HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1913-10-31, Page 1ill=c3CZAVCOMillOCION:20MX,M40C390K 5CA3 istatee3x WC:203Y43$ • Outfitt IS For the public in' general. We can supply your wants in any line you may require for the colder weather. Just now we want to call your attention to our lines of Suits, Overcoats, Ladies Coats and Fall Dress Goods. We have the stock and the variety is so great that we can satisfy one and all. • • Men's Sults • To be properly dressed you must wear proper clothes. We handle only the celebrated 0, N. and R. brand of ready- to•wear, clothes and they are right in style and material. They give you that well dressed appearance that is so great- ly desired. A11 prices, Coats and Mantles • We have just opeded up a ljtrge shipatent of Mons' Overcoats. These are very stylish in makeup and the mat-. erial it of the best. We have thepi ih many different styles and the values are right. Our ladies coat department is also well stocked with the newest in ladies coats. • These oome in many different styles and cloths and, we cordially invite the ladies to call and look through these lines. We have a number ot coats whioh we are offering at greatly reduced prices, Dress Goods This fall we have tried to maintain our reputation as the Dress Goods Souse of South Huron, Oar stock has never beenso large and we are centmually adding the m newest in the dress goods arket. .See our seleetions in • Velvets and Velveteens so popular this fall, FURS The time for Litre i$ again. here and it will ,pay you to see our lines and bet -our prices if interested. We make Furlined ooats 'a special feature. For next week. 9 Ladies Hein Stitched Handkerchiefs for 25c regular value 5c each Royal Purple We are sole agents for Zurioh for all Royal Purple stock foods and preparations. Get your stook into eoocl shape for winter by feeding a good conditioner and. Royal Purple will do so. I. Talk the new range with us. You will soon need it now. We believe that no better store oan be made than the Peninsula, or Happy Thought. Wo believe it so firmly ' that we absolutely gnittantoe every one we sell. A large range of hasehurrers and sack heaters to choose from. . , Stoves and Heaters Saves One Ton in Seven ly that the fire pot never beconies rea hot. None of this A steel ribbed fire pot does it. It radiates the heat so quick. A Elecla furnace saves one ton ooal in seven. The heat goes up the chimney. last us figure on your furnaoe Produce always Taken. •11. ree‘„:„,,, r,' Telephone 9 - ZUR1C 11 lioti4v300-.3..aacsit ;$31...3,-,---4,,tm--4.**..roor-44tcrf4cr4D09811613 44;31.W=4 ' 4 04,0" The Official Organ, of ZuV:;b... and 1.3-C,7 Total:Ship , FRIDAY, MORN 100i:6017.1. 81, 1918. s, r"ALT7c7orirr;r7w41114";.4101 ,:at.olVafsr.o•niT.TPur:seata,eyr1Qo.fa.dthedioawceaerk.of Pob7 tirewitmr.st..„4.2 4.s 4.00 iv., 4104•IL, T. 4„.:Williams this week load- . sc.!. a CM! Of tiOUTI iib Hensall station. Mrs: D,,S: Faust visited in LOila011 -T of TT —11 Itt. Stammnsensau was for a few days last week. - business -visitor 14here, on Tuesday. Dutch. setts. 0, lei We are paying 7cts. fbor geed., , ' 13:0a14 ^eibOla . 'WW1 teWSS 931 Hart. Miss Roxie Eilber, who has .iseenS' abm'cia4r °n'husw"sff. Crediton working at the mill-in.Silverware-.-klot of new ilver ety returned home on Sunday. I svare, just arrived. Fine pe,s4erns, Mr. and A/r0. 1-40 Whiner analclose prices. , sod Ronald of Exete4Sticht `igandaY oginning with liext. Sunday will The Evangelisml. church services with Mr. and Etrs. Dan Koehler. I be held as, follows until April 1914. Just recived a.fresh shipnaent °I Gertuan'seridee at10 a. m. Sunday oysters, also salted peanuts. Give As ,Sohool at 2 p. m. and English ser a call. ' W. Wagner vices at 7 p. m. Found—In Zurich on Saturday, In the meeting of the congregation 4th hist, a small sum of money. of the St.Peter Lutheran church, on Looser, please inquire at Herald Sunday morning, and was decided Office. , that hereafter the services every Sun - Miss Blanche Atkinson -of Exeter, „da.y evening will be' conducted in was the guest of her friend, Miss Eva, tnglish. Williams, over Sunday.- 'Rev. Stauffer of Berlin had charge Mr. and Mrs, Augost Hill of °sea- a the funeral of Mr. and Mrs. Sol - Canal' Gingerich's little son. He also held a special Se1Vie8 in the Menno- nite church on Monday which was 'argely attended. ton, visited at the home of Mrs. J. Deichert, over Sunday. • Children's Day will be celebrat ed next Sunday in the Evanfrelida,1 church. A fine program will be Mr. Otto Restemeyer and Miss rendered by the ohildren and choir. Sadie Mama° were married in Wanted.—A oar load ot potatoes Windsor on Oct. 21st. after spend - for immediate shipment laighesp ing several weeks' on a extended prices paid. Also large onions at a lb. A. Mittleholtz. Railroad work offers - splendid opportunities, the most recent graduate ofTslegraphy depart/lent of Stratford Business ()allege is, now earning over $100 per month. The Ladies Aid, of the Evangel- ical church will convene in the basement os the church, next Mop day at 7:30ps.m. for the tramp, . ion of business. ss. The date of the Box Sacial ortit X. P. A. of the Evangelical eharch has been changed frona Friday NO .7tn to Friday,Nov. 15. Irtimp gib wedding trip they will settle down PI . in Dashwood in the house recently Z 000upiedsts- Mr. Siebert. urioh Feed WE ARE NOW Extensive Auction Sale —In Hansen, Friday Nov. '7th. Two oar loads2eyears old, commencing at one leg of cows, calves and Yearling Store Durham cattle consis t- (Vel.ock. Terms -9 months credit cm' pjoynt joint ns aproved ote. Geo. Joytt. . Leading Brand of ... • _ FlouSlorts Bran. • ematraremaX---- Women's Shoes "AtAerican tieaut We have just received a shipr-.3nt of American shoes In, cloth top, button, -low heels, pate: t leather, and Guxi‘11/1ei al, 41,-mped on each shoe, American Beauty. flen's "Astoria. Shoes" We have a fail stock of men'.; fine shoes -which have no equal Men's and Women's Heavy Shoes We wish you to call and see th.ese lines. We can please you. Butter, Eggs and Dutch Setts, taken in exchange fox shoes, SAM. E. FAUST, ZURICH ;s4siet• • . Reels, ,.:''gr.:3",S.4.Williktins of ' town beeii i-OPeinted'pestmaster Of ea -forth. The appointment is view - et ivibh this section date in' "mind. '; and. whetheastise consesvalive, Workers t.'54e printed ' Settfarth are' pleaSed'is • Itonbtfut Mr..7. 3. Merner has been. running Mr. Williams has been prominent in his cider mill for some weeks and the Conservative party for many wishes to annonunce that next Tues-: years, and if there are any "plums" day willlying aboutlooses, we do not blame • be the time for .this season'. • him for "freezing onto" this one. Mr. and Mrs, john Hey Sr. have James O'Keefe, aged 40 years, a taken pos;s4flon of, the house lately farmer residing in Biddulph, died on purchased from Mr. Jacb Hawed. Tuesday as a result of injuries he re - We welcome them to town. calved. Monday evening while bring - The seven year old son, Henry -ing home a load of tile from Crediton. son 'of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Steckle of He was turning in at his gate when Stanley died on Friday, alter an ex- his team took fright and swerved 'sharply and O'Keef was hurled to the road and one of the wheels went over his bead and the whole load of tile and wagon was overturned and fell on him.. He was removed to the house, but never recovered consciousness and died in a few hours from the terrible injuries he reeeived. The funeral was held Thursday to St. Patrick's Cemetery in Bidaulph. A most lamentable fatal accident ocenrred at the the home of Mr. Sol- oman Ginderich of the Goshen Line on Thursday afternoon, when his three year old son Ray, accidentally gob hold of some strychnine, which Mr. Gingericli had purchased to pois- on' rats, ancl though the boy was im- mediately rushed to the doctor's office the little fellow die(1 about t4.80o'clock th e *same evening. Drs McKinnon and Campbell employed every means at.their disposal to arrest the action of the poison their efforts were.futilo The pafents are grief-stricken at the sad occurrence and the sincerest sym- pathy of all is extended to them in their loss.. The funeral took place on Sunday morning the service being held ill the Mennonite church. Backward, turn backward, oh Time in your flightsgive iis a girl with skirts not BO tight; give us a, girl whose charms, many or few aro not exposed 1;00 Inucli peek o;.boo; give 118 O ghl', no matter what age, who won't ase the street for a vaudeville stage; give its a girl, nob too sharply intim; dress her in skirts the sun cannot shine thru. And give us the dances of days gone by, with plenty of, clothes 'and 'steps nob to high; . but terkey-krot -Capers and buttermilk glides, burdi-gurdy twists and wiggle Lail glide's, and othsr such bunny bUgs'all on the level as products of /hell inspired by the devil; and let es NIM, OUT optics once more o11 the inireSweet woman of days of yore. Yee time, tern. backward arid 'grant oar request for God s richest blessing; bit not undressed tended illness. The family ham the sympathy of all in their sad bereave- men-. The Y. P, A. meeting for next Tuesday evening will be in charge of the temperance committee of whioh Miss Ethel Williams is eon. venor, subject, “Heroes and Hero- ines Of the Temperance cause". A cordial welcome to all. Lutheran Clanroh—The services at the Lutheran Church will be at the sisual hours, German at 10.80 a m, and English at 7.00 p. tn. l'he subjectot both services will treat of the great blessings of the reformation, ef the church during the 10th. century. If not attend ing any other church you are cor- dially; invitee to 'worship with us The newly. organized .'Young Peoples' Society's will meet on Friday evening at 8 30 o'clooliat. the o'iurch Yow will be made feel welcome_ Come. The Sunday School officers and teachers meet weekly at 8 p rn, on Friday. .:105MACMWEE911.11 The Established 1853 'Opened Branchr. Huro Co. 1874 Saving Bank Accounts Solicited. Zurich Branch R. T. DUNLOP, Manager and Peed. Corn nossoe1 lsistodestakensiss Ps exchange. - We are agents for Interna- tional and Royal Purple • stookfood. Also a full line of Grocer- ies on hand. SPARES & DOUGLAS HENSALL :MARKET Beans primes per bus $1.20 Cook's Snowdrift Flour $2.75 Snowdrift flour in 5 bag lots $2.50 Feed flour 1.30 Bran per ton$19.00 Shorts per ton $20.00 Meat per bus. Wets. Barley per bus 55cts. Oats per bus. 82cts. APP• ROACH-, ING THE We are ready to supply all your wants. With the best lines of goods in Watches, Clocks, Silve ware jewel I e r y, Musical Goods, all goods guaranteed engraved free of charge. Goods -Right Prices Right HESS the Jeweller You are cordially invitod to our Fall Openins of Footwear We are ready with one of the best new fall stycks ail the latest and best quality Canadian and American Footwear We a1)1 to keep the liable we havo made for our:icives : -The Homo of Good Shoes" RUBBERS We have a full stock of the very Best Rubbers on the market. Call and see them. Men's and 'Women's Heavy Snoes ;fast the thing for wet wrather Call and see, We have just re, ceived a shipment of Boys and Girls school shoes. Butter, Eggs and Dutch Setts taken in exchange for shoes The HomP. of Good Shoes Own Let me know Your Wants 12 yon. are looking for a Farm, Town Residence, er Vaoanb Lots, I will try to satisfy 5 our wants. Loans arranged on mortgage security. ZELLCR, Zurich