HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1913-09-26, Page 8MILLINERY
Wenesday and Thursday
September 17th and 18th
. and following days
Miss Thiel is again in cla,rrge of our Millin-
ery Department for the fall season and she will
he pleased to show you the latest styles in ladies
and ohildreug hat for fall and winter wear.
Fall and Winter Goods
Our stook of Fall and Winter Goods is now nearly
complete. Come and have a look through our various
lines. No trouble to show goods.
New Dress Goods
Serges in all shades. Bedford Cords, Corded Valve -
teens, Poplins, Cashmere, etc.
Flannelettes and
A large stock of Flannelettes in good patterns at
close prices, also Wrapperettes, Flannels, Flannelette
Blankets. We have something new in Flannelette
Blankets. Come and see them.
Ladies Coats and Coatings
Our stock of Ladies Coats is now complete and we
would be pleased to have you come and see them before
buying elsewhere,
Sweater Coats
The famous Monarch Knit Sweater Coats for men
women and boys and girls. All sizes all prices.
Gents Furnishings
Mans and Boys new Suits, Overcoats, Hats, Caps,
Gioves, Shirts, Underwear, Socks, etc.
Fresh Groceries always kept on Band
All Kinds of Produce Taken in Exchange
Shingles for All. Two Cars on Hand
The Halting Brand that has stook the test of
time, and ren.ember the test of time is the test
that tells.
Order at Once
Fi C. ">•` ALr ,F LiEiS �
�gl = = = ZURICH
Still Doing Fanning Mill
Business at Sieves
The Old Stand
We ,have been appointed Agents for
the celebrated
Massey Harris I_ xpiements
We handle every Uri .1g in that line,
Seeding Implements, Manure spread-
ers, all kinds of Plows, Seed Drills,
Disc Harrows, Cultivators, ) in
Harvesters, etc.
Harvesting Implements
Binders, Mowers, Rakes, Hay
L.aaders, Etc.
Massey -Harris
Cream Separators
All kinds of Plow repairs, Gasoline
engines. See our line of Cutters be-
fore you buy, all our own make. Bug-
gies, Carris,ges, 'Wagons, Sleighs.
Square Dealing Our Motto
111 r
I am agent for the Clinton fann
ing mill sieves, and farmer's re•
quiring any, can procure them at
my farm, South of Zurich
John Hey jr.
°me 0n
get ye
new tun
At Zurich's Leading
Tailor Shop the only Place,
where the Newest is always
shown first and satisfaction
Laundry in Connection
rail or - tuRgcm
Famous Gray Motor Gasoline; En-,
gees: ---
1$ apse 1* Horse Power $55. 00
2, „ G 75.00
4 n_ $105'.00
6 a ll175. 00.
u i. 285. 00
375. 00
12 „ !/
Sold by F. HESS & SON • Aents
1' I -I P. weighs 320 lbs S50.00
2i „ 400 " $65.00
4 our best II. P. " 800 " 5120.00
4 our cheapest H.P. 725 " $85.00
6 H. P. weighs 1500 $160.00.
8 rr 1 .`250.00
12 " " 2700 " $365.00
For Sale by
Louis Prang, Zurich.
Henry Bossenberry
Licensed Auctioneer.
Huron, Middlesex and Lampton
Satisfaction guaranteed
Dashwood, Ontario,
Daest arranged at the office
The 48th. annual fall fair, was a
record-breaking success, despite - the
fact that both Seaforth and Goderich
fair dates clash with ,. Ztrrieh. The
indoor exhibits were of a very high
elass, and will easily hold their, own
with any show in the County, • wlile
the outdoor exhibits would be hard to
beat at any county fair. The exhibit
of cattle alone numbered over a :htu1-
dred, while of horses there were near-
ly a hundred entries. The weather
was all that could be desired on both
days and Thursday afternoon . saw
probably the largest crowd ever Bath -
erect in town. The concert in • the
evening was well attended. The pro-
moters Messrs O. Eilber and A. Edi-
ghoffer are to be congratulated on; the
success of the entertainment. The
two races were keenly contested and
some fast going was witnessed by the
lovers of the trotter and pacer.. Foll-
owing is a list of the prize winuers
Brood mare accompanied by foal
.W. McAllister Il. Krueger; foal, H,
Krueger. W. McAllister 1. yr old
A. Etherington. 2 yr.. old. Alf Reich- -
ert, span mares or gelding. in wagon
and harness; Win. Steelhen on
Brood mare aecomr'anied by foan°
T. Harris.. T. J. Merner, J, Hey Sr;
foal.. AI. Gould.. E. J. Troyer: '53,
Pfile., 1 yr old.. T.' Harris; '2 yr old
R. D. Bell...11. Northcott, G Graham
13 yr old, R. D. I3ei.1, U .Walters;
span of mare or gcldiegs in harness
and wagon G. Penh'ale, F, Ha'gar,. T.
Brood Mare accomeanied by foal.
Gould. C. Crowe. S, Jacobe,. foal 7:a.
Foster. W. Walter I, [ley jr; 1 yr.
old.. M. Gould., Lang Foster.. J. Neu:
sehwanger.. 2 yr. old. J.; Deehler ae
Wellington Fee.. J. ,'Dec.her sr.. 3'yr
old Wendel Smith; r a.ci of mares or
gelidings its harness and wagon 3.
Becher sr.. L. Ra•d,'r., It. Neeh.
Span mares or geldings in ,har-
ness and buggy. C.Welker R. Geiger
single carriage L. :Hamacher, 'J.
Welds.. R. McArthur.
Troyer's Sperials-Il. Deters. E. J
Brood mare accomranied by foal:
W. Beaver. W. McAllister, IT. Deters
foal. W. leaver \ir.AIcA•llister,
iters.. 1 yr old.. T. Harris L. Warm.
O. Miller. 2 yr. old. J, Hey jr.
Deeher sr. L. II.'steineyer, 3 yr. old.
L. 1T. Rader.. It. Northcott.. J Spare
row. span mares or geldings in har-
ness and buggy. G. A. Glenn C, True -
inner. 3. Decker sr.,; lady driver.
G A. .Glenn, J Hey sr.. 3'. Decker sr.
Cows in milk or in calf. Beatty Bros
P. Deichert II. Rader; 2 yr, old.'bet'
fcr Beaity tiros 1st. 2nd & 3rd; year-
ling heifer. E. J Willert, Beatty
Bros.. W. McAllister; bull enlf 1913.
P. Delehert.. 1st: & 2nd. ,Beatty: Bros;
heifer calf 1913: Deady Taros.. W
McAllister, Beatty Bros. 1 yr ' old
bull W. McAllister.
Other than thoroughbred Durham
Cows in milk or in calf 3. E'faUU.
G. Graham. Lang Foster, 2 Yes old
heifer.. J. Pfaff one and two F, Hab-
erer, yearling heifer., E. 3'. Willett
II. Deters, B. J. Willert; Fat cow or
heifer. 1Vin McAllister S. Pfaff P.
Rader; 2 yr, old steer. J. Pfaff 1; and.
2 L. IT. Bader.. yearling steer., D. 3
Willert, 3', Pfaff 2 and 3 ' !Steer
calf... W. McAllister, Beatty Bros., 3
Neushwanger, fat_ 'steer, P. Iia:'b•-
erer., Jersey cow,. J Galster'. • .Mrs.
llevrock., J. Galster;
Herd of Durham 5 bead, ulaatty,
Bros. •
Judge II. Smith,
Yearling ewe.. G. Penhale. I) ..:Ouch
arnne; ; Ewe having raised lambs in
1913. 0, Penhale Win AlcAIister;
G. Penhale took five firsts and
five seconds an thils class
Cat sheep any class W. McAllister
Spring -var, Vir, Battler (, Pea -
Judge. G. C 1?ctt.r.
Pair `,i°'r l' •
Battler.. rlymonth rocks, W. Battier
J, Fuss; black spaniSb., W, I3'attler I
and 12; light ,l3ramaa:I'., Brock 1 dad
•2; dark [Brahm'as. 1+ .Brock .I and 12;
Dorkins F. Brock; black Minorcan, C
Truemner W. 'Battier!' lied caps,, W
Battler, 1 and, 2; S. C. Brown,' Leg
horns F. Brock `V Cr Tlees white leg
homes. S. Beahl,'r• A IL ilbnas; col-
lection ' of pigeons W. G
Hess 0, Truemner, Silver lace
tvyar-'dottes' W. Battier, F. Brock;
buff orplairgtoa's W. Battler;; single
buff Leghorr.s. 'W'. llia.ttlrr. ' ll. Ilow-
aid; buff. 000hir. bantams, W. G.
Hess 0. Fisher, .Hour..dans W,,13 Bat -
ler. ,andulusians W. 113. 'Battler; bait
Cochins„ W. 13. Battler. rekiu 1China
ducks W Battler T„Schroeder Rou-
en` `ducks..D, 5, Faust 1 and 2; Geese
0, 'Truemner. W Battler; toulouse
geese. W.:Battler
Judges Jaco!> Sararas. C. Oswald.
White fall wheat C, "True usher; red
fall wheat. Alf. Reichert- 0, Clausin,s
D. Dueharme; spring wheat. any var-
iety. L. Warm'" W. Battler; ; 6 rowed
barley W Smith. A', Ran'aie G. Clan -
,sins; white oats -D, Dignan A Ronnie
R. 'Geiger; small rea,s, C Treernner.
G. Clau.sins L • Wurm: rye• W .Bat-
tier; black barley. D. Dignan; Best
collection of grain in heads, G, Olau•s-
ins H .Neeb; clover seed W, Smith;
timothy seed. 0, Dignan Alonzo Fos-
ter. W. Smith.
Judges 3, J. Merr.cr.. R. 3'. Drys.,
Collection of at;;y kind of apples,"
L. 'der P. Haberer; 4 varieties of
s.. J. 1?Iat f H. Rader. t,
Tr t ' 4 varieties of winter at-.•
pies. �, .' • s- .4•,. J. Iloggarth, 3'. J.
Ifoggarth king of tompkins. C. Fuss
W. Smith; snow a•ppfes, C Fuss '.H.
.Pfile;northern spies, L. Rader J.
Nenschwar.ger ; ba Idia ins, W, !Battler
C. Truemner, R. I. Greening's, J. J.
Hoggarth. 1). ,Dignan; spitzeaburg, H.
Bader; Canada reds. II. Pfhilc, W
Smith; Ribsor, Pi'ppen., J. Pfaff
golden russett H. Rader. S.- J. Hog-
garth iBen Davis; L. Rader; Swaars
0. Truemner H. PHI); Mann B, J:
Iloggarth W. Smith; maide::'s plash.
F, Haberer, L Ratter; ble•,heim pip -
Pens; 3. Decker :sr, C. Truemner'
pewakee '11, Rader S, 3'. Boggarth.-e
Coiverts. C. Truemner. W Battler
gloria Mundi. B. Rader, W. Rader 20
oz pigpen.. 'C. Truemner W. Smith;
talman 13w,eet:.. H'. Neeb H. Keohler
collection of Russet apples., C. True -
inner.. +collection of fall 'pears E. Ra-
der P. Haberer; winter pears.. W.
Rader; any variety, P. Haberer. W.
Battler. 'artlet Bears. A. Ronnie W.
Battler; flemish beauty Mrs. G. Hess
S. Decker sr., clapp's favorite., F.
Haberer P. Haberer.,; peaches' II.
Pfile.. W. Battler; Prunes Mrs. G.
Hess. H. Well; crab apples red.,. U.
Keohler., Snowdon Bros.. crab ap:
'pies, yellow. Snavede,n; Bras.,;. grapes
'Mrs. G. ' Hess W. a3a.ttler., plate of
plums C. Truemner IL„ Geiger; col.
lection 'tf plums;, C. Fuss Sn-ow.den
Bros.. Most valuable' collections of can
ned fruit. R. R. Johnston,,, J. Decker
Judges -A Mittleholtz and Jacob
White .Elel.liatn pol:atoes..11. • H.
,Krueger.. W. Battler A Ronnie; col.
orado red., A. Foster., rural New
York Ii. I'file.. VT. ,Snaith. A. Foster,
any other variety.. 3. Gellman, S. J.
1•Ioggarth, A. Ronnie any ver,, early
S.3' irIoggarth, 3.3, Hog;gart.'h, A Ran
Die. American wonder. A Foster;
empire potatoes. S. 3. Uoggarth, H.
Krueger, A. Itannie small white
beans, it. Geiger, W, Rader; beans
any variety, H. Nee); L, Rader; yet.
low corn. ti. Krueger A. Foster;.
Musk. Mellon long, Ii. Palle. A Foster
muskmellon nutmeg. W,, Smith. P.
Iia aerer,bla ek sweet corn W. Battler
yellow. dent corn, W. 'Battler • D,
Dueharme; Red onions. H. Lipp'h;ardt
C We ler, yellow onions II. Ljpnhardt
Weber., yelow onions U. Li.ppliardt.
J. Pfaff; dutch, sets 1'. !laborer It
Geiger; field carrots W. Smith E..
Rader; red 'garclas carrots.. H. Neeb
W. Hess; swcdish turuijas .1x. Ba-
der S. J. lloggarth., long red man -
golds, H. Krueger. P ;lla'oerer;. long
yellow ma.ngolds. I,. Bader. L Raider
yellow globe nta.ngolds ,A, G. Ehnes;
Oxford Cabbage. 1). •rS
Faust W, Siebert; eiruinhead cab-
bage II. Well A. ,t?ost.er., black spare,
iah radish.. W. ;Battler I'. laborer.;
white ra•dish.,• W.iiatt.ler. A. !foster;
cauliflower, IL. It. Johnston;' pump-
kins yellow., B. Rader I'. 11a.beser;
celery. 1L. IL Johnston, J. Haberer;,
squash. l?. 'laborer, ,11. Neeb; blood
beets W. ;130.t:tler, 11.. Krueger; rooted
beets 11. Lipphardt. W. Battler;
watermellons W. Smith. , E. Mader.
muskmellons If. Pfile, A. :!Foster; ;
red, tomatoes. It. ,•Jeiger, If, W. Hess;
yellow tornatoc,.s. W. Battler. J. Deck-
er sr.. sugar beet marigolds H. Flue.
A. Foster,
Leviathan Afar:gold Special- 11
Set of buggy harness. It, ' ,Stade.;
double set of team harness .R. Stade.
collection of shoes, S. E. Faust, col-
lection of hardware :J'. Preeter.
Butter in tub. W. ;Smith IT, Neeb,
J, Decker, sr.; butter for table use,
'W. Smith.. Alf :Reichert: R. Geiger;
butter in pound prints, W, Battler
All. Reichert., Pfile 'do Son; .botne-
made cheese, J. Decker sr; Loaf
homemade 'broad. T. Berry .7• Clausina
extracted. honey, W, Smith J. Hab'-
erer ;,,Best. co -110010r 01 honey J. Ball
area.• 'S.Iorey in eonabt J. Haberer.
maple 'syrup W, Battler W Rader;
Embroidered 5 o'clock tea cloths.
Mrs. 'G. lle•ss., It, 1t. Johnston.,; oval
tea cloth, T. Jobr.ator, It Geiger; pen
tee piece. C, Eilber It. R. Johnston
.sideboard scarf, J Fuss. e Johnston
shadow,scaxf,. Mrs., G Bess 3'. Decker
sr;; towel monograms ''B Geiger C IC1-
ler; Indies bandkoretx cfs Mrs. G.
ties 'a' ,Johnse eushirea n, Well
,y, l l•I l,' R.
d h
IHnve`yon ever' considered "Painting"" from the Standpoint. of #o'c
Insurance policy 7
TI{e,prentiun, represented by the coat of painting is In proportloa to
the importance of the security afforded,+no higher than othertoeurance Y
a; in fact it is considerably smaller, and soon becomes a miriha quantity.
Why Fire inauraace-Tornadd Insurance.-Lightain,(i;Yods T;
They only protect when that which you wish to avert, happens.•
Marlin-Senour . Paint •100% Pure
Affords the utmost protectido, peroneal yoar' property; begluning
With its application. ` riaee ::wP
It wards off iSe sun dope of Old Sol, the nips of Old.jack Frost -the
• ravages of Old Father Time. t' •'- Ar:•,: , ,i, y %.e,, if1 "
:v • Preveutd drj yol-checksdglerioriUog, No safer, serer or mors
• reUsblaiasurancdd chuld be offerer!. -, "-"-
-;-;,„THE MARTIN•SCNOUR Co; Unetad
►,oa R.R. Pure M.nT, cg j'ONT5EAL
lip pUREQQ
o Yf
he Quality
Millinery Opening
WednesdaY and Thursday, Septemb
17th and 18th and following days
My Millinery Department is in charge of Miss DeLe1
who will show you all the latest in hats, shapes a
taimlmings of all kind, from the centre of fashions at t
rery lowest prices.
You are cornially invited 'to call., and take a l; i
through before making your purchases:"
A full stock of Dress Goods, Trimmings, Ladies Coats,.
Childrens Coats and all lines of fall and winter goods at
prices as low as the lowest.
Highest Prices paid for Farm Produce
Jo J. MEPTE, Zurie
man cut work. T Johnston R. IL,
Johnston; Modern or cross stitch;
Mrs. G. Hess, T. Johrson; cognation
centre piece, Pfile & son. R Geiger
ger. embroidery on colored linen no
number,. H. Well; Pin, cushion in
eyelet. F. Johnson; Mrs G Hess la-
dies fancy work bag Mrs, C. Hey -
rock; R, Geiger. battenburg lace. Mrs
Hess; T. Ilierry; Teneriffe ,lace.
T. Johnson; Mrs, G, !less; Irish Cro-
chet lace Mrs. G !less. Mrs, Heyroek
,arawn thread work. Mrs. G Hess,
R. Geiger. mounted; sofa 'cushion T,
Johnson. J. Cl. Forrest; collection of
ladies underwear, 1L, R Johnston It.
Geiger; fancy apron. K. Campbell 11
Geiger; fancy child'St, dress. E. Kee-
ler. It, Geiger ; linen laundry bag. T.
Johnson. Mrs. G. Iless., Infants ere
chef set., 11. Neeb W. Rader; embro-
idered pillow vases.. C. Eilber Mrs.
G. Hess; tviekholder; Pfile & Son. 3
G. Forrest; headrest.. T, Jdbinsoa
Mrs. G. Hess; ioiletmatis Ma's. Hey -
rock; Mrs, 0, lles,s; table mats Mrs
G. Hess. Pfile & Sou;' pier-
ced brass J. G Forrest W
Siebert coil of tatting r1'.
Johnson. cushion for den. T Joh,r'soln
W. Siebert; pr knitted lace curtains
in cotton, I:L. Neel): W. !Lader; hem-
stitching on pillow eases.. It. Geiger
T. Johnson. kitchen ttpror. J. Decker
sr. II. Neeb; bed room slippers
Mrs. Reyrock I1, Neeb; braided mat
Miss K. 'Campbell, it, It Johnston.
quilt woollen coarse,. W, Rader, 3.
Fuss; fine, Mrs. G• ]Tess, T, John,ton
coverlet woven wool, T. Johnson
Mrs, G, Iles,+; log cabin quilt cotton.,
If. Rader. H. !Thiel;; bateliwork tlttilt
silk, C., Eilher'1' Johnson cotton, B.
Gregor, 0, Fuss ore zywork quilt. :silk
'G., Weber, T. Johnson; cotton, D. S,,
Faust.; wool, If. ,Neeb W biattler;
counterpane tuffle,d IT. Well W,'Bat
tier; knitted. T. Johnson, II, Rader;
crochet. J. Decker sr, 3. Decker jr;
etching tree.k,• rao number. T. Johnson
'drawn. J, ik'cker sr; ladies nil wool
cape. E. Seim•_Mrs .Ilsyrock; knitted:,
T, Johnson, homemade carpet. wool
D. S. Faust.; carpet rags, IT. Well
Mrs, Heyrock; hearthrug wool. B. It
Johnston K. Cam'pbeil, button • holes
If. Well, T., Johnson; burnt' work
G. Forrest, 'W. Siebert.
Homemade heartb'rug K. Camp»
bell. IT. Johnson.; five yards' of flan-
nel all well.. Mrs, Heyroek; cotton
warp.. W. Rader, FT. Neots,; beat wool
yarn homespun. H. Neeb W. Rader;
tidy, 'crochet cotton, P. Ila.oerer, T.
ttdv lr 11 t .,oh ion. W Bo, -
in silk.,; IT. Well. T. Johnson; ;sto
logs. W. Rader. II. Neeb, Hand s
ing, H. Well. B Geiger., wool.
stockings knitted fine.; IL .Well,
Neeb.. knitted coarse, W. Ratti
Snowden Bros.,; mitts knitted' fi
Ii. Well. T. Johnson.;, mitts knit
coarse.. W. Battler Pfile. & Son; f
incr's blankets. homemade wool,
Neeb. quilt :sewed on ground wo,
11. Well. ,Li. Ltader.
Judges -Lydia Faust, Mrs. D. •
Faust and Nell Keohler„
Wa.l-I3y Berlin Wool cash'
Special Floral work -•W, Sib
Special -Dragon W. Siebert..
Oil painting portrait J. G, Porre
laudesea'pe J. G. Forrest 'T. Johns
\nater ,color landscape 1 Johnso
G. Forrest.. crayon. work 'portrait
G.- Forrest... Oil or water color fl
ars. d. 0. Forest„ pencil draw
Mrs. Cr. Hess.. J. G Forrest. pari
ink sketch 'T, Johnson, 3, G. h'orr
rar,manship.. J. G. Forest, T 'Jo'
son.. ,paictiag on' felt J. G. Forre
painting on silk J., G. Forest T. J
son ,
.Collection of flowers, K. Cam, i
II. R. Johnston. -maple leaf, K.:.0-
t:sell J. 'laborer. bouquet of flow
K. Camrlaeli T, Johnson; collect
of geraniums. K. Campbell. cacti.
Campbell. T. Johnson;' Calla til
K, 'Canipbell..11. 11. Johnson, pan.:
K,Cal:nnp'bell. •IRR. Johnston; Mclh
K, Campbell T Johnston. Judge '
,Pony, mare and foal : Teddy Ai
ner 1st. i yr old pony ; Clar Me
2.40 osnss
A. Anderson 1st. H. Phile 2
Jahn Decher 3rd.
':lhoS Murdock let, Tom. KIn
2nd, John Decker .3rd.
Lob 15 L.R.E.; IIay Township,:.1
acres more or less. • The farm is
drained and fairly well fenced w
wire fencing. One barn 26A56. a
one 28x40, frame and log house.
price and terms, write to Mich
Maloney siJoseph, P00 or E. Z
rel' Zn i.l.: