The Herald, 1913-10-17, Page 71201/1=0 BY THE SOUNDING SEA1 flow My Hair Is ComingOut! PreventItWith - OF NEWS FR16,4 THE MARITIME PROVDICES. Uroi ere ,rmer raisi pr iimpl stlaod ntin ming rally ions. not th, t austi be p he f of five it be issol the meat cli 5, Wk arm ith a of pie Land do of Interest Emit Places aPPed WY. Waves of the Atlantic. Fredericton, N.B fair- hid 000 sUrplus, just the -amount mortgage placed 'en the fair ng a year ago.' e domestic servants from the °matey who were going to e Edward Island, were cap - by Halifax matrons and in- to take situations there. body of Alexander Donald- ormerly chief engineer of the er Beatrice, was found float - the harbor at Halifax. He been missing since February polide force of St. Joh was called to a hotel wh st said his gold watch stolen. The police found in the man's room, wh ° been mislaid. n S. McLean, of St. Jo had his thigh broken in nobile accident. He was sm cigar when the accident h , and when rescuers pie he was still smoking it. the Sydney, C.B., coal mi :red had laid down to rest on hor ay track. Seven cars flu ch Scotia coal ran over h. .rst ge to say, a few stitches in alt his head was all the &et ea needed. aft old Sears, of Harper's Bro eful went partridge shooting. rn d, the trigger of his g in in some twigs and the wes, de as discharged. Sears lo iref fingers, part of his cheek a .oist ht of an eye. it • I. John, N.B., Judge Ar held that a typewritten w fte geed in law. Custom, ect'ads it so, Recorder Baxter hea on to the will was thus eve wi nd the will of Miss Eliza:be fa, rick admitted to probate. purchased the Fest ,ic in St. John, N.B., f iix and will remodel the larg 'eliding standing thereon f their uptown offices. An on $75,000 will likely be nece efore the building is rea up alley. Scotia sailmakers are ge enty of work these days, ow the strike of union saiImak- Gloucester Mass. At Yea. - it is estimated that n 30,000 and 35000 yards of have been ordered macleup ide concerns. am n nicknamed "the million special" pulled into Char- vn, P.E.I., recently. The arried 62 of the most vain- ack foxes in the world, which )eing transferred from the ranch at Hillsboro to the rich at Charlottetown. eummer spent in salving lot goes of wrecked -sErpr---au- ste of St. Pierre and' Mique- e steamer Isaac M. Veasey ,urn -1 to Halifax. Hee car - ids almost entirely of brass her of the more valuable picked up from the hulls of ships. cillor Isaac Morrison, of bury, N.S., accidentally s hogs an expensive meal. feeding them when in some his wallet containing $300 his pocket into the trough. s pounced on the wallet, ore the councillor could re - he bills were so chewed up but about $100 were a to- ll( sin n's, ere had the ere hn, an ok- ap- ked nes the led im. a OT ok, He an p- st nd illm- he 'S r- th er Or or t- s- dy t- t. as sk th no sh sin sr so d n' fr >pi es, wh t f as ey at Suc he at )e 1 der has been istied by the superintendent of the I.C. effect that, as train's have king such "wretched time" future no excuse but that ident will be accepted for behind schedule. The bul- : "Trains must make run- , and if the men in charge le to do so, you will have -he master mechanic to emen who will." T reports from St. Pierre tion to unique features of Ii fisheries on thb New - banks. The industry is old, and methods have mt little since its inaep- year 10,500 ' fishermen ged:, manning 300 vessels, in Normandy and Brit - y' leave Prance in March requiring from 14 to 45* 0 Voyage. The fishermen hares, and the average it'$160 for eeven inen.thei' work. 'Strangely enough, s of the sea appear eon - heir lot. just as sympathetic as they haven't the knack it. UNCLE JOE'S WRITING. Uncle Joe Cannon writes a very illegible hand, aid when a member of the United States Congress re- ceived a letter from him one day he was able to read but a single word. fie disliked to bother. Mr. Cannon,, so he went to several friendamong the congressmen and finally the letter, except for one word, was made out. . This word seemed very inapor- tent, as it was. underlined, but as neither the 'congressman nor his friends could make it out he thought he would consult Mr. Can- non himself. He told him of his trouble in reading the letter and explained that with help from sev- r Looks l'te Satisfy You? YO. olor Is Rad, If You Suffer teem Pimples, Here Is Good Advice. Flu Results in Two Weeks. Cuticurd Sodp dud unmet Tonight rub your scalp lightly with Cuticura Ointment. In the morn- ing shampoo with Cuticura Soap. No other emollients do so much for dry, thin and falling hair, dandruff and itching scalps, or do it so speed- ily; agreeably and economically. Full directions in every package. Colic= Soap and Ointment are sold throughout the world. A liberal sample of each, with 52 -page booklet on the care and treatment of the skin and scalp, sent poet -free. Address Potter Drug d; Chem. Corp., Dept. 17D, Boston, tr. S. A. Not .Necessary Now. "Why, Tommy," exclaimed the Sunday school teacher, "don't you say your prayers every night before you go to bed?" "Not any more," replied Tommy; "I aster when I slept in a folding bed, though." Bear Island, Aug. 26, 1913. Minard's Liniment Co., Limited. Dear Sirs.—Your traveller is here to -day and we are getting a largo quantity of your MINARD'S LINIMENT. We find it the beet Liniment on the market making no exception. We have been in business 13 years and have handled all kinds, IAA have dropped them all but yours; that sells itself; the others have to be pushed to get rid of, W. A. FIAGERMAN. Horticulturist. • Knieker—How do -you remember to water the plants when your wife is away? Booker—Ikeep 'em. in the bath tub. LIQUID SULPHUR mires ECZEMA ef- fectively and permanently. Unnecessary. "You ought to brace up and show your wife who is running things at your house." "It isn't necessary. She knows." .....qlstard's Liniment for sale everywhere. Economy. Persevering Percy (who has just paid a begging visit to a neighbor- ing house)—Strike me pink, 'Enery, if that ain't the most poverty- stricken 'ouse I ever struck. Why, blow me, if there ain't two ladies playin' on the same pianner. Try Murine Eye Remedy If you have Red, Weak, Watery Eyes or Granulated Eyelids. Doesn't Smart —Soothes Eye Pain. Druggists Sell Marine Eye Remedy, Liquid., 25c, 50c. Murtha Eye Salve in Aseptic Tube*, 25c, 50c. Eye Books Free by Mail. An rye Tonle Stood for All Eyes that usso.c.ro &twice Eye It eased)! Co., Chicago There is nothing purer than hon- esty ; nothing sweeter than charity; nothing warmer than love; nothrng richer than wisdom; nothing brighter than virtue; nothing more steadfast than faith. • If you would be popular make others belieye•they know morethan you. Mr. Joseph Cannon. eral other members of the House he had made out all but- the word in question. Cannon looked at his letter, and then at the congressman, and then again at the letter, his face mean- while taking on a peculiar expres- sion. Finally he looked at the con- gressman and with mingled anger and laughter said: "Why, you fool, that word is 'confidential.' LIQUID SULPHUR luxuriates your bath. Tinkle!. Tinkle! . Wilbur—Do they always keep that big bell on the cow? Papa—Yes, Wilbur. Wilbur—I suppose it is to keep her from falling asleep in this quiet place. Minard's Liniment Cured Burn's, Etc. Young wife—Sohn, dear, I do hope you will like this cake. I put my very heart and soul into the making of it. Husband—Oh, I say, do you take me for a cannibal? LIQUID SULPHUR relieves Sore ,feet. VICTIM OF DEVIL'S WILES, Extricated From Living Tomb Al- ter Hours of Effort. A "victim of the Devil," a, mid- edle-aged ..Northern Chinese has been taken IO -..the CeevernmentAOs- pital at Hong .Kong, China, after being extricated with great diffi- culty from a living tomb among the rocky heights teat guard the ap- proaches to the city. The man's legs. and arms were observed by some 'grass cutters through fissures in the rock. The police who were sunemonecl search- ed all day, but failed to find any exit, the widest opening in the rock not exceeding six inches. The map's invariable answer to the re- peated inquiries of an interpreter were `.ftlie Devil put me here." Beyond this remark, nothing could be gleaned from him. Sub- sequently firemen -and police work- ed for hours with chisels and crow- bars to remove part of the boulder beneath which the man was pinned, but the rock proved too • hard. A number of artillerymen then tried, but at midnight they were, matched back to the barracks, having a,c- compliShed nothing-. " Some Chinese quarrymen were requisitioned, but they. refused to touch the boulder owing to their superstitious fears of the. "devil" who had imprisoned the min. The next day a, party of sailors from a United' States warship succeeded in, making iCn opening large enough to allow of the man erawling'out. The men, who is, a, complete stranger, in the locality, Wail- not-eeriously lured, though his mind a,ppeared.to be affettecr by fright and shock: How he found himself in this amaze ing situation 'remains a enyeeteiy. • z ' Borrowers are scarce when you have nothing but trouble to Iced. Miss Nettie E. Callaghan, a well- known young lady in Middleton, writes as follows: "I was affected for two years with a rash, and ugly looking pimples that spread over my face. My color was poor, and my blood evidently completely out of order. 'Certainly it was a most des- pairing sort of a case, because various treatments did but little to help me. A friend of mine in Toronto, Out., advised me to get Dr. Hamilton's $0 I sent at once for five boxes. In two vreeks I felt like new—looks improved, spirits rose, and I felt I was getting well. I have used this remedy for a long time, and now Wouldn't be without it." If you are in ailing health, have blood disorders, stomach trouble, or headaches, Dr. Hamilton's Pills will help you quickly. All ,druggists and storekeepers sell Dr. Hamilton's Pills of Mandrake and Butternut. 25c. per box, five for $1.00. Sent postpaid by the Catarrhozone Co., Buffalo, N.Y., and Kingston, Canada. But Is it Running to Waste? "To have what we want is riches," says George MacDonald, "but to be able to do without is power." There certainly is an immense lot of, power running to waste in this broad nation. • LIQUID SULPHUR removes the causes of RHEUMATISM. Considerate. "So you want to become my son- in-law, eh?" "Y -yes, sir. That is, if you can afield it." Minard's Liniment Cures Dandruff. • Suspicious. A negro woman in Savannah was •preptring to- get • married. Yor four welts before the ceremony she saved her wages and immediately after the wedding she hunted up her mistress and asked her to take charge ef the Rind. "I'll take it, of course," said the puzzled. woman, "but Mandy, me eft you need money to spend Jn'yOur honeymoon?" "Miss May," said the bride, "does you think Ise goin' to trust myself wid a strange niggah an' all dab eneney on me 7" - Surprised. Robins—Joque found 'a surprise awaiting hirn when he got home last night. Dyer—What was .it? Robins—His wife was asleep. LONG LIFE IN RIG CITIES. German Statistics Show 546 in 1,0 Reach Age of 50. Life is longer in the Germa, cities than in the small towns. Th is the discovery announced by t German Statistical Bureau, whic has published figures showing th 646 persons in each 1,000 in citi Of more than 100,000 inhabitan reach the age of 50, compared wit 539 reaching the same age in citie of between 20,000 and 100,000, an 544 in towns of fewer than 20,00 inhabitants. These figures pay a remarka,b1 tribute to German efficiency, sai Prof. A. Frankel, director of th Municipal Hospital of Berlin. W believe that speed in the citie tends to shorten life, but it helps t cure other evils. We believe tha one of the principal reasons for lif being longer in cities is that medi cal attention is prompt and exper at the same time. In small towns there are fewer physicians and hos- pitals, and often a patient dies when efficiency might have saved his life. Another great reason for longer life is the success of the recent cam- paign aimed at saving babies in the large cities through giving free in- struction and assistance to moth- ers in the care of infants and pro- viding pure milk, free nurseries and supplies. This is a difficult matter in the smaller cities because of the lack of organization. The result is that 39 more babies in every 1,000 live through the first year than was the case 10 years ago. 00 n is he at es ts 0 ALMOST LYNCHED. It happened to a local druggist that sold a cheap acid corn salve instead of the reliable Putnam's Corn Extractor. Substitutes burn the flesh—Putnam's cures the corn. Use only the beet—"Put- nam's" 25o. at all dealers. '14 When a married man does any- thing that is particularly brutal his wife tries to excuse him by saying • "Oh, well, he is only human." Minard's Liniment Relieves Neuralgia, NEWSPAPER FOR SALE: OUNTRY WEEKLY NEWSPAPER FOR 'kJ Sale in good Ontario town. Excellent opening for man of energy. Write Wilson Publishing Company, Toronto. Delicately flavoured — Highly concen- trated. 01115 WHY WORRY I Choose your variety and ask your grocer for "Clark's". EDUCATION. 1DLLIOTT'S DU'SINESS COLLEGE, TO. .12.1 ronto. Canada's Popular Commer- cial School. Magnificent Catalogue free. — FARMS FOR SALeL H. W. DAWSON, Ninety Colborne Streets Toronto. FR0-47,, STOOK. GRAIN AND DAIRt ' Parma in all sections of Ontario, Rome snaps. LI ACTORY SITES, WITH OR wienoue it' Railway trackage. in Toronto. nreereee end other tnwns end eltlea. lES ESIDENTIAL PROPERTIES IN Brampton and a dozen other H W. DAWSON, CoNsorno St., Tomtits. STAMPS AND COINS TAMP COLLECTORS—HUNDRED DIP - i:711 ferent Foreign Stamps, Catalogue, Album, only Seven Cents. Marks Stamp Company, Toronto. MISCELLANF011s czt END 16 CENTS FOR THE WALTZ L--) Bong Success, "My Wonderful GirL" N. Wilson, 25 Melinda St., roronto. Arl ANGER,TUMORS, LUMPS, ETC.. internal and external, cured with- out pain by our home treatment. Write us before too_late. Dr. Bellman Medical Co.. Limited. Collingwood. Ont. ei ALL STONES, KIDNEY AND BLAD. ex der Stones, Kidney trouble, Gravel, Lumbago and kindred ailments positively cured with. the new German remedy. "Sanol," price $1.50. Another new remedy for Diabetes -Mellitus, and sure cure. "Sand's Anti -Diabetes." Price $2.00 front druggists or direct. The Sanol Yawata°. turing Company of Canada. Limited. Winnipeg. Man. When buying your Piano insist on having an OTTO MIGEL" Piano Action ES 111117111.1111111111•111111Mal Taken in Exchange fol% NEW Models 101111111‘. REMEMOtR I The ointment you put on your child's skin gets into the system just as surely as food the child eats. Don't let impure fats and mineral coloring matter (such as many of the cheap ointments contain) get into your child's blood I Zam- Buk is purely herbal. go pois- onous coloring. Use it always. 50c. Box at All pruggisis and Stores. o .ale.srt Jo gab, glad "Russell" Model "88." Body of torpedo type. This car is fully equipped and is a genuine bargain. Price $1,500.00 "Russell" Model "22." Five -passenger tour- ing, fully equipped. Wheel base 120 in., wheel 36 in. Has Knight engine and is in splendid shape. Price $1,500.00 "Russell" Model "R." This is a high-class five.. passenger car, fully equipped with fore doors and accessories. Price $900.00 1 easiest thing in the world to find ISSUE '12fault- with and the hardest to re- E . 42—. form. The ip Dabi's a thu bendie Albert • 4114-t vagrant* of 4aphfose wade it Us ie 4-443 ileateds.IVIentreal. RUSSELL IVIOTO CAR. CO., LIMITED, 100 RICHMOND ST. WEST '41C, Mei c 0 1%TZ 41313 Xel aft- X X11) 1E31 2% "7 43