HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1913-10-31, Page 6arm
ale I?
lam receiving numerous
enquiries respecting Huron
County Farm Lands.
If you
want to sell
I will assist you with an advertising
campaign that will bring buyers
to our favored County.
No Buyer - No Charge
Call, write or phone
for particulars.
Conveyancer, Real Estate, &&
Letter from Japan
(continuedon page i)
pour$ out great volumes of sixloko anit
its clear cut peak standing 8000 feet
high presents a wonderful sight app-
earing to be much nearer than it
really is. About '800 foreigners,
missionaries and others, spent the
summer at Karaizawa. The Suncdtiy
services were fall of inspiartion end,
power and the Bible conferences etc
through the -weak made the suminet
a time of great refreshing esilecially
for those who had been working alone
during the months Of the year.
We shall be living in Tokyo' until
next June studying the,language and
then we expect to go to Nagano.
Nagano is a. city about as large as
London. Itis the county town and
thecentre of a very prosperous silk
-district. Around the city are scores
of smaller towns and villages so that
'the population of the districts it at
least 100,000 People. In this great
district until this year the only for-
eigners were Rev. D. Norman and
and family of our Methodist General
Board and two ladies of our Womeus
Board. Next year Mrs. Whiting and
1 will go to ?oin this little force. No
doubt many interesting experienced
await us but we go as messengers of
Truth which alone can - make them
• free from the terrible thongs of dark-
ness and superstition.
During the year I had a bible study
class in the Azabu Middle School, No
religious teaching is allowed in any
of the government shools but this
school, while it has government re
cognition and is considered as one of
In every town and locality to ride and demonstrate a sampleI-913"NYS LOP
SPECIAL" bicycle furnished by us and fitted with coaster brake, roller
chains, three -coil spring saddle, extension handlebar and • other leading fea-
tures. Good money can be made selling our bicycles, tires and sundries. a
per Our large production, together with =excelled facilities and 25 years' ex-
directfromfaence in ctorytous r alpLOWESaces T i'RICES. ship high-grade wheels
TEN DAYS' TRIAL We wi i send a wheel to any ad-
dressin Canada on approval and
allow io days' trial. It will not cost you•one oe�lr1t if you do not desire to keep it
after that time. Wecould not afeordtomake this offer if we were not certain
our wheels are the best value for the money on the market.
Write at once for new illustrated catalogue and full particulars of ,our at-
tractive new offer and special prices.
Narz--Mention name of paperwhen:answering this advertisement. 1)
the best, was started as a private
cool bye 14 r. Saroku'J,bara M. P.
tt splendid christian man. Mr. Eb-
ert', had the honour of being' chosen
sax r. presentative to America on the.
�.'ece at`Qalifor'via question and has
jest returned. The school from a
-small beginning has grown until now
at hite'enrolled'750 boys from 12 to
lSyzears of age, and a finer` crowd of
.bays you will nowhere; TIei e I have
a class on Sunday Mornings with an
a�rar�age attendance of 84. The,•work
has been most interesting and several
of the boys have expressed: their de-
site to become christians. I want
you to try and think of what this
means however. With some of them
it may mean to leave home, to break,
with parents, to lay aside all their
religious teaching of the past and
throw• away all their religious teach-
ing of the past to throw away the
idols and think of one God who is . a
spirit and they who worship Him
must Worship in Spirit and they
litho worship Him must worship in
Spirit and in Truth, . It means to
live a,christian life and all the pagan
influences in the home in which they
Must live,. but listen to what some of
thein write. These boys have been
studying English for time. I will
quote their letters and you will app
efe iate their attempts to tell me in
English what is on their heart.
Dear Teacher;—Sir, I am. very
n'rant'to learns bible. I want become
a Ohristian boy and to be sound my
soul' so I wish you will lead me into
the right path. I do wish to study
the Holy Bible this after but my par -
who is in our native town don't know
about it so that I will ask them about
it. I Win' no longer pray to the idols
in iffy home and I wants to be chris-
Auction Sale.—Of Farm Stock tiara.
nd Implements on the Babylon. Think of the pathetic appeal which
Vine, on Oct. 31st. E- 13ossenberry these word carry, think of the mill -
mot. Walter Steel, prop. ions Who have never caught a glimpse
of the light that gives this hunger
and thirst after righteausness. As I
R. B. I3. BALFOUR, gradliate� ia here in my room Monday even
Western University; late iat'<Ithere is a man dying about a
be Military Hospital and rit>`Near
blockaway from here and we can'
fospital, London. Office in�'ictome{ h°a .t.6 ding, ding, ding, cling, of tb
milcling formerly occupied by the late
r, lifcLanghlin, Dashwood.
B eauty
Homes—like people—have an individuality of their own. A cheerful looking
home—like a cheerful looking person—is always pleasing to see. Any home
may be brightened --made more attractive outside and more cheerful to live
in—merely by a little care in the selection
and use of proper Paints and Varnish
Finishes. We have the Paint and Finish
for every taste and every scheme of decor -
tion -- good, honest 100% Pure Paints and
Superfine Varnishes-- that we know will give
complete and lasting satisfaction.
Beauty on the Walls
"Neu -Tone" is a delight in the home.
It's a soft, flat, .durable sanitary wall
Wish, that anyone can apply. Costs
little—lasts long. F,asily cleaned with a
damp cloth. 16 pleasing tints, suitable
for every room in the house. Ask about it.
Floor Paint that Stands the Scuff
That's the kind we handle—the old reli-
able Senour's Floor Paint -• the kind
that's heel -proof. Remove all trace of
unsmer's open house with
ggfresh coat of Senour's
Plow' Paint. 12 beautiful
shades- to choose from. Call
for a color card.
reahasa ¢Jia the Oil Cloth
T,inoleuni and Oil Cloth
'Wear twice as long if made
"Spic and span" with a coot
Vnrneisa„s. So easy to
apply—to freshen the colors
and protect the pattern, It
de$, over night with a
titbful gloss, and does not
ffipot or crack. Try.a can.
Come in and talk over your fall paint
problems with us.
It Pays t,y, Use
Perhaps we can suggest' some
new ideas in colors --or give you
a better way of making the
interior " Spic and Span "—or
save you a little money on the
whole job.
Anyws,y, stop in and get a color
card and particulars of Martin-
- Senour
artin--Senour Paints, :,Varnishes;,
Finishes and :Inatuels,
little belt of the Buddhist priest who
has boon calling in his endless mon-
otonous. chant of prayers is so • sad.
Last evening after the service in the'
litho churchjust beside us, a • few
young men remained to sing for a
While bat very little Iull , in their
longe of praise and joy were filled
with the mournful chant and the
ding; dng,diaag, of the priests bell.
So sad, men and women living in
darkness and dread and coining down
to death with no better hope than
that after death their soul may be
born again into a pig, a snake, some
beast and probably another .man if
they have lived a good life, and pose
ibly after an endless round of such
existauces they may attain Nervana
which is nothing more than annihil-
ation. Buddism gives little hope.
There is nothing to live for. We do
not wonder that every paper tells of
those who have taken their own lives
• to escape the miseries of life. If any
man or woman who may chance to
read this letter is not in sympathy
with the church of Christ and thinks
that he can get along without it my
best wish for you brother is that you
might be dropped down here in the
midstof heathenism for just one day
and then go home and tell the story
to your children. Matt. 9: 23,
It is not all dark however. I only
wish thatI could give you some of the
light side also. The day has dawned
and mane are finding that new life,
that joy and peace which the' world
cannot give. Even in paganism also
there are many things one must app-
reciate. The Japanese are very ami-
able. They • are always very polite
and seldom get angry. They do all
• their work singly, although we often
fail to find much music in it all. Bui
we love this people for whom we hope
to give our lives. They are our bro-
thers and sisters and we wish to help
them up to what we enjoy. my
prayer is that our people, our govern-
ment and all will ever hold up the
old Union ,Tack -which stands for
British fair paly, any will lift up Jes-
us Christ which means Brgthelrbood,
that ow' chinese and Japenese broth -
ern who make their home with us for
atime comae back anxious to lift their
town (sonetrymen to that one life
which is worth living.:
Mrs. Whiting is well. and wishes -to
lar+ reinOn:hered to rill,friends, We`
shall be so happy to hear from ikiany
[ elf inion and shall:be glad ' to a ewm
atly questions you may have, i;oine
l,ve forhotteax lyowover that that poe-
• t. Japan is 'five cent cents and
• : it clofirionoy is_`dotlbled at this .awl.
;Ra Yours faithfully,.
Melvin i1T', NV biting
Free Ladies and Gents Watches,
Rutls, Bracelets and ,rewelryof Every
Description, Lace Curtains, ltuas,
Mouse. FurnishintIIifles, Moving Pic.
tare Machine, Skates, Printing Press-
es, Fountain Pens, in fact nearly.
everythnid you can think of you can
et Ahoslutely Free for selling our
Beautiful Fancy Drawn and Satin
Stripped handkerchiefs at:• 10. , cents
each. They sell rapidly 6 can gener-
ally be sold in every house, Don't
send'us any money, but write us to
sen d, yqu it lot • of Handkerchiefs to
sell, that when sold you will send tis
the stoneyend the preniitini selected
Selling 24 handkorchieff entitled yon
to your choice of an elegant Watch,
3 gold Laid flings, •Lace Curtains, etc.
Write us to -clay, we trust you and
take back the goods if you cannot sell
Dr. de Van 3 Perusal Pill
A reliable French regulator; never fails. These
pills are, exceedingly powerful in regulating the
generative portion, of the female system. Refuse
all cheap imitations. Dr, de Van's are sold at
$5 a box, or three for $10. Mailed to any address,
'The Scebell ;)rug Co., ea:'iatharines, Out
........ ...... .
t ^ssiamt 'W='alti;_E nab
Tole -1....lieselialeee lee '
"Only Double Track Ra
between Toronto and Montrea
Toronto and other principal cit
Canada, Also Double Track
Solid Trains.between Montreal
Chicas•o; also between Ontario
New York iuiicl Philadelphia, vi
agars Fals."
Smooth 'Roacfl
Finest Eq 1plrl
Electric Ligh.
Pullman Sleep
Full particulare, berth reservation
from Grand Trunk Agents, or writ(
Horning, 'District Passenger Agent -
on to,
gent;onto, Ontario.
Insert Agent's name 'anis Tele
Number at bottom at ad.
;.i F r.ws....:i•1.:.'�' a,r, si., n, d h,i5 sf:;s
Plus half cent pr mile from Winnipeg up Plus half cent per mllefromallpointseasto
to MacLeod, Carry, or Edmonton. MacLeod, Uniglu orEdmonton to Wlnnlpoi
—From all stations Kingston to Renfrew inclusive and east thereof
—From Toronto and West on Grand Trunk Main Line to Sarnia inclusi
and South thereof.
AUGUST 25th —From Toronto and North-Western Ontario, North of but not ineiudl.
Grand Trunk Line Toronto to Sarnia and East of Toronto to laingete
Sharbot Lake and Renfrew, including thesx points.
SEPTEMBER Si'd—From Toronto and all stations in Ontario East of but not includ
Grand Trunk Line Toronto to North Bay.
SEPTEMBER 5th—From all stations on Grand Trunk Line Toronto to North Bay incrust.,
and West thereof in Ontario, including C.P.R. Line Sudbury to Sault S
• Marie, Ontario, but not including Azilda and West.
One-way second class tickets to Winnipeg only will be sold. Each ticket will Include
verification certificate, with an extension coupon. When extension coupon has been sign
at Winnipeg by a farmer, showing he has engaged the holder to work as a farm laborer, t
coupon will be honored up to Septimber 30th for ticket at rate of one-half cent per in
(minimum fifty cents) to any station west of Winnipeg on the Canadian Pacific, Caned(
Northern or Grand Trunk Pacific Railways in Manitoba, Saskatchewan or Alberta, but
west of Edmonton, Calgary or MacLeod, Alta.
A certificate will be issued entitling purchaser to a second-class ticket good to ret
from any station on the Canadian Peciti:, Canadian Northern, or Grand Trunk Pac
Railways in Alberta, Saskatchewan and Manitoba east of MacLeod, Calgary and Edmoni
to original starting point by the same route as travelled on going journey on or bef�
November 30th, 1913, on payment of one half cent per mile (minimum fifty cents) up
Winnipeg added to $15.00 from Winnipeg, provided the holder deposits the certificate tv
the ticket agent on arrival at destination, and works at least thirty days at harvesting. -
For full particulars see nearest C.P.R. Agent, or write—
M. G. MURPHY, D.P.A., C.P.R., Toro
You will always find all the latest styles in furniture su
Brass and Metal Beds, Tails, Chairs
You could find no designs prettier, more striking or plei
we can surely satisfy you in the selection of furniture
gards design, construction and price.
J uiuiime and
Funeral D is
2.1 joy(
Unsht ink ble
Under we
tTFlyi n.
You are the man who reads so much about ;eta
Unshrinkahle Ua:iclerwear; you're man Who • w
more wear. ' When you buy $l alifirafd,; Uilcicrwear ; r
till the new refinements and. old fast i io .ie.d. wear, , 'No,:
man shares,in the profit as they cclliic direct from the
guarantee With eveey garment, :For sale by
The Gent's Furnisher;
, et
is off
:y, ai