HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1913-10-10, Page 3R C11ER1
Our registration agin exceed that
of any previous year. The boy or
girl who has not received our free
catalogue does not know the great
opportunities of Commercial life.
We have three departments, Com-
mercial, Shorthand and Telegraph-
y, and we offer you advantages not
offered you advantages not offered
elsewhere in Ontario. You may
enter at any time. Write for our
free catalogue at -once.
D5A. cLachla ,
Furniture Store
We are giving Big Snaps
in Pianos and Organs for
the, balance of the year.
wo big shipments of
Singer and Raymond Sew-
ing Machines must be
cleared out at once, at
a low price.
big stock of Furniture
always on hand and prices
the Lowest.
vied apples taken as Cash.
ig stock on hand. Day or
night—call Central.
rniture and Undertaing
3arristers, Solicitors. Notaries Public,
to. Goderich, Canada W. Proudfoot.
C. C. R. 0. Hays. 3. L. Killoran.
ales conducted in all parts. Satis-
ion guaranteed or no pay. Terms
minable. Orders left at this office
be promptly attended to.
Crediton, — Ontario
onveyancers, General Insurance
elephone—Office la, House lb.
agent, representing the London,
nomioal, Waterloo, Monarch, Stand-
, Wellington and Guardian. Every -
gin fire insurance.
Barber Shop
every Wednesday aftern con
and evening.
every Saturday, all day,
THOS. HLUhMPP, Proprietor.
EXt EEa9EcaO'Z
TRADE. a F' eras
OopvatGH'rs &G,
one gendi :a a slleteh and description may
i 197.errau3 our onlnion free whether antern JO prrhnb,c natentable. ommunira•
tricti/yconfideutsal. HANDBOOK on i'atent
roe. (most agency' for seouringg�ppatents.
rte taken through Munn & Co. receive
naottce without charge, In the C
weekly. I.argrst dr,
... ,•• j+ntra,ar. Terms ,'nr
yc u, postage nrspald, Sold t v
4321! r^ sr„ Yashrn,ttr.,.. -
It will give out readers some i
how farmlands are selling in Iowa
and what we may expect in Hu
some day, where ire have better a
more prolific soil.. The item is
follows. "A brand new, 1914 mod
big horsepowersd laud sale moo
that will stay in front of the prose
ion for some time was hung up la
Saturday, when John Cowan, jr, d
posed of his farm at the north end of
to Ira Dornsbruch for a little over
$100 per acre. The farm contained
44ilf acres of good land: On it is a
first class house and a full set of
buildings, The sale included sir
hay etc. So far as any one kno
this sale sots an absolute record for
O'Brien county, if not for this part of
the state. A farm iir Woodbury
county sold for $480 an acre, but
there was only 85 acres in it," Mr.
Cowan is an old Huron boy, a nat
eve of the township of McKillop, au
a cousin of Mr. James Cowan, Cfort
Thisland was purchased by Mr. Co
wan's father in 1880 for $6 an acr
lea i Mr. and Mrs. Charles Lawson of
Toronto, who were visiting Mr, and Joseph Gill, returned to. their
borne on Saturday,
d Mr. Freed Elsie and Theodore' re-_
as turned home on Saturday, from • De•
rd troll Fair.
ss- • Mr.and Mrs, J. Sharrow went to
visitrelrtives in Detroit, last week. •
Mr. and Mrs. Jambs Nilson wer e
the guests of her parents, 11Ir and Mrs
Fred Page on Sunday
Mr. Bert Stattion, bought Mr. Will
Patterson's driver.
Mr. Either is putting up a cottage,
aw Fred Page and son Walter; have . the
v'n cement work.
Following is the report of S. S. No.
e' 12 Hay, for the month of September,
names are in order of merit.
r Class IV—Milfred Schilbe.
1 Class sr III—Norman Gaseho,
' Larne Pfile, Laura Krueger and Al-
e fred Meidinger.
d -, Jr. III—Morley Witmer, Rosella
Schilbe, Annie Schilbe, Joel Gascho.
Sr. II—d:lban Pfile, Ina Livingood
Gordon Witmer, Oscar Fleischauer,
Lillian Surerus.
Sr. 1st ---Alvin Walters, Frank Ba -
dour, Theresa Meidinger, Vernon
Jr. 1st—Ada Witmer, Lorne Fleis-
I Pr. Jr. A.—Albert Fleischauer, Ed-
win Gascho, Elizabeth Badour,
Pr. Jr. B. Gertrude Schilbe, Susie
Walters, Nettie ilIeiclinger,
No. on roll 81, average attendance
Work on the Government elevate
Port Arthur is practically completed
and the first terminal elevator to b
constructed, were unloaded yesterday
This is the first to be constructs
by the Government, and it is expect
rd that it will be running to full cap
acity in a week's time. The storage
Mrs. David Webb is very low at
Mr. anti Mrs Harry Zapfe were the
guests of Mr. and Mrs. C. 'Zapfe ,on
tanks will hold five million bushels.
Mr. Geo. Hicks,and bride returned
from their honeymoon trip, to De-
troit, Niagara Falls and other places
on Monday evening.
Mr. Thos. Oliver is back after a
pleasant visit to Little Britain, Lind-
say and Fenelon Falls.
Miss Estella Neil left for London
on Tuesday to resume hsr course in
the conservatory of music.
Mr. T. L. Ratchford of Toronto
is visiting his parents at the parson-
Rey. Dr. Carman General Superin-
tendant is to preach the Silver Anni-
versary sermons in the Methodist
church lure Sunday November 2nd.
at -it 30 a. m. and' 7. p. in. Doubt-
less he Will be greeted by large con
The following shows the relative
standing of the pupils of U. S, S. No.
9 Stanley for September.
IV —IN in. Manson, Edgie Finlay,
Gladys Douglas.
Sr. III.—Ruth Zirk, Lydia Ging-
erich, John Moyer.
Jr. III.—Ada Meyers, Laura Qe- , J
sob, Sarah Erb,
Sr. IL—Herbie Moyer, Josiah
Steckle, Carl McClinchy,
Jr. II. Anna P. Douglas, Edmund
Beehler, Eleanor Meyers.
Pt. 2.—Eva Zapf, Elias Steckle,
Allan Douglas..
Pt. 1 A.—Evelyn Howard, Edna
Gingerich, Margaret Meyers.
B.—Rodger Zirk, Ethel Meriam,
Edda Kennel.
0.—Harvey Gelinas, Rosey Mar-
iam, Mabel Boyce.
G•. S. HowArn, teacher,
E. R. Keys, teacher.
On Monday afternoon Mr. Pressen
Dearing was knocked over by a team
he had been driving and which be
came frightened while at the Exeter
Depot. His foot was slighty injured.
On Wednesday morning Mr. .john
Short passed away at the home of his
daughter, Mrs, Jas. Beverly at the
age of 90 years and 8 months. The
funeral will be held on Friday at 2
p. in. to the Exeter cemetery.
Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Knapps of
Kamlorps, li. C. are visiting the latt-
er's sister, Jars. J. N. IIoward, and
Mrs. C. W. Wilson, Mr. and Mrs.
Knapps attended the golden wedding
of the farmer's parents in Ingersoll,
last geek.
Mrs. 17. Smith and little son of
Sault St Marie, who have been visit -
ng the forrner's parents Mr. and Mrs
oho Snell returned home on
Ion day. Mr's. Snell accompanied
them as far as Sarnia, where she will
The following is the report of S.
S. No. 6 Hay, and is based upon the
weekly test examinations and gener-
al conduct during September.
Honor's 70% Pass 55%
Sr. IV.—Honours Thecla Smith,
Jr. IV.—Honors.- Garfield Wit-
mer. Pass 7'Silas Melialls, Herbert
Dabus, Lawrence Jeffrey,
Sr. II.—Honors—Irene Regier,
Archie Steel, MartinaRealer, Pass=
Neil Steele.
Jr. IL — HonorsLyla ( ingerich
Felix Jeffrey. Pass— Rosetta Dabus,
Valeria Greb, Theodore Smith.
Sr. Pt II.— Reinman Howald,
Nelson Jeffrey, Garnet Wildfong.
Sr. Pt. 1.—Oscar. Greb, Adella
Witmer, d )iscola Smith.
Jr. Pt, '1.—Elmore Steel; Nora
Jeffrey, Lillian Martin, Bruce Boee,
Cornelius Dabus.
• L. LI.• SNIDE13, Teacher.
Miss Olive Dearing has opened a
Millinery ;shop at the Bend whibb she
will continue through the Num
visit for a few days.
Death eine suddenly on Monday
morning last to Mr. D A Ross a high-
ly and much esteemed resident of Ex-
eter while on a visit over Sunday
with friends in Clinton. Mr Ross
had been a sufferer from heart trouble
for some time, and while his condition
was considered serious yet his sudden
call was a surprise to his many
friends here. Mr Ross was . in the
sixty-flsrt year of his age and 'had
been a resident of Exeter upwards of
thirty five years, was a man of sterl-
ing qualities, a consistaut and worthy
member of the 11lain st Methodist
church being identified with the offici-
al and quartely board; and a teacher
in the Sunday School, always in at-
tendance when health would permit.
He was engaged in business with the
Ross Taylor Co. up until the time of
his death. He leaves to Inourn his
loss three sons; Wm., Dr. IL P., and
Warren, besides his widow, who have
the sympathy of a host of friends in
their bereavement;
Mrs. R. Graham of Edam Alta. and
child are visiting her parents, Mr and
Mrs Jas Walters.
Dr. U P Ross of Nampa, Td.a,hc,nnd
Mr, Warren Ross this week, attend-
ing the funeral of the funeral of their
father, Mr D. A. Ross, •
The Misses Carling.epent a few
days of this week in London,
Mrs. B. Spgckman who has been
visiting Mr and Mrs . John Spackman
left for her home in Toronto .
Mr Frank Ross of Toronto was here
this week attending the funeral of Stasi
undo MMi D A Ross. I
Fall and Winter Go
rriving Daily for Early Iuyers
We have opened up a shipment of Ladies Coats, the very latest New York styles in some sell
new cloths, prices franc $37.50 to 20.00 each,
Velvets and Suitings, we have had several shipments for your inspection of Tweeds, Che-
viots, Beiges Corduroys, Whip Cords, Bedford Cords, Silks eto, in all the newest shades together
with a swell range of Allover Laces, Panay Silks, Braids, Laces Ito, for trimming,
We have opened up several lots of Mink, Marmot, Stoles, Muffs, Sable, Persian Lamb, Fox eta.
We can save you money on your purchase this season, It will pay you to look over our stock.
We are receiving some of the very latest suits and overcoats we have ever shown, right up to
dote. We have some extra values in Children's 2 and three piece suits If your contemplate buying
Boys Suits do not fail to see our stock.
—We have several hundred patterns of tweeds & worsteads for you to choose from,we get them
made up in the very latest styles and guarantee you a fit, we would be pleased to show you our
fall suit, we have them marked low for quick sale.
entire range of patterns and quote prices, we feel satisfied that we can save you money on your
Cottons is complete and prices right,
Our stock of Flanelette, Shootings, Pillow Cottons, Tickings, Towellings, Bleached and Grey
Our stock of Dinnerware, •Hanging. Lamps, Glassware, China, Parlor and Hall Lamps, is large,
we; would be pleased to show you our dinner sets which we import direct from the potteries.
We have some very exquisite patterns in the very newest shapes etc. and if you intend to purchase
a dinner set do not fail to see our stook, we have some pretty designs in 97 piece sets starting at
5. tier: set.
Our 'Grocery Stock is complete and over prices right below we quote a fern .val-
Redpaths extra standard Granulated Sugar, in sealed bags, ne $4.75 per 100 pounds.
Maple Leaf or Coronet Loekeys Salmon 20c a tin. Very finest seeded Raisins 10c or 8 for 26.
Best roasted Reo Coffee 20c per lb. Corn, Peas or Tomatoes the very best brands packed 8 for 25.
Canned Beans 5c per tin, 20 lbs Redpaths Granulated ,Sugar for $1.00.
We have the agency for Martin Senor 100 per. cent pure mixed paints, Gold
Medal and Champion high speed washing machin, Royal purple Stock Food etc.
We are open for all kinds of farm produce for which we pay the highest prices
rtes we are giving:
Save our Coupons which we give with each cash purchase.They are valuable
We pay highest price for all Farm Produce.
All kinds Farm
Produce Taken.
ATE keep in stock a
/I full line of fresh
meats, hams, etc. etc
Our cuts are noted
for their tenderness
and wholesomeness.
Our aim is to keep
nothing but the best.
We make our own
Give us a call.
Good house and good barn and stable
24x50, with 5 acres of land. Good
well and cistern and back . kitchen,
well fenced and drained. All in
grass. Within half mile east of
of Zurich. For particulars apply
. 'to Peter , Woolley Zurich, P. 0.
there are 4a acres adjoining which
day also be purchased.
How to Test Eggs.
Take a deep:. sh, fill with cold wat.,
ers and drop ' your eggs, If they
are fresh they will sink to the bottom
othey wileir side; ot onif ® end are Take tsome
fresh eggs and .some cold storage eggs
and try it. This is an unfailing test.
Upto Him.
-dead sore. I
day. I feel like Somebodyost ou ht 5 t oo
kick me.
Tess (absently)= ---Why don't you ask
father for raLLand to -night. He t
If we cannot strew life's pith With
flowers, two can at 'leas* strew it wile
DR A. J. MacEINNON late House
Surgeon, Erie County Hospital,
Buffalo N. Y. Late assistant " resi-
dent Physician, Manhattan Maternity
Hospital N y
House Staffcity. Late of the
New York Palyelinio
1 Medical School and Hospital. Drug
store in connection. Office, Zurich,
'No. A-1. Apple Butter for
Sale, Apply to
Shipka, 1
Stationery.,_Dp- to date stations
cry sold at our uff'oe. W.' print."
your initials on the ,,firer free of
charge, 25cts, a box, The Star