The Herald, 1913-10-17, Page 8MILLINERY
Wnesday and Thursday
September 17th and 18th
. and following days
Miss Thiel is again in clirre of. our Millin•
ery Department for the fall season and she will
be pleased to show you the latest styles in ladies
and childreng hat for fall and winter wear.
Fall and Winter Goods
Our stook of Fall and Winter Goods is now nearly
complete. Come and have a look through our various
lines. No trouble to show goods.
New Dress Goods
Serges in all shades. 'Bedford Cords, Corded Velve-
teens, Poplins, Cashmers, etc.
Flannelettes and
A large stook of Flannelettes in good patterns at
close prices, also Wrapperettes, Flannels, Flannelette
Blankets. We have something new in Flannelette
Blankets, Come and see them.
Ladies Coats and Coatings
Our stock of Ladies ()oats is now complete and we
would be pleased to have you come and see them before
buying elsewhere,
Sweater Coats
The famous Monarch Knit Sweater Coats for men
women and boys and girls, All sizes all prices.
Gents Furnishings
Mens and boys new Suits, Overcoats, Hats, Caps,
Gloves, Shirts, Underweav, Socks, etc.
Fresh Groceries always kept on Ztamd
AU Kinds of Produce Taker in Exchange
Shingles for All. Two Cars on Hand
The Hasting Brand that has stook the test of
time, and remember the test of time is the test
that tells.
Order at Once
Still Doing
Business at
The Old Stand'
We shave been appointed Agents for
the celebrated
Massey l-larr:3 Implements
We handle everything in that line,
Seeding Implements, M. nure spread-
ers, all kinds of Plows, Seed Drills,
Disc Harrows, Cultivators, Bean
Harvesters, etc.
Harvesting Implements
Binders, Mowers, Rakes, Hay
Loaders, Etc.
Massey -Harris
Cream Separators
All kinds of Plow repairs, Gasoline
engines.. See our line of Cutters be-
fore you buy, all our own make. Bug-
gies, Carriages; Wagons,'Sleighs,
Square Dealing Our Motto
Fanning Mill
1 am agent for the Clinton fano.
in„ mill sieves, and farmers re•
quiring any, can procure them at
my farm, South of Zurich
John Hey 1r.
Famous Gray Motor Gaselin
1s and 1t Horse Power,
o ;1 ,TM,,Oa
gt your
ow quit
8 2b.; 00
12. „ 875.00
Sold by F. HESS & SON Agents.
1 H P. weighs 820 lbs $50:00
" " 400 " $65.00
4 our best H. P. 800 $120.00
4 our cheapest H.P. 725 " 85,00
6 II, P, weighs 1500 `t $1:60,00
8 " " 1820 " $250:00
12 " 2700 " $365.00
For Sale by
Louis Prang, Zurich,
After the inspection of Stallions
had been completed last fall it 'was
found that that there was quote a
number of Stallion owners who,
through lack of information didn't
have their Stallions presented for in-
spection when the inspectors Were on
their routes in the fall.. Asupple-
neentary inspection was held in April
to inspect Stallions owned by such
men. This made the inspection very
thorough, but, besides causing. Addi-
tional expense, it in some case,-. caus-
ed considerable delay in having. ° the
Enrolment certificate issued_ To
overcome the necessity of a second
inspection for the season bf 1914 it
was decided at a Meeting of the .Stal-
lion Enrolment Board meld in the
Secretary's office, Parliament Build-
ing, Toronto, on Monday, Sept. 22nd,
that there would only be one Inspec-
tion of Stallions during the year end-
ing July 31st, 1914, which Inspection
will commence -about February 17th
1914. The inspectors will visit each
stallion owner at his stable provided
that he makes application, for inspec-
t() the Secretaay, R. W. Wade,:on or
before February 1st, 1914.
At Zurich's Leading
Tailor Shop the only Place,
where the . Newest is always
shown ;first and satisfaction
Lauyidry in Connection
Yea L 1IOii AN'
Miss Catherine Finkbeiner is at
present visiting her sister Mrs. P.
Humble of Sarnia.
Mr, Chas Bauni:garten and family.
from near Shipka moved . into the
house they recently purchased frons
Mr: Goodman. •
Remember that we have one of the
finest displays of Ranges and heaters
to be seen anywhere, and ab a prices
that will sell theta. D, Tiernan.
Mr. Shore, Mies Webb, Miss .Hod-
der, Miss Duffin and Miss. Graybiel
attended the South Huron convention
held in Exeter, on Thursday and
`l he Dashwood Planing Mill Co.
unloaded a oar of B C. Shingles
this week.
Copies of the Bylaw for the Dash
wood. drain were served on the
parties interested on Taesctay.
Mrs. J. K. Goetz left last woek for
Chicago on a visit to her daughters,
Miss Ida and Mrs. R. Donehey.
The Marriott Bros are putting down
a cement foundation for a house for
Mr. Louis Adams.
Don't forget the social gathering
in the Evangelioal ohurch on
Thanksgiving evening. A fine pro
gramme will be rendered after
which lunch will be served in the
basement of the ohurch. Every-
body welcome. Boys bring your
girls. A fine place to spend
Thanksgiving evening. Admission
The Council of the Towdship of
Stephen .convened in the Town Hall
Oreclitou, on Monday, the Ole day of
October, 1913' at 1 p. uu, All Seem'
bees were present. The n1i lutes oI
the previous netting iveeit b t1 acrd
Finkbeiner—Love:•— That By-law
No, 202 appoiniied. Along& Hod ine
collector of taxes- 1.913 Ming been[
read three [sines; Tile passed awl sign-
ed by the reeve and clerk and the seal
Of the corporations attached theretir
The collector's bend, was• sukimitted
bo the Council and accepted andtaafter
wards filed with the e,lerk.
The following orders- were Massed:,
W. II. Kneehtel, COMM: E. S. R.•
$3.25; Jno. Wilhein3,, Gomin'r .131kr
6 C. Rd. 625; Rich:Hilbconcreta' the
and gravel 7.00;.j. Hepburn, gravel
14.87; J. Hepburn gravel St B. 4i.50:.
Win. Baker Rep bridge -2.50;.j.. Keys.
Comrn'r C Rd. 6.00; . Jno KLhfup .
gravel contract ESR.23,20;: J tsahap.-
ton Comm'r ESR 4.007; P. TrTeneu-
Rep bridge 12.75; Y. Triebneti Rai
gravel a/c 69.47; F. ' t'ibner Comm'r
ESR 5.00; IL Oesbreicher Cement
gravel 4.138. Henry Clark Contracts
Bike 5-0 0 Rd. 102-150;' Express- Co,.
Express, charges 35e; Win. IL13':.coir
crete culvert 6.00;,8. G. Seldon, Cem-
ent for tile 36.30;.H. F. Either Care-
taker of lock-up 2.00; Chris Palmer
Teaming tile . N.BL 1.75; henry Cars
others gravel 10;60; Henry Corrr th
ers gravel 8l3 8.10; W T3, O,riiver
Malting concrete tile 80.40;, J. Mellan
gravel 36,70; H. J, Kubn tilts. 34,75;
Pd. Pahnes Gravel ESR .97 25, Mars
Wilds Rep bridge 8.50; 11V. 13 Ctv'aiser
drawing gravel for tile 68.00„, Louis.
Rader Concrete culvert N. B. 7,00;
Dr. Orme•ar/c re Mrs. f)enachex•'t2.O0
A. Hodgins Co. Gas 2':711; Jr Woods
gravel 121,62; N. Clark Ditelx Coli 15.
2.00; Jonah Lostle bonier ESR.
3.25. Win. Yearley wood 18,00;::P.
Kenney Rep award drain 6:00; ` Jos.'
Oliver Rep bridge 5..00 N. McGregor
gravel 3.75; A. Baker Gravel cont
Side Road 10.50; Wan. Yearley Tile
on con 10 6,00„ Chester Prouty :Grat-
uity 25.00.
The counoil adjourned to meet
again in the Town Hall, Orecditon -on
Friday evening, the 1/th Inst at 7p. in.
11. Eilbor, Clerk,.
Mr. Wm. Dellow of Centenary,
McGillvray has moyed his family to
Toronto, where he and his brother
Jimmie, the champion long distance
runner, have secured situations with
the T. Eaton & Co. and will compose
the long distance runners of that
company's athletics
Cecil and Gordon Bice of London
were arrested 'it Lncan on Saturday
by Constable Andrew Patton ofi Clan-
doboye, charged with breaking; into
the residenee :of James Pattoml of
Clandeboye; anal steoling a suit of
Clothes,a pair of boots, some tobtitco
and a gold waeh and chain.
M. Garnet faker of London spent
Sunday wish' Mir. Chris. Beaver.
Mr. Isaac Sims is spending a few
days in Londoni,this week.
The 501E Jubilee of the Canada
Conferenee,will be ceieb ited in the
Evangelical church ts?e'. Sunday next:
when a splendid pregr'ana will given.
In the morning theme will be given
addresses by the pastorliev. E. D.
Becker and Barney Brown. jr also
special mti ie by tie. choir. In the
evening there will la'a splendid pro-
gram,' consisting.. oft address. 'Mr.
Becker will give an adktress from the.
text "The Lord has thine great things
for ns, whereof we areglald7 Mr. H.
[ _Eilbor will give au+address on the
history of the growtT't?'of th'e, church
mud con Eerenee, during the. fifty- years
Mr. J. YI. Holtzman will also give
ea address and make) a'nibsiionary ap
peal. There will he s-Jlbs'15'jr the
Misses Carrie Kuhn, lP rthte estrich-
es and Ella Link, beanies special
music by the choir lrt reittpi ' •� t=om. xe:
Deleware, Lackawanna, &
Mr. ' and Mrs. Geo. Eclighoffer
were colt of town visttort' on •San,
" Mr. and Mrs, Ed. %kla moved
into their home abov*r arness
strop last week.
Western C,aal:Co's
Sera:nt in Coal
All. Sizes
The honsekeapers oft villae
i 1100 ZURICH have cotnmeuoed their house»
cle'; ,
U, nsall.
Prompt Service '.
Moderate Charges
Zurich; . ' ` iOntario
h• � Hadyon p ever conslitered ~Fainting" from the atondpalett••of an'�
luaurauc* policy t
', Tlle,premium represented by the cat of painting Is in proportion to
the Importance of the security afforded no higher than other *insurance i�'
.In fact it is considerably smaller,"and'sootr becomes a minis quantity./
Wby Fire lnsurance—Tornadil insurance—Lightnintuods
They only protect wben that whiel, you wistf to aoetf;' ,happens,,
, artIn-5elnour, Paint i00% Pure
Affords the utmost r -p. rotectidn, inss riyoua pybests Ing
With -its application
n'^ lb wards off [fie sou dogs of old Sol, the nips of old jack Frost -the
ravaged of Old Father,T1ine. *.. St=cC "T r+t.,! ,.trr,t�` .r,.*.d,7d4"-.-
Prlvent6 dryyrot—checks d terloi'atlon No ester; surer or tuore
reliable Insurance cbuld be offere
THE MARTI weeNqun-do;urvitbey'
FlSNezna Punt PANT. ' . yoN•retaa4
Milhinoy a pening
Wednesday and Thursday, Septein
17th and 18th and following days
My Millinery Department is in charge of Miss DeL
who will show you all the latest in hats, shapes
taim.mings of all kind, from the centre'of fashions -at
rery lowest prices.
You are cornially invited to call' and take :a
through before making your purchases.
A.fnfl stock of Dress Goods. Trimnein s. Laches Ooa,tS
Childrens Coats and all lines` of fall .;and ` winter goods at
prices as low as the lowest.
Highest Prices paid for Farm Produce
n, - Zuri
40 ' Gallons ns; Imperial_ O,i l _ X`
_Basz kP p •.>r. -E.. c r ater
be take1,34 5 gallon loth as regull
At iSctsImperal 6a11
Moore Bros, Ile ,sa11
onthron Dry Late, `;e sail
Soh "`rooter, 3A a. lamer, C. arts
Ruby i} asoha, Zurich
.11.. Stewart, W. 3. eaniaa, Zone
May, Exeter
Tiernan & Edigho er, Cl eo. Zeller lay
Son, Dashwoos1
E. Caldwell and . O'B rte
J. S. Motz, Credit= East
Chas Zwicker, J0 G@o ''oung & Son,,
Faint Zios, Crediton
Mr: John Hoffman was in . Thed-
ford, on Monday en business,
The Miss Maude and Tillie Eidt
are in Stratford this week.
G>;re'nElt-In Stephen, on Oct, 5 to
Mr and Mrs Fred. Geuttner, a son.
Mr. Writ. If:leinstiver moved Into
his house opposite the Grist ,# .illi last
The Ladies Aid of the Ev1
cbiirch will give a social n
Church' on Monday, . Thal
evening, Oct. 20th, Lunch
served in the basement. A
grain of soles, readings, eto,
given. Rev. Carriere of tht
Rev. G. Prawn of Zurich; a
(Rev.) Becker of Crediton a
od to be present, 1.di? issi
and 10ets;