HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1913-11-21, Page 3a ,sin tb an 1st c s an v'her [atm eak ofor ters- re S pose le f )f t 1ple co d offs ,eve th th Ln e s a th LI fr iy d sh h e c Is a li S n• al STRAT's'O RD. ONT. Canda's Best Business College Students may enter oar classes t any tine. Those who enter now ill have an advantage over those ho cannot enter till New Year. ur cources in Commercial, Short - and and Telegraphy departments are thorough and practical. We offer you advantages not offered elsswhera in the province. Got our free catalogue and see if it interests you. D.A.McLachlan, Principal Dashwood urniture Store e are giving Big Snaps in Pianos and Organs for the balance of the year. wo big shipments of Singer and Raymond Sew- ing Machines must be cleared out at once, at a low price. big stock of Furniture always on hand and prices the Lowest. reed apples taken as Cad.). UNDERTAKING ig stock on hand. Day or night—call Central. P. McISAAO urniture and Undertaing LEGAL CARDS. OUDFOOT BAYS & KILLORAN, Barristers, Solicitors, Notaries Public, etc. Goderich, Canada W. Proudfoot. K. C. R. 0. Hays. J. L. Killoran. BUSINESS CARDS. B. S. PHILLIPS, AUCTIONEER, Exeter. Sales conducted in all parts. Satie- ction guaranteed or no pay. Terms asanable. Orders left at this office 11 be promptly attended to. H. EILBER & SON Crediton, — Ontario Conveyancers, General Insurance Agents Telephone—Office la, House lb. NDREW F. HESS, FIRE INSURAN- ce agent, representing the London, Economical, Waterloo, Monarch, Stand - d, Wellington and Guardian. Every- thing in fire insurance. Dashwood Barber Shop Wednesday en every Wednesday aftern Don g awl evening. Saturday en every Saturday, all day, and evening. THOS. HUMP"' Proprietor., t d 0 OWk`'f664 AR EXPERIENCE AT.ENT$ '"TRP, DE An AUKS OESWINS +' • COPNRIPeri•rS 1&C: ittavinto.Ara''r x.sketehand description mal eq): :c t i z our opinion /rep whether an ar r rg int linhry patentable. Commtintra• onQ tloidseon lid ennUcr. NANDDOOK on Patents ;nt /13.1. Oitient agettny for securing patents. ents talcs i t runup ]Munn & Co. recoiv+i spuib awl r tbeatcit a :n the ,..•e nl ry ' ara.q' rtr • t .. District News CREDITON Mr. Chas. Zwickers was in Toronto this week, on business. Mr. Fred Saxon visited in St117arys over Sunday. Special services are still being con- ducted in 'the Evengelical church. Mr. Jack Lovie and sister Mary' of Grand Bend spent Monday in town, Mr. Henry Bowman • had some fowl and fruit stolen last week. Mr. Adria Coughlin of Centralia visited in town on Tuesday. Nicholson and Trick shipped a car load of cattle on Saturday. Mr. G. Nicholson went to Toronto on Sunday. Mrs. Joe Lawson shipped a car load: of cattle on Satuaday. Mr. Otto Ewald spent Sunday in Ailsa Craig with Mr. Hugo Schenk. Mr. Chas. Zwicker and his staff of clerks were to Dashwood on Sunday. The black squirrel season opened on Saturday quite a number were out shooting them. Miss Idella Schwartz, who has been ill for the past week is able to be out again. Mrs. Chas. Zwicker and little son Gerald are visiting Mrs. Zwicker's parents in New Hamburg, this week. A number from hero attended the Guy Bros. concert at Exeter, on Fri- day evening last week. Nicholson and Hodgins have finish- ed taking in the flax. They will start working in the mill this week sometime. Mr. William Wein has rented the skating rink from Mr. Fred Haist. He has been levelling the ground and making other repairs last week. Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Clark were in Granton on Sunday visiting Mr. Alf. Clark, who has been very ill, but is now slowly recovering. Little Miss Nola Faist, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ezra Faist, gave a birth day party on Friday evening of Iast week, it being her eight birthday about ten little girls werii. present and all spent a very pleasanteg. Report for Room II Crediton P. S. Order of merit based on weekly exams and conduct. Sr. III—Lily Lawson 85%, Gertie Winer 84, Eldon Becker 81, Ruth Haist HaistDaisy English equal 71, Alma Heist 70. Jr. IL --Eva Oestreicher 76, Erma Brown 75, Aaron Sweitzer 73, Gar- net Sims 71, Alma Benedict and Laura Either 70, Lorne Finkbeiner and Earl Haist 69, Willie Appleton 63. Sr. II.—Lyla Kuhn 77, Pearl Mots 75, Olive Guenther 67, Serve me Winer 66, Melvin Sims 64, Roy- al Haist 55. M. J. Brown, teacher. ROOM III Month of October. Sr IV—Honors—Addie Gaiser 85, Royal Brown 73, Victor Kestle 83, Merle Lawson 78, Arthur Sambrook 78, Clara Heist 77, Earl Sweitzer 76. Pass—Alma Fidbeiner 74, Russell Clarke 73, Laurette Holtzman 73, Lorne Sambrook 72, Mildreth 74, Adeline Holtzman 69, Myrtle Lawson 67, Nathan Sambrook 66, Maurice 60. Jr IV--Honors—Edward Finkbein er 85, Nola Gaiser 84, Aileen Jeffer- son 82, Melvin King 77, Lizzie Brown, Edith Guenther 74, Lucy Lawson 82. Moderwell, teacher. The following is the re ;rt of S. S. No. 6 Hay, the month of Ociu.','ea; mLoua.'enoxder of veru; ' Sr. 1V.—Thecla smith. efr.IV.—Lawrence Jeffrey, Silas McFalls, Garfield Witmer,_ Philip Eis- enbacu, Clayton Wilfong; Herbert Dabus. Jr. III.—Archie Steels, Irene Reg - ler, Lena Regier, Cecil Steels. Sr. II. ---Telex Jeffrey, Lyla Ging- erich, Valeria Greb, 'Theodore Smith. Jr.II.—Garnet Wilfong, Nelson. Jeffrey, Reii-lmiln Howalc1 and Simon Smith equal, Alex Dabus. Pt. II,—Discola Smith, Oscar (itch Adella Witmer: Harold Witmer, Ed- win Rogier, George Region. Pt. I.—Elmore Lillian T1rnOL� Steels, L1 1T r 1. tin, Nola Jeffrey, Bruce Rose, Cornelius Dabns. " ' GRAND BEND -Mrs. Will Patterson is laid up with, a sore hand. The storm tore out nearly all the pier at the lake and also core down all the bathing and boat house at the beach. The storm of last Sunday and Mon clay did a great deal of 'damage around hoar it unfroofed Sol Pollock's straw barn, killing 1 head of cattle and burying another under the barn but with the assistance of neighbors he got it out none the worse. Mr. Walter Page left last Saturday to visit his sister Mrs. W. H. Thoma's and his brother Charles of Detroit. The storm did a great deal of dam- age to Mr. Oliver's stuff at the beach, The water came so high that it cover- ed 40 bags of cement over a foot deep in water and also spoiling a lot of co-• ment blocks. His loss will be about a hundred dollars. CENTRALIA Mr. Murray Elliott and Mr. And- rew Caughlin arrived home last week from the west. ' Mr. Wm. Hicks who has been vis- iting friends in Ottawa for the past few weeks left Ottawa Tuesday to visit her daughter Mrs. Geo. Stewart in Calgary. Mr. Clarence Duplan of London spent Thursday evening under the parental roof, returning to London Triday morning. Mrs. Anderson is spending a few days with her daughter Mrs. Spencer, at St.Thomas. Mr. and Mrs Geo. Hicks and Mrs. Andrew Hicks spent Wednesday in London. Mrs. Hy. Mills and two children spent a few days in London last week. Mr. Dayton Harvey who has been weigh man here for the Dominion Sugar Co. left on Wednesday evening for his home in °ourtright. A number of our young people at- tended the fowl supper at Saintsbury Wednesday evening, and reported a good time. Receipt over $100.00. Mr. Met. Atkinson spent the week end in Rondo l Mrs. Andrew Maguird had the mis- fortune to break her wrist on Thurday last. MEETING OF HURON COUNTY COUNCIL The council of the corporation of the County of Huron will meet in the council chamber, in the town of God- erich, on Tuesday December the 2nd at 3 o'clock. All accounts against the county must be placed with the clerk before this date. Dated at Goderich, Nov. 12th 1918 W. Lane, Clerk EXETER Miss M. E. Brown graduate of De- troit hospital left for Toronto on Sat- urday last, where she has taken a pos- ition as supervisor of the Surgical de- partment at Wellesley Hospital. Special memorial sevices were held in all the churches here on Sunday evening last in connection with the great •disaster which occured on our great lakes. Miss May Jones has been secured to teach in one of the departments in Hensall Public School until Christ- mas. Mrs. D. A Ross left on Thursday last for Nampa, Idaho, where she will remain with her son Dr. H. P. Ross. Mr. A Ford has moved into his, re- !, siclence recently purchased from Mil.' D. A. Ross. A congregational tea will be held In the Pt Methodist, 0h roh on i3O:onclay evening evening next, to which all the members of the congre- gation are invited, this is an annual of fair and enjoyed by all who attended. Mr. and Mrs. T. H. McCallum ex- pects to leave'for London next week, where they will remain for winter. Dr. Hazelwood of Toronto'will oc- cupy the pulpits of the Methodist churches on Sunday next in the in-, i and reform. serest of social Electric Restorer for Mena Ph ussphonol. restores every nerve In the bedy t etension restores —toss re:peg P P vim and vitality. Premature canny end all sexual Weak:;ess averted at nF� ec. 1'Roaplwnol. \vii1. make yot a new man,' Prier .ox, ur tw lot' 'G. Stalled :o any address. 7C11� ir::eo;t);;<i: a3R' . L. M. Snider, Teacher, ZWIOKER'S ANNOUNCEMENT Of the arrival of large shipment of Fall and Winter Goods. We have one - of the largest and best assortments of" Furs, Fur Lined Coats, &c, which we bought early for cash and consequently got a much better selection and at better prices than later buying. We would pleased to show our stock, theualit style and prices will interest you. q y' Ladies' Marmott Coats We have a splendid assortment and offer • the very fines quality in a 52 inch length with large shawl collar or collar reveres lined with the best quality of Skinners Satin at $60.00 Ladies Fur Lined Coats We have a line at a special price. We offer a 50 inch coat, muskrat lined, with nat— ural Sable Collar and Reveres, worth $60 for $45. Also a large selection of Ladies coats, quilted limed with extra good beaver cloth top, Marmot and Sable Collars from $16 :to $22, gocd warm servicable garment. Men's Youth's an t Children's Overcoats We have some Stylish coats right up to date. We show the new shawl collar also the college Dollar with half belt in all the new shades of cloth prices 10 to $17.50 each Each and every department is well stock ed with Seasonable goods. We handle Stanfields Unshrinkable Un— derwear, a guarantee with each garment. See our Large tock o Canadian Coon Coats We have some beauties, nice dark well Furred Coats, Sterling. We could not buy them today at the prices we ask. Price $55 rien's Fur Coats e have the selections and a large stock Dose from.. Iso a, large stock of Siberian Dog;: Walla- by, Bulgarian Lamb, Moscow Beaver etc at prices which will interest you. Men's Fur lined goats. We would be pleased to have you look through our stock before purchasing. We have some beautiful German Mink. Sett of furs. Different styles of collars and muffs, starting at $16 to 24.00 per sett. Also a splendid assortment of Natural Sable, American Sable, Persian lamb Grey lamb, Baltic seal, Blue fox and Paw persian setts, in the different styles of Scarfs and Muffs. We are confident that our prices can- not be beaten. Here is where you will find the coreot styles of the season. i Ladies Coats Another shipment to hand Of some very new styles. We have the latestcoats in this department, prices $9 to $15 each Millinery Visit our millinery department and see. some of the very newest winter hats, Miss Link has charge of the department and we are offering all hats at very reduced prices We do not intend tb carry over any stock and have marked them at prices to clear, We pay highest price for all Farm Produce. A CALL SOLICITED TELEPHONE No. 3 All kinds Farm C. ZWICKER Produce Taken. ... ZVRICH .. MEAT MARKET WE keep in stock a 1! full line of fresh meats, hams, etc. etc Our cuts are noted for their tenderness ana wholesomeness. Our aim is to keep nothing but the best. We make our owls sausages. Give 'call. eus a IRUTT l.J t T�"lj�� s.i '`r RT. DR A. J. MacIfINNON 1 t Surgeon, Erie County Hospital, Buffalo N. Y. Late assistant resi- dent Physician, Manhattan Maternity Hospital N. Y. city. Late of the House Staff, New York Palyclinic Med. Drug sto of in Schoolcal and n. HO Office, Zurich, Ont. BPLLE Et7TTEFG No. A-1 Apple Butter for Sale, Apply to S. J. SWEITZER Shipkao Stationery.—UP to date station• ery•sold at out ,oil'„e. W I print 'your initials on the .,;per free of etrarge. 25cts..'i), 130X The S' tar For, i• :h.w. cock; 44- ',GAwUGE .,2d inch Ir'ar41XL Getter" Cartridges, List Price INgocherhereorgaugeofshotS gun as efficient a variety of (f/// 1 ,!/ 4 ?art4. ridge, -N.x .ti.Fst Squiir el ooT.Shtifirth fSHOJGUN.1 1No. 101` IS A -WONDER barrel vieighs 41b'r 41WCF.Shot. and4t:Gaxn Only $5:6-00 under se groat,,, conditions, +�r Send craption CUNNING.". All Ilre dealers --.4,__ olr. tako•d• /,\i A.\ '•\t,\l \ for and - handle:STEVEN'S "�Ilt Rabbit ka t � d0E•tiled "GUNS _ooi- \- .1 - rte. � /:Nr;�' 14/41. t_ ,,IS4 des. AND ,,, .... /' E . to I/STEVENS~ARMS & TOOL COMPANY `P.0.13oo S0 05 ` CHICOPEE . FALLS, MASS DR A. J. MacIfINNON 1 t Surgeon, Erie County Hospital, Buffalo N. Y. Late assistant resi- dent Physician, Manhattan Maternity Hospital N. Y. city. Late of the House Staff, New York Palyclinic Med. Drug sto of in Schoolcal and n. HO Office, Zurich, Ont. BPLLE Et7TTEFG No. A-1 Apple Butter for Sale, Apply to S. J. SWEITZER Shipkao Stationery.—UP to date station• ery•sold at out ,oil'„e. W I print 'your initials on the .,;per free of etrarge. 25cts..'i), 130X The S' tar