HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1913-11-28, Page 71
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Supposed. Dead Man Turned Up Alive— "Appari-
tion" Appears Among Mourners
A despatch from Hamilton says;
Perhaps the most extraordinaisy in-
cident in otsnnecti,o•n with the dis-
aster recorded on. the Great Lakes
occurred here on Wednesday even-
ings One of 'the supposed victims
Of. the marine.; tragedy was John
hompson, 442 John Street north
this city.. On Monday last week
telegram was received by. Mr.
Thompson from his daughter, Mrs.
Mary,. Ward, of Sarnia, to the eta
fect that his son John had gone
down on the Jaanes Carruthers.
Learning that the bodies of a num-
ber of the crew of the ill-fated
steamship had been cast ashore at
Kettle Point, near Godeldeh, Mr.
Thomas Thompson hastened there
on Monday evening to see if he
could identify the remains of his
son. He arrived at Goderich at
midnight; and after a nerve-wrack-
ing drive he reached the place on
the lake shore where the bodies had
teen cal'•eEu'lly and tenderly laid
sway for the purpose of idontifica-'
tion. Among the number was that
of a young main which eonresponded
so closely to that of John Thomp-
son that the bereaved father ac-
knowledged it as that of his son
The only difference Mr. Thompson
saw was in the color of the hair, he
being of -t.he opinion that his son's
hair was lighter than that on the
head ref the corpse. Ori mentioning
this fact to the undertaker in this
'city, the latter, who was personally
acquainted with the son, said the
fact that the body had been in the
water so long might account for the
difference. Preparations for the
funeral were proceeded with.
Flowers were sent by sorrowing
friends and relatives, and a wake
was to be held at night.
In Walked Thompson.
About .six o'clock on Wednesday
evening there was a knock at the
door, and as no one went to answer
the door opened and in walked
young John Thompson, alive and
our -Bad Taste
x tI I .
Th in
� ��,>w' Q
estroy 'This Poisonous Disease Be-
fore Your Health is Seriously
Perhaps you haven't thought of call-
!ng those unpleasant symptoms that
t,ffected your nose and throat by any
particular name—but it's Catarrh just
he same,
When the attack is severe, your
eyes are watery and look weak. Your
ibreatll is offensive, due to inflamma-
tion in the nose and throat.
At last science has discovered a real
remedy, a new scientific marvel which
acts like no other Catarrh remedy on
earth. "Catarrhozone" operates on a
new plan; it is a direct remedy, goes
nstantly to the sours' of the trouble.
is rich, fragrant essences and healing
alsatns are breathed in vapor form
esrough a special inhaler and give in-
tant relief.
Catarrhdzone doesn't stop at the re-
lief stage—it goes further—keeps on
going till a cure is effected. Bad
cases are cured, as you can judge from
he following letter: "Every morning
or six months last winter I awoke
ith a bad taste, an awful breath and
tuffed up feeling . in my nostrils,"
rites Rob E. Rutland, of Regina. "It
as simply an awful case of chronic
atarrh. Relief first came from Ca-
rrohozone. I used that inhaler twen-
tinfes a day and took it to bed with
1e at night. I am cured, and by the
e of Catarrhozone stay well. Now
am freefrom irritable throat trou-
e, coughs, colds, headache, or ca-
No medicine on earth is so certain
cure every form of catarrh or
oat trouble as "Catarrhozone." Get
large $1.00 size, lasts two months
is guaranteed; medium size 50c.;
iple size 25c.; all storekeepers and
ggists, or Tho Catarrhozone Co,,
alo, N.Y., and Kingston, Canada.
. Geo. E. Foster Has Hope of
Building Up a Good Trade.
despatch from Ottawa
The development of trade
Japan in flour is regarded
having strong possibilities,
Hon. G. E. Foster, Minister
Trade and Confimeree, has
malting a special enquiry
it. There is a, good 'demand in
tient for Canadian flour, but
aaser brand than what is re-
d for the domestic trade is
popular, It is probable that
gen►ents Will be made with
ran millers particularly to
facture this variety of the
well, and.strode across the room. to
take alook at the ,man in the cas-
ket. The scene that ensued earn_ be
imagined. The father and sisters
were simply terrified out of their
wits as the apparition of :the dead
brother, as they believed, appeared
before them. The 'mother was at
the undertaker's at the time com-
pleting arrangements for the fun-
eral. When quiet had been restor-
ed and the family was assured that
some strange mistake had been
made messengers were sent to the
motherto break the news to her.
It was some time before the import
of the intelligence dawned an her,
and there was a pathetic meeting
between son and mother. In the
meantime the corpse of the un-
knewn occupied a place in the cas-
ket in the parlor of the little home.
The undertaker was summoned,
and he took the remains back to his
Did Not Ship on Boat.
Young Thompson's story is to
this effect :—He left here on Nov.
4th, but did not go on the James
Carruthers as was expected. He
left here on the Merohants Mutual
steamship the Maple and went to
Montreal. He was there at the
time of the storm, and was totally
unconscious of the fears his family
were suffering on his account.
Tuesday he arrived in Toronto, and
late that night he read in a news-
paper of the finding of his body at
Goderioh and the preparations for
his funeral. He reached Hamilton
Wednesday afternoon, and on his
way to the house called to see his
friend, Edward Duffy, of the North-
ern Hotel. Mr. Duffy almost col-
lapsed when he saw him, as: he had
heard of the sad happening and had
made arrangements to attend the
Ahother remarkable. coincidence
in oonnection with this remarkable
case is that there was a J. Thomp-
son enrolled among the crew of the
James A. Carruthers.
Many Houses and Stores Destroyed
In a1100 Village. Villa .
A . despatch from Quebec says:
Ste. Marie, county .of Beauoe, suf-
fered a. heavy loss by fire which
started on Friday night at 10.30,
thirty-nine houses and stores and
sixty barns, sheds and stables be-
ing destroyed in the central part of
the village, before the. flames were
(extinguished. The fire was discov-
ered in a .shed belonging to J. A.
1 Thurmel, merchant, ' and spread
with incredible rapidity. When the
alarm became general throughout
the village the people turned out
quickly, but appeared paralyzed at
li the proportions the flames had as -
1 sumed. It was, therefore, solve
time before they made an organized
attempt to combat the flames. In
this they were greatly handicapped,
1 as the village possessed no fire-
fighting apparatus.
Two Million Dollars' Worth Reach
A despatch from Montreal nay s :
Approximately four and one-half
tons of gold—two million dollars'
worth in all—arrived at the Royal
Bank here on Saturday from Lon-
don and New York. On the morn-
ing train from New York arrived
one million dollars in Alnerican
coin. Meanwhile the Empress ar-
rived in Quebec, and the second
million from London was rushed to
the boat special, and in a special
ear, guarded by armed men, reach-
ed Montreal at 4.30 p.m. Outside
the bank, as the bullion was being
unloaded and taken to the vault,
men with Winchesters stood ready
as silent guardians over the gold.
French Association of Mine Owners
A.grce to 8 -flour Day.
A despatch from Douai, France,
says: The great strike of miners
in northern France was settled oil
Saturday night, the Association ,of
Mine Proprietors agreeing to an
eight-hour day kr workingmen,
which is now before the' French
Parliament, is passed and promul-
gated. The union leaders decided
to call off the ,strike, whieh had al-
ready involved about 40,000 out of
200,000 Coal miners in this district.
Prices et Cattle, Crain, Cheese and 00$O
Praduce at Home and Abroad
Toronto, Nov. 26; Flour -Ontario wheat
ileumm, 90 per coats • $3.45, eeaboard, and at
$3.40 at local points, Ontario. 7$ianitobas
-First patents, in jute bags, $6.30; do„
seconds, $4.80; strong bakers', in jute bags,
Manitoba. wheat -No, 1 Northern 910,.
on track, Bay ports, and No. 2 at 091-20.
Ontario wheat -No. 2 wheat, 83 to 94c,
Oats -No, 2 Ontario oate, 33 to 340, out.
side, and at 36 to 37e, on track, Toronto..
Western Canada old oats, 390 for No. 2,
and at 37 3.4c for No. 3, Bay porta.
Peas -95o. outside.
Barley -Good malting barley, 58 to 60e,
Corn -No. 2 American corn, 78o, c.i.f.,
Rye -No. 2 at 68 to 70e, outside.
Buckwheat -70e, outside, with none of-
Bran -Manitoba' bran. $21 to $21.60 a
ton, in bags, Toronto freight. Shorts,
$22 to 022.50, Toronto.
Country Produce.
Butter -Choice dairy, 22 to 24c; inferior,
20 to 21e, Creamery products, 29 to 300;
do., solids, 27 to 28o; etorage, prints, 27
to 280; do., solids, 25 to 26 1-2o.
Eggs -Case lots of new -laid, 39 to 40o per
dozen; fresh, 32 to 34e, and storage, 29 to
31c per dozen.
Cheese -14 1-2e for large, and 14 3.4 to
150 for twine.
Beans -Hand-picked, $2.10 to $2.20 per
bushel; primes. $1.75 -to $2.
Honey -Extracted, in tine, 11 to 12o per
lb. for No. 1; combs, $3 to $3.25 per dozen
for No. 1, and $2.50 for No. 2.
Poultry -Fowl, 12 to 14c per lb.; chick-
ens, 17 to 190; ducks, 13 to 150; geese, 13
to 15o; turkeys. fresh, No. 1, 21 to 22o.
Potatoes-Ontarioe, 90c per bag. on
Bacon -Long clear, 16o per lb., in ease
lots. Pork -Short cut, 028.50; do., mesa.
$24.50. Hams -Medium to light, 191-2 to
20o; heavy. 19e; ride, 161-2 to 16o; break -
feet bacon, 19 to 2(10; backs, 22 to 24o.
Lard -Tierces, 13 3.4o; tube, 14o; pails,
14 1-4o.
Baled Hay and Straw.
Baled hay -No. 1 at $14 50 to $15.50 a ton,
on track, here; No. 2 quoted at 013 to
$13.50. and mixed at 012 to 012.50.
Baled straw -Car Iota, $8, on track, To-
Winnipeg Crain.
Winnipeg, Nov. 25. -Cash: -Wheat --No.
i Northern, 85 1-4e; No. 2 Northern, 83 1-20;
No. 3 Northern. 82e; No. 4. 771-2c; Nd. 1
rejected seeds, 811-4o: No. 2 do., 791-40;
No. 2 red Winter, 84 3-4c; No. 3 red Win-
ter, 82 1.4o. 'Oats -No. 2 .W., 341.20; No,
3 O.W., 32 3-4c; extra No. 1 feed, 331-2c;
No. 2 feed, 30 3-4c. Barley -No. 3, 42o;. No.
4, 40 1.20; rejected, 39 1.2o; feed, 38o; No. 1
N.-W.O. flax, 01.13 7-8; No. 2 C.W.. $1.11 7.8;
No. 3 O.W., $1.01 7.8.
Montreal Markets.
Montreal, Nov..25.-Ooru-American No.
2 yellow, 83 to 84e, Oats-Oanadian West.
ern No. 2, 40i -2,o;
do., No. 3, 39 to 39 1-20
Bariey anituba feed, 4802 do, maItin
68 tb 72o. Buolewheat--No. 2. 56 to 67o, Flour
Manitoba Spring wheat patents, urate,
$6.40; do., eecbnde, $4.90; strong 'bakers',
$4.70; Winter patents, choice, $4.75 to $5;
straight rollers, $4.50 to $4.60; do., in bags,
$2 to $2.10. Rolled oats-Barrele, $4.40 to
$4.60; bag of 90 lbe, $2.10 to $2.12 1-2. Mill.
feed -Bran, $21; shorts, $231 middlings,.
826; mouillie, $27 to $30. Hay -No. 2, per
ton, car lots, $14 to $16. Cheese -Finest:
westerns, 13 1-2 to 13 7-80; do., eaeterne,
13 . to 13 1.4o. Butter -Choicest cronenoxy,
28 to 28 1.20; seconds, 27 1-2 to 27 3-4e, Eggs
-Fresh, 48 to 50e.; selected, 35 to 360; No«
1 stock, 31 to 320; No. 2, do., 26 to 26o. Po.
tatoos-Per bag, oar lots, 75 to 900.
United States Markets.
Minneapolis, Nov. 26.-Wheat-Deoember,
82 1-2c; May, 87 5.8c; No. 1 hard, 86o; No.
1 Northern, 841-4 to 85 1-2e; No. 2. do.,
821.4 to 83'1-2c; No. 3 wheat, 801.4 to
811-20. Corn -No. 3 yellow, 65 to 69o, Oats
-No. 3 white, 36 3.4 to 37o. Flour and
bran -Unchanged.
Duluth, Nov. 25. -Wheat -No. 1 hard,
86 1-40; No, 1 Northern, 85 1.4e; No. 2, do ,
83 1.4 to 83 3.4c; Montana No. 2 hard,
84 1.20; December, 84 1-4c; May, 88 1.4o.
Lineeed-$1.361-2; December, $1.34 1.2; May,
Live Stook Markets,
Montreal, Nov. 25. --There were no prime
bearers on the market and six and a half
conte per pound was about the highest
price paid, and from that to 3 cents a
pound down to lean canners. Milch cows,
$35 to $80 eaoh. Calves, $3.50 to $7; sheep,
$4.50 to $5; lambs, $7 to $7.60; hogs, $9.50.
Toronto, Nov. 25. -Cattle, Choice but.
there, 06.75 to $8; good medium. $5.75 to
$6.25; common, $4 to 04,60; canners and
cutters, $3.75 to 54.25; fat cows, $4,50 to $6;
common cows, $3.50 to $4; butohers' butte,
$3,75 to $6.26, Calves -Good veal, $8,75 to
$10; common, $4.75 to $6.10. Stockers and
feeders -•Steers, 910 to 1,050 lbs., 06 to $6 26;
good quality, 800 lbs„ 96 to $6.25; light.
eastern, 400 to 650 lbs., $4.50 to $5.25; light,
$3.50 to $4. Sheep and lambs -Light ewes,
$4.50 to 15.50; heavy, $3 to $3,60; bucks, $3
to $3.60; spring lambs, 08 to 8.25, but with
750 per head dedneted for all the buck
lambs. Hogs -$8.65 fed and watered, $8.90
Baby's Own Tablets are the very
best medicine a mother can give
her little ones. They sweeten the
stomach, regulate the bowels, break
up colds, promote healthful sleep—
in fact they are a cure for all minor
ills of little ones, The mother may
feel absolutely safe in. giving them
to her children for they are guar-
anteed by agovernment analyst to
be strictly free from all injurious
drugs, The Tablets are sold by
medicine dealers or by mail at 25
cents a. box from The Dr. Williaa,m,s'
Medicine Co:, Brockville, Oiit.
The schooner Ada, due at Sum-
merside, P,E.I., from Dalhousie;
N.B., on November 2, has not been.
reported since clearing from Dal-,
High Tribute Paid to Canadian Horses --Illinois Ex-
pert Praises Live Stock Exhibition
A deepateh from Toronto sayer The in.
terest in the National Live Steck Show
et: Exhibition Park was very "great, judg,
ing fromthe large number of people who
visited the 'Exhibition. The splendid gaol
itir bf the horses and cattle that were
:shown attracted much 'attention, and
caused favorable comment,
Mr. Robert Burgeos, of Wenona, Ill„ who
was: ant of the judges of horses, and who
this year has seventy head of Percherons
entered .in the International Shaw at
Chicago, eaid: "I had no idea that You.
hail,au institution suck as this in Canada.
You have some of tate finest horses I have
seen anywhere."
In the cattle ring ,the competitions in
the Shorthorn elan were very keen. Two
of .the flneee lots that were shown came
from the United States. One particularly
line Carload was. exhibited by W. F. Hord-
ing of 'Wisconsin, Preeldent of the AmerI-
can Shorthorn Breeders' Association, An-
other carload of splendid animals came
from Ohio.
Prizes for Horses.
Clydesdale stallions foaled in 1910-1.
Graham. Bros., Claremount, Lord Ullin
(15,191); 2, J. M. Gardhouee, Weeton, Hey -
croft Model (12,379); 3, Graham Bros.
Claremont, Gold Nugget (13,841); 4. T. D.
Elliott, Bolton, Kirkland (13,913); 6, Dr.
Adam Watson, Cobourg, Dunure Captain
liacknee etallione, foaled previous to
January 1, 1911-1, Crowe and Murray, To.
ronto, Lord Hormoine (617); 2, Bennett
Br0e., Carlisle, Adamston Nugget (9,531); 3,
Watson and Son, St. Thomas, Wenona
Jubilee (662).
Canadian -bred Clydesdale mare. foaled
in 1910.1, F. J. Fisher, Melbern, Dolly
Murray (24,604); 2, James Leonard, Shom-
berg, Boreland Queen (24,529); 3, A. Watson
& Bon. St. Thomas, Belle of ArgY1e (23.-
23;830); 4, A. Watson & Son, St. Thomas.
Trim; of Oro (23,829); 5, City Dairy Farm,
Lowell, Darling Bess (23,656).
Standard -bred stallions, foaled in 1911-
1, Ashley Stock Farm, Foxboro', Noble
Peter (182); 2, William Mammall, Toronto
Canadian -bred Clydesdale stallion, foal-
ed previous to Jan. 1, 1911-1, J. F. Staples
& Son, Ida, Ont., Baron Eater (8,062); 2,
18. O. Rogerson, Fergus, Dandy Prince
(9,533); 3, Thos. McMichael & Son, Sea -
forth, Lord Ronald (11,414); 4. Wm. Elliott,
Galt. Day Dream (12,801); 5, Hiram Deo
went. Dundee, Royal Prince (13,262).
Thoroughbred stallion, foaled previous
to Jan. 1, 1911-1, Dale & Dalziel, Willow -
dale, Kelton (470); 2, James Bovaird,
Brampton, Selwik (436) ; 3, Roland Thayer,
Aylmer, Nasbaden (83); 4, G. Edw. Boni -
ter, Piston, War Whoop (413); 4. Jamee
Bovaird, Brampton, Prince Holenlohe (127).
Thorouglebred stallion, foaled on or after
Tan, 1, 1911-1, T. W. Arthure, Brampton,
Dodie S.; 2, J. Coventry, Woodstock, Her-
mit Coventry (72,266); 3, J. W. Arthure,
Brampton, La Honda; 4, D. McCrae,
Guelph, Percy (602).
Pony mare, any other pure-bred, any
age -1, It. Christophorson, No. 9 Golden
avenue, Vera; 2, James Wilkin, Baleam,
Greenbra:e, Ruby; 3, E. B. Clancy, Guelph,
Fairview Fairy Queen (877).
Clydesdale mare, foaled previous to Jan-
uary 1, 1910-1, Graham Bros, Claremont,
Castle Belle; 2, Robert Boith, Bowmaneille,
Belle .of Blaokhill; 3, Bathe Williamson,
Toronto Jessie; 4, Fred. G. Wilson, River.
bank; Fanny Clark; 5, L. G. 0. Bull,
Bramp toaf' Lady
Peggy- ggy« .
tun=lnd Civd
mare -1, W.
F. Barry;BroolliA. Maple Avenue Belle; 2,
A, Jantiesor, Streetsville, Mies Rhona 3,
Thomate•Ivfv4iillan, Seaforth, Maggie Hill;
4, 3. F.:.Staples & Son, Ida, Golden Ruby;
5, T. I'.' Barnhardt, Oro Station, Hillside
Canadian -bred Clydesdale stallion -1,
Graham -Bros.. Claremont, Maeonbie; 2. R.
E. Pinkerton, Essex, Iiierr Jimmie; 3, Wm.
Elliott, Galt, Guinea Gold; 4, Hugh Ido
Dougall, Tiverton, King Darrel; 5, M.
Slingerland, Niagara -on -the -Lake, Blaken
of Up to Time.
Pony 'stallion, any other pure-bred, any
age -1, John Lloyd Jonee. Burford. Day-
light; 2, Mrs. W. 13. Hunter & Son, Tho
Maples, Ont.. Electricity.
Shiretali a preview; s 1 on, foaled pr v oua tq 'Tartu.
ary, 1, 1911-1, John Gardhouso & Sona,
Highfield, Tuttlebrook. Eequire; 2. Amos
Agar, Nashville, Ouse Bridge Champion;
3, Geo. Allen; Burford, Norwell Chieftain;
4, Tames Bovaird, Brampton, Roxweil Sax-
on Harold.
Shetland pony stallion, any age -1, Mrs.
W, 3. Stinson, High Park Pavilion, Preece,
,Toronto, d pony wDaisarey., any age -1,
Fat Cattle,
Shorthorns -Shorthorn ether, two years
and under three -1, John Brown & Sone,
Galt, Ont„ Archer.
Shorthorn steer, one year and under two
-1, John Brown .& Sons, Galt, Ont., ,Mike;
2, Jos. Stone, Salntilold, Mike; $, Thee.
Russell, Downsview, Ont., Roan Duke; 4,
Wm. Marquee & Son, Uxbridge, Ont., Cal-
Shorthorn steer, under one year -1,
George Ferguson, Salem, Futtereet; 2, Joe,
Stone, Saintfleld, Ike; 3, Francis W. Oke,
Lambton, Dainty; 4, John Brown & Sons,
Galt, Ont.
Hereford -Hereford eteer, under one year
-1, L. O. Clifford, Oshawa, Ont.; 2, Henry
Reed, Mimosa, Teddy Jones; 3, James
Page, Tyconnell, Ont., Tyeonnell Boy.
Aberdeen Angus -Aberdeen Angus eteer,
under one year -1, James Bowman,
Guelph, Ont, Sir Guelph.
Galloways-Galloway steers, two years
and under 'three -1, D. McCrae, Guelph,
Grades and crosses and export steers -
Grades or croesee of any breed steer, two
years and under three -1, Tames Leask &
Sons, Greenbank, Roan Champion; 2, John
Brown & Sons, Galt, Ont•, King; 3. Hall &
Robson, grade, Hereford; 4, Pritchard
Bro .
s , Fergus. Ont., Barney.
Grades and eroseee of any breed steer,
one year and under two -1, John Lowe,
Elora, Black Monarch; 2, Tithe . Bussell,
Downsview, Ont., Richard; 3, James Leask
& San, Greenbank, White King; 4, John
Brown & Sons, Galt, Ont., Favorite,
Grades and crosses of any breed steer
under one year -1, John Lowe, Elora,
'Black Donald; 2, Jaenes Leask & Sons,
Greenbank; 3, Kyle Bros, Drumbo, Ont.,
Spring Valley Pride; 4, Joe. Stone, Saint -
field, Ce,tain.
Grades and crosses of any breed -1, Joe.
Stone, Saintfteld, Lovely: 2; James Leask
& Sons, Greenbank, Lily White; 3, John
Brown & Sona, Galt, Ont., Daisy; 4, Wm.
E. W. Steen, Streetsville, Ont., Grey
Grades and crosses of any breed heifer
-1, George Ferguson, Salem, Daisy; 2, Jos.
Stone, SaintReld, Maggie; 3, James Leask
& Sons, Greenbauk, Kate; 4, Kyle Bros.,
Grades and crosses of any breed heifer
under one year -1, Len Chard, Lambton
Mills, Morrie; 2, James Leask. Greenbank,
Watson; 3, Jos. Stone, Saintfleld, Gem; 4,
James Leask & Sone, Greenbank, Tib.
Export steers, three export steers -1,
John Brown & Sons, Galt; 2, John Brown
& Sons, Galt; 3, Thos. Russell, Downs-
view. Ont„ 4, Thos. Rusecll, Dowsview, Ont,
• Sheep and Swine.
In Shropshire ,sheer; the two champion-
ships and most other prized went to J.
and D. J. Campbell, , Woodville. Other
winners were: John R. Kelsey, Woodville;
J. G. Hammer, Burford, and C. W. Gur-
ney and Sons, Paris.
In Oxfords, both championships were
won by P. Arkell and Sone, Arkell. Others
that won in some of the classes were: H.
C. Arkell, Teeewater; W. Marquis and Son,
Uxbridge, and P. Sylveetre, Olairraux.
The Yorkshire caampion hoar was shown
by W. Manning and Son, Woodville, and
the champion sow by J. Featherstone and
ban Streat ville.
re were made e
th ,e firm eal o in
the general classes,
and others were: R. S. Frisby, Victoria
Square; J. E. Brethour and Nephew, Bur-
ford; John Duck, Port Credit, and Sunny.
brook Farm, Eglinton.
In Chester Whites. the cbnmpinnship
for best boar went to W. E. Wright and
DSoneC, Glanworth, and for best sow, to D.
ourcy, Bornholm.
Holsteins Win in Dairy Test.
In the milking test at this show the row
that ecored the higheet number of points
over all breeds was a pure-bred Holstein,
Madam B. 3rd. Alma 2nd, exhibited by W.
F. Walker, lfanrbeeter. This row gave in
tete three days 213.3 1b.. of milk, testing
3.5 per cent., making a total of 243.34
points. The five highest cove in the test
were all llolrteins, and the steal n Hol-
stein grade Seventh and eighth pineee
were taken by Ayrshires, a.nd ninth and
tenth again by Holsteins. Among the Hol-
eteins of the same nee as the winner, the
poorct,t one gave 119 1hs. nr milk, testing
cnly 3.0. making 220.25 points.
Latest Statistics Show An Extra-
ordinary Rise.
A despatch from Berlin says:
Germany, whieh for some time past
has been expressing alarm at the
falling•birth rate, has discovered a
new sign of social decadence. It is
the "marriage crisis." Latest sta-
tistics ,,show an extraordinary rise
in the number of divorces obtained
in Germany. For instance, 15,78(1
divorces were' obtained in 1911, or
20 per 100,000 inhabitants, against
12,180, or 20 per 100,000 in 1900• It
is believed that when the next set
of statistics is published a further
increase in the number will be re-
ported, What makes the marriage
crisis all the worse is that v''hile the
number `of divorces is rapidly in-
creasing the number of marriages
is decreasing. The number of mar-
riages per 100,000 inhabitants in
1906 was; 8400, in 1911, 7,800.
R1,- '--•---"
The Death of lairs. Nary 1Deveraux
of London, Ont.
A 'despatch from London, Ont.,
says s London lost a centenarian
on Sunday when Mrs. Mary Dever -
aux died after an illness; of two
years. She was born in Donegal,
Ireland, 101 years ago, wind is be-
lieved to have been the oldest per-
son in this city. She had lived in
London sine° 1868, and her husband
predeceased her by 40 years.
Horace Trudell, .a montreail fire-
man, was trapped by blinding
smokt,:ahnd died a few hours later
in the hospital.
Grape -Nuts a Perfectly Balanced
No chs villa's analysis of Grape-
\uts can begin to show the real
value of the food ----the- .practical
value as shown by personal experi
It is a food that is perfectly bat-
anced, supplies the needed ele-
anellt2 for both brain and body in
nil etage•s of life from the infant,
through the strenuous times of ac-
tive middle life, and is a comfort
and support in olcl .age.
"For two years I have used
Grape -Nuts with milk and a little
cream, for breakfast. 1 am com-
fortably hungry far my dinner at
use Iittle meat, ;plenty of vege-
tables and fruit, in season, for the
noon meal, and if tired at tea time,
take Urape-Nuts alone, and feel
perfectly nourished.
"Nerve and brain power and
memory are much improved since
using Grape -buts. I am over sixty
alai weigh 155 lbs. Illy son and
husband seeing how I had improved
are now using Grape -Nuts.
"My son, who is a traveling
elan, eats nothing for breakfast but
Grape -Nuts and a glass of. milk.
All aunt, over 70, .seems fully nour-
ished on Grape -Tents and cream."
"There's a Reason"
Name given by Canadian Postum
Co., Windsor, Ont. Read "The
Road to Wellville," in pkgs.
aver read the above lettere A now
0210 appears from time to time. Wheyare genuine, true, and fun of hun2an
• Julian Dormice, a Connecticut
farmer, is said to have produced a
seedless apple.
Canada, the Empire and the World
in General Before Your
Montreal controllers are working
on the apportionment of an eleven -
million -dollar budget.
Guelph Street Railway, a civic
enterprise, show's a net profit of
$6,391.57 for a year's operations.
The sea fish caught by Canadian
fish""rmen this year exceed in value
the catch of last year by 30 per
out five hundred youths and
bsys attended the Boys' Conference
Brockville for eastern Ontario
alae Quebec.
Emerson Darragh was acquitted
at Owen Sound of the charge of
manslaughter in connection with
the death of Charles Jones on Octo-
ber 7.
James Saunders was found guilty
at Winnipeg of the murder of Grace
Saunders, his sister-in-law, at
Lockport, Man., on October 8.
There will be 52 local option con-
tests in Ontario in January, in-
cluding one in the city of Sault Ste.
Marie. Twelve are repeal contests.
Twelve hundred college men and
women attended the banquet fol-
lowing the inauguration of Dr. J.
A. MacLean, first President of the
University of Manitoba.
In the Quebec Legislature Pro-
vincial Secretary Deearie told God-
frey Langlois, the educational re-
former, that the salaries now paid
to female teachers in the province
averaged $163 a year in the cities.
The female Catholic teachers aver-
aged $254, and in the country $155.
General improvement among the
Indians is the burden of the annual
report of the Indian Department.
The number of Indians and Eski-
mos combined is put at 109,937, the
Eskimos numbering 3,447. Indiana
proper increased by 1,500, but the
Eekimns decreased by 1,000, On-
tario has the largest Indian popu-
lation, 26,077.
(treat Britain+
o l'
B na �n1 Law- ii
at 13 n 11— _ ' #,C76k..
issue with John Redmond in. regard
to home rule
A London paper has made a bit-
ter attack upon the United States
in regard to Mexico.
James Larkin's meeting in Albert
Hall, London, was broken up by a
band of students.
An Irish volunteers army is being
organized to uphold the Govern-
ment in case of trouble with Ulster,
Lord Pirrie, chairman of the
Harland and Wolff Shipbuilding
Company, of Belfast, will resign -
to enter Irish politics. He is a nor
tete of Quebec.
United States.
United States will not intervene
in Mexico, and she hopes that the
other nations will wait.
A wireless telephone message was
transmitted from Germany across
the Atlantic to New Jersey,
The American Federation of La-
bor, at Seattle, decided that the
time was not opportune for a labor
.olitical party.
Governor. Pothier, of Rhode Is-
land, who is a Canadian, is ill, and
it is said he had been exposed to
danger of infection from smallpox.
Mrs. Clarissa A. Bailey, an In-
dian woman of Seattle, argued her
own ease in regard to land assass-
ments before the Supreme Court,
dividing her time with her atter-
ney s.
Charles B. Stover, Parks Com-
missioner of New York, has not
been heard from since Oct. 16,
when he left his office, supposedly
to go to lunch.
Serious charges against the New
York police are made in connection
with the "wire lapping" revela-
tions, .A former eaptain and two
high officials are implicated.
A protest against the ill-treat-
ment of political prisoners in Bus-
sia is being circulated throughout
lteeeives Long '1'crnt for Violating
Sullivan Law.
A despatch from New York says:
For carrying a pistol, in violation
of the Sullivan law, Antonio Con-
cha, an east -side gunman, was sen-
tenced on Friday to fourteen years'
imprisonment in 'Sine Sing.