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rs �,
The Official
Organ of Zurich and . i y Township
F"RI WA:( MORNING, OCT. 17. 1913.
esesetamieesneeCteeeneeeeSseneeC38431eClef MASCO
For the public in general. We can supply
your wants in any line you may require for the
colder weather. Just now we want to call your
attention to our lines of Suits, Overcoats, Ladies
Coats and Fall Dress Goods. We have the stock
and the variety is so great that we can satisfy
'ane and all.
Men's Suits
To be properly dressed you must wear proper clothes.
We handle only the celebrated 0, N. and R. brand of ready -
to wear clothes and they are right in style • and materials
They give you that well dressed appearance that is so great-
ly desired. Ali prices,
Coats and Mantles
We have just opeded up a large shipment of Mens''
Overcoats. These are very stylish in makeup and the mat-
erial it of the best. We have them in many different styles
and the values are right, Our ladies coat department ia
also well stocked with the newest in ladies coats. These
come in many different styles and cloths and we cordially
invite the ladies to call and look through these lines. We,
have a number of coatswhich we are offering, at greatly
reduced. :educed prices,
Dress Goods
This fall we have tried to maintain our reputation - as
the Dress {Moodie House of South Huron. Oar stook Teas
never been so large and we are continually adding the
newest in the dress goods market. See near selection's in
Velvets and Velveteens so popular this tall..
' The time for 131: rq is agu)) here: aiiad.?.t Wilt. Tay ,you: to
see our lines and bet our prices if . interested„ We " make
Furlined coats a special feature.
For next week.
9 Ladies Hem Stitched Handkerchiefs for 25c
regular value 5c each
Royal Purple
vv -e eee• stile ageube for Zurioh for all Royal Ptrple
stook foods and preparations. Get your stook into s cod
shape for winter by feeding a good conditioner and Royal
Purple will do so.
Stoves and Heaters
Talk the new range with us. You will soon need it
now. We believe that no better store can be made than
the Peninsula or Happy Thought, We believe it so firmly
that we absolutely guarantee every one we sell. A large
range of baseburi;ers and seek heaters to choose from.
Saves One Ton in Seven
A Hecht furnace saves one ton coal in seven. The
steel ribbed fire pot does it. It radiates the heat so quick-
ly that the fire pot never becomes red hot, None of this
heat gees up the chimney. Let us figure on your furnace
Produce always Taken.
et er 9
Telephone g - - Z L3 R `I. G 11
it estwg ancu iestructive paper on How
to make this year the most successful
in the soeiei:y'e history" Bliss pe -
Le Ree and the President also taking -
part in the exercises. The meetings
for next Tuesday will be in charge of
Miss Carrie Gallivan and Mr. George
Hess, and the subject will be "Thain -
ree.re.re. r'xsare. 4-t`4a 4.10"1 '., 1yMr. and Mrs. Louis Jeffrey spent
LOCAL I EW'S. Sunday With friends at Grand Bend.
Mi. and Mi s. Con Scbilbe of the
amara.' Q'�+r ''�'y` i,14th con are visiting; relatives and
lite Janes Weteaa of Seaaforbh a ss l friendain=Mal illolpTownship, e few
a business visitor intown on Tues ay.('days this week,
Mr. E. M, Trackeell, real estate Wa have just reeeivec a large ship-
agent of Victoria B. 0^. was a visitor merit, oaf. various,kinds off post cards.
in town onWedne'Tey. Comein;and see. if, we•• can please.
Wm. Wagner,. Zurich,
The Dashwood.Turf Club have
arranged for a. big days sport on
Monday Thanksgiving day Oct 20
The program. will consist of horse
races, a.shooting tournament be.
sides-othor sports. Admission 25c.
Children 'loots. -
tleditor.who started about twenty
years.ago.veldah only fifty-five cents is;
nonnworth $1300;000. His accunlul
ation, of welch is owing to his frugalir:
tyegood habits, strict attention tat
business and the fact that an uncl'e
diet audleft him $99,999.—Editor+
Mr. Samuel St� of'.. Stanley
left on -`Tuesday o - usimess trip to
Saskatoon and .other Western points.
Miss Mabel Elsie of errand Bend is
visiting at. the home of Mr. and Nis,
Henry Thiel, for a few days Cris
The annual tlsanksgiving serribe
will be held at 10.30 a. m. on ThaCdrs'
giving Day. Let every member and
friend of the church attend. this kir
portant service.
The Ladies Aid of the ,J±,vangelioal
Church will have a special meeting
in the church on Sunday afternoge ,tanit?Publi�sher.'
at two.o'elook, the subject will be ler- ] the an Church—Besides the rag-
eign mission. alar Czeeman Service at 10.80 a. m.,.
Auction Sale.—A car load of cbeice> ;and the- regular English service at
cows, some milking and some duet, to. '7,00 p in. there will be confessional
calf soon, on Saturday, Oct. 18th. 'st services at 10 a. ea. (announcements
Dominion House, Zurich. ;received in the church at 9.30 a,m.)
E. Bossenberry, met 'Holy coin nunion will be celebrated
Evangelieel in connection wi
The Services in theth the a. m. service.
church next Sabbath will take the ns- - Mr. Ed 'Restemeyer of the, Bron
lure of Thanksgiving in conne,^tion son Line had his barn ' and driving
with the National Thanksgiving l)aee, shed destroyed by fire on Monday
The morning service will be held , at afternoon; together with the whole
the usual time in the German laegt't- seasons crolr of grand' and hay,, also
agee and the evening service will, be a Wain ofhorses and all his imple-
especially bright .and che
rful. Spec.nients. The origin
of the#re is
ial music will be furnishedby choir known. Threshing had beenconi-
a thanksgiving solo by Mr. Coed- plated at about 9,o'clock in the mot -
wins A cordial invitation is extend- ning,-.but whether the Are was caused
ea to all. by: a' spark froth the enging is not
known, The loss is partially covered
The surveyors representing ''' the .byinsurance in the Hay Company..
hydro Electric Commission passed
through here last week. The ;iMe American cattle buyers are report -
was run about a quarter mile leis ,t ed to be s ;uaarlin g' iiitow stern Ont-
h ': ^ infi -line anti uns iii saner t3 pesaticv" of the
t taCr ... ,.. � - ... . g S�'1,
,, .,
avestoily claiecticn :after paseLgr, �neir:tarift girl, and farmers generally
Zurich road and crosses the Goshen report a demand for stock that has
line at Mr. L. Worm's lane. Every- scarcely a. precedent in this part of
'body is elated. at the prospect of gait- the country, The new rates of tariff
rug an electric railroad and hydro by which President Wilson and his
power. We hope the matter will re- democratic government hope to re-
ceive the encouragement it deserves. duce the cost of living in the United
Another article giving fuller partieul- States provide for the free admission
ars will be found in this issue. ' of cattle and various food stuffs, in-
cluding wheat and flour. Until the
The Y.'P. A. services last Tuesday present, cattle buyers have been ship -
evening in the Evangelical churah ping chiefly to the English market,
were unusally helpful and encourag- into wiiieb, be yevex, >�illions gi
ing.The meeting was in clltla ae Of Mr, { 'Pounds of t from m Argentine.
'omen's Shoes "At :.ieri-can Beauty'
We have just received s sbipi ant of American shoes in,
cloth top3,15tr;tton, low heels, . pate ; leather, and Gun Metal,
stampedio.aa each shoe, American 3eauty.
den's "tor • Shoes"
haw We' haa full stock of,men'::, fine shoes
which have
Men's and We en5s Heavy Shoes
We wish you to caand see- these lines. W e can,
please you.
Better, Eggs and. Dut. Setts,. taken in exchange for shoes.~,
Henry Pfile, ho gen a most inter- mea come zo
Prices were accordingly affected, but
it was still more profitable to ship to
England than to attempt ;o
get We I31.11412,. in fni;G i l: duty.
�C`he result of the aa,bQlitioii
of the tariff oil cattle enterlii
United States is that this market is
note open to the Canadian farmer incl
buyer, and a price, perhaps a degree
higher than is now paid, will be avail
able. American buyers, apparently
pretty well advised, have been scour-
ing the country of late and have
bought thousands of head of cattle.
Practically all outside buyers, how-
ever, stipulated that the farmers
keep the cattle on their farms till
October 25th. Shipments are, how-
ever, now being made to Buffalo, New
Fork and Chicago markets. Essex
county has been 'practically cleaned
out, and more than 1,000 carloads of
cattle wig be shipped from surround -
nig counties to the other side of the
Messrs Chas .Wolfe and JacobPE AL
Finkbeiner of Crediton, visited Mr.
and Mrs. Tobias Guenther,. -on Sun -
clay. -
Mr. Ed Siebert of Zurich and Mr. For2 fweeks
Fraser Brown of Crediton, were in
the village, on Meuidfav,.
-The Misses Ilioidenren of Exeter
were spending a fewadays With their
uncle Me. Be Heideman. -
Messrs. Otto Besteinayer and Chas
,Steinhagon aro putting en .ai metallic
ceiling in the new Thedford school,
this week.
'' l4.lx Mes. Le�t
Hagile hex
moved into their ho\se'en'
lu'3ei11• St.,
recently vacated by Mr. Wan. Klein -
sliver, on Tuesday.
Miss Laura Steffens left for her
home in Detroit after spending a few
weeks with her friend Miss E. I3aad-
M. H. Either M. P. P, of Crediton
was in town ou Teeeeley. collecting
'mural -am teesesernects for the Hay
Township rnsnraa'iee Company.
Mr. Robert Ceibbe of aLondesboro
was turning pianos in to An lest
week and expects to be 'aero again
around Uhrietnni
Beans primes per bus $1.20
Cook's Snowdrift Flour ;2.75"
Snowdrift flour in 5 bag lots :250
Feed flour 1,80
Bran per 'ton ,$19.00
Shorts per ton $20.00 "
Wheat per bus. 94cts.
Barley per has 55cts.
Oats per bus. 32cts.
Established 1853
Opened Branch in Huron.
Co. 1874
Saving Bank • Accour4s,
Zurich Branch .'
R T. DUNLOP, Manager
A Regular Storm Period covers the
22nd to 27th, being central on the
24th. On and touching the 26th and
27th they will reach the their culmiai
ailing stages in the central Mississippi
Valley in rain, wind and thunder.
Those who navigate the great north•
ern lakes, who do not recognize the
probability of danger at this and other
October periods, may have cause to
regret, their. indifference and lack of
precaution and watchfulneet. The
Moon will be on the equator • passing
to oath declination on the. 26th and
in perigee on the 27th. Drop of tem-
perature, almost to the frost and
freezing line, will be prevented, if at
all, only' by the fact that the Moon's
completion with the :earth and Sun is
just ahead of these dates.
We will save you
Oh these and othia lines.
F, W. Hess
6, .i esg
jewellers, - ZURICH
ur Fall Sh es
have ai'ivcal. Come in and have a look at tlit''e mmuv-differen
styles WO vurry.
`���1 \NN,Ik:0,y1,.0a1mIi4Mi)tgYy,
Th f-Iorrr•P of Good Shoes
Let me Know
Your Wants
If yen are looking for a Faarm, Town Residence,
or Vacant Lots, f will try to satisfy ;sour wants.
La,; ' aa,rranged on mortgage •sec urity.
.E. ZEILLER, Zuirich