HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1913-12-05, Page 13,7,..!-; •
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• _0,41 Organ Of' Zurich_ and Hcy l'ownship
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eTeds& Woestead
We have out our prices in tweed suitings to half ' prkoe.
'Regular $2.5.0 pes 3rd Bargain Price 1A5 per yd.
„ 150 .1 1: tt t • 75 44 .1:
_Ch.ildrens' Toques
• A. large assortment of Ohildrens' toques at 25c each. A
full line of Ladies' and Children' hose regular 250 bargain
price 15 and 20o, A lot of taney ginghams and Zephr
cloths, regular 150. bargain price 10c. a yd. • Men's and
• y,'s caps johlot worth up to 500 bargain price at.150 ea.
regular 20c bargain price 1.50 a yard. .
Neck Furs
Regular $10 bargain price 2.50. Regular 9.00 bargain
price 6.0g. Regular 7.50 bargain price 5 00. Regular 4.50
Bargain price 2.50.
Men's Overcoats
Regular $9 bargain price 9.00, Regular 10. bargain
price 6 50. Regular 12 bargain price 8.50. Regular 15 00
bargain ,prioe 10,40. Regular 18.00 bargain price 14 00.
Bov's Overcoats, all sizes at big bargain prloes.
Regular $7.00 for $4.00 Rsgular $10 00 for $0.50
12. for 8.50 cc
15• for 10.
Regular 17. for 12.00
Boy's suits from $1.00 up. The biggest bargains ever offered.
• Ladies' Mantles
Our ladies' mantles have been napWg mit rapidly the last
few weeks. We sbill have a few left tonlear out at $5.00 each
se are good quality and styles and a big bargain worth up
• •. to $12.00
Child's Coats •
Allifdren's corduroy and. blanket cloth coats from $1.50 up
Sweater Coats at greatly reduced prices.
We have i.jutresck a nice lot choice now fruits for Xmas
trade; now raitin, currents, the best we can buy. , You should
have some of these for your Christmas cake.
• Crockery and China
A large stock of dinner settsimported direct from factory,
at prices that are bargains, also a lot of fancychina for
We have now on ilikpltyyr,
etc', etc., suit
tittie ,91
all de
rtine 9.'
, yinstftiVgifik:.,•0f*
.; •
• .
ttg '41-04,41t.
Produe.e,Alw,y.s. Take,
• '"'Z 1,, 14.* .*,
Telephone 9 •
t4r..*40 AV= tt-48XCV, 4sm*A001,
::N1NG„ DEC.
':•.L.04.410- .„
tt-e,„-4,-* A -an
ifiss fig'agitepther of Dash -Wood,
spent-Sff.44. with. MISS Liela Siebert.
•11r- )2.4 1914.Alig. Hill weke;:-N.$it-
org over SUr.day.
Cook 4oif Private Family.- Good
RAY fa): iompetents p-prson: *vs. W.
M. GartShore; London,' Ont.
For Sale -2 car of cattle, Prows
and young-oattle Phone no 15:711en,
Gee. Joy*.
• A bag ai .-gtrlfeat vvits iound on
the Zurich fad one day last;'. Par.
tioulas attlifik.offiCe,
Mrs. Ja00103rown, Goshen •1413€1,,
returned hone On Tuesday ev4ng
after an extended. visit to herchtu-
ghters, Mrs. F. Kehn of Berlikt stud
Mrs. H. Becker, New Dundee
!'Jr. W. B. Wilson of the 1414SOu's
Bank, lately returned from Wie,i4eg
is on the Hensall staft at •
"Billy" was -glad to get back tO; old
Oti -
5 191-3.
• See E. Appel's advt on Pa& 5, -
t'. Wm. Bender visited- Lotidon
an Stratford this week on-nisCtie0.--;
Mr. Harry Hess ahipped 3-13.?.zPO'
• eons to St. Thomas on Monclaz4.
wItieit he received $0cts. a pair..# x.4
Mrs, Jacob Ort of the Bronson/311P :1!
is visiting with Mr. and MrS:7Ti4-x----W
bn's.S1 'Arnetican Beatit11
Z. r•-•
1 have a place for $2000 ors:42500
on good, farm, mortgage secnrity.
Apply it onoe.to E. Zeller, -Zutiob.
Pony for sale, well broken, and
quiet in eVeryway. Apply to ,Dan.
Smith, S. Joseph.
Rev. G. P. Brown made a Vying
trip to sebringvli1e last -w015,
n oonnecdion-with some very
portant matters.
• On account of the Sunday school
convention held at Bayfield on Nov iiveti)."
20 was received to late and will be and Women's Heavy Shoes
published next week.
The MiSS8S Maggie and Lydia Zim-
merman Bronson Line, left for Seb-
ringville and Tavistock on- a short
'visit with their sisters there
4". :
-'..._ . • • - , , ..--•
'•-• , W9 liwis,just rec.eived a shin..;
piat of ilinerican. sh.oes:*::;
cloth.top., button, low heels, pate,j, t leather/ eld'aun Meta
. ...
st4uped on each shoe,American 1.3e'auty• ;. •7 :
.flen's "Astoria Shoes" 3 ;
We have a full stock of men' Erne shoes which' _have
no equal,
Dr. Montague has bobbed up in
,Aaption.Sale.-Of a car of =,:cows,
Manitoba, after a lapse of about 15
schne wen. bread and others, oniSat.
urday,.Dec. 6th. Ebb onti,o'clo6Y. 4: years and is now a member of Prem -
.E. Bossenberliv• '
!IiiigiV,g4a,501L ier RoblinLs Cabinet, Who says a
AuctiOner: • froprietor. politician can't come back".
Official notice hasbeen recolved Remember the date for the
Christmas entertainment of the
that 'Votinkon the Scott Aet wil1.4alte
Evaxtgelici Sunday School Deo. 25.
pOce throptil the county on Thin- The beautiful Cantata, "The Holy
doyl.Taharf 29th. This date is ex- one of Israel win. be one of the
00416 WALL • '71 best ...(.3hristmas entertainments
'i Mr4-4 iii‘betet was greatly •it •
ititerd .6,1acki_•••,.... i•ci ,..111- eviir given in Zurich or community,
Do kkiTt ay on Sabi -may more anon
1tlitettplyes of his . ttore • '
a te the hoase in the evekin The claims adjusted. nf the;'Water-".'
nd presantid'ini with. a AIOrria loo Fire 0o. wits in town olattlay
hair. "Titika‘ovvs thehigh ese,hiein and adjusted the fire 4tts of 11145 qi
itti'vo401.04:9 ikkhid-by -those 'Alio Merner at $220:: ',11eas nv,re hai:i
at vv0F1#14g fOr hm. ' ''''''' , pleated with We way le 'loss
.1-.1.4.tiofiai'Salu---'1)f ,,a4.44itci34,00.rier,,t'4KAwA,. 111Y-Mf=1"4,44''1.--
plement-148, furniture,on Dec.cf8th2 En1,°' . • '
at one ectOdk. i , In renewing for 'T1 gqoPd. 1
E. Bossenterry '
Wm. Beaver. Allf Galina= formerlyof
Amt. Prop. Writing regarding winter Sr slfatF
The annual election of officers of ing etc., at Rosthesi Sasier .non.,'Ay
the ladies aid of the evangelical chur- makes us of the banana et of an-
aclashiyeE in oar boots. 1We w&uld
ch took place last Monday evening in
the basement of the church which re- liketo semi A1 some nice ripe stra,w_
stilted as follows: -President Miss berries but fear the distance is &too
Lydia Faust, Vice Pres airs. a p great, and the shock might affect his
Brown, Res Sec 'Mrs Ed Axt, Cor Sec heart. We used to enjoy skating hut
mrs-D 5 Faust, Treasurer urs dhas the prospect of six months of it,
Fritz, Organist Mrs.
Ass tOrgamsb arm Wm Calfas, Librar-
wr. Hoffnian, inailiaeksetshuos wfeeelstliaknedasnaiy7 ptahleaceh.atArelsft
ians :as A Faust and sirs Win in the Rosthern section was splendid,
O'Brien, Auditors airs al Fritz and Th , ,' - •
e setS ILO5 111 the Evangelical
airs J Preeter. The society is in a
flourishing condition and ie doing
splendid work for the church.
Coming to Zurich. -Mr. George
Howard of 131ake has accepted: 'the
position of principal of the public
school, his duties to begin after the
new year. Mr. Howard has put in
fifteen years with the Blake school
and has given Splendid service to that
section. The local board is to be
congratulated on securing his services
and it was on the earnest"
of our trustees that he finally consen-
ted to leave the Blake section. We
hope that our northern neighbor will
be able to secure an equally efficient
teacher. Mr. Archibald the present,
principal intends going to larger
fiela, and though there is generally
regret on his leaving town, we 'feel
sure that Mr. Howard will be able to
fill the position with satidadtion.
Eirablished 1853
•, •
O'en'edtranch in Ebro
• . ' Co. 18714,f4
church next Sunday evening will be
especially helpful and instructive.
The pastor will speak on "Obedience
of Children to their Parents" Eery -
body welcome, especially the children
The YP A service last Tuesday aven
ing in the evangelical church
very inspiring and spiritual. Mt Rob
orb Green and ariss Veda Fitz had
charge of tho meeting, The subject
"The Chtistians Ideal His Reward"
The pastor also took part after which
a nnmber led .inprayer. • These con-
secration meelingkiare the most im-
Portnt in rKA- work as they are
the most 1-44,1 t4tlie spiritual Lfe.
The cluldren and grandchildren
of Mr, and„M‘.. Sam McBride Sr:
to the number erthftty elght gath.
°red at their home St,iniTT, on
Tuesday evening and presented
them with an address, prior to
their /DON ing to Zurich on tbe foll-
owing' A pleasant evening was
spelot, which included a big fowl
sper. Followirg is the address
Kt a n la. Nov o, 113,
Eitienr1-11, ft46Itlr4kptic1161'101.10efreFiithenisd i3nvg.
,1., isb
•_,"ptiiar, dee Ix fpct nd lo ve
Tor t familYile that has bound
iis together for se maul Tears. Al-
thouh wc!h.eve had Many -,verzi
happ:ter lezt,i0,41t.byt17-01eYt1
er met Witlet
• -7 i:fAr '
. •
We wish you to call and se 6 these 'lines. . We can
please you. .
Butter, Eggs and Dutch Setts, taken in exchange for shoes.
iirich Feed
We are now
supply all
k.W$th the be
nesJd n watche
.:06k4re, jeweler
Mut •
Vilf114 All Goo
Lguaiarileed,engiavecl free
' ' '
Beansprimes per bus $1.85
Cobiji-Sivldft Flour $2.75
SnoVrift flour i5 bag -lots 5();
FeAlfoui 1.50 • Goods,Right
Bran per ton $22.00 .
Shorts per ten $24.00 •• HESS
Wheat per bus. m8cts.
Barley per bus 55cts.
Oats per bus. 82cts.
Prieos Riolt
,%0(0,33., raltwaskratms!staaramreaserele•Aemor=cre..,3,...-
the Jeweller
You aro cordially invitiod to our Fall °porting of Footwear.' We tic
ready with ono of the best new fall stocks ;If all the latest :and best
quality Canadian and American Footwear We ui-n to lrec-,p thfnnae
we havo made for ourselves: !"flie lieme of Good Shoos" 1' "" •
We have a full stock of the very Best Rubbers on the market.
Call and. see them.
Alen's and Women's Heavy Snoes
Just the thing for wet %Tether. (2aD and see, ',Ye have :just
eeived a shipment of Boys and Girls sehool shoes.
Butter, Eggs and Dutch Setts taken in exehange for thoof,c
027 P.)6LL', ,tr
The Horne of Good Shoes
,es That Is Right. You can 10:13
you:want at the right pric(
nderitand. We buy, right that is hut,
it We have a large and well assorte
4pk to choose from of all seasonable .0-oods.
• rbdnoe taken in e:nhange for goods;
Zurich Banch.; *--
R. T. DUNLOP, IVIanag0r
lab 'pfeSAA'"‘You,
things 5pirttiiiI,"-wigieli•ti's ttir 'More;
Signed in behalf
Of your "Family
f'? E)
L. rui