HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1913-12-05, Page 5Farm
or reale?
I am receivin.g nutherous
enquiries respecting Huron.
County Farm Lands.
If you
want to sell
will assist you with an advertising
campaign that will bring buyers.
to ottr favored . County.
No Buyer No Charge •
Call, write or phone
for partienlars.
Conveyancer, Real Estate, ewe
In EO I town any l locality s ride ynudemonstrate twith coasteer3bra a Srollerr
PECIAL bicycle furnished by
Good money clan be made extension
bicycles, tires e other
sou dries. fea-
Our large production, together with unexcelled facilities and 25 years' ex.
high-grade wheels
g pgship
pperienoe In building bicycles places us In a position to p
direct tromfactory touser at LOWEST PRICES.
TENDAYS' YS' T T �e will send a Ohee1 to a>IY au
qnot9 t.T A B1 dress my senada on el tovai an
after that time. We oouulld nt afford omake cent If
do vie wot ere not keep
our wheels are the best value for the money on the market.
Write at once for new illustrated catalogue and full particulars of our At•
GOOD 1,400AL' AGENT at once to
represent the OLD AND RELIABLE
did list of fy'iiit• and. ornamental s Ck
for fall .delivery ,.918 and Spring del-
ivery 1914.
Start at once and eeeure excliisiye
territory. We supply handsome lle
outfit and pay highest commissions.
Write for foil particulars.
Stone and Wellington
' • Toronto,Ontario
For their pilus Peach, Apple, Phtin
and Cherry trees. They have the
best nursery soil in Canada .and are
the largest growers of trees in the
Doluinioli. Ali scions and bud sticks
are nut by one man, and be has been
n Thursday Oot. 20th Most sue
sst;i1 meetings of the laymen of
tie Evangelioal Lutheran Synod of
Canada and the English Synod of
Central Canada were held in St
Mathew's Oburcb Berlin, There
lnr119 to large representation of Lay.
feel) and Pastors present. As ra
result of the session in the interest
of the laymen in practical church
work has greutty increased and the
Lutheran Laymen's Movement of
Ctteada ie now at reality.
The officers elected are,
Presiddsit:—Mr. 0. H. Stiver,
Unionville, 'Vice Pres, Dr. Stos
irodf. Getman Secretary, Mr, L.
Peine, New Hamburg. English
8 'aretarV, Dr. Johannis, Hamilton,
Treasurer, Mr. A. Bitter Berlin
It is pr.iposed to have a laymen's
association orgttnizedin each corn
gregation. Any member of an in
iividual association is eligible to
attend the meetings of the general
Free Ladies and Gents Watc49,S,
Rugs, Bracelets and Jewelry of Every
Description, Lace Curtains, Rugs,
House Furnish T ,Rifles, Moving Pic-
ture Machine, Skates, Printing Press-
es, Fountain Pens, in fact nearly
everythnig you can think of you can
get Aboslutely Free for selling our
Beautiful Fancy Drawn and Satin
Stripped handkerchiefs at 10 cents•
each, They sell rapidly 0 can gener-
ally be sold in every house. Don't
send us any money, but write us to
send you a lot of Handkerchiefs to
sell, that when sold you will send us
the money and the premium selected
Selling 2e hendkerchieff entitled ,don
to your choice of an elegant Watch,
8 gold Laid Rings, Lace Curtains, etc.
Write usto-day, we trust you and
take back the goods if you cannot sell
in their employ many)' cars so no',aesf�ciation tlnd to vote.
mistakes are inacle by using Wrong ' 'he following conitnittees were
scions or lends. Send in list of stock ale., elected. Organizing Commit
required and get their prices'- Writel tee—The five officers and Mr, Bart
for agency as they have some unoec- mann, Hamilton Mr. Wellein, Ber-
upiPil territory in this County. linLand INer Bolduc,
Brown Brothers Nurseries.
Vogt, Berlin ;Air. F. Committee— Otterbein
y ella,nd, Ont; and Rev 0 Karnke, Berlin
---,:= ebilee Committee—The five ofd. -
ears and Mr. Ferner, Guelph. Mr
D><'. de Van•t emelt Pills 1 AA tickets valid to return up to and in-
A reliable French regulator; never fasts. rase
4 n.Rs
M`, Lin
And Return
(Minimum Rate 25c. )
From stations' Kingston, Renfrew,
and west in Ontario.
Good Going P.M. trains 'December 5th.
All trains Decmber 6th, 7th and Stir.
Stock Show Annual
pills are exceedingly powerful in regulating the chiding Cecernber 9th. 1912.
generative portion of tno female system. RefuseFull particulars and tickets at Grand -
all cheap invitations• Dr. de van's are sold at Trunk Ticket Otiices-
tfi a box, or three for $10 Mailed to any address.
Ths 3suhei •t:r'u Vo.. as 'lathartaea, Ont. ,
Good house and good barn and stable,H galbfleieoh, Tavistock. Mr• L
24x50, with 5 acres of lima.. Good Sattler, Berlin. Mr. Julius Roos,
well and cistern and back kitchen, Waterloo. Mr. Monk. Pearl Lake.
well fenced and drained. An iia 1 Mr. AC One of tWehe gene important Toronto
q estiona
grass. Within half wile east of that this committee will have char
of Zurich, For particulars applyl, is that of the celebration of the
to Peter Woolley Zurich, P. E).t)f;th anniversary of the reforwlt
there are 4?r acres adjoining -which"
day also be purchased.
Henry Bossenbeiry
Licensed Auctioneer,
Huron, Middlesex and Lt mpton.
The question as to where the
neXt annual meeting will be held
has left in the bands of the erect
ti : e.
The Meetings
The attendance at the meeting
Satisfaction guaranteed. ; was most encouraging. In the of
Dashwood, Ontario' . f ternoon there were about sixty re
Dates arranged at the officepresentatives present while the
eI, number in the evening was overInt
R. E. 13. DALIFOUR, graduatel four hundred. any laymen and
Western University, late of+pasto s'Gierle presentnri%
Toronto, Mew e
tractive new offer and speoial.prioes. LIMITED pr BROTHERS, lL3 the Vital, nosnitill and IrictQile burg )almira, Stratford, Unionville.
HYSL � 11os1 alit Landon. Office in the I Preston, Raspier, Tavistock, Lin
building formerly occupied by the late! wood, Conestoga, St Jacobs, \Vat
�pr10--�ienttonname o! paper whenanswering this xdvCrtisement Dr.McLaughlin, Dashwood. ;°rloo, Berlin. Zurich and other
nieces'. A deep interest in the ser•
it Pays to Pal t T.
e Fall!
The better the Paint, the better is -616t pays.
It pays, because the wood is free of moisture and, no hot sun to blister the pint.
It pays, because there are not many rainy days, and the dies and bugs are gone.
It pays, because the paint has a better chance to take hold of the wood and
dry hard 'and smooth, protecting the surface better for the eight roughest
months of the year.
And it certainly does pair to buy good paint It pays, in the fresh, bright
colors= -it pays in protection—it pays in the longer wear.
There isn't much difference between what you pay for good, honest paint, and
"cheap" paint -but there's a big difference in what you get.
IT PAYS TO E We handle 100% Pure Paint—(Pure White Lead,
Zinc and Linseed Oil Paint)—the kindthat takes
less and wears longer.
Such paint as this on your house, is a good invest-
ment. It brings daily returns in pleasure, protec-
tion, profit. ..
Thereto no question about: our prices being right
r the kind of Paint we handle.
hi> a the Paint, the Varnish, the Enamel, the
r any kind of Painting you want CO 4o.tq
e thing "Splc and Bpa 't 610610*fie.
tele. me in for a color OA,
411110 Paint. For Wear end
Weatherd¢ .
°or Sale by C. ARTL I , Zuuric1/, Ont.
1 4
, vices and two stirring addresses
*PTO) features of the meetings
The first session was held in the
!afternoon a, 2 30 o'clock which was
; palled to order by Mr. C Ft Stiver
of Unionville Ont, There were
several inforinal addresses and die
oussic:ns' by clergymen and laymen
'.The Object and Necessity Ili'
the Lutheran Laymen's Moverneni'
A committee was also appointed
to draft aconstitution for presen-
tation to the representation at the
evening session.,„.
Two Stirring Addresses
In the ensuing, when the attenrl-
anee was exceptionally encouraging,
i two stirring addresses were delivered,
after which the formal organization
1.took place: The devotional service
1 vas conducted by Rev. Dr. E. Hof. -
Juan, Rev. W. 0. Miller leading in
gV:;AF,dln �'�h:srY3wAlrovvr'G„-.;..,
$18.00 FR`t M WINNIPEG
Plus half cent per mMacLeod, Calgary oor Edmonton to S'/inrdPag
Plus half cent per mile from Witaloog up
to MacLeod, aaglgr9, or EdmoaNa.
AiIGUST 18th —From alt stations Kingston to Renfrew inclusive and east thereof in
Alj6UST 22nd —From Toronto- and West en Grand Trunk Main Line t,► Sarnia lactusive
and South thereof.
AUGUST 25th —Frost Toronto and North-Western Ontario. North of but not including
Grand Trunk Line Toronto to Sarnia and heat of Toronto to Kingdtod.
Sharbot Lake and Renfrew, including these paints.
SEPTEMBER 3rd.—From Toronto and all stations in Ontario East of but not including
Grand Trunk Line Toronto to North Say.
SEPTEMBER 8th antom d WCststhereof in Ontario,l eludiunk ng CPTpR. Line ronto toSudburyoto inclusive,
Marie, Ontario, but not including Azilda and West.
One-way second class tickets to Winnipeg only will be sold. Each ticket will include a
verification certificate, with an extension coupon. When extension coupon has been signed
couponn pill be a farmer, honored upshtoowing
September engaged
fore holder to work as a ticket at rate of one 1 alf cent Per mile
Norther orf Grand Trunk P cific station
ays of Manitoba, oSaskatchewanaor Albs t'z but no
west of Edmonton, e Calgaryissued
ored ntcli, Alta.
A certificate will be issued entitling Purchaser to a second-class ticket rood to return
from any station on the Canadian Pacific, Canadian Northern, or Grand Trunk Pacific
Railways in Alberta, Saskatchewan and Manitoba east of MacLeod, Calgary and E mom
to original starting point by the same route as travelled on going journey on oc before
November nth,. 1913, on payment of one half cent per mile (minimum fifty cents) up to
age to on arrivalfrom
at destination and works at least thirty days rovided the holder deposits at harvestti certificate with
For full particulars see nearest C.P.R. MAgenntt. * turn, O.L,,A.. C.T.R Toronto
. ,a,;
Yp: a^'z t r• .a..T!ii'r<:.'hm't't,..af'
You will alY,,ays find all the latest styles in furniture such as
Brass and t idol fads, Te -Ws, i tv Etc
You could find no designs prettier, more striking or pleasing.
we can surely satisfy you in the selection of furniture as re...
gards design, construction and price.
Furn itluefd
Funeral Director
Several hymns were sung. It was
most striking to witness the singing
of the hymns in both German and
English languages simultaneously,
After the reading of two scripture
lessons, kir. Charles Smith of the
Board of trustees of St. Mathew's
Church on behalf of the congregation
welcomed the visitors. Rev. Dr. E.
Hoffman of Toronto then stated that
the purpose of a gathering was to a-
rouse a greater interest in practical
church work among the laymen of the
church. For this purpose two excell-
ent speakers had been secured for the
occasion. Ile regretted the fact how-
ever, that the.first of these was not a
i laymen. He had tried in vain to se -
euro a laymen who was prepared to
give an address in the German lan-
guage. When he was in New York
last week, he had been advised to se-
eure Rey. H. Bruckner, Hoboken, N.
J. "He is just the man you want"
WaS his advice. According he reques-
tedRev. Mr. Brueckner to deliver an
address. He cordially consented to
do so.
Rev. Mr. Brueckner, who spoke in
German, has charge of the Seamen's
Quarters at Hoboken and is in touch
With every clay practical life. Hie
earied, often interesting and not too
pleasent experiences enable hill to
view a situation from the laymen's
standpoint. His address last evening
was a Ivonderful revelation of his per-
sonality, The fact that he was min-
us a:regular ministerial garb immed-
fately gave hint the appearance of an
enthabiasticlayman. This, combined
with his genial disposition and finen-
cy of sproeh, won the rapt attention
of his hearers.
(contintt®d on page 8)
i4r8 RE
rr he fundemel7tal policy of this business is to give bet-
ter service and better value than is expected, we
make a distinct bip for the very best trade.
The custom look which
markes garments is due to the
manner o (their production, and
the infinite skill and care de-
voted to their manufacture.
The style and fit show for
themselves at a glance, and we
give the most positive aflsury-
ance of satisfaction or no sale.
The simple fact is that we
have the finest range of . Cloth-
ing possible to produce and at
right prices,
Butter and Eggs taken in each.
The . Gent'ii Furnisher.