little girl happy
she th
a rings little sl
that has two glass t
1 was cured of terrible lumbago by
I was cured of a bad ease of earache
I was cured of sensitive lungs by ?AW-
Although ehe is 87 years old Em-
press Eugenie is still very active
and retains her faculties and
ED. 7. x.SSUE 49—'18.
1st Price $8000 2nd Prize $21100
$rd Prize 51000 4th Prize $500
6th Prize 5250 6 Prizes 5100 ea.
20 Pfia100 550 ea. 30 Prizes 510reach
izes 25 ea.
This is just a plain business proposition fol
advertising purposes and is open to every
person in Canada. There is no -catch or fake
about it, and everybody stands anequalchance
of securing one of the magnificent prizes.
Write to -day and start on the road to fortune.
His Excuse
The tramp had called to ask for
food, and the mistress of the
house asked him to wash his hands
in hot soap and water before she
would give him anything to eat.
"Not much 1" said the tramp.
'Why not7" asked the woman lie
"I was married once and my hue.
sus kept me in hot water all the
timet, and I've had enough, thank
Minard's Liniment Cures Gamete In Cows.
Getting Careless.
o e
our colasmeasmuch asie-
pect d.
She --Poor papa isn't es partial. -
In England and Wales there are
7,179,276 women who cannot hope
to get husbands, this being the
number of females in excess of
lar as he used to be.
Speaking of men, there is a vast 1
difference between bigness and
Saxon -'-"It's a fine morning,
Sandy." (Sandy grunts.) Saxon
Lt. -''I said it was a very fine Y�mVorn-
ing, ' Sandy. Sandy--
weel, vena wee', I dinne, want tae
Baal IIood
le the direct and inevitable result of
Irregular pr constipated bowels and
clogged -up kidneys and skin. The
undigested food and other waste mate
ter which is allowed to accumulate
poisons the blood and the whole
system. r. Morse's Indian hoot Pillai
act directly on the bowels, regulatin
them--on the kidne s l figtt the
ease and strength top properly
blood ---and on the skin, opening uhf
the pores. For pure blood and good
health take
Dr. orsee5 as
Indian ► .lkoot Pulls