HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1913-11-21, Page 8Fali and Winter 3 Our stook`of Fall and Winter Goods is now nearly oomplete' Come and have a look through our various lines. No trouble to show goods. New Dress goods Serges in all shades. Bedford Cords, Corded Velve- teens, Poplins, Cashmers, eto. • Flannelettes and Wrapperettes A large stock of Flannelettes in good °lase prices, also Wrapperettes, Flannels; Blankets. We have something new in Blankets. Come and see them. patterns at Flannelette Flannelette Ladies Coats and Coatings Our stook of Ladies Coats is now complete and we would be pleased to hart, you come and see thein before buying elsewhere, Sweater Coats The famous Monarch Knit Sweater Coats for men women and boys and girls. All sizes all prices. Gents Furnishings Mens and Boys new Suits, Overcoats,. Hats, Caps, Gioves, Shirts, Underwear, Socks, etc. iiesh groceries arrays kept on lima Ail Kinds of Produce Taken in Exchange PHONE 17 UBY OA.-.. g1ces hingles for All. TwoCars on Hand The Basting Brand that has stook the test of time, and remember the test of time is the test that tells. i-IDN1✓,� Order at Once KAL I ____ Z RI C •' .IDoing Business at The Old Stand Fanning Mill Sieves I ain agent for the Clinton fann- ing mill sieves, and farmers re• quiring any, eau procure then) at Vo &have• been appointed Agents for :111Y farm, South of Zurich the cel: lu'atecl John Hey iv, i Massey Harris Irl ,learients 'We handle overr illi:: ; in that line, Seeding Implements, 'Manure spread- ers, all kinds of Plows, Seed Drills, Disc Harems, Cultivators, Brae Harvesters, etc. Harvesting Implements Binders, Mowers, Rakes, HIay L alders, Etc. Massey -Harris Cream Separators All kinds of Plow repairs, Gasoline engines. See our line of Cutters bo - fore you buy, all our own make, Bug- gies, Carriages, Wagons, Sleighs, Square Dealing Our Motto Com aaril of your now fu1t At Zurich's Leading Tailor Shop•the only Pace, where the Newest is always shown, first and satisfaction. guaranteed. Lailtiiclary in Connection . L HOF Al Famous Gray Motor Gasoline gales:- 1lr and 14 Horse Power 11 ,I 4 IL. 6 n ,r 8 it " 12 It <,' 375. 00 Solcl by F. HESS & SON Apatite' 70 $105 ,ot 175, 285. 00, Zurich's Popular Confectionery fresh oysters weeKly, salted peanuts, oranges, cranberries, grape truit,: Spanish onions, groceries, touaeco;_ cigars, postcards and auto pel?il:,ants, fresh bread constantly .kept on :hand. Give us a call. W. C. Wagner. OREDITON Messrs H. Lilber and Paul Shenk each had a doer shipped to them this week. The animals were both large and venison will now be the erclor. of the day. Mr anti i\irsSam Brown said dauh ter visited in Zurich over Sunday. Me. Henry SSteinachei' is visiting. friends in Soberingville this week. Mrs. H. K. Either and little baby left on Saturday for a visit with Mrs. Dither's mother in Lucknow, Messrs Nicholson and Lawson shipped two carloads of cattle and sheep to Toronto on Sat -Imlay .last. Mr. Chas. Finkbeiner returned on Saturday to his home in Shipka after spending the summer in Eyebrow Sask, (suite a number attended .the an null S. S. convention held in the Presbyterian church, Grand Bend, on. Tueaday of this week. The lectures given by Prof. Dyer of Turkey in the Evangelical church on Sunday and Monday evening were largely attended, and were both interesting and instructive. DASEITV 0 O Mr. and 1\Irs. Godfrey Nadiger' and Mr. Ed. Nadiger were called to Pigeon ,,Mich, on Friday of last week owing to the death of their son John, who died on Thursday. The funeral took place on Monday of this week. A- wife and two children are left . to: mourn the loss of a loving husband' and father; Me. Oliver Graybeil left in LGT u mot ningfor Toronto to resiune : nv position in the Molsons:Bank of that; place after spending several weelq. holidays at his home hare. A bus load of young hien of the village attended the Gey Bros. con- cert in Exeter last Friday evening. The show must have' effected several of them very badly. • Mr. Arthur Kellerman, who is att- ending college in Naperville x11., was called home owing to the• illness of his brother Clarence, who has been: i very ill, but is now much better. Mr, Win Wenzel of Crediton is wain at his old position as wagon- Maker in the Planing Mi11. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Hey of the, 13al vl,n. line worn the guests of :\Ir., and Mrs. Jonas 1'iartleib on Sltnday. Mr. Abram Bean of Springbank, a former resident of this neighborhood was a visitor in town on Saturday.. Mies Annie liindenfeldt iq at preS: entvi:;iting her ;sister Mrs, Chss.. Stoinbagen j Mrre. and Mrs. Salm Drown ci' icon ';sited with Mr. and 1\Ire. Freese;:, over Sunday. The, A notion Sale of the holt effects of Itis C. Ritter was 1•. attended on Satnrr'i`ay aartceti� o bronglst fair prices. c,recT- Job 1. scheld n'gxly n f311t:'t T iii s community was greatly shock- ed on Monday to hear of the maiden death of Lorenze Detrich living about a mile and a half south of lb'evillati;e Mr. Deitrich was about on Sunday as usnal in the morning attending; chum- ch at lit Cannel and in the afternoon svae dawn at his son Clseighten's to a child ehristianing and toward even- ing ing was called home as ;Mae visitors had arrived at his home, and while talking to thein he was stricken 'with apoplexy the family at once got ales) real attendance but Mr. Deitriehnever - rallied and expired about 2 o'clock Monday morning. Ile was borne '70 years ago at St Agatha Waterloo Co. he came to Stephen nearly 50 years,' ago'and settlod on his present arm Ti:e leaves to sorrowing widow al.1d. a, family of 8 sons and'three " dais; fora ,Tho funeral was ;held. oti \)redia I inorning to Alt Cannel and we l ely attended, he was a kind "'llrl a good neighbor and well. Iof by'ftl.l he came in e ante Mr. ,Abort Powell, a one dent of Exeter, died at Le on Suixday, November 2nd of seventy years., He is s i FNSALL ATMI3A.L MILL Feed Oatmeal eed price . 2,00 14.0 ()and 15,00 per ton, offered, for sale fora week. -- D. :A_.1 fL.J HAR T "�i COAL! COAL! Deleware, Lackawanna, & Western Coal Co's Scranton Coal All Sizes ALF. SCRUTON f Have you ever considered "Painting" from the standpoint of are, a insurance policy Tf °,premium represented by the coat of painting is in propbitiou to 'F vibe importance of the security afforded, -no higher than other insurance 1u fact It is considerably smaller, and soon becomes a mutts quantity.. Why Fire Insurance-Toruadd Iasurance_Lightpin,gods ? xhey only protect when that which, you wish to avetL happens. M r n.Senottir . Paint 100®I�'. Pure Affords the utmost protectidn, insures your property,' beginning Nithlts application. ' . + r' ',,, u It wards off tfie aun daps of Old 301, the nips of °ld,jask Frost-thef ravages of Old Father Time, • Prevents dr -rot-check, deterloralfou• No safer, sorer or more • rellebleilasurancdchuidbeofferer) ..rust: .,.��. •'�°L1y�, - -- 7 THE MAfaitN-SENOUR CO, Limited'`, rlexssns runt PAinr, �ox7RaaF.. .11614,11101.1. ryt x� ea t . r IMMO PHONE 13 Hensallr r 1." :, ZUR'IC ituRowS LARGEST COMBINATION TORE It is expected that the salary of the Lieutenant Govenor will be increased from $10,000 to $20,000, and the title will be changed to "Govener." In the county of Middlesex this year some twenty miles of road were rebuilt on scientific principles under the direction of the Provincial Lngi- neer. The expense was between $18,000 and $20,000. The county also spent one thonsand doIIars on bridges. 1\Ir. T. J. Berry; the well known horse importer anddealer of Hensall, has been appointed Judge of Shire. and Heavy Draught horses at the Na- tional Live Stock Show to be held in Toronto; commencing on Monday November 17th. There is to be just one judge in each class. • Our readers will find by consulting the.acdvertising pi:gos that they can save themselves money. If you want a' a::,"�-oods, clothing, boots shoes,- goo= ceries, hardware are etc., consult our columns.. You will find money ` sav- ing opportunities in thein. It seems a trifle early to hang out the,sign "shop early" but the early shopper get the most satisfactory re- sults ea a rale. The time between now and Christmas is none too °alley to permit the prudent ones to delay in giving the gift subject some attention. The town council of Clinton have passed a motion requiring that the council chamber in the town building be kept.hentecd during the winter for aceoniodation of women who live in the country, so they may come in i3/4; ay. Trg- her 1st 1. .,i It 1 « r. Great Reduction Sale for 30 ays• 1 list. e decided to reduce my stock audin order - to• do s I atii cuts in price, - Space will allow me to inen :tion only a few of the many bargains I' am offering. Dress goods regulzr 60cts yd for 40cts Flanneleette (all eaters) St, wide .. reg 12is for gets 1i1;1i:'Itanneliitte`•biuiiket white grey reg $1.50 for 1.25 12;4 blankets white grey rag $1.85 for 1.50 All prints regular 124° fog 10 All ginghanis rug l2? for 10 Ladiee all wool vest end drawers rel; ti1.00 for 75 ` ai�ct drowers reg 85 for 50' anion " anvil drawers reg (i0 for 40 .t " and drawers reg 25 for 20 Sandier ,a rhilclrewwool; diose 50 for 40 t and get warmed and. leave their Heavy Ladies For ruffs and muffs tits. for 5 wraps there while slice`. are shopping. 12. for R. € lavatory is also to be placed for t, ,t 4G $�14. for 10 women only. t winter eoa:s this season's style What is, year responsibility to one iii reg $15. for 11.50 n�eighboi2 We don't mean perheps reg 12.50 for 0. the person wllo lives nest yon but ill, ee; 10. for i.50 the broader souse of neighborliness,,. Is it our business to giye him a "lift" Have we anything to do in aiding ra, Cash .or l. the directing of his course in life ,ni helping smooth his path? Are we re- ponsible- if ho goes astray? The Dna family is bon1:; ncl by ties a ., ed ileal stronger and closer than m^,la.y think. :lt is a question ire sh ,tend give considerable study to and that do out duty. Theme are advantages in the Sian-. ada Tsiuperance Act over Local: Op- tio law that people should not cave)•- look,. One is the increased tc.< .>itory, a County instead of one 1Onnaliipality ata timesAuother point in is favor isa straight majority carr ie ,,:•u or c1e- 'sat .it: , A third arlvantage ie the pen- alties are larger sand 1;hnn1d °_:rove a deterrent to people who alight be dis- posed to transgress. 11 woe 1d be well , for electors to read the Ael for then)- ,-f�fl lne• selves and. not be mislead ha partic i' or beamed quotation,, ;deli's and boys' and overcoats. Men's suits reg t, •« rt Boys' suits reg. tt :�. ,t tt Men's overcoats e t ,. Men's shirts and 14 it tt ., at tt Nall paper roll tt t h tt 41 reg 12',i,�.-' for ready to wear sin $15`.00 for»IJ, 12.50 for 9. 10.00 for• 7.. reg $7. for rog 13,. fbr reg xa• fos'8.5 reg 4 fon 2.5 ren $10.- foe= 7.5 reg $8. for O. drawer's reg 1. for OCofer (i0 for 4 50 'for 4 reg 25 for reg 20tfor 7 reg 15t -for 20 f 1 apes 13 our rugs reg . or 10 pa toilet setts , reg. $2;75'for 2.. 10 pe " " rug _ 5. for 8. 201; s gran sugar $1.. 8.:lbs, coffee f w1. 21f lb box soda biscuit .22; 2'. pail biscuit for .23; .4:bxs staiieh 25 8 lbs seeded raisins for. 25e; ext che:iee Japan tea reg; atte eel,oets, Produce za not Fail to attend this Big Sala: Highest Prices paid' for Farm P ioduce �,1 arm. 32t Lel us know your wasets. 'We handle everything $La Farm I1 plelnen ts, Fox farming is a n€w departure in Canadian industry which has rapidly e,llaztded. It is carried on for the yileat-part in Prince Edward t'slancl, as coriditions ureic ere especially suit" ,cid to the rather difficult and costly Ealteritrise. ?''l7'to last week tw'enty- two fox breeding' companies panios'had been lisited, This week ono company there paid $75,000 fol, fourpairs of foxes for breeding lith. poses, The: possiblities of the indus- try as a rilotiey matter, and the hand. tome dividend already paid by some of the companies, are sufficient war- rant for stieli i ititul elipolll atiare, Supplies 1'ullies, all sizes and kinds, Belting, leather or canvas, all sizes. Shaft boxing and :chaffing. .Puanp and pump piping. - Buggies1 Waggons, Sleighs and Cutters. If you are in need of Machine Re- pairs we can get them for you. We give special attention 'to our ,repair department, kid€ EETAKIN Prompt Service Moderate Charges Zurich, Ontario; NOTICE A11 accotrts not settled at ono° be given to. the 11:elson's. Bank O U S PRANG a°/leptipnr .Cools ire