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The Herald, 1913-10-10, Page 7
MILLI ERY PENiNGS Wnesday and Thursday September 17th and 18th and following days Miss Thiel is again in °large of our Millin- ery Department for the ball season and she will be pleased to show you the latest styles in ladies and childreig hat for fail and. Winter wear, Fall and Winter Goods Our stock Of Fall and Winter Goods is now nearly complete. Come and have a look through our various lines. No trouble to show goods. New Dress Goods Serves in all shades. Bedford Cords, Corded Velve- teens, Poplins, Cashmere, etc. Flannelettes and Wrapperettes A large stock of Flannelettes in good Owe prices, also Wrapperettes, Flannels, Blankets We -have something new in Blankets. Come and see them. patterns at Flannelette Flannelette L: dies Coats and Coatings Our stock of Ladies Coats is now complete and we would be pleased to have you come and see them before buying elsewhere, Sweater Coats The famous Monarch Knit Sweater Coats for men women and boys and girls. All sizes all prices. Gents Furnishings Mens and Boys new Suits, Overcoats, Hats, Caps, (4ioves, Shirts, Underwear, Socks, etc. Free` a:ocer1ee amp kept on. Zan& AU Mob of Produce Taken ori Exchange PITO\ F. 17 RUBY OASCHO III i Shingles for All. les Two Cars on Viand The Hasting Brand that has stook the test of time, and ren ember the test of time is the test that tells. PHONE its Order at Once ZURJC] Sti H Doing Buielicaess Cit The Olid We Diti.v. Fanning MINI Sieves stand i I am agent for•tho Milton faun. Wing mill ?iec::s, • and farmers re - 1 quiring any, can procure them at 1,0o alp;+;s 1 1;ants for l my farm, South of Zurich the celebrated John Hey jr, Massey Hark -,°s ..nple cents • We hta.ulle everyil in that line, Seeding Trnpkmeni, ..ianure spread- ers, all kinds of :L'ion's, Seed Drills, Disc Wal'l'ows, Cultivators, P, an Harvesters, etc. Hainresting K nplemlento Binders, 'Mowers, Rakes, Hay I.• Faders, Etc. Massey -Harris Crean Separators All kinds of Plow repairs, Gasoline engines. See our line of Cutters be- fore you buy, all our own make. Bug- gies, Carriages, Wagons, Sleighs. Square Dealing Our Motto qtk,' kg grin Famous Gray Motor ` as' lino. En- gnes:— 'I- li ton, 1 k IIorse Poe ', $55'. 00 2 " f 75. 00 4 n n1$:105, 00 6 175, 00 8 „ 285. 00 12 " 375. 00. Sold by F. HESS & SON Agents, BIG BARGAINS IN GAS ENGINES II P. weighs 320 lbs $50.00/ ii 2�• " 400 '" ". $65.00 .I our best H. P. " 800 " $120.00 4 our cheapest H.P. 725 $85.00 6 iI, P. weighs 1500 " $160.00 8 " " 1820 " $250.00 12 ri rt 2700 " $805.00 For Sale by • Louis Prang, Zurich. CEEDITOhT• '. Mr. Paul Schenk is on the sick list. Messrs Fred, Milton Harris of Lon- don visited in town over Sundp,v. Dr. Orme and Wm. Lewis V.S, au - toed to London on sunday. • nir. Gordon Appleton visited at his home on Sunday. Messrs Thomas Yearly and Jos epil Lawson of,Goshen. Line spent a few drys in Toronto this week. Mr Sam Brown and Frazer were to London on Tuesday on business. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Messner . of Dashwood spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Harry Motz. Mr, and. Mrs. John.. Williams of Goshen Line spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Harry Motz. Mr. and Mrs. Harry •Sweitzer and B, Brown spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. John Gaisei. Mr. and Mrs, Noble Scott of Windsor is spending a few days at the latters parents Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Hill, Mr. Harry lailotz and son William left for Sebewaing Mich. on Mon - where they will work in the sugar factory for a few months. Mr. John Sims and children of Creditcn East spent the week end in Hensall with his brother Mr. S. W. Appleton. Mr. and Mrs. Mitchell Willis and Minie Hill spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Wln, Dickson of McGill- ivray. A medicfl journal has bili article oil "How to lie when asleep.' Of more value Would be an article on how to induce people to tell the..rhen awake. A fowl supper will be served in the Crediton Methodist Church on Octob er 18th. A good programme :will be given in the church. This being the re -opening of the new church sheds. Every effort has been made to' make the best entertainment even held in Crediton. Supper served from 6 to. 9. Last week Mr. Thos. T evethic received a letter from his brother Edward, who is working in the mines in Alaska. This is .he first time he has been heard f om in three years. Ed, is well and have ing a good time, la Mr. H. Eilber M. P. P. w o re• cently purchased the house Jos. Sims jnat south of the villa has moved to the Bend anti is malt ut ta summer cottage out • Last week he put a foundation un der it, and is nowhaving the nish ing touches added. Fred Smith was married to Miss .stats daughter o Ino, l Ett itt • et the parsonage in �c Ll a , r1 by the Rev. R. Flic . on 4ti al e :188. They returned to the 1 ,ler. Mr and Mrs, Smith will rn t.e`ltheir future home in St. Thoma., � e extend congratula- .1.11119.011.414, 11 r t r n Of �e Of ii f ke ltr t a s ltoriro in Crediton for sup r.,er:•x, x�A�+� �:• �� boil yo ,ti w Suit At Zurich's Leading Tailor Shop the only Place, where the Newest is always shown first and satisfaction guaranteed. Laundry, in Connection Ws IL HOMAc61 Pallor - ZURICH Erara.are?i sir eervices will be c .vineries i in the Zion EvanWali eel church on Sunday Oct. .15th. "Prepare to meet your God". Jubilee Services will be held in the Evangelical church on Sunday, Oct. 19th the Fiftieth Anniver- sary of the Canada Coofertenoe of the Evangelicel association, a very interesting progrannne is being prepared. Dr. .1. H. Shelton of Detroit for- merly a business man here, 'morns the death of his wife, Eleanor JTre vethioh,whioh sad event tookpiacc. in a Detroit Hospital, following an operation, the shock of which was too severe for her oontitution, She leaves to mourn her loss, Edward Trey ethiok'•of Alaska, WesieyTrev. ethick of Detroit, Thomas of Cred- iton. Mrs, Louis Roedding and Piss Marietta Trevethiok, of Lon- don besides her sorrowing 'husband The remains were laid to rest in Exeter cemetery ori Thursday; l'lle bereaved have the sincerest sympathy ' in'- there bereavement The deceased" was aged 55 years 11 months and 3 days. Mr. Pfaff who has been, principal here, has secured a positioli in Lona. on, as teacher. . Mr. Harry Trick left for Toronto on Thursday last where he intends to stay for stometinle, Mr. and Mrs. Peter Mcisaac of Dashwood visited with Mr. and Mrs. Dan Mcisaac, on Sunday, Mrs., Garnet Baker of London is spending a few days with her father, Mr. Chris Beaver. Miss Ada Wester of London spent the week end at slid Mine of Mr. and Mrs. Herb Eilber, Miss Ethel Mark, who has 1300 13. sick for some rime is 'slowly. im- proving, and it is expected that she Will soon be able to be up u,nd around again "as usual, • Mr. and Mrs. Chris. Eilber of Zur- ich spent sunday at the home .of. Mr and Mrs. Ohas. Eilber. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Zwicker and Miss • Algia Hill autoed to London on Monday. Mr. and Mrs. A. Kuhn have return- ed home from their honeymoon trip to New York and other cities. Mr. Edgar Wuerbh started an ap- prenticeship with Mr. J. H.Holtzmali as tailor, on Monday. DASHW OOD Mr. Wm. Rothermeal of Zurich, moved his household effects into his mothers house last Monday, Two rinks of our bowlers visited Zurich Friday evening and played a friendly game of bowls, The evening play resulted in Zurich Winning • by two. The Dashwood Y P A spent a soci- able evening with the Y P A of Zurich A program was given after which re- freshments were served in the Town Hall, Mr. Wm. Siebert moved his fam- ily and household effects to Zueioh on Monday and Tuesday. We are sorry to lose Mr, Siebert and fam- ily, but what is our loss is Zurich's gain. The farmers of this vicinity are a- way behind with their fall ploughing caused by the long dry spell and • a great many of their wells are dried up by the lack of rain, _Tips Lavilaa Toch left ola Monday for Hamburg, Mr and Mrs Wm Hoil=nlan of Zurich oallea on Mr and Mrs H Calfas last Sundtry. Mr and Mrs Sol Martin and daugh- ter Lilian visited at Mrs Martin's, on Sunday, • Rev. Mr and Mrs Wm Zimmer- man of Stratford. visited at Mr and Mrs John Hoffmans last week. Mr. Louis Preeter and family left for their home in Stratford on Monday. rr. Wm. Wenzel of Crediton its again doing wagan work for the Dashwood Planing mill this week. FARM FOB SALE Lot 15 L.R.E,, Hay- Townbhip, 100 acres more or less. The farm is tile drained and fairly well fenced with wire fencing. One barn 26x56 and one 28x40, frame and log house.: For price anti terms, write to Michael Maloney st,Toseph, P. 0., or E. Zel- ler, Zurich. COAL! COAL! Deleware, Lackawanna, Western Coal Co's ALF. nton¶Coal .All Sizes '..S1120, Com° Havp you ever consideredt"Painting"' fro8 the ataudpolir of att-, Inauraucl policy ? • Tlle,premium represented by the coat of painting Is Ie proportion to • the Importance of the security afforded, no higher than other {towline,: ► j ' 1u fact it is considerably smaller, and soon becomes a miribs quantity...• Why Sire insurance—TornadtS Insurance—Ligbtpinigiods? -'" They only protect whin thai which you wish to avert, happens, I` ., .<t - arin.Seni ° 'Paint' x.00%? Pwr Aftord's the utmost protectldn, .Insures your property;' beginning , with -its application. • It wards off the sun dogs of Old Sol, the nips of Old,,tack Prost -the . % ravages of Old Father Time.,i..,.,.,*a , ;, .- ."ti,: Prtventg dry-rot—checks deterioration. ,No solar, surer or moral reliable insurance cbuld be offered,.,100.* THE MARTIN -8ENOUR do; Ltni?tnd'i, PIENeee$ PUP[ PAINT, -J' ONTREAL ,��'i•'t�l' I��tFf�l'Tj{r.Jc...�Y��tig: PHONE: ZURI 6p <. it n 'h, «i• ,9 FIUR©N'SliLARC-EST COMBINATION S,TORE 3 Uec MiIliner3r Soniiig Wednesday and Thursday, Septembi 17th and 18th and following. days , My Millinery Department is in charge of Miss DeLe who will show you all the latest in hats, shapes taimmings of all kind, from the centre of fashions at rery lowest prices. You are cornially invited to call and take a through before making your purchases. A full stock of Dress Goods. Trimmings, Ladies Coats, Childrens Coats and all lines of fall and winter goods at prices as low as the lowest. Highest Prices paid for Farm Produce — Zuric S 40 Gallons imperial Oil Compan- Royalite Oil (American water white,) be taken in 5 gallon lots as requir 41 SCRU ON•�I fi , 1ildrepe!1 cs� , Mose �� G4.f3 wall it rdontavon, lagyviale, geasall.. 614.11 PP,eter,qw A•tri eye g ° =X,i' 1/495 471 ,,,IF- Imo- ral`J tri fn7y 86 . ri C la7 Ao, ���a I Sts, Hca b�e'ti1 art, W. JJ• s E t'9A119,1a,R 50 03 -•t+wl�°^ us "tom URIDaT Prompt Service Moderate rha'rges A ,� � 'an. �'? „icU,1!i , GOO. ��t� ,Xe ,lena a 'goes Dashwood, i 'cod, oCaldwell and tial on 0 ',lei= entral is J. O. Mot, Crediton Eawb Cha$ wicker, J.. G. a`tU4 & Boy,, a Faint.os., Cr edlten. The death of Mr. Donald McDon- ald occurred at his home on Mill- 'St, Parkhill, on Saturday; ' Sept. 27th. 1918 from pneumonia after an ill- ness of only one day; being able to attend the Fair on Friday, He was born in 1882 at 4 Stonebyuck, South U'ist, Invornossshire, Scotland and came out to Canada with his parents Mr." and. Mrs. John McDonald in 1848, Arriving at the Nairn, the family remained there one in while the-fatherand his son,•biar roitd west to the centre road and there to the old homestead lot 8 18. East Williams. They were first Catholic family in the neig hood but were soon followed many of those of the same f The deceased was interested in, ucational matters being a good G scholar, also proficient in . *reek Latin,