HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1913-10-10, Page 4HEALTH eemeareeeeeeseeeeteeeesoWeeyeeeeerdi Can Appendicitis be Prevented? 'I It is quite natural that many peo- ple should wonder whether this uni- versal complaint, which attacks men and women . indiscriminately, can be'warded off by any system living or attention to diet, The appendix is attached to that part ofthe large intestine known as the cavum. From an important and relatively large structure in animals that feed on grass and vegetables this has dwindled almost to nothing in m nera11 sia'X`&Mets about three to six inches long, and ria -Diu -Ca DyspeP ehan are the best friends for sufferers Her Bast ,ii�,.rga�.u. An old lady accompaPiod by her daughter who was about to be mar- ried, went to 'Dublin to make so'arle purchases. Having finished shop- ping, as they had some time to spare, they strolled into the Phoe- nix Park, and feeling tired, they .sat down on two chargeable chairs. 'Shortly afterwards the; eolleotor came around and demanded two- pence. The old lady asked, "What for I" So , then the collector ex- plained that if abe wanted the chairs they would have to pay a penny each for them, "Oh," said the daughter, joining in, "we'll take half a dozen, and I think it's the best bargain we've made to- day" Flower 'With a i3Cistory. On the score of age alone, the peony should command the'interest of all flower -lovers. It has a his- tory which began many hundreds of years ago. The tree peony, more than any other flower, has been the glory and pride of the Chinese for nearly 500 years, and has been a subject for the painters and a theme for the poets. In China, for more than 1,000 years, 'a record has been kept of the parelitage of seed- lings of this peony and. their char- acteristics, Its great.' beauty and fragrance made it, centuries ago, the' favorite flower of China's em- perors, and it was ' called Hwa Wang --king of flowers.. A bite of this and a taste of that, all day) tong, dulls the appetite and weakens tire, digestion. Restore your stomach to healthy vigor by taking a Na-Dru-Co Dyspepsia Tablet after each meal-andcut out the °pieoinge, front hi an It is ge its diameter is little more tan I g dyspepsia 50o.rea Bos of a goose -quill. One cause of alt- indigestion diesti n andDrugMade by the pendicitis is a kink or twist in this worm -like structure, that stops its National Drug and Chemical Co. of blood supply. Sudden, violent Canada, Limited. strains such as lifting e weights seem to be another fre- quent cause, while insufficient ac- tion of -the bowels, as well as indi- gestible food, are both pone is bring on an attack. Appendicitis preclud- ingmay also be due to germs general infections, such as ty- phoid or rheumatic fever. One sometimes hears of foreign bodies such as orange or apple pips ' being found in the appendix. But these frequently prove to be small particles of hardened excrement that have dried, and even become coated with a layer of phosphates. The best precaution we can take against appendicitis is togyand escape the initial inj ry. shoulds sfar s possible, therefore, se- cure regular action of the bowels, tin may o the hope lopode that in the narrow can- al; ; we should avoid sudden violent strains, and finally take care not to eat indigestible food, and not to eat too hurriedly or too hhearrtily.ivrThe in a The of wrong way is apt to cause irregular movements of the instestines, and. these produce the twist or kink which is frequently the beginning of an attack of appendicitis, --A Physician. elear 1,:MfT H..r 149 ANYTHING INSURABLE. Everything and Anything insured n Of late years—especially in Loa- don—it on-donit 'has become quite common for gifted people—beauties, musi- cians, artists, and so forth—to in- sure separately those parts of their -.anatomy on which their suc- cess depends. An American actress, for ex- ample, who was recently appearing at a London theatre, insured her eyes, upon whose power of fascina- tion she relied very largely for her effects, for £6,000. Similarly, Carnes) has his voice heavily insured, whilst the hands of Paderewski, the great pianist, are said to be insured for something like £50,000. Many artists, of course, insure their hands ; and not long ago a noted scientist, on ac- count of the heavy strain imposed -by research work on his eyes, de- cided to insure his vision, despite the high premium demanded. Countless "freak" insurances also have been effected. To take a case in point --a certain erstwhile society beauty, terrified lest her nose, which is at once her pride and crowning glory, should be dam- gaed in a motor accident, has 'for ten years . past regularly been pay- ing an extravagant premium in or- der that -she may, at least, get some compensation if a "road -hog" or unforseen occurrence mar her beauty. Faet and Fancy. Smell miol't$I ' --then sm4ll Vis soap That Terrible Fatigue Can Be Overcome health Notes. Physicians assert that reading aloud is one of the beat of ' exer= oises. Buttermilk is valued in some parts of the country as a medicine. ---^k` as well as a drink. To stop the itch of a mosquito bite rub it with ammonia. ,'n five minutes the itch is gone. A Liverpool skin specialist says that the cause of baldness amongst men is too much haircutting. A sufficiency of sleep by night is a sine qua non to good health, no matter who or what the individual may be.—Dr. Charles Musgrove. Hot lemonade is one of the best remedies in the world for a cold'. It acts promptly and effectively, and has no unpleasant after-effects. Tea cannot bring on tuberculosis but it may produce such physical debility as to make any one an easy prey to infection. Loss of appetite, gastric catarrh, palpitation, dys- pepsia, are all induced by exces- sive indulgence in tea, andl suffer- ers from any of these symP a would do well to cut down their e one daily allowance by at pint, taking instead plain water, either hot or cold. SAFETY FN ALUMINUM. NUM. ;.i Fresh, sweet violets —the first thin g you think of when you smell this soap. As soon as you use it you will delight in the sweet elusive per- fume that is left clinging to your face, your hands and hair, and in the softening, whitening effect of the glycerine on your skin. Get a. cake today. KNIVES AND FORKS. The Fortner Was Used Long Before the Latter. Table forks did not come into anything like common use in Eng - and until the seventeenth century ; and even then they were used for serving food rather than transfer- ring it from plate to mouth. 11 The modern Persian regards the fork as an object worthy only . of contempt. So, too, did our fore- fathers regard it. Your sixteenth century ancestor, in faob, when din lug out, found, and only expected to find, laid on the table before him a trencher, a napkin, and a spoon. He provided his own kitfe, as a matter of course, and occasionally, no doubt, found other uses for it on his return -journey home; whilst at the end of each corrse 'he would I wipe his spoon, just as the modern Frenchman wipes his fork, dexter- ously in a piece of bread. And then, of course, even after it had been accepted as necessary to every table, the fork for a long while had to contend with the rival- ry of the knife, Indeed, down to one hundred years. ago, the latter was very much more popular than the former for lifting food to the nsouth; whilst even to -day there are old people to whom, despite the mandates of Dame Etiquette, cheese never would be cheese un- less they could bite it—and thereby seemingly endanger lip and chin from the end of a sharp piece of Sheffield cutlery. MOTHER AND BABY. A Simple Home Remedy Now Cures Lack of Energy, Loss of Am- bition, and a Feeling of "D on't-Gare." Successful in Nearly Every. Case. Its Use for Cooking Utensils Approved by Science. Medical men havebeen making tests of aluminum cooking vicessel under the varied working condi- tions of the kitchen, and have care- fully determined the amounts of this element taken up by the differ- ent materials in contact with the. vessels. From the results it seems to be necessary to give warning against only oarbonate of soda in al ,minuea and the long standing of pure wa- ter. Common salt, beefsteak, to- matoes, soups, brussels sprouts, and apples caused some -darkening of the vessels, but the slight traces of aluminum absorbed were not deemed sufficient to affect health. With acetic or ca,rtaric acid there was no darkening or other indica- tion of any action. Carbonate of soda alone gave strong blackening and showed much dissolved alumi- num, and against the use of this dealers in aluminum ware have of- ten given caution. Water boiled in vessels seemed to have no effect. It was on stand- ing twenty-four hours exposed to the air that cold water caused a white gelatinous substance to be sweated out, and this proved to contain aluminum and silica. Even this combined action of 'water and air may be avoided by a film of oil over the water, • That miserable nervousness and half -sick tired -all -the -time condition is due nine system. cases You igrow irritable n ten to a g ed - up and despondent, ambition, • seems algone, Surest health is by the frequent use of Dr. Hamilton's ou feel likenew all they awill short timake me. Writing from his home in Barce- lona, Mr. Frederick ( . Mayer states: "I think no one ever suffered as se- verely nearly six months. So many serious symptoms were de- conditionas a of my systemethatthis real- ized I must find''Et.remedg.. ` The strong pills of 'various kinds Irtrled seemed after their first effectsre over to make me far worn, ) :id not know which way to turn for relief. I saw Dr. Hamilton's Pills advertised, and the first box used satisfied me. I found a true remedy. Instead of griping with undue activity, Dr. Ham- ilton's Pills acted as naturally as if physic had not been taken. I never had to within a cmonth the areduc d' it, and when the system finally acted of its own accord as a result of Dr. Hamil- ton's amilton's Pills, I took, a dose twice a week only, just to make sure the old condi- tion would not come back." No other remedy cures constipation and biliousness s -,easily or safely as deDrteare an al family nremedyHamilto'ss �forllall diseases of the stomach, liver and bowels. Sold in 25e, boxes, five for $1.00, all druggists and storekeepers or The Catarrhozone Co., Buffalo, N.Y., and Kingston, Canada. SAYINGSFROM THE FRENCH. 10c a cake. 3 calces for 25a For sale by Canadian druggists from coast to coast, including Newfoundland Fora sample sake, send2ast.mp to the Andrew jercons Co. Ltd. G SherbtuoY° Street, Perth, Ontario. Gossip puts two and two to- gether and makes nine. Beards are taxed in Japan. , A good deed is better than gold, but not as negotiable. The Dutch consume the most to- bacco. high- er people never get any g er than 'a .toweling. rage. Baked bananas make agood brain food. Airing other people's faults never made them smell any sweeter. America has most tramps. True pearls are often found in the cocoanut palm. Every man has his own peculiar bent, and that is why so many of us are crooked. Porcelain coins are a feature of Siam. Be particularly careful of a dead sure thing. REVIVED. Is The only true and firm friendship is that between man and woman, because it is the only affection ex- empt from actual or possible rival- ry.—A. Comte. Old age is the night of life, as night is the old age of the day. Still, night is full of magnificence : and, for many, it is more brilliant than the day. ---'Mme. Swetchine. Women of the world never use harsh expressions when condemn- ing their rivals. Like the savage, they hurl elegant arrows, orna- mented with feathers of purple and azure, but with poisoned points.— Anonymous. Old -Time Health, Eating Grape- Nuta. Some Diet Maxims. proverbs in various languages gather round the well-known ad- vice "After dinner sit a while; after supper walk amile." "If you would be ill sup and go to bed" is another way in which the truth is expressed; the proverb that says, "Who goes supperless to bed, all night tumbles and tosses," is in apparent contradiction to it; but it is easy to see that what is here meant is the restlessness which hi haft a fol- lows f actings ; supper suitable and sufficient time before retiring to rest being rewarded by quiet slumbers. The waning diges- tive powers of old age are perhaps hinted at in the saying, "he wrongs not an old man who steals his sup- per." Codrringt,on, in his "Collec- tion of Proverb -a," gives the secret of long life, "To rise at six and dine at ten, to sup at six and go to bed at ten, will make a man live ten times ten." "I had been sick for, 10 years with dyspepsia and a lot of complies- tions," -wrote a Western woman. "An operation was advised, change of climate was suggested, but no one seemed to know just what was the matter. I was in, bed threedays in the week and got so thin I weighed only 89 lbs. No food a seemed to agTee with me, "I Mold my husband I was going to try some kind of predigested food to see if I could keep from this feeling of continued hunger. "Grape -Nuts and cream was the food I got and nothing has seemed to satisfy me like it. I never feel hungry, but have a natural appe- tite. have had no nervous spells since I began this food, and have taken no medicine. "I have gained so much strength that I now do all my housework and feel well and strong. My. weight has increased 8 lbs. in 8 weeks and I shall always eat Grape- Nuts as it is far pleasanter than taking medicines." Name given by Canadian Postum Co., W indser, Ont. Read "The Road to W ell- ville," in pkgs. "There's 'et rose son."Pills star reed the above letter? A nous one wiser thran he who 8uapoots .lke is a mo. y,�� genuine, truer and to tlitle. They are t aatluinc, true, and lull of human Interest, fool.—+Marguexita de �albis� THE. CLEANLi OF SiNKS.CLO BATHS, ORAlN IS OP VITAL IMPORT TO HEALTH - Every mother is anxious for the welfare of her little ones—above all she wants them to have good health. Thousands of mothers have learned the .secret of keeping their little ones healthy — they. halve learned that by keeping Baby's Own Tablets in the house and giv- ing an occasional dose to the little ones that they will escape constipa- tion, vomiting, colic, colds, worms, etc. The Tablets never fail to be of service in. keeping the baby healthy and happy. Sold by medi- cine dealers or by mail at L5 cents a. box from The Dr. Williams' Medi - cite Co., Brookville, Ont. Pea If you believe in evil, you have done evil.—A. de Musset, The heart of a statesman should be in his head, epoleon I. Use, do not . abuse; neither ab- stinence nor excess ever renders man happy. --Voltaire. We salute more willingly on ac- quaintance in a carriage than a friend on foot—Se Petit -Senn. There is no torture that a woman would not suffer to enhance her beauty.—Montaigne.. The pretension of youth always gives to a"woman a few more years than she really has.-.otly• r Modesty in woman is a virtue most deserving, since we do all -we can to cure her of 3t.--Lingree Partake of love as a, temperate man partakes of wine ; do not be- come intoxicated.—'A, de Musset. Who would venture upon the journey of life,if compelled to be- gin it at the end I --Mme. de Main- tenon. Hope says to us at every mo- ment: Go on I go on 1 and leads us thus to the grave. --Mine. de Main - tenon. Women deceived by men want to marry them : it is a kind of revenge as good as any other. JBeauma- noir. Women swallow alt one mouthful the lie that flatters : and drink drop by drop a truth, ghat is bitter,-- Diderot. be truly free, That a country may all pyx free the people should bei, pliers, : and the rulers all gods.-- Napoleon I. There is no greater foolthan he who thinks himself wise ; no . one 'uff: ! The doctor had spent fifte' utes examining the patient. the medico sat down with a relief. "I'll fix you up in good said the doctor, as he prepa write a prescription. need is a good nerve t pnae. way, what is your io Brass I" "I am a book agent," rep patient. If chairs are only a little sagged but no canes are broken, turn bot- tom side up and wash in hot water ; this will shrink the canes and they will look very nice when dry. _ -- LIQUID SULPHUR used according to directions is one of the most potent restoratives that can be taken into the system. It cleanses the blood and makes It possibleor the or - trans to do their work profr ECZEMA and eruptions of the akin yield at once to treatment. Hundreds are• more than willing to testify to the bene- ficial results of ueina LIQUID SULPHUR. RHEUMATISM is sisalAY the result of impure blood and clogged blood veaaele. LIQUID SULPHUR removes the cause of the impurity and cleanses the blood channels. For sale by all druggists, Price 50 cents ner bottle. One morning loyal Irishman was at work near the top of a tele- phone pole painting it a bright green, when the pot of paint slip- ped and splashed on the sidewalk. A few minutes another Irishman came along. He looked at the paint, then at his countryman, and inquired with anxiety in his tone : "Doherty, Doherty, hov ye had a himorrage " otey wrriwry ',reeern Is an enemy within the c m . It nt on undermine the strong yys � and ruin the most vigor bhealth.. It leads to indigestion,i Impure blood, bad complexion, sick headaches, and is one of the most frequent causes of appendicitis. .To aeglectitis slow suicide ooUre Indian Root Pills positivelya entirety Constipation. They', are vegetable in composition and do not sicyouhealth by taking ur gripe. weaken or : Presery Die Horse's ea Truthful Girt Melvin—Dear, am I the you have sat with in this ha Melvina—Yes. This is hams A I LRO and Telegraphy Cbcrlle complete and modem k right at poor o*n hom Telegraph and Railroa Gerrard St, East, Toro for particulars aW. nd sShim A HOUSEWIFE IS JUDGED BY HER K FOR A BRIGHT STOVE AND A REPUTATION, USE SLACK WOG Z-.;44 ® PERFECTION Smokeless Oil Heate •L --X. just that touch of extra comfort yo in very cold weather. '10.,T SMOKIELIESS E.%* E It gives warmth where the ordinary heat does not chases the chill from the breakfast-room you need bedrod few minutes. Carry it wherever it. Light, easy to handle, clean; durable, and at the sa ornamental. Stock carried at all chief points. THE IMPERIAL OIL CO., Limit ToMontreal Winnipeg ,Ott ,Ottawa Quebec Calgary HalifHalifaxHaif x St. John Regina