The Herald, 1913-10-17, Page 5Farm For Bale • I aid receiving numerous enquiries respecting Huron County Farm. Lands, If you want to sell I will assist you with an advertising campaign that will, bring buyers to our favored County. No Buyer - No Charge Call, write Or phone for particulars. B, ZELLERly Conveyancer, Real EstateAc ZURICH, ONT.. RIDER AGENTSWANTED In every town and locality to ride and demonstrate a sample 1913 "HYSLOP SPECIAL" bicycle furnished by us and 'lifted with coaster brake, roller chains, three -coil spring saddle, extension haridlebar and other leading fea- tures. Good money can be made selling onrbicycles, tires and sundries. Our large production, together with unexcelled facilities and 25 years' ex- perience in building bicycles, places us in aiposition to ship high-grade wheels direct from factory to user at LOW EST PRI CES. TEN DAYS'. TRIAL We will send, a wheel to any ad- dress in Canada on approval and allow 10 days' trial. It will not cost yotuone cent if you do not desire to keep it after that time. We could not afford to make this offer if we were not certain our wheels are the best value for the money on the market Write at once for new illustrated catailogue. and full particulars of our at- tractive new offer and. special prices. HYSLOP BROTHERS, LIMITED SHUTER AND VICTORIA STREETS, TORONTO, ONT. Born—Mention name of paper when =meting this advertisement. WANTED GOOD LOCAL AGENT at once to represent the. OLD AND RELIABLE FONTHILL NURSERIES.. Splea- did list of fruit and ornamental stook for.fall delivery 1918 and Spring del- ivery 1914. Start at once and secure exelnsive tearitory. We supply handsome fred, outfit and pay highest emparissions, Write for full'partioulars. Stone and Wellington Tama bo,Oa tart o woolostork Henry Bossenberry Licensed Arieti9neer, Huron, Middlesex and Lawpton Satisfaction guaranteed. • Dashwood, Ontario. Dates arranged at the office -WANTED—Ghls to learn the knitt- ing and looping, in our factory. Guaranteed $5.00 per week, can make 12.00 to $15.00. Pleasant and 'Oungenial position. Apply by letter or phone to Manager. Clinton. KnittingCo. Ltd., Clinton, Oat. BROWN'S NURSERIES ARE FAMOUS For their fine Peach, Apple, Plain and Cherry tree. They have the !best nursery soil in Canada and are the largest growers of_ trees in the Dominion. All scions and bud sticks 'are cut by one man, and he has been in their employ many years so no mistakes are made by using wrong scions or buds. Send in list of stock required and get their prices. Write for agency as they have some unocc- upied territory in this County. Brown Brothers Nurseries. Welland, Ont. - D . E. B. BALFOUR, graduate Western University, late of the Military Hospital and Victoria flospital, London. Office in, the building formerly occupied by the late Dr. McLaughlin, Dashwood. Beauty in the Ho e Homes—like people—have an individuality of their own. A cheerful looking borne—like a cheerful looking person—is alwa pleasing to see. Any home may be brightened—made more attractive outsiek and more cheerful to live in—merely by a little care in the selection and use of proper Paints and Varnish Finishes. We have the Paint and Finish for every taste and every scheme of decor - tion — good, hip,uest 100% Pure Paints and Superfine Val-11'14es — that we know will give complete and laking satisfaction. Came in mid talk over your fall paint problems with us. Beauty on the Walls "Neu -Toner is a delight in the home, It's a soft, 'fiat, durable sanitary wall ;nish, that anyone can apply. Costs ittle—lasts long. Easily Cleaned with a ainp cloth. 18 pleasing tints, suitable or every room in the house. Ask about it. Eloor trtt.S_AILL1.. Scuff Thatet the kind we handle—the old ble Senour's Floor Paint — the 1, at's heel -proof. Remove all trace unurter's open house with tlfresh coat of Senour's o9r rant. 12 beautiful ade*Ao choose from. Call r 4 &Mir card. r nd PrviII•n Ji 00.1:01 Cloth .44ol, etun and Oil Cloth twice as long if irtird I- .• . and span" lith a cat A.,. , It !mole -rum. So easy to • ' ' , —to freshen the tolo •tect the pattern ,114., over night with it. .4e..r : • glow* kind do fla , t orick. Uy A an. • It Pays to Use Perhaps we can suggest some new ideas in cOlors—or give you a better way of making the Interior " Spice and Span "—or SSW you a little money on the whale job. Anyway, stop in and get a color cartand paz1oularskof Martin - /lour P ts, Varnishes, faites an Enaincils. • For Side by C. HARTLEIB, Zurich, Ont. VONING LOCAL OPTION AMPAIGN IN ONTARIO ffica„.nfrthe Ontario Branch of ' Ion Alliance is a busy place' resent time. The .fall and w Field Day Compaign has be- . glaraa 'pie Alliance is •supplying SpoSikera for an average of one hund- red Stanalay services at which the 'movement for the suppression of . the Iliauor traffic is forcibly advocated. 'The staff, of More than thirty clerk is kept busy attending to correspond- anaaand other details, n audition to. the men livho constitute the office and Piela Secreta-ey staff. No effort or expanse is being spared in the great battle waged for the extinction of the -bar :rooms in Local Option voting to take place in the beginning of 1914. Up to the present time campaigns looking toward voting on January 5th have been launched in 48 municipal- ities; Of these places one is a city thirteen are towns, fourteen are in- corporated villages and the remainder are townships. There are eleven of the forty-eight which have noabefore voted on local option, there are ten in which majorities were polled again- st laaal option in former contests, there are twenty six in which Local option by-laws were defeated by the three-fifths requirement and there is one in which a local option by-law was carried and subsequently quashed upon a technically. The list of the places is as follows. Places not. before voting.—Towns Brockville, Prescott and Wiarton. Vil- lages Jarvis, klarmora, and Spring- field. Townships Dunn, Masora and Lake, Ross Russell and Tiny. Places giving majorities against Local Option—Towns: Tillsonburg; Villages: Delhi, Merrickville, Forris- burg and Woodburg. Townships: Aln- wipla Bayha,n,, Bexley, Mara York. Defeated by three fifth:—City; Sault St. Marie. 'Towns: Arnprior, Aylmer, Barrie, Cobourg, Meaford, Napanee, Oakville, Picton and Thess- aIon. Bradforal, Burlington, Grand Valley, Kemptville, Port Perin-, Port Rewan and Sutton W. Township: Albermarle„ Flan'iboro W. Floe, Georgina, Gloucester, Kitley, Phslinch, Scarboro and Tay. The Quashed By-law:—The Muni- cipality in which a local option by-law was carried and subse- quePtly quashed, is Bastard and Bur- . MI these contdats have been brought on by the temperance party. Others may be prompt, as the sub- mission of a by-law in a munincip- ality may be compelled by a petition of twenty five percent, of the electors filed with the municipal clerk on or before November 1st. The liquor men may also, by simi- lar action bring on appeal contest in any mnnicipality in which a Local Option by-law is in force if three years have elapsed since the last vote on the question. It is therefor prob- able that the total number of contests will be much in excess of the forty- eight set cut in the foregoing list. There is going to be a lively fight. CENTRALIA Airs. G. Evans will hold an auct! ion sale of her her household effects on Tuesday Oct. 21st. 'William Colwill and Samuel Hicks returned from the wesr the latter part of last week. T. L. Blatchford went back to Toronto on Monday after an almost two weeks visit with his parents. Mr. and Mrs. McGuire returned to Centralia on Friday last after a two months trip through the west. M re. Manning of Highgate and Mrs. and Miss Scott of Sunshine vis- ited at the parsonage on Monday. SHIPKA Mrs. Jacob Gaiser still continues very ill. Mr. Charles Lochner has improved his residence by putting on a new verandah. Mr. Mike Finkbeiner who has been in Regina for the past six weeks, re- turned home on Friday. The young people from here met at the home of Mr. Charles Baumgarten on Friday evening before leaving for their new home in Dashwood. All re- port a good time. The Misses P. and C. Pfile spent Sunday with friends hero. • FARM FOR SALE Lot 1$ L.R.E., Hay Township, 100 urea more or less. • The farm is tile d and fairly well fenced with noing. One barn 26x56 and 0, x40, frame and log house. For /5ri and terms, write • to Michael stJosepla P. 0., or E. Zel- 14 Iola, Free Ladies and Gents Watches, Ru4s, Bracelets and Jewelry of Every Description, Lace Curtains, Ruts, House Furaishind,Rifies, Moving Pic- ture Machine, Skates, Printing Press- es, Fountain Pens, in fact nearly everythnid you can think of you can det Aboslutelly Free for selling our Beautiful Fancy Drawn and Satin Stripped handkerchiefs at 10 cents each. They sell rapidly 0 can gener- ally be sold in every house. Don't send, us any money, but write us to send you a lot of Hapdkerchiefs to sell, that when sold, you will send us the money and the premium selected Selling 24 handlierchieff entitled a ou to your choice of an elegant Watch, 3 gold Laid Rings, Lace Curtains, etc. Write us to -day, we trust you and take back the goods if you cannot sell them. INOLA CO. CHICAGO, ILL 15r. de V-Z-7rimaik ?ins A reliable French regulator; never fans. These pills are exceedingly powerful in regulating the generative portion of the female system. Refuse all cheap imitations, Dr. de Van's are sold at $5 a box, or three for $10 Mailed to any address. The Deobelf -Drug So.. t. iatharinek, Ont "•r. .10; `•-rg tu5'Cartadet's I4rne. a.raa4;i1alia• aar* • HOMESEEKER'S EXCURSIONS OCTOBER 14-21-28 To ifanitoba, Alberta, Saskatchewan Via Chicago, St. Paul and Duluth or Sarnia, and Northern Nay. Co. WINNIPEG AND RETURN $35.00 EDMONTON AND RETURN, 43.00 Proportionate low rates to other; points. Setuxn limit two months. Through Pullman Tourit-t Sleeping Cars ,nd operated to Winnipeg without change, 14 aving Toronto 11 p. m. on above dates, Tho Grand Trunk Pacific Railway is the hortest and quickest routt between Win- nipeg, Saskatoon and Edmonton. Full particulars and reservations at any Grand Trunk Ticket Office. 10)600 FOR HARVESTI "GOING TRIP WEST." $10.00 TO WINNIPEG Pine half cent pr mile from Winnipeg up to Mattood, Calgary, or Edmonton. E NG IN WESTERN Q " RETURN TRIP $18.00 FROM WI.NAIIPEG Phis half cent per tullefrom alkfto9nts east of MacLeod, (II lgary or Edmonton to Winnipeg D AUGUST 18th AMUR 22nd AUGUST 25th GOING DATES —From all stations Kingston. to Renfrew inclusive and east thereof in Ontario. —From Toronto and West on Grand Trunk Main Line to Sarnia Inclusive and South thereof. —From Toronto and North-Western Ontario, North of but not including Grand Trunk Line Toronto to Sarnia and East of Toronto to ItIngsfon, Sharbot Lake and Renfrew, including these paints. SEPTEMBER 3rd_From Toronto and all stations in Ontario East of but not including Grand Trunk Line Toronto to North Bay. SEPTEMBER 5th—From all stations on Grand Trunk Line Toronto to North Bay inclusive, and West thereof is Ontario, including C.P.R. Line Sudbury to Sauk Ste. Marie, Ontario, but not including Azilda and West. ONE-WAY SECOND-CLASS TIGHTS WILL DE SOLD TO ifINNIPES ONLY One-way second class tickets to 'Winnipeg only will be sold. Each ticket will include a verification certificate, with an et:tension coupon. When extension coupon has been signed at Winnipeg by a fanner, showing he has engaged the holder to work as a farm laborer, the coupon will be honored up to September 35th for ticket at rate of one-half cent per mile (minimuin fifty cents) to any station west of Winnipeg on the Canadian Pacific, Canadian Northern or Grand Trunk Pacific Railways in Manitoba, Saskatchewan or Alberta, but not west of Edmonton, Calgary or MacLeod. Alta. A certificate will be issued entitling purchaser to a second-class ticket good to return from any station on the Canadian Pacific, Canadian Northern, or Grand Trunk Pacific Railways in Alberta, Saskatchewan and Manitoba east of MacLeod, Calgary and Edmonton to original starting point by the sante route as travelled on going journey on or before November 30th, 1913, on payment of one half cent per mile (inimmum fifty cents) up to Winnipeg added to 318.00 from Winnipeg, provided the holder deposits the certificate with the ticket agent on arrival at destination, and works at least thirty days at harvesting. For full particulars see nearest C.P.R. Agent, or write— r& G. MURPHY, D.P.A.. C.P.R., Toronto • rit• ,--71,11,ratotAS:Pars ',rat •••••,r/g.•:,• al.-4;.•14:'‘'In:4•.,111.4'70141,77.',4,1,0.,•.',u:ti,.,P4::•;F:' •• ' FUR ITURE You will always find, all the latEst styles in furniture such as Brass and Metal Beds, Tabls, Chairs, Etc You could find no designs prettier, more striking or pleasing. we can surely satisfy you in the selection of furniture as re- gards design, construction and price. I i4 VIE 9 an Fuiniture al. d Tune) al 1) i We Clot e COR ECTLY What a variety! Such clever styles! These are the expressions we hear daily in our Clothing Department. The fine range of TAILORED CLOTHES and samples make it possible for us to please the most fasti- dious dressers. Style, Fit, Quality, linked with [Moderate Prices: E. IliPPEL