The Herald, 1913-11-28, Page 1Vol, X1V,
The Official Organ of Zuni h and . fly Township
ot38e313c38e38Esteczontismsem m3iT
We have just placed into
stock a large shipment of 97
piece Dinner Setts, imported
direct from the manufacturers
in the old country. We have
25 setts to choose from and
the prices range from $7 to
1.50. These are without
doubt the best values ever
shown in Dinner Setts.
Ladies. Mantles
Special offering for next week of Ladies Coats° and Mantles
Regular .510' and $12 coats
Sweater' oats'
1V`e are also offering special prices ,on Men's and Clhildren's
Regular $1.00 Children Sweaters for 65c
"Regular " 1.25 for 75c
Regular 9.50° Ladies Sweaters for $2.00
Men's Sweaters for 50c each.
uffs and Muffs
Special pricas on all Ruffs and Muffs.
Trimmed Hats
We are offering, our Trimmed Hats for the balance of
season at half price. Do nob miss this.
Men's and Boys' Lr vercoats
Wo havo a large stock of Men's and Boys' Overcoats which
we are offering at greatly reduced prices.
Horse lilankets
We have a few special lines of Horse Blankets. Thefe
real good ones. Also Robes,, Sweat Pads, Bells, etc.
Samson Axes
For a fully, guaranteed axe, buy the sanason
Medal brand.' Wereplace _any found defective.
Coal Oil Heaters
or Gold
We handle the New Perfection coal cil heaters. Very
simple in construction And absolutely guaranteed. Also
the Rayo table lamps. They are specially mode for reading
end sewing by Iainp light.
Peninsular &Hap, y Thought
`stoves and Ranges, ; aseburen-
ers and heaters, Fleck Furn-
aces, etc.
Produce always Taken.
Telephone q
-a,, ,a ^a .aagra Ant 410 as- s5
A. few of our 90ct'Underwear for
55cts, $1.50 for 1.15, 51.25 for 1;00,
while they last. E. Appel.
Now is the time to buy your oyer-..
coats; a very large assortment 1" to
choose, from, prices right. Apjo1.
Mr. and Mrs. Z. Zeller attethied,
the. funeral of the letter's father, the
late 1‘.U;..12 B. Marshiall, which fAok
place at Merlin on Saturday after;-
M. Gottlieb "Werner desires to ex. -
press his "Sincere thanks to the citizens
who..labored so hard and willingly' to
saye his block from destruction in
Wednesday niorning's`'i"ire. It yr a
hardbut successful fight.
Mrs. A. Lehman. received word n
Monday of the death of her son, ,r
AbrahamLehinan,at Caledonia,!txph,
aftera shortillness. The deceased
wasa native of this township,btit had
been in Michigan for the past t : or
20years. , Mrs. H. Zapfe. a sister,
and Mrs Zaple left to attend the fun-
eral. The sympathy, of all ' `,extond-
ed to the aged mother and. oor rela-
tives in their bereavban.ent: •
Another old resident of the 1iith.
con. of Hay in the person of ;Bobtert
Miller died: very suddenly oxt' Friday
afternoon from. heart failur.s, He
\vas around as Usual in the forenoon
but .was•suddenly stricken down Broin
which; he neyer rallied, the remains
were enterred lathe Lutheran CeM
etery on the Bronson Line : nn 11raa
day morning, after .which service
were held in the Lutheran cburel
Rev, Mr. Granpner' ofheiated. He
leaves awidow and a fauxily of grown
up clxxldre , to;mourn h ; les
Ooron,ex PL; Campbell concluded
fhe adjOixiitied inquest of the •wex
ford wreck on Thursday last and.
after tailing the -further evidence
of a number of witnesses, the jury
comprising Thomas Turnbull sr.
foreman, T, .pnrnbull, Philip
schade. Henry Sohade,• wm Turn
buil, olayton Smith and Andrew
Turnbull rendered the verdict stat
ing that the bodies found met .their,
death by the wrecking of the S. S
Wexford, the sad story of which xs
now one of the pages of the history.
of lake navigation.
Services will be conducted at the
usual hours, German 10 30 a. in.
8, S. 2 p. in and English. 7. p. :tn,
The Sunday School officers and
tesohers hold weekly meetings on.
Tuesday evening at these sessions
the lessons 'for tbs following Sn'
day are explained and other mott.
oes pertaining to the proper and
efficient devefopernent of the seh-
ools thoroughly oensiclered.
The newlyorganized Mons Mts.
fion Sobiocy meets weekly at $
p. ni. on Tuesdays. All seenzte bo
taking a very lively interest in the,
various topics to be presenied cji7
Missions Churesh History, Doctrines
Literature and clrristian Sociology
A cordial invi;,a1ionis extended . to
all friends.
Tho Young Peoples Society
meets Friday -evenings at 8 p.. ni,
All are welcome 0on1e 1
Established 1853
Opened Branch in Huron.
Co. 1874
Saving Bank Accounts:
Zurich Branch
. T .1)l'�L.�l', Ma nag's
Miss Overholt of Parkhill is visit-
ing her parents at St. Joseph,
A number of young people of town
spent Tuesday evening at the home
of Miss Melyina Koehler.
Mr. W. C. Wagner is taking treat-
ment witha doctor in London. He
left on Thursday evening last.
1 havo a place for $2000 or $2500
on good farm mortgage security.
Apply it once to E. Zeller, Zurich.
Mr. William Denomy who sold his
farm; recently took a trip to Essex
County last week to look at some
farm lands.
Mr. Ec1. Resterneyers had the frame
work of ,his barn raised on Monday
afternoon to replace the one destroy-
ed by fire sometime ago.
The Irishman had had a serious ac-
cident and had been hustled off to
the hospital to be -operated upon. As
he lay upon the bed he beckoned to
the nurse and said weakly. I'll
nos be operated upon by that doctor
Ye xnust:find another one". Why
remonstrated the nurse. He is one
of the cleverest surgeons living. May-
be, was the reply, but he has an un-
lucky name I heard them say his
name was Dochter Kilpatrick and ye
see nay name is Patrick.
,The post office department is plan-
ing'to pint the parcel post system in
operation immediately after the
Christmas rush. The rates are nolo
beingfigured out and they will likely
be somewhat in eXcess to those in the
United States. The departmental
Officials have about completed exten-
cblleetion .of data as to the conditions
under.which the service will be oper-
ated in different pants of the country..
About two o'clock on Wednesday
morning fire broke out in the shop
formerly occupied by Mr. P. Bender
as a shoe store, opposite the Commer-
cial hotel and in a short trine the
building was in ashes. The corner is
at present owned by Win. Bender,
and the loss is fully oovered by in.
snrance. Mr Merner's block, just
west of the burned building was
-on fire at different times, but the
heroine efforts of the volunteer
firemen prevailed and the building
saved. The loss on. the building
and to the society hall on the se
°and floor,andStado's harness stook
will be considerable, the damage be
ing due principally to smoke and
water. Mr. reiger's confection-
ary store and dwellling, was in
great danger for a time, but escap-
ed damage, This building is own-
ed by Mr. Dan Koehler. In the
burned building was stored a num•
ber of slot machines, owned •by
Wm, Clarke, of Hamilton, same
merchandise and fencing owned by
J. Proeter, whose loss will be over
a hundred dollars. Clanks's mach-
ines were insured The night was
a favorable one. or the story might
have been a different one, as most
buildings in in this block are frame
and would be an easy prey to fire.
Rain had fallen most of the pro.
vious evening and this greatly as
sis°ted in co:lfirming the fire to the
building where it originated. The
cause was undoubtedly an over•
heated stove, or a defective shim-
ney,c;', The old building was built
by the late Nicholas Deioliert, over
forty years age and was first occu
pied by him as a harness shop, and
later with some additions, used as
a shoe store by the late J F. Moritz
This town is extremely lucky with
fires, the last two oocurring ten or
twelve years ago, when the flax
barn and •Merner's evaporator were
destroyed, both fires oo3nring in
daytime The old hand engines did
gook service at the last
blaze, but . it becomes more
apparent that better fire fight
ing applianoes will havo to be pro•
vide. and that without much futh•
e delay.
Reactionary Storms will be central
on the disturbances probably extend-
ing over the fill, .the elate on which
the Moon passes over the celestial
equator at its apogee. Sgalls of win-
ter rain, wind and thunder will be
natural on and near the Gbh, follow.
ed by rising baromoter, westerly gales
and cold, clearing weather.
Women's Shoes "Ar•:.ierican. Beauty
We have just received a ship Lent of American shoes ing,
cloth top, button, low heels, pate.l , i; leather, and Gun Meial1
stamped on each shoe, America].) Beauty.
P'len's "Astor:a Shoes"
We have a full stook of men':; fine shoes which have
no equal.
Men's and Women's Heavy Shoes
We wish you to gall and see these lines. We • can,
please you.
Butter, Eggs and Dutch Setts, taken in exchange for shoes,.
.rich Feed We are now
Leading Brand. of
Flour, Shorts, BranThe Holiday
and FeedOor;u
Produce of all kinds taken in
We are agents for Interna-
tional and Royal Purple
stock food.
Also a full line of Grocer-
ies on hand.
Beans primes per bus $1.20
Cook's Snowdrift Flour $2.75
Snowdrift flour in 5 bag lots $2.50
Feed flour 1.80
Bran per ton $14.00
Shorts per ton x+20.00
Wheat per bus. 94cts.
Barley per bus 55cts.
Oats per bus. $lets.
We are ready to supply all
your wants. With the bes;
lines of goods in watches
Clocks, Siverweare, jewelery
Musical Goods. All Goods
guaranteed, engraved' free of
Goods Right
Prices Rights
..1 -.:run,
Von are cordially invitod to our .E all Openin of Footwear, We ar
ready with one of the best new fall stocks of all the latest and bes
quality Canadian and American Footwear. We ai'n to keep the nano
we havo made for ourselves : -The Home of (food Shoes"
We have a full stock of the very Best Rubbers on the marlaet.
('all and see them.
Men's and Women's Heavy Snoes
Just the thing for wet wrather, Call and see, We hays just- r
ceived a shipment of Boys and (dirls school shoes.
Butter, Eggs and Dutch Setts taken in exchange for shoes
The Home of Good S hoes
Let me Know
Your Wants
If you are looking for a Farm, Town Residence,
or Vacant Lots, I will try to so,tisfy s our wants.
Loans arranged on mortgage security.
E. ZELLER, Zurich