The Herald, 1913-10-10, Page 1The Official Organ of ` a rich and BIT Township FRIDAY MORNING, OCT'. 10. I9i3. Vol, XIV. 0 0 0 Wednesday andThursday September 17 and 18 and. Following Days, When Miss Kerr will be plea- sed to show you the latest styles in ladies' and misses and child - rens' hats. You are cordially in- vited. ew Dress Goods We 'wish to call special attenti on to our line of new dress goods consisting of velvets in all new shades in cord- ed, brocaded, plain and striped designs, These goods are very popular this season and are reasonably priced, ; New Coatings dust the thing for winter wear. We have chinchillas tweeds, Diagonals, abstrachen cloth etc. We want you to see these gocds as they ase jest right in patterns and col- ors. Ask to see our ready -to wear ladies coats and mantles. Sweater Coats ✓%ac?f�"Citi2 ✓ J Z ;;;;;4O4 �... HEw rola. 3:1, ti va •: 1.1.a;ny col irs at a1l prices. We Havre -,0,07n tor t Ii' ars' a. well as for the old man, Gall early ElF °zi: t .hoi_te -Penins lay. and Happy Thought :oves and Ranges Remcidoc ern Aling Agents for the above stoves and ranges. Evera- one fully guaranteed. Burn coal and wood. Large ovens and perfect bakers. If you are inter- ested in a range call in and let us talk it over with you. A full line of Baseburner's, 'Oak stoves and Heaters of all discriptions, Hecla Furnaces are our leaders. Produce always Taken. co Telephone 9 et er, - ZURICH 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 I 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 f 0 0 0 0 0 0 NOJ r rrrr ". e LOCAL NEWS. estlp^ataraa"ats^a,aap�-rte The Township of Hay and steirhen are having a quantity of ` gaavel put on the Townline, this week, this ;,;; certainly not done before it was needs' ed as the road never was ars rough-' ,a5, this summer. Services in the Evartedicel church next Sabbath at 10,45 a: c,, and 7 p. an. and Sunday School at.t 9 30 a. in. In connection with tz;;a evening service the pastor vy °ts speak on '"The attendance : of children at public worship" Every • Weare buying potatoes for fna— moil late shipment. 1111; Orland Johnston of Clinton was la visitor in town on Sunday. Mrs C Heyrook and Mrs A Geiger wore in London on Moiaday. Mr Louis Jeffrey wishes all3.his' bags that were lent out returned. l r, Yolia Duniert of Berlin is spen- ding -a few days in town. ' ' Mrs John Gasoho is visiting her parents in Pigeon Mich for a few weeks. Found—In Zurich. on saturday, the 4.th inst, a.,small sum of mousy loses pleae inquire at HeraldUfdoe body welcome, Last Friday evening -the Y. F, A of the Evangelical church. Dashi-: wood came to Zurich to spend na social evening with the Y. 1' A. at,' Zurich. The reception Gommitte-;, welcomed them at the church- in hurch in general made them feel at Afi fine programme was rendered by the visiting Y P A under .the a be chairmanship of Rev. J•. H, Grelt zebach, consisting of'. Reading Addresses, Solos, Duette etc, 'VII Zurich Y P A also assisting with few selections. After the prograr refreshments were served, and most enjoyable evening,was spent Readings 'lube Jubilee services in the Eve, gelical church last Sunday •wale distinctly of historical nature, but never the less most instructive ai.id interesting. The pastor who hid charge of the services spoke most impressively on the work of tile' church in the -past referring to its. small beginning, gradual develope- ment and the trials perseoutfors and difficulties they ,bad :to encarip ter, but the little band stood of the trials, more than conquerors a e` day the church 'stands'•reoogniZed- by all the Christian- bodies, w -I lt3, l i not of a i' zi;tle-iniluence in every thing,that tends to build. 3tl)`. 'a•, wants* • and. elint naitjn ; , whit, f is Wroli ; ei,i ": •Adertiding - , mon.` Great things cod has wilori-. ght within its borders, and • still Greater things are looked for. The October number of ROD and GUN IN CANADA published by W. J. Taylar, Limited Woodstock; Ont. has been received and justifies its re- putation as Canada's leading sports- man's magazine. The cover cut this month is worthy of special comment, depicting as it does "A Madonna of the Marshes," a cow moose and her calf, photographed in their natural habitat. "When Fortune Smiled in Mooseland" is the story of a big game hunt in Northern Ontario and is brimful of interest to every :sports- man. "The Game Trails of Canada" by S. E. Sangster is a resume of the approximate outlay involved in a big game hunt, for a non-residant, in each of these provinces. "Moose the Swamp Hog of the Canadian Forest" is the leading article, being .a study of the moose in Henry Braithwaite's connrry in Central New Brunswick, with photographs of live ufoose in their natural environment. Other stories there are. of ont-door interest and the regular deliartinents'are, :Well maintained. Under Alpine Club of Clanadat e-pr:Oar's the 'story of the 'tCai:thedrael Camp.7 held this summer in the Canadian Rockies and under The nap department there is a spe: cial ;rite up of • the 12th • annual Tournament of the Dominion of Can- ada Trap an-adaTrap Shooting Association The mgars=abremannormssytto Established 1853 Opened Branch in Huron; Co. 1874 Saving Bank Accounts Solicited. Zurich Branch R. T. DUNLOP, Manager '$ a Mr Jack Routledge of Dashwood commenced work on Monday in the Molsons Bank. Mr. J. J. Merrier had a break down at .the eider mill on Tuesday which stopped operations' for the day. Dinie the Blake Women's Institute will be held at the home of Mrs. R. N. Douglas, Blake, Oct 14th, 2.30 p.m. All visitors are welcome. Mrs. Louis Jeffrey took a trip to Dti.arti last week. The dry weather is interfering with fall ploughing es- pecially on the heavy clay land. 'Mr. George Douglas of Hensen T,raovedto town thisweek, also Mr George Sparks of Stanley. They will take over lir. Jeffrey's business on.,tbe 15th. Dr. S. H. MacDonald of ITensall will be in Zurich, at Dominion Ilouse every Monday to do all kinds of dent- al work. Please remember the clay of. the week. All work will be prompt- tlywacl carefully attended to. The Dashwood Turf Club have at rang ed for + a big days- on lllcnday Thanksgiving day Oot 20 The progrstn will consist of horse r'acti9r a s'lbooting tournament _ be. $idee.othor'aports: ;,ulaitission 250. Gtilltaren. 1. cts -With the beginning of the 'Fail, trade peeping out, our business men should .sit up and take notice. There is no use expecting the residents of this section to go around with a mic- roscope try to find out whether this or that is sold in our town. The only plan that will work is to keep everlast in, telling them what you have on hand. That is the way the up-to- date merchants get their trade. There is no reason why the people of this vicinity should be expected to adopt any different method in regard to trading than other places. Tell them what you have, let them know its cost show them you can save them time and money by buying from you and then they will come to your store and not carry home mail order catalogues, 'There are hundreds—yes thous- ands of people within a short distance of town who scarcely suspect what there is for sale in your store. Let them know where you are, invite them to your store. tell them about your bargains, show them that you want their trade just as much as it is wanted by out merchants, and a little more, by the way ---guts they will be- gin cowing to you. But if you sit down and. expect them to hunt you up you are going to be very sadly disap- pointed. It costs num) to keel) goods a year before ;,citing, them and they gat shop worn alis out of style. 1'e cannot get business without asking for it and Lim best way t., ask is by attractive advertising. IIICK'S FORECASTS A Regular Storni extends from the 10th to 15tb, having its center on the 12th. The Moon is on the celes- tial equator on the 13th, indiclaing that low barometer, eloudliness' and autumnal thunder storms will gather, and visit'many localities in' an east- ward sweep from the 13th to:the 15th As these storms gradually move to the east, a high barometer press close on their western flanks, and cool, frostynights will spread over most parts of the country. especially:north- ward and central, on 14th, 15th and 16th, Cool to chilly weather will reach almost or quite to the golf at this time, A seismic period, in which earthquake reports will be had from many parts of the earth, • extend from the 12th to 19th, having its cen- ter on the 15th. Keep your eye on the period' and the telegrabic reports. 1 �f Women's Shoes 66AL:lei-lean '1eaug.yf, 'We have just received a ships • ant of American shoes in cloth top, button., low heels, pate) t Ieather, and Glu. Meta- stamped on each shoe, American Beauty. f'en's "Astoria Shoes" We have a full stock of leen'., fine shoes which haw no equal, Men's and Women's Heavy Shoe We wish you to call and see those line's. We car please you. Butter, Eggs and Dutch Setts, taken in exchange for shoes S FAUST, Zurich Feed Store As I have sold- ply flour and feed, business to Sparks pec Donglas who take possession on Oct. 15th... I desire to thank rimy many friends and customers for their pat ronage and solicit=a continueuee of the sates for ;the :new firm. I would hire i411:those w*owe 'alter accounts, to call and settle, by cash Thanking you for past favors. Louis Jeffrey No,2; IIENSALL MARKET Beans primes Tier bns $1.20 Cook's Snowdrift Flour $2.75 Snowdrift flour in 5 bag lots $2.50 Feed flour 1.80 Bran per ton Shorts per ton 820.00 Wheat per bus. ti -lets. Barley per bus 55cts. Oats per busH,ets. S MC OP ZURIC dor 2 Weeks Gentlemen's Watch hTh's. - SifverWa- .w. We will save you Oh these and other lines. F. W. Hess 6. R. Hess Jewellers, - ZURIC Shoes have ;ii'ivetl. Conn, in ;tical have a look at ,styles'fi(,- Culls, \'. t ltitatt;: till-terer e) uric Horn of Good Shoes Let me Know Your Wants If you are looking for a Farm, Town Residence, or Vacant Lots, I will try to satisfy 5 our wants. Loans arranged on mortgage security: E. ZE LLER Zurich