HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1913-11-28, Page 4CENTRAL, STRAT ORD, ONT. Canda's Best Business College Students may enter oar classes at any tine. Those who enter now will have an advantage over those who cannot enter till New Year. Our coerces in Commercial, Short- hand and Telegraphy departments are thorough and practical. We offer you advantages nob offered elsswhera in the province. Get our free catalogue and see if it interests you. .A®clachla , Principal Dashwood Furniture Store We are giving Big Snaps ill, Pianos and Organs for the balance of the year. Two big shipments of Singer and Raymond Sew- ing Machines must be cleared out rd once, at a low price. A. big stock of Furniture always on hand and prices the Lowest. Dried apples taken as Casb. UNDERTAKING Big stock on hand. Day or night—call Central. P. McISAA.0 Furniture and Undertaing ,,LEGAL. CARDS. fi �.."YS KILLORAN, UT}Ffl0 A Barristers, Salicitbrs, Notaries Public, etc. Goderich, Canada W. Proudfoot. I . C. R. 0. Hays. 3. L. Killoran. BUSINESS CARDS. BA S PHILLIPSg AUCTIONEER, Exeter. Sales conducted in all parts. Satis- faction guaranteed or no pay. Terms reasonable. Orders left at this office 9s111 be promptly attended to. H. EILBEB & SON Crediton, - Ontario Conveyancers, General Insurance Agents Telephone—Office la, House ib. ANDREW F. HESS, FIRE INSURAN- ce agent, representing the London, Economical, waterloo, 1GIonareh, Stand- ard, Wellington and Guardian. Every- thing in fire insurance. Dashwood Barber Shop Wednesday pen every Wednesday afternoon and evening. Saturday Open every Saturday, all day, and evening. THOS. Jf,UNIPP, Proprietor. • Ot► R �6 StEAi' EXPERiENG . "'Eana ii18.RIM^ yelttN 00PYRit oTs , •h e:nddescription mt free whether p:: • itnhle. Con -Yawl. ;uasiiilalc =Paten!- . 1,e curriff patents. 3,12tnn & Co, recall t=o District News CENTRALIA To late for last week. Rev, Yelland occupied the pulpit Sunday morning, and Mr. Peter Whitlock preached at the evening ser- vices. Rev. Mr. and 1\Irs. Blatchford spent Sunday at' Northwood where Mr. Blatchford is preaching re -open- ing services. A large audiences lisiended toMr.K. Dyer on Sunday last, Mr. Dyer is an Armenian and lectures in four languages. He is a very able speaker. Miss Fisher from Forest is visiting Mr. and mgrs. Oko. Mr. Roy Simpson of London spent Sunday in our midst. Mr. S. Handford and wife of Exet- er, spent Sunday with Mr, and Mrs. R. Handford. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Boyle of Exe- ter, spent Sunday with relatives here. Mrs. Chas. Fairball spent Tuesday in Lucan. Mr. Wm. Elliott is attending the horse show in Toronto: Mr. Hy. Essery., who is visiting in London, formerly of the West spent Tuesday in Centralia. Mrs. Wm Elliott is spending a few days in Clinton. Mr. Hector 11litcheIl arrived home from the West Wednesday morning. KIPPEN Anniversary Services—Tne mem- bers of Ss. Andrew's Presbyterian churh were last week complimented on account of the favorable issue of their annual services, commemnaora- tive of the didieation of the church in the year I867, the good quality of the fowl supper and the high character of the program given on Monday even- ing. On Sabbath both morning and evening, an uncommon, assemblage of men and women, youths and maid- ens congregated to listen to the help- ful, heartsearching exhortations to duty delivered by Rev, McArthur, 11I. A. of Kincardine. On Monday evening the supper disclosed the abil- ity of the Kipper ladies to cater dainties which would satisfy the most corporal craving for food. The pro- cram di vialged the fabts that the Thames Road quartette, Willie Man- son of Exeter, and the Kippen choir, could furnish good music; that Miss G. M. Newbury, a public elocutionary reader from London, was able in an earnest and reflecting spirit to inter- pret the parts she choose to give; that Willie illanson of Exeter could give natural expression to the thoughts containedin his recitations by speech and gesture; and that "We sped the tine with stories old', in the genial, pleasing address of Rey. Hall Woods of Brucefield, The sum derived from the free will offering of the Sabbath and Monday evening, was about $200. CLANDEBOYE A very pretty wedding was sol- emnized on Wednesday afternoon at the hom of Mr. and Mrs. Ansley Neil, of Clandeboye, brother of the bride, when Miss Pearl Elizabeth. slaughter of Mr. and Mrs. Adam Neil, was un- ited in marriage to Elmer E. only son of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Murcly, of con- cession 2 of MCGillivary Township The ceremony was performed by Rev. T. T. George of Lucan. The bride, who was given away by her father, was daintily attired in navy blue silk, and.wore her necklace and pearl pendant. the gift of the groom. She carried a shower bou- quet of bridal roses. Master Rea Neil, nephew of the bride, was ring - bearer, and carried a basket of flow- ers. After the ceremony a dainty lunch was served. The happy couple left on a wedding trip in eastern cities. HENSALL . Rannie went to Toronto on Wednesday night. Mrs. J. Sutherland has been vis- iting .London relatives. Rev. Mr. Hicks preached at Park. hill on ,Burney. 11r. Cameron of Gocleri'ch paid our sown a visit this week. Mrs. C, Cook and Mrs. Hemphill spent Wednesday in London. .Tabes Short t f Crediion is likely to move to Ht nsait in the near .fttlure. Mrs. W. 0. T),ivk and Mrs... -Alvin, Hemphill visited London on Monday. JamesWhite has returned from the West where he went a few months, ago. J. Wilson has notsecured a house yet. but will move as soon as be oda rent one, • EXETER Mr. John Welsh will hold an ane tion sale of his farm stook and iinple-' merits, on Lot 24 concession 1 Tis borne on Wednesday Nov, 3rd at one o'clock sharp. ' Mr. John McLaughlin went to Lon,.' don last Friday and on Saturday was: accompanied home by Mrs. McLaugla, lin who recently underwent an oper- ation at St. Joseph hospital Mrs. Me-. Laughlin is making satisfactory pro- gress and her many friends hope she will soon be able to be around. The annual congregational tea held at the Main st. Methodist church on Monday evening last was well 'ab - tended. A very pleasing part of the program being a presentation of a couple of willow rockers to Mr. and. Mrs. T. H. McCallum, who have been connected with the church for up -1 ward of 87 years, and who leave for', London this week. Mr. Miners of Eliniville has pur- chased Mr. Win. Taylor's residenee. !. Mrs. David Cobbledick has purch- ased the residence owned by Mr. Ruse on Victoria st. and will move there shortly. Mrs. Thos. Harton while engaged in preparing tea on Saturday night last met with a very severe accident, a trap door leading to the seller being left open, she slippad into it, While no bones were broken, Mrs. Harton sustained several scalp wounds. ZURICH • Pony for sale, well broken, and quiet in everyway. Apply to Dan. Smith, St. Joseph. Mr. R. N. Douglas, Blake, is open - up a nice assortment of Christmas goods and toys this week, PARKHILL • A very pretty wedding took place at Sacred Heart Church on Thursday, when Miss Helen Marguerite, only% daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ja°l4a- Phelan, of Parkhill, vas• married to, Mr. Francis Ronald Graham,; of the Arm of A. E. Ames & Co,, bankers, of Toronto. The bride wore a beautiful tailored shit of new blue chinchilla cloth, with black fox furs and large black velvet hat, trimmed with blue pinnies and carried a shower bouquet of bridal roses and lily of the valley Miss Ra.thleen Lynch, of Toronto, cousin of the bride, was bridesmaid, and•wore a lovely gown of pale blue eharrnense with tunic of pearls, and blue ina.rabout trimming. She, too, wore a large black velvet hat with white plumes and carried a huge bou- quet of pink"mums." The ."groom was assisted by Mr. Philip Phelan, B. A., of the civil ser- yice department, Ottawa. After the ceremony at the church, the bridal party and their friends went to the home of the bride's par- ents, where a "recherche dejeuner" was served. The young couple left on the after- noon train for •a month's visit in Bermuda. On their return they will be in their new home in Oriole road, Toronto. The groom's gift to the bride was a handsome gold bracelet, studded with whole pearls; to the bridesmaid, a whole pearl circle brooc; to the groomsman, a pair of solid gold signet cuff links; to the ushers, gold tie pins, diamond set. Tho presents included a magnifici- ent mahogany casket of sterling silver from the office staff of A. E. Amos & Co., also a large check from the members of the salve firm. The other presents included costly pieces, of silverware and cut glass, gold pieces from the various friends, The bride is one of Parkhill's most `copular young ladies. • OREDITON Messrs. John Wein and Barry Haist left for Detroit on Mondry for a few days, on business. Mr. and Mrs. Alf, Melick and fam- ily visited with Mr. and -Mrs, Dan Mcisaac on Thursday hist, Mr. Ezra Wein of Toronto visited int 'the home of his pa.ren ts,Mr. John Wein over Sati -clay and Sunday. Mr. Jos Edwards is now on his' rounds sawing wood. Work alas started in the :Rai `rniill, •ora Thursday Mast. ZWICKER'S ANNOUNCEMENT Oft6e arrival of large shipment of Fall r and Winter Goods. We have one of the largest and best assortments of Furs, Fur Lined Coats, &c, which we bought early for cash and consequently got a much better selection and at better prices than later buying.. We would pleased to show our stock, the quality, style and prices will interest you. Ladies' Marriott Coats We have a splendid assortment and offer the very fines quality in a 52 inch length with large shawl collar or collar reveres ]ined with the best quality of Skinners Satin at §160.00 Ladies Fur Lined Coats We have a line at a special price. We offer a 50 inch coat, muskrat lined, with nat- ural Sable Collar and Reveres, worth $60 for $45, Also a large selection of Ladies coats, quilted lined with extra good heaver cloth top, Marmot and Sable Collars from $16 :to $22, gold warm servicable garment. Men's Youth's an Children's Qverccats We have some Stylish coats right up to date. We show the new shawl collar also the college collar with half belt in all the new shades of cloth prices ' $10 to $17.50 each Each and every department is well stock ed with Seasonable goods. We handle Stanfields Unshrinkable 'Un- der -wear, a guarantee with each garment. See our Large Stock o Canadian Coon Coats- We ots-We have some beauties, nice dark well Furred Coats. We could not buy them today at the prices we ask. Price $55 den's Fur Coats We have the selections and a large stock a.to_ choose from. • Also a large stock of Siberian Dog, Walla- by, Bulgarian Lamb, Moscow Beaver etc • at prices which will interest you, Men's Fur lined coats. We would be pleased to have you look through our stock before purchasing, We have some beautiful German Mink Sett of furs. Different styles of collars and muffs, starting at $16 to 24.00 per sett, Also a splendid assortment of Natural Sable, American Sable, Persian lamb Grey lamb, Baltic seal, Blue fox and Paw persian setts, in the different styles of Scarfs and Muffs. We aro confident that our prices can- not be beaten. Here is where you will find the coreot styles of the season. r 1 Ladies Coats. Another shipment to. hand •caf;: owe very.' new styles:: We have the, latest tioats'in this department, prices` $9 to $15 each Millinery Visit our millinery department and see some of the v-ery newest winter hats; Miss Link has charge of the department and we are offering all hats at very reduced prices We do not intend to carry over any stock and have marked them at prices to clear. We pay highest price for all Farm Produce. A CALL SOLICITED TELEPHONE No. 3 All kinds Farm 0. z WI 0 KE R Produce Taken. ...ZURICH MEAT MARKET WE keep in stock a full line of fresh meats, hams, etc. etc Our cuts are noted for their tenderness and wholesomeness. Our aim is to keep nothing but the best. We make our own sausages. Give us a call. yummulT RI'' 0t,,. Fstl 4 •d.a'k•.:rGtR mummonsuommusingammomillk Accuracy. - Penetration •tlistingui✓h /�; *.d E �N P••• , 1 n igitIR coffer Repeating, rR'fle Na 25" List Price $20.00 625 '.30•80--.52 and .85 calibers ;Use itemington Auto•Losdins Cartridges, 4? It Big Game Rifle that Makes Good. Sure:] ire No l3 illts Nro Janis Order from your tenger: Send for rlandsontely lltast - itedti It Hie Catnlar 110 .11 Stevens'Arms & Tool Co., IiuN iQuu, Chicopee Falls, Mass: DR A. J. MacIiINNON late House Surgeon, Erie County Hospital, Buffalo N. Y. Late assistant resi. dent Physician, Manhattan Maternity Hospital N. Y. city. Late of the 1 House Staff, New York Palyclinic Medical School and Hospital. Drug store in connection. Office, Zurich, Ont. &PLLE BUTTED., No. A-1 Apple Rutter for Sale, Apply to S. J. SWEITZER Shipka Stationery. ---Ula to date station t'ry sold at• aur .:ti .:e `4T prim ynur initials on the aoaer free rs C,iorge. 25ots. a pox.. The S'ta Crediton.