HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1913-11-28, Page 5Ear
o1 ale9
• • I am receiving nitiriei'otls
enquiries respecting• Huron
County Farm •Laud:E.
If you
want to sell
will assist you with an advertising
campaign that will bring buyers
to our favored County.
No Buyer - No Charge
Call, write or phone
for particulars..
Conveyancer, Real Estate, dz.c
In every town and locality to ride and demonstrate a sample 1913 "HYS LO P
SPECIAL" bicycle furnished by us and fitted with coaster brake, roller
chains, three -coil spring saddle, extension handlebar and other leading fea-
tures. Good money oan be made selling our bicycles, tires and sundries.
Our large production, together with unexcelled facilities and 25 years' ex-
perlenoo in building bicycles places us in a position to ship high-grade wheels
direct from factory touser at LOWEST PRICES.
TEN1�7 Y7 f We will send a wheel to any ad
DAYS' dress in Canada on approval and
allow 10 days' trial. It will not cost you one cent If you do not desire to keep it
after that time. We could not afford to make this offer if we were not certain
our wheels are the best value for the money on the market. .
Write at once for new illustrated catalogue and full particulars of our at-
tractive new offer and speolal,prices.
No'rn—Mention name of paper when answering this advertisement
GOOD .LOCAL AGENT at once to
represent the OIiD AND RELIABI E
did list of fruit and ornamental stock
for fall delivery 1913 and Spring del
Start at once and secure exclusive
territory. We supply handsome free
outfit and pay highest commissions,
Write for full particulars,
Stone. and Wellington
For their Bine Peach, Apple, Plum
and Cherry trees. , They have the
best nursery soil in Canada and are
the largest growers of trees in the
Dominion. All scions and burl sticks
are cut by one man, and he has been
in their -employ manyy ears se ne
mistakes are made by using wrong
scions or buds. Send in list of stock
•required and get their prices. Write
for agency as they have some unocc-
upied territory in this County.
Brown Brothers Nurseries.
Welland, Ont.
Good house and good barn and stable.
24x50, with 5 acres of land. Good
well and cistern and back kitchen,
well fenced and drained. All in.
grass. Within half mile east of
of Zurich. For particulars apply
to Peter Woolley Zurich, P. 0.
there are 4j acres adjoining which
day also be purchased.
Henry Bossenberry
Licensed Auctioneer,
Huron, Middlesex and Lani.pton
Satisfaction guaranteed.
Dashwood, Ontario.
Dates arranged at the office
MAKE E 111Ji N BETTER. . •
Prohibition is e scheme to make
men good by law. It cannot be done.
There never was a time when it could
be; The Apostle Paul recognized
this Fact nearly two thousand years
ago when he said if men can be `Dade
righteous by law then Christ is dead
in yain, `The proposition is pure fan-
tasy. Neither temperance or virtue
is promoted by it. By invading pri-
vate rights ib arouses human passion
Instead of reducing druukeness it
multiplies hypocrits and ' lawbreakers
it .has no just recognition or belong-
in'the economy of government or the
anabory of true religion. It is in
its essence ignorant, tyrannous and
Every real man believes in freedom
and the right to regulate his own con-
onduct. Prohibition legislation pro-
ceeds on the theory that those who
patronize licensed hotels or take a
drink are weak or .irrosponsible and
need a gnarelian. If you . permit the
Dominion Alliance to have their way
in the matter of what we shall drink
their next step will be to tell us what
we shall eat or smoke or wear. The
principal is the same. Our concept-
idn of free government is that men
t,r•e assumed to be responsible and
are guaranteed their freedom until
they abuse it. We deny that the
'people of this county, who stand for
a decent hotel have abused their free-
dom to such an extent that they must
-nfw be placed in the custody of the
Dominion Alliance, or its agents.
In the matter of this guardianship
idea, we challenge the voters of this
county to take a look around them
and consider the character of some of
the mon who are in a self appointed
way attempting to set themselves up
jhas their guardians. The best test of
I a Dian is how does he use power?
That is the supreme test of manhood.
Bow does he treat those within his
control? The greater the man, the
grander the Ivan, the more careful he
is in the use of power—the tenderer
he is the nearer just, the greater and
more merciful, the grander the more
charitable. Before beginning to
submit yourselves to the control of
Ianother Dian find out what manner
!of a man he is. Ascertain how he
'treats his wife or his children hip
R. E. B. BALFOUR, graduate
Western University, late of
the Military Hospital and Victoria
Hospital, London. . Office in the
building formerly occupied by the late
Dr.It!cLanghlin, Dashwood.
Beauty in the Ho
Homes—like people—have an individuality of their own. A cheerful looking
home -like a cheerful looking person—is always pleasing to see. Any home
may be brightened—made more attractive outside and more cheerful to live
in—iu rely by a little care in the selection
and use of proper Paints and Varnish
Finishes. We have the Paint and Finish
for every taste and every scheme of decor-.
tion-- good, honest 100% Pure Paints and
Superfine Varnishes -- that we know will give
complete and lasting satisfaction.
Come in and talk 'over your fall paint
problems with us.
Perhaps we can suggest some
new ideas in colors—or ,give y u
a better wa of making the
interior "S a and Span "--or
save you a ittle money on the
whole job.
An,yway, stop in and get a color
card and particulars of Martin.
Senour Paints, Varnishes,
Pitxishes and Enamels. 2
Beauty on the Walls
lieu -Tone is a delight in the home.
t'e a soft, flat, durable sanitary wall
nish, that anyone can apply. Costs
ittle—lasts long. Easily cleaned with a
p cloth. 10 pleasing tints, suitable
r every room in the house. Ask about it.
Floor Paint that Stands. the Scuff
Tsit' dire kind we handle—the old reli-
tble our's Ploor Paint — the kind
Vasit's heel -proof. Remove all trace of
mer'e open house with
fresh coat of Senour's
?loot Paint. 12 beautiful
ehadec—tochoosefrom. Call
for a cold` card.
7reahen.Up the Oil Cloth
eum and 011 Cloth
twice as long if made
eypand span" with, a coat
atrnoleum. So easy to
—to freshen the colo, e
protect the pattern, It
tir over night with a
tri gloss, and does not
Spot or crack. Try it can.
It Pays to Use
For Sale by w.Ye -IARTLER Zurich, Ont
neighbors, his poor debtors, his ser -
and you will be able to form an
Lidea.es to Whether you would like to
•hapesuch a man for your guardian,
This Association is against the
ringin the nose idea. It favors the
liberty' of the individual as long as
the rights of others are not interfered
Duron County Business Men's Ass'u.
John Ransford. President.
Wm. Jackson Secretary.
'ree Ladies and rents Watt les,
!Fins, Bracelets and Jewelry of. Every
Description, Lace Curtains, Ruffs,
House Furnishind,Rifles, Moving Pic.
ture Machine, Skates, Priotind Press-
es, Fountain Pens, in fact nearly
everythnig you can think of you can
det Aboslutely Free for selling . our
Beautiful Fancy Drawn and Satin
Stripped handkerchiefs at 10 cents
eaoh. They sell rapidly 6 can gener-
ally be sold in every house. Don't
send us any money, but write us to
send you a lot of handkerchiefs to
sell, that when sold you will send us
the money and the premium selected
Selling 24 bandkerchieff entitlTd you
to your choice of an elegant Watch,
3 gold Laid Rings, Lacs Curtains, etc.
Write us to -day, we trust you and
tape back the goods if you cannot sell
The council of the col potation of
the County of Huron will meet in the
council chamber, in the town of God-
;erieb, on Tuesday December the 2nd
at 3 o'clock. All accounts against the
counly must be placed with the clerk
before this date.
Dated at Goderieb, Nov. 12th 1913
W. Lane, Clerk
H?'a Byron 4ought Fat,
Poetry and a too pronounced plump
tress do not harmonize well, and no
on was more widely awake to this
fact than:Lord Byron. Many were the
means be adopted for ridding himself
if his unwelcome "adipose deposit."
In a letter to his solicitor he says:
"1 wear seven waistcoats and a great.
'Font, run and play cricket in this dress
rill quite exhausted by excessive per
•f,iration, use (lit bath daily, eat only
n quarter of a pound of butcher's meat
In twenty-four hours. By these means
My ribs display skin of no great thick -
110:4S and my clothes have been taken
in nearly half a yard."
The Whole Thing.
"1 Suppose," said the absconding
•ashier to the friend who had run
icross him in parts unknown, "that
there was a good deal of talk about me
after 1 disappeared."
"1 should think there wast" answer-
ed the friend. "Why, man, the weath•
er wasn't mentioned at all for two
Rich Man, Poor Man.'
'fon can easilyy tell a poor man from
a rich one by examining his mail. Tbs.
poor man's mail consists of request
for money that he owes, the rich man's
for money that he doesn't owe. --Lits
The Reason.
Daughter—There ain't anybody come
in for dinner today, ma. Landlady
tgritntvi—No; this is the day that briny
all promised positively to pay,—Luck,
Dr. de Van i Fernalk }ills
A reliable French regulator; never faits. These
pills are exceedingly powerful in regulating the
generative portion of the female system. Refuse
all cheap imitations. Dr. de Vans are sold at
55 a box, or three for $10 Mailed to any address,
an Soebell 'Drag Co., rat. elatharines, QRt,
"Only Double tracks` Railway
between Toronto and Montreal, and
Toronto and other principal cities in
Canada. Also Double Track and
Solid Trains between Montreal and
Chica€o; also between Ontario points,
Now York and Philadelphia, via Ni-
agara Fals,"
Smooth Roadbed
Finest Equipment
Electric Lighted
Piil1r:; n Sleepers
Full particulare, berth re-ervations, etc.
from Grand Trunk Agents, or write 0. E.
Horning, District Passenger Agent, Tor.
onto, Ontario.
Insert Agent's name ank Telephone
Number at bottom at ad
Plus half cent per mile from Winnipeg up
to MacLeod, Calgary, or Edmonton.
$18.00 FRt)lifk WINNIPEG
Plus half cent per milefrom all points east of
MacLeod, Calgary or Edmonton to Winnipeg
—From all stations Kingston to Renfrew Inclusive and east thereof in
—From Toronto and West ou Grand Trunk Main Line to Sarnia inclusive
and South thereof.
.—From Toronto and North-Western Ontario. North of but not Including
Grand Trunk Line Toronto to Sarnia and Fait of Toronto to Kingston,
Sharbot,Lake and Renfrew, including thee points.
SEPTEMBER 3rd—From Toronto and alt stations in Ontario East of but not including
Grand Trunk Line Toronto to North Bay.
SEPTEMBER 5th—From all stations on Grand Trunk Line Toronto to North Bay inclusive,
and. West thereof in Ontario, including C.P.R. Line Sudbury to Sault Ste.
Marie, Ontario, but not including Azilda and West. •
One-way second class tickets to Winnipeg only will be sold, Each ticket will include a
rerlficatton certificate, with an extension coupon. When extension coupon has been signed
at Winnipeg by a farmer, showing he has engaged the holder to work as a farm laborer, the
coupon will be honored up to September 80th for ticket at rate of one-half cent per mile
(minimum fifty cents) to any station west of Winnipeg on the Canadian Pacific, Canadian
Northern or Grand Trunk Pacific Railways in Manitoba, Saskatchewan or Alberta, but not
west of Edmonton, Calgary or MacLeod, Alta.
A certificate will be issued entitling purchaser to a second-class ticket good to return
from any station on the Canadian Pacific, Canadian Northern, or Grand Trunk Pacific
Railways in Alberta, Saskatchewan and Manitoba east of MacLeod, Calgary and Edmonton
to original starting point by the same route as travelled on going Journey on or before
November 30th, 1913, on payment of one half cent per mite (minimum fifty cents) up to
Winnipeg added to $18.00 from Winnipeg, provided the holder deposits the certificate with
the ticket agent on arrival at destination, and works at Ieast thirty days at harvesting.
For fun particulars see nearest C.P.R. Agent, or write—
KI G. MURPHY, 12 P A.. C.P.R., Toronto
You will always filed all the latEst styles in furniture such as
Bras. and Metal EEO, TE11 , Lieu, $ ifs:..
You could find no designs prettier, more striking or pleasing.
we can surely satisfy you in the seleotion of furniture as re—
gards design, construction and price.
V It 9
1?urn ituie aid
® Funeral Director
�xkgJ1.. rinhable
You are the Irian 'who reads so innch about Stanfields
Unshrinkable Underwear, you're the man who will get
more wear. Wlien you buy Siaii:fields Underwear, you get
all the new refinements and old fashioned uOM'. No middle
man shares in the profit 115 they conic direct frcni elle factory
A guarantee with eveey garment. For sale by
E. y -
The Gent's Furnisher.