HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1913-10-10, Page 6PPRERTICE SYSTEM HOPS 'SCHOOL YOUTH CAReMAKING. • dia,n Pacific Railway Op- ates 17,000. 11Ii1es of Line. • here,'' the. guide pointed he took the visitor into a the plant which resembled schoolroom, "here the ea, is taught how to make 3 locomotives and cars and t that helps to make up the tock for the more than 17,- s of the line." y any other feature of the hops of the Canadian Paci- way at Montreal is oonsid- that oompany more impor- an the apprentice system of g by which young people are amiliar with the ins and outs oad .equipment. It is assert - he eompa.ny that it has the and best equipped railroad in America; X64 accounting ghness as a sign ofgreatness, undational work accomplish - he apprentice school needs to en fully into account when it estion of estimating what the means to the immense terri- t serves. 'A Train of Cars a Day," reply of the officials when the man is asked as to the capacity e Angus locomotive and car This means that ill case it necessary and, a.11 repair work d be put aside the shops could out each day a train composed o passenger coaches, eight box and one fiat car. That in itself huge performance in industrial vity and accounts in part for employment of the 6,000 men the monthly wage outlay of e than $500,000. ter an inspection of the great s and the territory they cover, .alization of the importance of apprentice .school is borne, home he visitor, Among the thou- s of men now at work are many had their first lesson in loco - e and car making in the An- chool. After looking at the rful activity manifested in dePartiient of the works, this g glance at the school where 'Tway, as it states., is looking sults five or ten years in the is like going back to first pies. The instructionsystem every actual and related that can be considered of to a railroad builder or oper- There is a primary education Ing of reading and writing, itary arithmetic, and geo- of the Canadian Pacific sys- )iographical sketches of past resent eminent Canadians, nd drawing, punctuality and rity, thoroughness, a,pplica- d thrift; self-reliance, clean - and recreation. The Young Employe, • he has successfully mastered imary requirements, is initia- 1 shop mechanics, including phase essential for his future tion. The practical work of hys in the ,shops takes place the supervision of specially ed instructors. In order to age the deserving apprentice mpany donates each year ten rships in oourses taught by instructors. There are also holarships each ,year, tenable it years at M•cGi]1 University, eel, 'to sons of employee. The s of these McGiLI scholar - are employed by the company vacation n,nd receive remun- n for their services, PiMP.LES THICKLY ZCA1TERED ON FACE in Bad Condition, Pimples Large. Face Sore and Itchy. Looked 13adly. Cuticura Soap and.Oint- ment Cured in Two Weeks, Muacey; Ontario. --"Some time ago MY taco was in a very bad condition with some " kind of pimples. Tho pimples were thickly acatterod. The tops of them were white; matter was in thexA. They were quite large and my face was sore and itchy and looked badly,. I had to scratch to be comfort- able and pometimee lost my sleep. The sores lasted about two months and I tried some ointments bub didn't like them. Then I sent for some Cuticura Soap and Cutiouro Ointment, used them for two weeks and I was completely cured." (Signed) Alex. R. Oke, April 2, 1912. SCALY ECZEMA ON FACE Clarkson, Ontario.—"My little girl. aged two years', started with a shin disease on her face, so I called in the doctor and he said it was eczema, The skin was quite ,red and all scaly. I washed the parts well with the Cutioura. Soap and then I put the Cutic ra Ointment on. You ought to see her now — ne fair as n lily! "I suffered a great deal with piles. 1 bad them very bad, and they itched and burned ao I could hardly bear it. When I got the Cut3ours Olntmeat I tried it. Now it has entirely cured me.", (Signed) Mrs. Cyrus Ward, Jen. 1. 1912. Cubic= Soap and Outicnre, Ointment aro sold throughout the world. Send to Potter D. St O. Corp„ Dept. 63D, Boston, U.S.A.; for free sample of each with 52 -page book. THE JUSTICE'S .JOKE. While Chief Justice Sir William Meredith was lately hearing a case he was disturbed by a young man who kept moving about in the rear of the room. "Young man," called out the Chief Justice, "you are making a SUGAR, FACTORIES IN BRAZIL. Population Requires 8'r Kilos Per Head. There are now in Brazil 3,546 primitive sugar factories and 120 more or less weal equipped factor- ies. Together these produce 300,- 000 to 320,000 tons of sugar annual- ly. But in order to keep the mini- mum price of sugar in our internal market above a price below which our little manufacturers say would be utter ruin to them, it is neces- sary to put on a prohibitive duty by which we suffer an export loss of 90,000 tons of sugar which should be produced. The population of Brazil requires about eight and one-half kilos of sugar a head an- nually, while in other countries the consumption varies from 15 to 40 kilos a head, as in England, Aus- tralia and NeeeZealand. It is evi- dent that a good number of small producers would disappear before the great manufacturers. But what difference should that make 7 This is a fatal law of modern industry to which one is obliged to submit in Brazil as elsewhere. Brazil evi- dently would also profit by aban- doning her beet root sugar. Sir William Meredith. Flow to Oro Morse Distemper An ExperienO04L 1torse van Solemn- ly Declares Nothing Is So SO4419017 as Nerviline. Says Nerviiif►e. Is Liniment. "After iifty"yeara'experience in.rais- ing ,horses I,;ca:n safely testify that no remedy gives such good results for an all-round stable liniment as Nerviline." Thus opens the very earnest letter of J. J. Evanston;'who lives near Welling- ton. "I had a very valuable horse that took distemper a month ago, and was afraid I was going to lose him. His throat swelled and hard lumps devel- oped. His nostrils ran and he had a terrible cough. I tried different remedies, but was unable to relieve my horse of his pain and suffering till I started to use Nerviline. I mixed a bottle of Nerviline and sweet oil and rubbed the mixture on the throat and chest three times a day, and you would scarcely believe the way that horse picked up. Nerviline cured him, I also have used Nerviline for colic in horses and cows, and earnestly re- commend it to every man that is rais- ing stock." For strains, sprains, swellings, colic, distemper, coughs and colds, no lini- ment will prove so efficacious in the stable as Nerviline"—it's good for man or beast, for internal or exter- nal, use, Wherever there .• is pain, Nerviline will cure it. Refuse sub- stitutes. Large size bottles, 50c.; trial size, 25c., at all dealers, or the Catarrhozone Co., Buffalo, N.Y., and Kingston, Ont. Getting Busy. great deal of unnecessary noise. What are you about?" "Your Honor," replied the young man, "I have lost my overcoat and I am trying to find it." "Well," said the venerable jus- tice, "people often lose whole suits in here without making all that dis- turbance." "- aluc of a Good Name. od name is rather to be cho- an great riches. Both are •es and both easily lost. It mall thing to be well thought ong friends and neighbors lose that confidence is to lose ;at part of one's possessions. ation may be regained, but it ot be until the best years of e , past and opportunities de - forever, When Juries Mete. in Alaska' there used to be a tattorneyw� was Is long du: on oratory, b Once, while prosecuting a se lie came to the finish of his lent, and, according to thereail- t Groner, who was up me, he leaned across the rail fade hisplea, gentlemen of 1 T asts of you, g ry, is that you now retire and ut; justice as she deserves to GIN PILLS FOR WOMEN SOME STUPID HABITS. If You Are Troubled In This Way Break It Off. Same people's lives are made a 'misery to them by senseless little habits they cannot get away from,. such as the habit of counting the steps they take. If a man once learns that triok he is; in for a bad time. • Another common trouble is that 'which leads people to avoid walk- ing on the cracks between the flag - atones of the pavement. There is no reason for 11. I1 is just a habit, and a very bothersome habit, too. Then there is the man who can never go to sleep until he has turn- ed over throe times. However tired he may be he has to make those three turns because he has allowed himself to get into the habit. There are others who cannot sit comfortably in a room unless they can see the door. They are not ex- pecting anyone to come in and at- tack them; they are not expecting anything at all. But they have got the habit. It would be easy to fill a whole page with a list of such stupid little tricks as these. The doctors know all about them, and they will tell you that people who do such things are neurotic). If you find yourself suffering from anything of the kind, the only thing to do is to get all your will- power to work at once and break it off. Men have been driven mad by such trifles as these. Read What Sirs. Harris Says About Them. Mrs. T. Harris of Tyneside, Onit., knows all about GIN PILLS. "I am now taking my third box of GIN PILLS," she writes. "The pain across my back and kidneys has almost en- tirely gone. I was a great sufferer from Rheumatism but it has all left me. I strongly advise all women, who suffer from Pain -In The Back and Weak Kidneys, to try GIN PILLS." 50c a box, 6 for $2.50. Sample free if you write National Drug and Chem- ical Co. of Canada, Limited, Toronto. .l. The supply of talk exceeds the demand. By the way, how many of your acquaintance let their religion in- terfere with their business? Friend.—"Were you smitten by your wife before you married her 7" Penhecker—"Yes, but not half so much as I have been since." Well Met— A Good Appetite And Post Toasties A dainty, nourishing dish for breakfast, lunch or sup- per—ready to serve direct from the package with cream and sugar. "Toasties" are thin bits of choice Indian Corn—skil- fully cooked and toasted to an appetizing golden brown. Wholesome Nourishing Easy to Serve Sold bar Grocers everywhere. Canadian Posting creme Oe., Ltd. wtnlleor, Ontario. Mrs. Crabshaw—I thought you were going to speak to that young man who has been calling on daughter so longi Crabshaw I guess it's coming out all right, my dear. The tele- phone bill this month looks as if there was something doing. Try Murine Eye Remedy If you have Red, Weak, Watery Eyes or Granulated Eyelids. Doesn't Smart —Soothes. Eye Pain. Druggists Sell Murine Eye Remedy, Liquid, 25c50c. Murine Eye Salve in Aseptic Tubes, 25c, 50c. Eye Books Free by Mail. An Rya Tanto Good for An Styes that Mead Corn Dfurioe Eye Ble,ziedy Co.. Chicago His Last. The Orank4—This is the last time I'll ever camp out. The Enthusiast —Well, you shouldn't camp out un- less you can enjoy yourself without being comfortable. Minard's Liniment Cur- es A Sign. "Jinks appears to be putting aside something for a rainy day." "His failure to return umbrellas made me suspect as much." Minard's Liniment Rel- ieves Neuralgia. Burn's, Etc. A nourishing, tasty, economical meal. A time and money saver. IA strength, producer. 9 ..,Iii ��nK HONiR EDUCATION. A DIVORCE GRANTED. After many years of patient suffering you can be divorced from corns by ap- plying Putnam a Corn Extractor, which acts in 24 hours without pain. Refuee a rumetdtyu tthat eis usafe and npainless. is25ethe at all dealers. 'iTLLIOTrr6 BUSINESS COLLEGE, TO- �d Tonto. Canada's Popular Coalmen. ciai School. Magnificent Catalogue free. FARMS FOR SALE. N. W. DAWSON, Ninety Colborne Street. Toronto. TEUI.T, STOCK. GRAIN AND DAIRE Farms in all sections of Onteri% Rome snaps. 1tA Ra RY way BlTt ackage. H i n wTorront . Bran,nt"n and n+ber tnwne and chief.. ESIDENTIAL PROPERTIES IN Brampton and a dozen other towns. H. W. DAWSON, Colborne St., Toronto. He Knew. "Daughter," called the father from his position at the top of the stairs, at the well-known hour of 11.55 p.m., "doesn't that young man know how to say good- night 7" "Does he 7" echoed the yound lady in the darkened hall; "well, I should say he does." Risky. Griggs I see the English women who are health faddists are wearing their hair unconi'iried. Brigg8-iy wife wore hers that way ox"r'tl ,and it fell •- out of the wing ABOUT THE GREAT LAI:ES. A Few Facts Which Are Not Gene erally Kitown. We all know in a general way that Lake Superior is the largest and Lake Ontario the smallest of the Great Lakes, but the relative facts are scarcely known to the average person. While Lake Michi- gan ranks second in oize, being forty-five miles shorter than Lako Superior, it is twiee as deep at its greatest depth, the figures being 900 feet for Lake Superior and 1,800 feet for Lako Michigan, so that in cubical contents the hatter far out- reaches Superior. Lako Huron's greatest depth also is a hundred feet more than that of Lako Super- ior, 80 that the greatest is not su- perior to everything alter all. Lake Erie and Lake Ontario are comparatively shallow, with maxi- mum depth of 204 feet and 412 feet, and yet we should not like to fall overboard in either of them, In width—maximum figures—Lake Su- perior comes first with 160 miles, Huron second with 105, Michigan third with 84, Erie fourth with 60, and Ontario last with only 52 miles of greatest breadth, In comparison with its area, On- tario leads with a drainage of 29,- 769 square miles for its area, of 6,700, the others being Erie, drain- age 39,860, area 23,000 square miles; Michigan, drainage 70,,000, area 22;400 square miles; and Su- perior, drainage 85,000, area 32,000 square miles. Drop in elevation IS very gradual, Lake Superior being. 600 feet above sea -level, Michigan 578 feet, Huron 574 feeti Erie 564 feet, and then comes a big drop to 234 feet for Lake Ontario. Sunday School Teacher—` `What is the conscience 1" Bright Boy— "It's wot makes you sorry wlen you get found out.. Nlinard's Liniment Cures Dandruff. • Practical. Mrs. W.—Odd invitations Mrs. Reid issued for the coming nuptials of her daughter—just written af- fairs, with the first line reading, "Mrs. L. W. Reid requests the hon- or of your presents," etc. Mrs. \V.—Truthful, at any rate. Baltimore. Md., Nov. 11, 1903. Minard's Liniment Co., Limited. Sire, --I came across a bottle of your MINARD'S LINIMENT in the hands of one of the students at the University of Maryland, and he being so kind as to let me nee it for a very bad sprain, which I obtained in'training for foot races, and to say that it helped me would be putting it very mildly. and I therefore ask if you would let me know of one of your agents obtain some olosest fit.. Baltimore Taning you inthat I mad- vance Tremain, Yours truly, W. 0. McCUEAN. 14 St. Paul street, Care Oliver Typewriter Co. P.SrSindly answer at once. Query. Lady Customer (peeved)—I've come to return this paper -cutter. It's not ivory, as represented. Storekeeper •,(musingly) -1 won- der whether that elephant had false teeth? Minard's Liniment for sale everywhere. Not That. B. A. Do Gree -My stomach's out of order, doctor, Doo. Shipp—Have i B. A. De .Gree—No, the reason. But most ,men . prefer a. dimpled cheek to a Classical high brow. you tried that's not • ED.17. • Purely Herbal—No poisonous coloring Antiseptic—Stops blood -poison Soothing—Ends pain and smarting, etc. Heals all sores. 50c. box. 4!1 0raggista and Stora NEWSPAPER FOR SALE. 11 J OUNTRY NEWSPAPER Sale good Ontario town.Excellent opening for man of energy. Write Wilson Publishing Comeany, Toronto. STAMPS AND C011V9. TAMP COLLECTORS—EUND ED Catalogue. ferent Foreign Stamps. Album, only Seven Cents. Marke Stamp Company, Toronto. MISCELLANEOUS. CI�. END 15 CENTS FOR THE WALT CJ Song Success, 'My Wonderful Girl.'., N. Wileon, 25 Melinda St., Poronto. fst 4NCER, TUMORS, LUMPS, ETO., jj internal and external, oared with. ont pain by our home treatment. Write ue before too late. Dr. Bellman Medical Co.. Limited, Collingwood. Ont. l XCLUSIVE AGENTS WANTED Jlif j4 every town to handle household necessity. Sells ou sight. AQents •ma e 55.00 to aday.Apply N. 25 MelindaToronto. rl ALL STONES, KIDNEY AND BLAD. 1,311 der Stones, Kidney trouble. Gravel.. Lumbagoand kindred ailments positively cured with the new German remedy. "Sanol," price 51.50. Another new remedy for Diabetes -Mellitus, and sure care, 19 "Sanol'e Anti -Diabetes." Price 52.00 from druggists or direct. The Sanot Manafac. taring Company of Canada, Limited, wiunipeg, Man. 1 ELECTRIC DYNAMO O1? GENERATOR FOR SALE 30 Kill., 110 VOLTS, Q.C., 675 R. P. M. a Very Reasonable. Figure 'Pon Immediate Sale. FRAM( WILSON & SOUR 78 Adolalde St. West, TORONTO. AGENTS WANTED. At WANTED.—PERMANENT MEN OR Women locally, Salary and Com' mission, Make Five to Ten Dollars day, Paccepted. Canada. L. Co., Publishers, Toro ISSUE' 41—'13. FOR € CI.E FOR SALE OF USED VIE Cars listed below he.,v® been taken in ex- change for our latest models with the Knight Motor. They are in good repair, fully inspected, and are ready to go on the road. The prices we are asking are just what we allowed for them in exchange. •ERUSSYLL" Model Motor. Il auti ul `Torp do body. yed Fully ieq equipped, at at a reasonable price+ $1,500.00 "RUSSELL" splenlT" live -passenger $°SOOTOD Carindidshape. Price "RUSSELL" Model "22." A beautiful Rye -passenger. 120 -inch wheel base? 86 -inch wheel. A fully equip- ped Touring Car with the Knight motor. This ear Will carry our regular guarantee. Price, $1,500.00 The cars are in splendid shape, and will bear examination and comparison with any other..: the market. RUSSELL MOTOR 100 RICHMOND Long Distance Phone, Adel. CAR CO,, LIMITED STREET WEST. 6276.