The Herald, 1913-11-28, Page 2*Wt. WIL111011bilaWRAIIMPA Fashion flints Timely Hints, A beautiful rest robe made of white crepe de chine has a girdle; a jacket and a boudoir exp made of cherry `silk, embroidered in blue wand gray and gold. The jacket, shaped much like a bolero in front, is out with a deep, hoodlike point in the back. There are elbow sleeves to the jaeket, but it is collarless. The girdle is wide and laid in folds, and ends in long, folded cash end's at the back. The cap is gathered, in mob shape, and a band of small gray and blue and gold roses, made sof chiffon and gold tissue, encircles it, Frees+ Heel Still Popular. There are not many startling changes in footwear. There are ;flat -heeled shoes, to be sure, but they are not popular as yet. They are too odd to take the popular taste. The high French' heel re- mains the popular sort. Some charming tango slippers of gilt cloth show ribbons- of gilt which Aide through chased gold slides, each decorated with two or three ,rhinestones. The ribbons fasten meetly on the ankle with a small lg^ilt, buckle. This sort of fastening Ls, perhaps, trimmer than that by means of a bow and ends. But there are plenty of slippers that are ' laced over the instep with ribbons that do end in a bow. Velvet Rose for Corsage. A new corsage flower is the huge *velvet rose, in pink or purple or in some fiery shade of red, with leaves sof blank velvet. The leaves are edged with a narrow line of vivid green. Their blackness brings out the depth of the color of the rose. New Calling Bag. An attractive black silk handbag of small proportions costs $5.25. The flap is embroidered with tiny roses in pink and green. The bag is large enough to hold change, a handkerchief and cards, and would the a very suitable bag for afternoon calling. Ring to Safeguard Bags. Goold mesh bags have handles .formed Ali galcl chain., which slid in be-. big enough to slip. ager- •The amber and tae good, mesh le;'' ; tv of together, and the ring is °really a safeguard and a eonvenien Ce, Fur Read Ornaments. Tiny black or brown fur heads are used to ornament the fronts of net or chiffon blouses. They are ap- plied, like buttons, in a row along the edges of the closing. They are very shall, and their heads. point toward the edge of the closing. 4v Things Worth knowing. To clean the inside of a silver teapot, mix together equal quanti- ties of soda, vinegar, and flour. Waste this around the inside of the pot and let it stand overnight. It will make the inside as bright as possible with very little labor. Many professional cooks cook vegetables in salted water from ten to fifteen minutes and then boil quickly for two minutes in fresh un- salted water. Ifbrass is very much tarnished it will be found wise to wash it, thor- oughly in warm, soapy water, to which ammonia has been added. Then polish it with a tried metal polish. When preserving sprinkle some ashes on the stove lid beneath the kettle of boiling fruit., This pre- vents standing over the stove to stir the fruit, It will not burn or stick if this method is followed. When whipping cream, cover the bowl with a piece of paper with a slit in the top, the shape of a malt - est crass. Insert the egg beater into the slit, and the cream may be whipped without danger of spatter- ing. It is a good idea; to make button boles on both sides of a lingerie waist. Sew the buttons on a tape and button them to one side of the waist, When the waist buttons, and the same tape of buttons can be used on several waists. If one has not the bags of dried lavender, put a few drops of oil of Iavender on blotting paper and slip among the linen. This will give a delicious fragrance. Would yen like to know how to clean knives t Here is an excellent method; Mix a little common bak- ing. soda with the scouring brick, and you will find the knives clean ninth easier. Rubbers and Over -Stockings fn: One. r,aartopub9l;add take Olt Sib welt,. wen—Weer wan. AD afrea for ay Women and oblidren. ,! r Bur them and protoot yourself and family from winter Ans. OtmadlRn Canealidotad &utrbsrCa -. Unified, Montre:I. CRASED BY AN ALBACORE. Flying -Fish Are Relentlessly Pur- sued By Them. The home of the flying -fish is along the path of the North Atlan- tic trade -winds. In "Memories of the Sea," Admiral Fitzgerald of the Brutish Navy says that in sailing down the trades you find the sea fairly alive ~with these fish, which are relentlessly pursued by the albacore, the largest of the mack- erel family. From my commanding position at the end of the jib -boom I could look straight down on -the strange scene. There was a shoal of some dozen albacore swimming along ahead of the ship. Sometimes one or two of them would dart off on either bow, or right ahead for thirty or forty yards, and then drop back again until they were straight under where I was sitting. The ship was going ahead about severs knots, As it sailed along, the flying -fish would rise out of the wa- ter before it, spread their wings, and soar away to the right or left. Often I could see exactly what hap- pened. As the flying -fish rose, one of the albacore darted off in pur- suit, and kept almost underneath him until he dropped into the water again; then there was a splash like the rise of asalmon, and the flying - fish flew no more. But the albacore did not always wait fox the flying -fish to 'touch the water. On several o•ooasions I saw them actually take their prey in the air, by making a huge jump out of the water. I remember once reading a book called "Hall's Frag- ments," wherein the writer de- scribes a somewhat similar scene, and records that he had 'seen the albacore almost oatch the flying -fish in the air; -but I saw him do it. There wars a , xna.n down on the dolphin-str»,.1x,.,Lreea spar under the b•owapnit--with the five -pronged ash. grains,: trying to spear one of the albacore; but he never suc- ceeded in 'making a good shot; he did not even appear to frighten them. They seemed to regard his efforts as rather a lark, not serious enough to cause them any uneasi- ness. .11 Clearly Unjust. Ever since they came to school that morning two of the boys had been persistently naughty. At last, therefore, the teacher, now thor- oughly exasperated, turned to them angrily, and said that they must stay in during playtime until each had written his name one thousand times. What are .e.e. Post To sties? Thin, watery bits of choice Indian Corn — perfeotly cooked; delicately fia,voured ; then toasted to an, appetizing golden brown, and peeked. in, ta,ghtly seabed packages with- out being touched by hand. "Toasties" are for break- fast, or s.my other meal --served direct from package with, cream; or milk, and a sprink- ling of sugar. Post Toastiee are conven- ient, Dave a lost of time and please the palate immensely I Bu.b after all, a trial le the best answer. Grocers everywhere sell! Post Toasties Canadian Postnm Coroal Co„ Ltd. ' Windsor, Ontario. Playtime duly came, and, as: the rest of the class rose and .hastened from the room to enjoy a spell of freedom, the two miscreants settled dowlu to their irksome imposition. Five minutes later the teacher re- turned to see how they were getting on, and•found a heated argument in progress. "Conic, come 1" she asked. "What's the matter now '" Whereupon one of the boys burst into tears. °"Tain't fair, mule 1'' he gasped. "His name's ,.Tim Bust, and mine's Alexander O'Shaughnessy l" A WOMAN'S HELPLESSNESS Cured Through the Rich,. Red Blood Dr. Williams' Pink Pills Actually Maim. Thousands of women suffer from headaches, backaches, dizziness, langoui and nervousness. Frew realize that their misery_ all crimes from the bad state of their blood. They take one thing for their head, another for their stomach and e third for their nerves. And yet all the while it is simply their blood that is the causeof all the trouble„ Dr. Williams' Pink Pills will cure because they actually make new, rich, red blood, which reaches every organ and every nerve in the body, carrying with it a new health and new strength. Mrs. Wm. Acorn, Charlottetown, P, -E. 1., says: "Before I began -the rise, of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills I was one of the most miserable women ' liv ing. For more than three years I lived a life of constant dread, .I was taking weak :spells so that I could not be left alone. If I walked from one room to another my heart would palpitate so violently that I feared I would die. I was continu- ally sending for the doctor, who told me I had no blood and that my nerves were Shattered. Notwith- standing his treatment I did not get any better. I could not keep anything on my stomach, and the least thing would make' me sick. Then my trouble was ooXnplioated with rheumatism, which beta. 're so bad that I had to be lifted like a child,• and the pain was almost un- bearable. I was in this-depletable cond cion when my httsbanel read of . Dr: Williams' -Pink Pills, and got me a supply, When I taken helf a dozen bs;esa`a; mucid better, and; could' go about the house. I kept. ,on .taking, the Pills until I had used twelve boxes,. and I can truly say they Made' me well woman. Indeed, I do not think I would be living now but for Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. I wish I could persuade every woman who is sick to follow my example, for I have proved they will cure the most desperate cases, and I consider my- self a living witness of this fact." You can get these Pills through any medicine dealer or by mail post paid, at 50 cents a box or six boxes for $2.50 from The °Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. PACKAGES MUST BE STRONG. Must Meet Requirements of Cana- dian Freight Classification. The Canadian Lines notified their Agents at various points to refuse all freight in fibreboard, pulp - board, or double faced oorrugated strawboard packages, unless the packages are fully strong enough to carry the contents. Complaints have been received from time to time, indicating that these pack- ages are reaching destination in a damaged condition, evidence, that shipments are being sent to the railways in packages that are not of sufficient strength to safely transport their contents. Agents have, therefore, been notified, that henceforward they must positively refuse to accept jhipment of any nature in fibreboard, pulpboard or double-faced corrugated straw - board packages that do not comply fully with the requirements and specifications provided in the Can- adian Freight Classification. In the past agents have had the right to accept such packages at an in- creased freight rate of 20%. From now on agents have no option in the matter, and must refuse`' such packages. The schools of Winnipeg aro cost- ing that city $2,000,000 a year. Crust for Mince Pie. -1 lb. flour,. ,/2' lb. lard, 2 teaspoons baking pow- der,. 1 teaspoon salt. Sift the flour,. powder and salt together several times. • Work in the lard lightly. I Wet with old water to uuike it stiff r dough. rust before putting the pie in the oven, wadi the top crust, over with milk, using a pastry brush or a piece of cloth. This give's the con- fectioner's appearance. Doings in Europe. Polnoare Visits Naturalist and Poet. President Polncare, of France, returning' from Spain. vieited Henri Fabre at Serig,, nen, .The aged naturalist sat in hill, gar.' den, The President, standing, owned him Beloved and great master, and said; "Yon have given so passionate attention to. the study of the humblest creatures that in the snialleet things you have ehown xis ..very great ones, and at every, page of your work we feel a sensation of looking into the infinite.". Fa,bre was so moved that, t ho could not reply. His nephew thanked the President far him. M. Poinoare also visited Frederic Mis. tral, the famous poet of Provence, living at the village of hia,illane. Tho poet road an address to the President, who . in re- plying quoted Lamartine, who fifty years age aoolaimed Mistral- as another limner. Both Mistral and hi>1-wife"wept, and when the President finished Mistral threw him- self into M. Poincare's arms and embraced him. Portuguese Royalist Killed. A grim incident of the rising in Portu- gal was narrated by a -French sculptor to a Paris paper. A peasant's cart filled with etrhw drew up at the Spanish-Portugueee frontier. The officials glanoed into it; one, to satiefy himself, thrust his sword several times among the bundles. "Paso an," he said carelessly. An inetant later he uttered an exclamation of horror. Blood was trickling from, the straw. The driver sprang from the cart and fled, followed by revolver shote from the customs officials. Overturning the cart, the oificiale found beneath the straw a dead man. The sword had passed through his heart se he lay hidden. He was a Royalist leader, trying to smuggle him- eelf into Portugal for the rising. You Live Longer In Bulgaria. Official statistics just issued thew that deepite her email population Bulgaria poeeessese by tar the greatest number of centenarians of all the countries of Europe. Among her 4,500,000 people there are 3.883 persons of at least 100 years of age. Other countries return the following• flguree; Roumania, 1,074 centenarians; Servia, 673; Spain, 410; Prance, 213; Italy, 197; Eng- land, 92; Russia. 89; Germany, 76; Nor- way, 23; Belgium, 5; Denmark, 2, and Switzerland, 0. The longevity of the Bulgarians is sup- posed to be associated with the eating of jaurt," a eort of solidified sour milk or curd, obtained by fermentation. Test for Farm Machinery. 3I. Olementel, the French minister of Agriculture, has decided to institute a monster agricultural competition laeting three years, which ie to determine the merits of the various French agricultural machines run by steam. oil. or other en- gines. The com.petition will take place at the agricultural school at Grignon and will be judged by a jury of agricultural experts from the French agricultural societies. A detailed report will be drawn up from the point of view of economy. as well as re- sults, which is likely to give impetus to the movement in favor of motor agricul- tural in France. The nee of motor machines is especially marked in the neighborhood of Meaux and Soissons, where fourteen seetions of the district are ueing motor machines on the oo-operative system. Losing Weight by Science. Mme. Emmy Deetinn, the opera singer, of Berlin, bas been reducing her weight by the potato cure, by means of which a friend of hers loat fifteen pounds in a Month without injury. Their diet le the fgllowing To ar coffee without sugar, one dry roll and fruit., ad. liili ,in the Damming; for luncheon no soup, Tight fish; five large Potatoes in their skins, no butter, but sar- dines or anchovies and whatever vege- tables you like, fresh but uncooked fruit and no dessert; at 5 o'oloek, Omit the same as at noon and two notate& instead of five. After keeping this up for eight days drop it for three and then%take it up again. Giant Aqueduct for Italy., Rapid progress is being made with the gigantic Apulian aqueduct which will tarry the water from the eprings of the River Sele in the provineo of Avellino right through the Appennines to the southern end of Italy, distributing it over a territory of nearly 12,000 square miles, with about 2,500,000 inhabitants. The quantity of water available at the springs ie stated to be about 1,200 gallons per second, or over 100,000,000 gallone every twenty-four hours. The cost of the work is estimated at $25,000,000. The length of the main pipe line will be 125 miles, in ad- dition to which there will be several hun- dred miles of side lines. Saw Army of Napoleon. The Frankfurter Zeitung, of Berlin, has unearthed at the village of Dormowo, in LU S HAIR RESTORER Restores GRAY Hair to its NATURAL Color, makes Sit grow, and cures Dandruff. AT ALL DRUGGISTS 80 CENTS A BOTTLE IN BUYING YEAST CAKES BE CAREFUL TO �. W, GI L.LET T CO. LTD. SPECIFY • TORONTO. dVO AL Y'EAS� CAKES WINNIPEG. MONTREAL. flVdfffiii ZZZddd L_ DECLINE.'UBSTITIITES, t'Gilitrr COMPANY DO xte 12; A the district of Meserits, Prussian Poland, an old woman who can prove by undeni- able official papers that she was 120 years old on October 16. She is doubtless the only living pereon in Germany who ac- tually, saw Napoleon's army march through on its way to Moscow. Later she saw the Ruesian Cossacks arose the front- ier chasing the French back, Hedwig Stavne was born at Pleechen, on the Rus- sian frontier, on October 15, 1704, the daughter of a email innkeeper. Hedwig remembers, therefore, the passing of Jerome's right wing of the Grand Army. She says the troops behaved very well, but "the beggars wouldn't eat black bread," and her mother killed geese and chickens for them. On the other hand, she remora. bers with terror the passing of Cossacks, Her father fled with all his cattle into a neighboring forest to escape them, and for days Hedwig carried food to her father there. Use of Alcohol In France. The French ministry of finance has just published some interesting statistics con- cerning the production and use of alcohol in France. The total production in 1912 was 87,440,420 gallons, as compared with 63,797,165 gallons in 1911. Inspite of this enormous production, France received from, foreign countries 4,913,671 gallons of pure alcohol and liquors. On the other hand, there was a total export trade of 8,- 321,370 gallons. Wedding Gifts In Miniature A pretty custom has been introduced' nt recent weddings in Paris. Miniature re- productions of the presents that are too big to be shown at the reception are placed among the other gifts. Thue at a recent reception there was a tiny mote ear, an accurate model of a villa whin had been presented to the bride and bride groom, and a delicate reproduction of grand piano. +i+ Discouraging. Mr. Jordan was touring by motor- car, and arrived at a crowded vil lage inn quite late one evening There was no spare bed to be had which was a great disappointment as he. was tired, and very much dis liked the thought of driving far they that night. "Haven't you at least a bundl of hay you can give me 1" he de mended of the landlady. "There isn't a thing left," sh answered, "except a bit of col roast beef." eerie' e mr�•°i: Lf4v.F•t:a: r That Nagging Pain in the Back is caused by just one thing — weak, strained, irritated kidneys. And there is just one way to stop it. GIN PILLS strengthen and heal the kidneys — neutralize the urine—stop those scald- ing passages—and quickly relieve the pain in the back and limbs. Giu Pills are also the recognized cure for Rheumatism and Sciatica. soc. a bon; 6 for $2.5o. At all dealers or sent on receipt of price. Sample free if you mention this paper. NATIONAL DRUG AND CHEMICAL CO., OF CANADA LIMITED, 183 , • TORONTO. 4ix ,Ui.::..;.-•.',,;•-t•.:a,.d% v4'=••�;^:h:1, •AY;..i: a,r; oc1 Its orn un It rf Su nt din ar tion As lee leer Col igh an ed Dir .em. ere spi Apt un or e The ve ecti ong Mr. ree, cht a• ya The; oers an 0,00( Lei ,etak e p The �51e3 mpl onlbi ,The ks 50,0 Scan {'Y n To any boy or girl who will sell 30 sets of our handsome, embossed s I Xmas cards at 10 cents -a set (6 lovely cards in each set)- *We will send ,. pair of guaranteed Starr Hockey Skates (any size). Rigidly built of poi fished steel. Light 'weight. Send Bend us your name and we will send you the cards to sell. When sold , a send us the money and we send you the Skates with all charges prepaid.� a bei HOMER -WARREN CO Dept. 159, TORONTO,The1 ifused ls•anii irkcua 5The ] . recon asmagenarEsamezarzgazispunaericaranmannianannow uilt or High Class 5 -Year Bonds that aro Profit -Sharing. Series --$100, $500; si000uired INVENTIMIINT maybe withdrawn any time atter one year, ice• on 60 days' notice. Business at hack of these Bonds estab- , The 1 lisped 28 years. Send for special folder and full particn'ars•lt Cl , NATIONAL SECURITIES CORPORATION, LIMITED CONFEDERATION LIFE BUILDI NO - - TORONTO. CANADA FORABRIGIITA10) ad ha le ci then. Plans 1) - ung Main cost o While e esti actisi eves riff: Teo. crdee, aa r' Van: mile 1yd phe' ly o• of tack eat at7 eon. is n f Sp ran nes iatti APASTE NOWASTE DUST ' No Satisfaction Els to Style ; , .�•. / r Fit and Durability is assured \‘' by purchasing 3.3-., " P Jr-.. IN" GLOVES At leading dealers, everywhere. MOVING PICTUR MACHINE FREE We will give this splendid la Moving Picture Machine and Mag Lantern combined free to any b who will sell 40 sets of our beau fel embossed Xmas p teards at cents a set (6 beautiful cards in 'eii set). This machine is complete with films, 3 slides, lamp, chimney, g lens, and everything all ready giving a show. Send us your name t4eday and will send you thecards to sell. sold send us the money and we send you the whole outfit, • with charges prepaid, RORER- Ip'1'A !DEPT. 167 TORONTO nia won eas lip t as s2 inn t, try