HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1913-11-28, Page 8s inter Our stook of Fall and Winter Goods is now nearly complete' Colne and have a look through our various lines. No trouble to show goods. New Dress Goods Serges in all shades. Bedford Cords, Corded Velve- teens, Poplins, Cashmere, etc. Flannelettes and rraerettes A large stook of Flannelettes in good patterns at close priors, also Wrapperettes, Flannels, Flannelette Blankets. We have something new in Flannelette Blankets. Come and see them. Ladies Coats and Coatings . Our stock of Ladies Coats is now complete and we would be pleased to have you come and see theta before buying elsewhere, Sweater Coats The famous l)tonaroh Knit Sweater Coats for leen women and boys and girls. All sizes all prices. Gents Furnishings Mens and Boys new Suits, Overcoats, Hats, Caps, Gioves, Shirts, Underwear, tiocks, eta. Fatuous Gray Motor Gasoline En-. gnes;- 1i and 1-,1 Morse Power. $55, 00 2i 75, 00 4 " $105, 00 6 8 12 Soldby F. HESS & SON Agents. Zurich's Popular Confectionery fresh oysters weeKly, salted peanuts, oranges, cranberries, grape fruit,. spanrsh onions, groceries, tobacco, cigars, post carols and auto pentants, fresh broad constantly kept on hand. Give us a call. W. C. Wagner. „ 11 175.; 00 285.<00 375. 00 11 ON BACH OF MAIL MATTER Christmas "Seals" may be used says Postmaster (•general. So long as they are unlike Postage Stamps in design, and are placed on the backs of letters, Christmas' Seale, they aren't "Stamps" any longer, will be permissable on snail matter. This is the effect of a fiat issued by the Postmaster General at Ottawa a day or so ago, and it will set at rest many doubts which arose last year when an oraerwas promulgated which bade fair to destroy one of the best. sources of revenue open to Charitable Organ- izations in Canada. • Several philanthropic bodies 'use the little Seals, the best known of the National Sanitarium Association which converts the proceeds to the Muskoka Free Hospital for , Consum- ptives. In compliance with the l:e- quest for a design which will not con- fuse Mail Clerks, this Assoeiatime has hail a new seal, to take the place of the well known Santa Claus in 'green red. This year's design shows a mediaeval knight in fall armour, with double cross shield on his aria and on the band which encloses the . picture appears the words, "The White Cru- sader". The first supply of the seals will number three million and the en- thusiasm with which schools and pri- vate concerns are unobtrusive forum of Christmas giving will this Christmas exceed all previous records. • Pre*, Cxroceries always kept on All 'Kinds of Produce Taken in Exchange 'PHONE 17 IIIENSALL OATMEAL MILL Feed Oatmeal fee price $ 12.00 $14,0 0 per ton, offered for sale for a wee)L I). UEQUHART COAL! C AL! Deleware, Lackawanna, & Western Coal Co's Scranton Coal ALF. All Sizes SCRUTON SC�,i1J E ON Hensall. Shingles for All. Two Cars on Hand The Hasting 13rand that has stood the test of tige, and remember the test of time is the test that tells. PLIDNIE R9 Order at Once LEI Still `'"Eng Business at The id Stand Fanning Mill Sieves I am agent for the Clinton fann- { ing mill sieves, and • farmers re. qniring any, can procure them at We shave been appointed Agents for Amy farm, South of Zurich • John Hey jr, the celebrated Massey Harris l elements We handle every I11 i le in that line, Seeding .lieplentent;:, Mai.rure spread- ers, all kinds of Pluws, Seed Drills, Disc ller'r'owe, Cultivators, P' ern Harvesters, etc. • - Hari e implements, Binder;:, 1.rt ,year, Rakes, Hay L eiders, Etc. • Massey -Harris • Cream Separators All kinds of Plow repairs, Gasoline engiues. See our line of Gutters be- fore You buy, all our own make. Bug- gies, Carriages, Wagons, Sleighs, Square Dealing Our Motto owe an '.. got. yo ow .450 At Zurich's Leading Tailor Shop the only Place, where the Newest is always shown first and satisfaction guaranteed. Laundry in .Conttectnou wG�tJiV LUTHERAN LAYMEN'S MOVEMENT OF CANADA IS '.ORGt ArCIZED" Wil jW ,CEP i ifaif yo, ever conaideed "Fainting" from the atandpoJM of a : Insuranc! policy ? • , • T11e,preniium represented by the coat- of.painting !airrproportfootti , the importance of the security afforded, -no higher than other inourancs 1 la fact it is considerably smaller, and soon becomes a misilrs quantity. Why Fire lnsuraoce-Toraadd lnuronce-Llghtain,(1rds? They only protect when that -which, you wIsh to avert happens., • l trtin-Senour Pain: 100%o pure, Affords the utmost protectldn, •insures yonr'.property,' beginning wlthits application. •� "a:'" ' �' _'" +" It wards off the son dogs of 01d Sol, the nips of Oid jack Frost the 1 ravages of Old Father.Thne. ? ky:sg r wrt y • Peiveot5 dr -rot-chicks deierloradon Ho safer. sorer or' more; rellablellesureuee could be offered:. `^"''• �^ 4 On or about January 1st, 1911 - THE London Advertiser will bid you a very cheery G od Morning With the Best Morning News- paper in Western Ontario, On Tharsday Oct. 20th Most sac cessfnl meetings of the laymen'. of the Evangelical Lutheran Synod of Canada and the English Synod of Central Canada were held in St Mathew's Church Berlin. There - was a large representation of Ley - men and Pastors present. As a result of the session in the interest of the laymen in practical chur:oh' tvork has greatly increased and the Lutheran Laymen's 5lovernerit of Canada is now a reality. The officers elected are. Presiuldnt: Mr. C. H. Stiver, Unionville. Vice Pres, Dr. Stos kodf. German Secretary, :i 1r, L. Petrie, New Hamburg. itnglish S ioretary, Dr. Johannirt, Hamilton. Treasurer, IIr. A. Bitzer Berlin It is lrreposed to have a laymen's association organizedin each eon gregation. Any member of an in dividual association is eligible . to attend the meetings of the general association and to vote. The following committees were ala elected. Organizing t'oinmit. tee -The five officers and Mr, Bart mann, Hamilton Mr. iR%ellr'in,`Ben- lin and Mr Bolduc, Waterloo, Literature Committee -Mr: John Vogt, Berlin : 1fr. F. W. Otterbein and Rev. C ICarnke, Berlin Jubilee Committee -The five offie. oars and liIr. Berner, f4t'ielph, Mr. H. Kaibfieteen, Tavistock. :if7:•. 'L Sattler, Berlin. Mr. Julius Roos, Waterloo, Mr, Monk. Pearl Lake, Mr. A. C. Wegener, Toronto One of the important gnestions that this committee will have char• of ie that of the celebration of the lout]: anniversary of the reforma- tion. The question as to cohere the next annual meeting will he held lies left in the hands of the execu tive. watch for it, for it will be a Hummer. Notice to Ondiitors • In the matter of the estate of Jos- eph Eidt, late of the villege. of Dash- wood, in the county of llul'on, gentle- wen; deceased. %Totiee is hereby given pursuant to the Statute luthat behalf, that all personshay. ing claims against the estate of the late Joseph Eidt who died on or about the 27 day of Sept. 1913,ere required on or be- fore the Sth day of December 191', to send by post prepaid or deliver to Miss Louisa 13. Eidt, 277 Gobourg Street, Stratford, Ontario., their ehristian and snrnames address and descriptions and the full particulars of their claims, and the statement of their accounts and the nature of the securities, if any; held by them. And further take notice that after such'last mentioned date the said exeeu. trices will proceed to distribute the assets of the deceased among the parties entitled thereto, having regard only to the claims of which they shall then have notice and the executrices will not be liable for the said assets or any part thereof to any per- son or persons of whose claim notice shall not have been received at the time of such distribution. The Meetings Tho attendance at the meeting was most encouraging. In the of tc,rnoon there were about sixty re. preeenta.tives present while the nember in the evening was over four hundred. Many laymen and pastors were present from "Hamil- ton, fan Il- ton, Guelph; .Toronto, View Hain - burg Li'ilnira, Stratford, Unionville, Preston, hiospler, Tavistock, Lin. wood, Conestoga, St. Jacobs, Wirt. erloo, Berlin, Zurich and other ;?]aceta. A deep interest in the ser- ;-ices And two stirring addresses sere features of the meetings. The first session was held in the afternacn a, 2 80 o'clool; whiebwas ,naled to order by Mr. 0, Et. Stivot et Unionville Ont, There were several inforrnal.addresses and dis^ classic ns by olergvmereend laymen L'1'ire Ob'ect:and Necessity of Louisa B: Eidt, Bertha S. Eidt Executrices. Dated at Stratford, this 17th day of November, 1913. A committee was also appointed to draft a constilution for presen- tation to the representation itt the evening session. concluded next week BLAKE Four weeks till Christmas. early. A meeting of the members of , the Women's Institute was held at the hone of Mr. J. Lossie en Friday afternoon last and there it was deciil- ed to donate fifteen dollars toward the fund now being raised in hohelf of the widows and fainilies of the sail- ors who lost their lives in the lake disaster. Shop R: •THE MARYIN-SENOUR do; Limited •!; PIINCZMa PVRC PAINT, 70MTaC:AL. ® i-1TLEI HURO J'S LA Z�� P�HTONE 13 �J RI SII/ GEST OOMISINATtON STORE A J4 s�- CTreat •ti!4 eduction Saler for a ; ays 1 haxe decided to recluse my stock audin order to do 1 am making big cuts in price, Space will allow me to In tion, only a few of the many bargains 1 am offering. Our streets are hero ; decorated with nail boxes which makes it very con- venient. The farmers are busy their beans to Hensel'. soaring higher, being now dollars a bushel. Mrs 0. Johnston who slant a few weeks visiting in Michigan, has re turned home, Dress goods regular 60ctsyd for 40cts Flannelette (all colors) 86' -wide reg 12 > fen Oats 11/4 Flanneletteriblanket white grey reg $1.50 for 1.25 12/4 blankets white grey reg $1.85 for 1.50 All prints regular 12w fon 10 All ginghams reg 12: for 10 Ladies all wool vest and drawers reg $1.00 for 75 tt tt ` and drawers reg 85 for 50 union and 'drawers reg 60 for 40 " " and drawers reg 25 for 20 Ladies & children wool hose 50 for 40 t 25 for 20 delivering Prices are about two Butchering has been commenced. Mr. Milton Tohnston who spent a month or so in New Ontario with his brother ;fable, and. who intended to remain all winter was compelled through illness, to return 'home, Mr. and Mrs. J. 3, Boyse from the West are sllondiiig a few clays visiting Obert. Ladies fur ruffs and snuffs $8. for 5 tt tt tt $12. for 8. ti tt Rt tt $14. for 10 winter coats this season's: style reg $15. for 11.50 rots 12.50 for 9, reg 10. for 7.50 :1Teii's and boys' ready to wear and overcoats.;.,'_ Men's shirts r:eg Lt c Rt Boys' suits reg " tr rt tC Ci Ct { Cash or Produce Do not Fail to attend this Big Sale. Highest Prices paid for Farm Produce Men's Ci .$ 15.60 for 11 12.50 for. 9 10.00 for '7, reg ; 7: for reg 6, for reg 5 fol: 3. reg 4 for 2, overcoats reg $10. for 7. reg $8. for 6. and drawers reg 1. for 00 for 60 fofor 50 r; reg 25 for. reg 20 for ro regeg 1215ffor Tapestry flour rugs reg 20. for 10 pc toilet setts reg $2.75 for 2 10 pc reg 5. for 3 20 lbs gran sugar $1. 6 lbs coffee 21 lb box soda biscuit .22; 2; pail biscuit for .25; 4.bxs starch 2 3 lbs seeded raisins for 25c; e: choice Japan tea reg 300 for 20cts. Men's shirts tt Li 11 .0 CC CC cc CC W all paper roll ft CC C:, it CC CC m't't3®Lafi+li CCJ Let us know your wants. We handle everything in 14.1aria Implements, Engine Supplies Pullies, all sizes and kinds, Belting, leather or canvas, all sizes. Shaft boxing and shafting. Prtnp and lnuaaip piping, Buggies, Waggons, Sleighs and Clutters: If you are in need of 'Machine Re- pairs .we cert' get therm for you. ' We give speeial attention' to our repair donee tine nt. LOUIS - Zarin WIPERTAKING Prompt Service Moderate rha'rcr W. }L Znr-ioh, - °lata NOTICE Ali accounts riot settled a1 �p°� be given to the Molson.'s D IJL1a ` J.� Colleotior�, LottiJ