HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1913-10-10, Page 5) is y a, g .r 0l tit in gi he en es me , t 'S ma i.e nee d br ,out "0I UDC 1114 city ern] th+ tit ter Is a alis 'Pp .e. so ha e cl 13 m, Ver wale 9 I ittu i'eoeiviu i ' numerous enquiries respeotin.g .Unroll County Patin Lauds. if you want to sell I will assist you with an advertising campaign that will bring buyers to our favored County. No Buyer • No Charge Call, write or phone for par titulars. i ZELLER5 Convt yancer, Real Estate.', c'e ZURICH, ONT. RIDER AGENTS WANTED linensti SPEC! ! 16.6-114 chain,, tares. Our jergs producteon, togetb Withunexcelled bonitos and 25 years' err per diren busidfactoany ti icy r ea.1f i e Pill f C f:S Iso skip high-grade wheels TEN • '1Ye will awed a vrSoel to zny .LIL14 dreEs in Csdloeda on approval and allow odayys' trial. It will not cost you one cent 11 you not desire to keep it after at time. Wo could slot� ord to make this offer If we were not certain our eels aro tine beet valtu for the money on the market. 'Write stance ter new illustrated catalogue and toll particulars of our at- tractive near' otter and, special prices. ride and demonstrate a sample 1913 'HYSLoP ed by us and fitted with boaster brake, roller ae, extensionae+" ebar and other leading fest- taan mads selling oar r. • .les, tires eared sundries. SLOP BROTHERS, LIMITED SHUT&R AND ViCTORIA STREETS, TORONTO, ONT, ]daaat—Mention name et pear when aneurering this sdvortJsemeet I OWEN SOUND SS. CONVENTION • Instead of a Central Convention for the Provincial S. S. Association there will be two this year one at Owen Sound Oct. 28.30 the other at Ottawa 22.24 Those whose attend Owen Sound will be privileged . to hear the celebrated Marion Lawr- ence General Secretary of . the In ternational and Worlds Sr S, Asso elation, Prof Ea:oell of C7hioago and Prof, Roper will have charge . of. the music. Single fare en all ,rail«. roads. There will likely be a lax ge delegation from Huron County. Henry Bosseraberry Licensed Auctioneer. Huron, Middlesex and Latupton. Satisfaction guaranteed, Dashwood, Ontario. Dates arranged at the office WANTED—Gills to learn the •knitt- ing anti looping, in our factory. Guaranteed $5.00 per week, can make 12.00 to $15.00, .Pleasant and Ct.ogenial position. Apply by letter or phone to manager. Clinton Knitting Co. Ltd., Clinton, Ont. BROWN'S NURSERIES ARE FAMOUS For their fine Peach, Apple, Plum and Cherry trees. They have the best nursery soil ill Canada and are the largest growers of trees in the Dominion. All scions and bud sticks are cat by one man, and he has been in their employ many years so no mistakes are macre by using wrong scions or buds. Send in list of stock required and get their prices. Write for agency as they have some unocc- upied territory in this County. Brown Brothers Nurseries. Welland, Ont. R. E. B. BALI'OUR, graduate Western University, late of the Military IIospittd and Victoria Hospital, London. Office in the bnililing formerly occupied by the late Dr. McLaughlin, Dashwood. B&:t ut 0 Homes --Pike people—have an individuality of their own. A cheerful looking home—like a cheerful looking. person—is always pleasing to see. Any home may be brightened --mach, more attractive outsi6e and more cheerful to live in—mereil4 by a little care in the selection and use of proper Paints and. Varnish Finishes. We' have the Point and Finish for every taste and every scheme of dccor- tion •--• goo4 honest 100% Pure Paints and Superfine Varnishes -- that we know will give convIeta -card luting satisfaction. Corea ix said talk over your fall paint prides. via us. Perhaps we can suggest some new ideas in eters--or give you a better wa>< of making the inteer4or ",e and Span "—or save you a little money on tll,to whole job. Anyway, stopft and get * color car. and particulars of Martill- Setour Ps4nts, V'ax she niches and Onamels. Beauty on the Walls "Neu -Tone" is a delight in the hone@. tees a soft, flat, durable sanitary well nish, that anyone can apply. casts little—lasts long. Easily cleaned with a Damp cloth. 16 pleasing tints, suitable or every room in the house. Ask about it. Floor Paint that Stands t� SytsiiF That's the kind we handle—the, feel reli- ble aenour's Ploor tint -a kind hat's heel -proof. Remove Mil trace of nmmer's open leceleSe with fresh coat of Iletleglet to Plant. 11 autifu haddi -A? choose from. Call ora color card. Mc.......elepAALSVerehlit uolettm a dull e "at- twi00 ,ett ;..:: if pie ani s Petzeolersen. o tzalf —to freshen the glelOre rotect the atter 0ver a 1 of arlfdew inet t tet. it Pays to Use r s..:a,e. E CRT LE 1 F, Zurich, Ont. V1N`liB. FAIR AT �r ULLJ!H hreparil,fion3'are well finder way for the holding of the Thirtieth AP, anal Ontario Provincial Winter Fair to be held in Guelph, Dec. 9th, to 12 1918. Tho'premium list which is now to hand, shows a very attractive clessificatisn and a considerable in• crease in the amount of prize money offered over former years, Several extiia sections have been added in the herse department. In the Dairy Cat- tle section, the prizes have been in- creased in several sections. , In the Swipe department last year, a ,class Was provided for any other booed, grade or art*, this year and classes are provided, one for "any other pare bred", and one for "Grades or crosses of any breed". In the poultry depar- tment, several classes have been add- ed awl the; prizes for ducks are to be increased•according to the number of as is now the case in classes of fowls. Quite a number of County Coun- oils are offering special prizes for Am- ateur Exhibitors from their Counties, every section of the premium list be- ing supplemented by one or more of these county specials. A copy of the list upon application to the Secretary R. W. Wade; Parliament Buildings, Toron to. +r. WANTED GOOD LOCAL AGENT at once to represent the OLD AND RELIABLE FONTPHLL NURSERIES. Splen- did list of:freit and ornamental steck for fall delivery 1913 and Spring del- ivery 1914. Stott at -once and secure exclusive territory. We supply handsome free outfit and pay highest commissions. Write for full particulars. Stone and Wellington Toronto, Ontario The End of the Story. There is an amusing anecdote about King Louis of Bavaria in Lady Doro- thy Nevus's reminiscences: "Resolv- ing trrelieve the seeds of one of his poor slut breve alltaie-eamps, he sent him a ,.rails port$eiio, bound like a book, in wrlche . deposited 500 oro,;ns. Sone time afterward he met the oMoe' and said to him, `'eh, well, 4sew t- like the new work which T tent you2' 'Excessively, sire,' re- plied the colonel. ei read it with such interest that I expect the second volume with iligr Bence.' The king smiled, and when the officer's birth- day arrived he prevented him with an- other portfolio shuns! in every respect to the first, but wdt these words en- graved upon it: is Look is com- plete in two vol!+relwes"." • ?'lope. Hopi; .is tette/pinion. It is an in- herent feeling in mankind and a divine provitticn for the eusteutatiorl of in- terest in life. Mope is a chord which strikers pleasaf desires for the future; It is every one's ;sunshine, the rainbow in the storm, the silver using to the present clog t star set 1a the firma- ment of aur fine, to brighten, lighten and cls Ps way and differs in mag- nitude ins brightness according to oc- casion, Repels; an antidote of misery, a oOri'dttld fiat- the desponding and a Agin with many linker—Nellie i Watt The„Trrouhd,i'1 l -"Or' tit* Eas. A man in a cheap' restaasrlant orclt'r- ed two soft-boiled e'er and get-tl Then he opened the ogee. Thet one was all right. tat the. sezoox He called to the *artier.. "Eli, you; look at this egee I" a i, notion to ,melee wit eat it.' The ratter rasp .maid looked. A, far from pleasing Aix erase bat e11Rler the waiters had .R had esold or he re- fused to notice fit.. "Vest's thetArasi eggs?' he air .� *Oh *Oh 3l* I right 'to me. Wade *kW bailed 304 enough?„ re,gbead.Alta patrol,. , slo "they were Seth bailed encu but one of 'em wiMl,'t boiled soon enough." Invincible Amazons. "And jest to'think, John," said Mrs, Stubb proudly, "If the euftregettes ever get into power the leaders will have 'heir pictures on the postage stamps." !'By carickeyr sighed ?gr. Stnbb, with a faraway' look. "That's the only way we'll ever be able to Lick 'ern,"—Cite cag+D News. ' Free Ladies and Gents Watches, Bus, BraceIets and Jewelry of Every. Description, Lace Curtains, Rugs, House Furnishin6,Rifles, Moving Pic. ture Machine, Skates, Printing Press« es, Fountain Pens, in £act nearly everythnig you can think of you can get Aboslutefy-Free for selling our Beautiful Fancy Drawn and Satin Stripped handkerchiefs at 10 cents each. They sell rapidly. 0 can genes. ally be sold in every house, Don't send us any money, but. write us to send you a lot of 'Handkerchiefs • to sell, that when sold you will send us the money and the premium 'selected' Selling 24 handkerchieff entitled you to your choice of an 'elegant Watch, 8 gold Laid Rings, Lace Curtains, etc. Write us to -clay, we trust Your' and take back the goods if 'you cannot sell them. Favorite Seat. • 1 rieltl&-Why do you do emir sewing.. at':thls window in the air theft? You ean't hSlf dee. Mrs. De Platte -No, but I :can hear beautifuily-if"ew , York �70eek tr. INOLA CO. CHICAGO, ILL Dr. de Van'i Pertriak Phis j A reliable French regulator; never fails. These pills are exceedingly powerful in regulating the generative portion of the female system. Refuse all cheap imitations. Dr. de Van's are sold at $5 a box, or three for $10 flailed to any address. 'Tae ;5cebeel.xlrtmg Co.. l'. latbstrtsres, One x.19 t act a .v Line, mar Pals' wsm? "ISst! r' COLONIST EXCURSION Sept. 25th to Oct. 10th inclusive From all stations in Ontario at very row rates to; Vancouver B. C. Los Angels Cal. Victoria, B. C. , San Deigo Gal. Nelson, B. C. San Fran Sisco Cal. Prince Rupert, Be' C, Mexico City •Mex. Portland Ore. Seattle, Wash, Spokane, Wash. ONE-WAYSECOND-CLASS TICKETS ONLY WILL BE ISSUED Proportionate low rates to other pojnts in Arizona, British Columdia, California, Colorado, Idaho, Montana Mexico, Oregon, Nevada, Texas. Utah, Washington and Wyoming.. Full particulars, berth reservations, etc. from coy Grstnrl Trunk Agent. tipirMilre �..ee,e, .. , seev: ie, .. :ASF. FOR HARVESTING IN WESTERN "GOING TRIP WEST." $10.00 TO WINNIPEG Plus halt cone per sane from Winnipeg up to 3facLeecl, Ce3Beey. or Edmonton. "RE.aT+J! N T $18.00 brio b ltiiit�il PEd'a Plus half cent per refs efrom aLepeSete east of MacLeod, uainn ryor. Min outrun to Winnipeg AUGUST 15th MIMI' Mel AUGUST 2361 GOING DATES _From all stations Yingston to Renfrew inclusive and east thereof in Ontario. '.2 -From Toronto end West on Grand Trunk 'hula Line to Sarnia inslrtsive and South thereof. --Prom Toronto and North-Western Ontatie, North of bat net Gond Trunk Line Toronto to Sarnia and Ieiet of Toronto to nrensEeen, Sherbet Lake and Renfrew, including these paints, SEFTEMBER 3rd_ -.Brom Toronto and all stations in Ontario Meat of but net Including Grand Trunk Line Toronto to Nath nay. SEPT1IiIIER 5th—From all stations on Grand Trunk Line Toronto to North Bay inclusive, and %Vest thereof in Ontntio, including C.Y.R. Line Sudbury to Sault Ste. Marie. Onttnio, but not including Azilda and West. 0115-WAAY SECOND-CLASS TWEETS WILL 113 SOLD TO SIN11IPMS ONLY One-way second class tickets to Winnipeg only will be anld. Each ticket will Include a verification certificate, with an erten: fon coupon. When extension coupon has been signed at Winnipeg by a farmer, showing he bye eugage:i the holder to work as a farm laborer, the coupon will be honored up to September 30th for ticket at rate of one-half cent per mile (minimum fifty cents) to any station wept of Winnipeg on the Canadian Pacific, Canadian Northern or Grand Trunk Pacific Railways in Manitoba, Saskatchewan or Alberta, but not west of Edmonton, Calgary or MacLeod, Alta. A certificate will be issued entitling vurchascr to a second-class ticket good to return from any station on the Canadian Re lee, Canadian Northern, or Grand Trunk Pacific Railways in Alberta, Saskatchewan an.l M; nitoba ea -it of MacLeod, Calgary and Edmonton to original starting point by the same route as travelled on going journey on or before November 30th, 1013, on payment of one half cent per mile (minimum fifty cents) ap to Winnipeg added to $111.00 from Winnipeg, provided the holder deposits the certificate with the ticket agent on arrival at destination, eard works at least thirty days at harvesting. For full particulars see nearest C.P.R. Agent, or write— ! r.,�! M. G. MURPHY.D.P.A.. C.P.R., Toronto _. re t•, ,. r '..-. e •, • FURNIT You will always find all the latest sties in furniture such as. Brass and Metal Beds- Tabis, Chairs, Etc You could find no designs _prettier, more striking or pleasing. the can surely satisfy you in the selection of furniture els re- gards design, construction and price. IL F mi Furniture and . Funchal Dae e c ea e ECTL What a variety! Such clever styles! These are the expressions we hear daily in our Clothing Department. The fine range of TAILORED CLOTHES and samples make it possible for us to please the most fasti- dious dressers. Style, Pit, Quality, linked. with, ;Moderate Prices. APPE