HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1913-11-28, Page 3ROM BONNIE SCOTLAND
chat Gotng on in the Highlands
and Lowlands of Auld
Two large naval targets, 160 feet
n length, 'are to be built in Leath.
Fraserburgh 'gasworks are to be
xtended at an estimated cost of
A Stirling man has set out frbin
is native. town pushing a wheeI-
arrow to London and back.
—. A trout which measured three
et, in length has been caught in
och Prises, in the Island of Mull.
Recently there has been 'an ab-
ormal increase in the shipments of
unfermline fabrics to America.
It takes about 50 tons of paint
cover the 120 acres which the
rface of the Forth Bridge repre-
Superintendent Macaulay, of the
inburgh City Police" Force, has
tin:sated his resignation after 39
ars' service.
As the result of the half -yearly
oensing Court in Glasgow, the
enses in the city have been re -
cad by one. a.
Coven Public school, K.irkcud-
ightshire, has been closed owing
an -outbreak of scarlet fever in
e district.
Diphtheria is,. raging in Aber -
en. Since the beginning of June
ere have been 770 eases. The, city
spite" is full.
Ata meeting of Greenlaw Parish
until it was intimated that no
or rate would be necessary for
e ensuing year,
The Fraserburgh Town Council
ve submitted .a scheme for the
•action of a big marine parade
ong 'the sea front.
Mr. Andrew Carnegie is having
ree, boats built at Robertson's
chi building yard, Sandbank, for
s yacht Sea Breeze.
There are some 3,000 grouse
oors i i Scotland alone that are let
an annual rental of about $5,-
Reith polies are refuzs%ng to un -
take voltlni;cry dui ;unless they
e` paid ,24 cpSniesa,stiMiente with a
ifxmum ;gf'12i�
The .
he lay t for
.,� , plant lks fl►e ,clition to the
Wiley Art Gallery have just been
enplete4 by Mrs T. G. Aber-
ombie,: architect;
The contract for the infantry bar-
ks at Redford, amounting to
led 50,000, has been secured by Colin
ieandrew, builder.
Situ anonymous well-wisher has
oldint a donation of $5,000 to Green -
yid. 4k Infirmary for the endowment.
bed as a memorial gift.
is la
The local Government Board have
Mused to sanction the ereotion of
sanitarium for the counties of
s 'irkcudbri:ght and Wigtown only.
The Kirkcaldy Town Council are
..recommend that a sanatorium be
g wilt on ground which has been ac-
oo uired adjacent trate Fever Hos-
The King Edward Memorial Mer -
tut Cross in Perth was unveiled
-red handed over to the custody of
1e city authorities by the Duke of
a Plans, have been passed at Wish -
Dean of Guild Court for a
sung snen',s institute to be erected
Main Street by the Y.M.C.A. at
cost of $32,5.00.
While police at Lodge Walk -pos
e establishment, Aberdeen, were
aetising in the gymna's'ium,
eves entered the dressing room
rifled their ,pockets.
L motor bus running between
erdeen and Eoht belonging to the
;at North of Scotland Railway
npan.y, caught fire when about
miles from Echt and was prac-
lly destroyed.
phenomenon was witnessed re-
ly on Fraserburgh Bay, in the
o£ a huge waterspout. This
tack hanging over the sea like
eat volumes of smoke, attracted
1 attention.
conference representative of
i` at
It A
is national and patriotic bod-
fScotland was held in Stirling.
•r.ngo for the commemorating
use of the 600th anniversary of
1attle of Bannockburn.
His View,
marriage a failure V'
wouldn't say that. But there
leasenter ways of getting into
lup tcy "
as a fool ever to marry you 1"
is Mrs. Winks. "Now, my
said Winks nobly, :rI n n-
trmit yoe to take the blame
t. It was I who •wasthe fool
r asking eeou. The mistake
t yours, but mine."
Eczema for Three Years, Broke Out
on Head in Scales, ' Itched and
Burned Badly. Cuticura Soap.
and Ointment Cured,
Lyons Brook; N. O. —"I suffered W1th
eczema for three years. It started on my
hands first in sores between my enters and
ail over the palms of my hand
and fingers were big cracks,
Then it broko out on my bead
in. scales. It itched and
burned eo badly I could not
sleep. It was so itching and
burning that I scratched and
made sores and my hair came
out awfully bad. I did nob
know what it was.
"I was treated for a long time and it did
hot do any good. I gave up my work for
a month but as coon es 1 started doing my
house -work again my hands got just as bad '
as over. I used two bottles of and
lb did not do any good. Ono day I road
about Outicura Soap and Ointmont and
decided to try than. I ,sent for a sample
and 1 Used them till 1 saw it stopped the
Itching and burning, so I got three cakes of
Cutioura Soap and a box of Outioura OInt•
ffient and that cured mo.': (Signed) Mrs.
P. 3,: lleMearney, May 27, 1918.
I+lot only are Optioura Soap and Ointment
Most 'valuable in the treatment of eozemus
and other distressing eruptions of skin and
scalp, but no other emollients do so much
tor pimples,blackheads, red, trough skins;
Itching, scaly scalps, dandruff, dry thin and
falling hair. chapped hands and shapeless
nails, nor do It so economically. Sold by
druggists and dealers everywhere. For a
liberal free sample of each, with 82-p. book;
send post -card to Potter Drug th Chem.
Corp.. Dept. D, Boston. U. S. A.
What a Man of Three Score Years
and Ten Has Eaten.
Whether we eat to live or live to
eat, there is no getting away from
the fact that each one of us con-
sumes an enormous quantity of
food. Have you any idea how
much 2 If not, the following fig-
ures probably 'will startle you. A
scientist With a love for statistics
has investigated the whole ques-
tion; and, according to this author
ity, the average old gentleman,
during the process of attaining his
three .score' years and ten, disposes
of something like fifty-four twee of
solid feed and . fifty-three tong of
liquid. ..He will .have eaten 12,000
eggs, 400 pounds of cheese, about
four -tons of fish, and, 'could it have
been all baited at once, aloaf of
bread equal in size to an ordinary
family hotel. But think of the vege-
tables devoured 1 Our scientist says
a train three miles long would be
required to bring a life's supply to
the average man; though in this
same train it might also be possible
to carry his 500,000 cigarettes, his
half -ton of tobacco, his 10,000 lbs.
of sugar, and his 1,500 lbs. of salt.
Very Much Out of Date.
"She's living way in the past."
"What makes you say that?"
"I heard her telling an engaged
couple that two can live as cheaply
as one."
June weather will prevail in California,
the land of eternal flowers, the ideal Win-
tering place, reached comfortably and
conveniently by the Chicago Union Pacific
Se North Western Line, via the fastest and
most direct routes, amidst the luxurious
surroundings of the compartment, club
and observation parlor, or the more mo-
derate priced and homelike Tourist car.
Three splendid' .trains daily—The Over-
land. Limited, fastest train to San'Fran-
ciseo--The LOG Angeles Limited, three
days to the Magic City of the Land of
Sunshine, via Salt Lake City—and the
San Francisco Limited. Double track,
electric block signal protection, rock bal-
lasting, ilnest dining car service. Rates,
illustrated matter and full particulars
on application. E. 1i. Bennett, General
Agent, 46 Yong() Street, Toronto, Ont,
Delaying the Law.
"How in the world will you dig
up more evidence to get me a new
trial 2"
"Don't worry about that," re-
plied the lawyer., tdAll you have to
do is to dig. up more money."
Most married men aro happier
than they `suppooe. .
Do westio 'Eco
Father wag of an e::onamical turn
of mind, and hated extravagance
with all his heart. He had since
the earliest daystried to instil
ideas of a similar filature icsto the
brain of his small son, aged eight.
His grief was terrible to see when
one day he came upon the budding
economist stuffing himself with a
slice of bread generously covered
with a layer of Nutter which was
surmounted by a young mountain
of jam.
"My boy," said he, sadly though
severely, "surely you do not real-
ize what you are doing; yet you
ought, by now, to comprehend the
wicked extravagance of eating but-
ter and jam together 1"
"Why, I'm being most economi-
cal, father!" replied the young
hopeful. "Don't you see that I'm
making the same slice of bread do
for both?"
Pointed Paragraphs.
What a man •earns doesn't n%5r-
est Ms wife so much as what she
Of course, it is our charity that
covers a multitude of other peo-
ple's sins.
It is easy for a young man to find
a pin in a girl's belt, but he usually
gets hold of the wrong end.
The average girl •imagines the
romance is missing from a proposal
unless the stage is set for a moon-
light scene.
If a young man marries a. slender
girl and she develops into a heavy
weight in after years, he can see
where he got more than he bargain-
ed for,
A Bad Heart,
Its Cause and Cure
Many, Firmly Convinced They Are
Dying of Heart Trouble, Have
Often the Strongest Hearts.
Sometimes you wake up at night,
heart throbbing like a steam engine,
Your breathing is short and irregu-
lar; pains shoot through the chest
and abdomen, and cause horrible anx-
Your trouble isn't with the heart at
all. These sensations are the out-
come of indigestion, which has caus-
ed gas to .form on the stomach and
press against the heart.
Just read what happened to Isaac
klalloux, of Belle River, Ont.:
"Three months ago I was a weak,
sickly man. My appetite was poor,
food fermented in my stomach, I had
sour risings and indigestion. At night.
I would often waken with gas in
the stomach and heart palpitations
"I consulted my doctor and used
remedies that my friends advised.
Nothing helped.
"One day I received a sample of
Dr. Hamilton's Pills, and my cure
commenced. To -day I have a 'vigor-
ous appetite, strong heart action, and
no sign of indigestion. I feel young-
er and healthier than ever before."
Your druggist -or storekeeper sells
Dr. Hamilton's Pills, 25c. per box or
five boxes for $1.00. By mail from
The Catarrhozone Co., Buffalo, N.Y.,
and Kingston, Canada.
Payment in Kind.
He was a poor man, but had been
obliged, at last, to eali in the doctor
to attend his little girl. Her ill-
ness turned out to be a serious one
and the doctor had had to pay many
visits and leave a good deal of
medicine for his patient.
Now, however, she was well
again, and her father stood 'in the
doctor's room, waiting for the bill
to be made out.
When, at last, the .account was
presented to him, he was .almost
paralysed to see the huge amount
he owed.
"The small amount is for the
medicine, and the large one is for
my calls at your house," said the
The hard -up father took out his
lean purse.
"Here," he said, "is the money
for the medicine. My—iny wife will
herself return your calls!"
Quaintest Form of Oath.
The quaintest form of oath in use
in •tile United Kingdom is that
taken by the deemsters--the Manx
High Court judges. "By this book
and the contents thereof, and by
the wonderful works that God hath
miraculously wrought in the hea-
vens above and the earth beneath
in six days and seven nights, I do
swear that I will, without respect
of favor or friendship, loss or gain,
consanguinity . or' affinity, execute
the laws of this isle justly between
party and party as indifferently as
the herring back bone, doth lie in
the midst of the fish. So help me
God and the contents of this book."
A man eloese't have to be an ora-
tor in order to speak well of him-
self. •
Doctors Condemn
Oily Liniments
Public Are Warned Against Strong-
Smelling, Oily Liniments Con -
tabling Harmful Acids
and Ammonia.
Many people have clung to the old,
fashioned idea that a thick, greasy
liniment is the best kind. Doctors
say not -and they know,
Recently a number of these white,
oily liniments were analyzed, and they
were found to contain an enormously
high percentage of harmful acids, and
such irritating chemicals as ammonia,
etc. For the moment they may cause
a warm sensation when first applied,
but their continued use never cures
rheumatism, and only deteriorates the
skin, sets up inflammation, and causes
endless' trouble.
When a doctor warns you to quit
using, a white, oily liniment—do so.
He knows that a -thick liniment can't
penetrate, can't sink through the pores
and'reach the seat of the pain.
When asked his opinion a few days
ago, an important physician stated
that he considered a strong, penetrat-
ing,, pain -subduing liniment, suck as
"Nerviline," to be superior to any of
the late ammonia liniments. In his
twenty-five years of practice he had
witnessed cases of rheumatism, sciat-
ica, and lumbago that simply would
not respond to ordinary treatment—
but Nerviline cured them. The same
physician also spoke of the great ad-
vantages of keeping a preparation like
Nerviline in the house, because of
cramps, diarrhoea, stomach disorders
earaeli'e, toothache, headache, and
such minor ailments, Nerviline is a
first-class cure, There is scarcely an
ache or a pain, internal or external,
that Nerviline won't cure. In thou-
sands of homes no other pain -reliev-
ing medicine is used. Fifty years'
continued success and the endorse-
ment of the profession are proof that
Nerviline is the liniment for the home.
Safe for a Month.
"rni always glad when the first
of the month is passed."
"(7•n account of the bills that
corns in, I presume V'
"Not at all. But if I get by that
day I. know the landlord isn't go-
ing to raise the rent for another
month anyhow."
Tiii,,Murine Eye Remedy
of yott have Red, Weak, Watery Eyes
or .Granulated Eyelids. Doesn't Smart
--oothes.. Eye Fain. Druggists Seat
Miliri„t Eve Remedy, Liquid, 25; 50;
urfne5'e Salve in Aseptic Tubera,
25c, 50c. Eye Hooks I+ree by Mail.
Ks,.;rra *acre ¢con! for Ali Eyes that Nesd Cara
Muria* Eye Remedy Co.. Chicago
The Test.
"Have you many close friends
here 2" "Can't say. I've never
tried to borrow a cent."
Minard's -Liniment Cures Distemper.
Wellington J. Dowser has been
for 25 years city clerk of Victoria.
He has served under ten mayors.
Use `LIQUID SULPHUR and prevent
Building permits in Edmonton for
the month of October had a value of
$528, 625.
Minardis Liniment Cures Diphtheria.
A woman is unpopular with her
neighbors if she never does any-
thing that they can gossip about,
Host's •.Youngest—"Don't your
•shoes• feel very uncomfortable when
you walk, Mrs. • Nuryche V' Mrs.
Nuryche—"Dear me, what an ex-
traordinary question! Why do you
ask, child 1". Youngster -"Oh, only
'cos pa said -the other day since
you'd come into your money you'd
got far too big for your boots."
Following His Trade.
Speechless with wrath, a little
Ulan was ushered into the dock. An
ornament of the police force had
found him loitering about and had
arrested him as a suspicious char-
"aWhat were you doing at the
time of your arrest?" asked the
weary magistrate.
"Simply waiting ! sputtered the
"What were you waiting for 2"
"My money."
"Who owed you the money?"
"The man I had been waiting
"What did he owe it to you for 1"
"For waiting!"
The magistrate took his glasses
off and glared at the prisoner.
"Do not jest with me," he said.
"Now tell me, have.you a trade i"
"Of course I have I"
"Then what is it?"
"I earn my living waiting. You
see, I'm a waiter 1"
Stone mind.
Proudly he walked up to his be-
trothed, and drew from his pocket
a small morocco case. Opening it,
he took out aring—a single dia-
mond—and placed it on her taper-
ing finger.
She looked at it.
"Its very small!" she said, and
paused. Then ; "And not very bril-
liant, either I"
Poor fellow! His smile vanish-
ed; but, quickly recovering himself,
he laughed, and said:
"Ah, sweetheart, but love is
Raising her limpid eyes to his,
she said
"Yes, dear, but not stone blind!"
Everybody Stiffens, when booth are tight
your corn suffers, but they can be pain-
lessly cured by Putnam's Corn Extractor.
Guaranteed in all cases, tree only Put-
nam's, 25c. at all dealers.
Sweet Bait.
Mrs. A.—I told Willie on his way
home from school to get me a bar of
Mrs. B.—Oh, he'll forget it; my
soy never remembers.
Mrs. A. --No danger; I said he
might buy five cents' worth of
candy at the same time,
Minard's Liniment, Co., Limited,
Gentlemen, -Last winter I received great
benefit from the use of MINARA'S LINI-
MENT in a severe attack of La Grippe,
and I have frequently proved it to he very
effective in cases of inflammation.
Ready to serve after heating --unsure
passed for quality and Savour.
Don't waste your time in preparation,
—Buy "Clark's". sr
of farmers
and horsemen
have saved
money by using
I{endall's Spa -
Vim Cure for Spavins, Curb, Ringbone.
Splint, Bony Growths and Lameness
from many other causes. It keeps
horses working. A $1 bottle may
save a horse for you. Get a bottle the
next time you are in town. Sold by
druggists everywhere, $1 a bottle, 6
for 45, also ask for a copy of our book
"ATreatiseon the Horse"--orwriteto
Enosburg Falls, Vermont 50
Jones—"My wife and I suffer
from alternate insomnia." Brown
—"Alternate insomnia! What is
that ?'' Jones—"Whichever gets
to sleep first keeps the other awake
all night!"
L:QUiD SULPHUR cures any form of
"Did you ever hear the story of
the dirty window 2" "No, I don't
think I did." "I guess I won't tell
•it to you." "Why not?" "You
wouldn't be able to see through it."
Minard's Liniment Cures Carget In Cows.
4 ronto. Canada's "PoyteUr (:}nnne.i+ '
caul School. Magnificen1 Cnta'Ieeue fr.e.
Fruit. Stock, Grain, or Dairy Farm,
write H. W. Dawson, Brampton. er 00
Colborne St.. Toronto.
11. W. DAWSON, Colborne St., Toronto
Ninety Colborne Street„
Noi1 rich clay loam, 2 ecrrt3 or-
chard, 2 tech,, wire fena•c,., 2 story frame
house, a number of ere •Ilont outbul)d-
ingd. 1 mile to R.It. station and market.
Terms easy. Apply in The Western Real
Estate Exchange. Limited, London, On-
Everything's fair in love and war Cor•NTRY WEEKLY NEWSPAPER ,POR
--in other words, before and after hale in good Ontario town. Exee'lens
marriage. `opening for man of energy, Write Wilson
$ Publishing Company, Toronto.
Vancouver will have a new drill
hall in the east, end of the city to
cost $350,000. ��-
Minard's Liniment Cures Colds, &o.
Needless to say, it was an Irish-
man who objected to taking an em-
etic, as he was sere he couldn't
keep it down!�
also dark rads. Wish to buy 100 pair
of Mink f,,r breeding purposes. Graham
Eros., R. R. No. 1, i4trathroy, Ont.
internal and external, oared with-
out pain by our home treatment. Write
ne before too late.. Dr. Bellma.n Medical
Cn�, 7,imiferi. C.'llineword. Ont.
X der Stones, Kidney trouble. Gravel.
Lumbago end kindred ailments positively
cured with the new German remedy,
for iDiabeprice
efi M llitue,0 Aendllesurew cure, Is
'Sanot's Anti-nlabetes " Price 02.00 from
uggists or (Trivet . The Ranol Manufaa
wring Comnanv of Canada. Limited,
bPinnipeg. ?fAn.
RIR2UID SULPHUR clieans nd heals. It t0111,11)00111,146215
NOW is the time to give your Maple
Syrup business serious attention,
Order now and have your Evapo-
rator In place before tha cold
weather sets in, This Insures caro
of your first—and most profitable
—runs of sap. Write for booklet,
68 Wellington St., P,NONTRnAL,QUE.
Don't waste time on infer!.
of salves because they're a "
fey cents cheaper.
I have proved Zara -Bilk
bust for Eczema, Piles, Skin
Diseases, . and Injuries.
AS n mother, you owe It
to your family to use the
best, tha;t's Zam-lluk I
544 box Ali Oraggiele and Stoma.
To Agents •9/I1\`•
Wo will give thin 14k gold filled Signet
this 14kit h germ yourring(vial ete with eyour on birth-
stone.) free of all charge, to any boy or
girl who will null 30 nets of our beautiful
embossed Xmas post-ea,rda at 10 conte
diet (in1x iovad), cards in each set.)
If your 'birthday In in January )'t should
Wear a garnet; 3'ebrusry, amethyst' March,
bioodatn e; .J pril, diamond (brliltant)1
Slay, emerald; Juue, pearl; July, ruby;
August, sardonyx; September, sapphire;
Octeber, opal; November, topasi December,
rllnsenddsyyou trail baleds t sell. W Cert Hold.
bend Us the fn nes and we ill send you
the riot you obootie, Addr®te
Homer -Warren 0o.Dapt.I5a.1crenae
When buying your Piano
insist on 1-tavinc? �at>
Piano Action‘
W. C. O00F1''ATT, - Oralla, Ont.
itp.exinupoin.wallermennsimineafrn1 went
Why we psis miwe for your
We aro the oldest RAW FUR HOUSE
as Well as the largest collectors of
That means larger experience, Larger
markets and a LARGER PRICE 40 you.
Ship direct to us. Returns made Same
Sar furs are received.
Shipments held separate on request.
Fall price list now ready,. Write for It.
424 St, Paul St.
)fall Dept. "0" Montreal.