HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1913-09-26, Page 7n,
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be , ie first official report since 1908
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ario Controls the Market for
Oat--ILas Largest Output
of Arsenio..
at S
Il be
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aiding the productiveness of
alt, nickel and silver in the
iskaming region has just been
ed in the hands of the Ontario
rernment, and it contains some
aruetive figures. The report is
piled. by Mr. Willet G. Miller,
vincial geologist, and in addi-
to containing an exhaustive de-
ption of they geological features
;he whole northern district, and
story of the development of the
ing industry from the first days
he original discovery during the
ding of the T. and N.O. Rail
takes up the question of min -
from the practical viewpoint of
.nue and profits.
Leads the World.
a. demonstration of the comfi-
t) Which Professor Miller holds
he mining region .of Northern
rio, he states that the district
of only -the werld's greatesi't,
user of silver, but that it
utely controls the market for
t, has the largest output of
in, and is among the three or
areas that have the largest
pt of nickel:
e feature pointed out is that
g the first two or three years
ically all the ore was shipped
f the country in its crude state.
of the ore is now refined in
rio, a considerable part of the
being shipped in the refined
directly from the Cobalt re -
Plants in other parts of the
nice not only produce refined
from the Cobalt ores, but at
some time place Ontario in the
rank among ore -refining coun-
Production. Heavy.
tistics show that for the whole
d, up to the rend. of 1912, since
mines were opened, Cobalt has
laced 155,815,839 ounces of sal -
the value being $81,731,115.
quantity of :cobalt, nickel, and
is is known .only ` .roximate
, to the end .of. ear, the
dividends distribute amount-
mount$39,834,140, not including the
is made by two or three mines
ar privately owned or close cor-
:tions. The dividends have been
1 to approximately fifty per
. of the output.
ding dividends which have
paid since the close of 1912,
tat is estimated at $45,000, -
Together with this, it is point-
ut that the oonstructaon of the
fid N. O. Railway, together
equipment, has cost the Pro -
T. and N. 0. Gets Credit..
the building of the railway led
.e discovery of the mineral de-
s of Cobalt, Mr. Miller points
hat it will be agreed that the
ay was a profitable under -
g for the people of 'the PTO-
. In addition, the Province
waived between four and five
ins in cash from the district
igh the Salo of lands, from rey-
, fees, and. otherwise. This,
aces, proves that the railway
paid for itself twice over, and
a same time has opened up the
country to egricilltural possi=
s before unobtainable,
th the development of the
On mines in Ontario, Canada
waken the pronounced step of
:ying third place among the
silver producers of the world.
o comes first with a produc-
of over 76, 000, 000 ounces of
Iver in one year, 1912; United
s, second, at 62, 000, 000, and
do third at 31,931,000 ounces
veer. Such conditions are most
ying to the Government.
Be Kcerfnl.
ty be that true love is blind,
fact brings no surprise;
love should always bear in
others have good eyes.
kie Bard tells a story of a
Cud and wife who were always
railing. A friend called one
lig and found them in. the
le of a row. After the storm
subsided a little Ire ventured'
monstrate with the husband.
k here," he ' said, "you
ldn't quarrel like that, you
Look at the dog and the cat,
there. They get on very well
her." "Yes,. they maty," re-
d the husband; "but you tie
together and see what hap-
.No other keeps the skin and sca1P
so clean and clear, so sweet and
healthy. Used with Cuticura Oint-
ment, it soothes irritations which
often prevent sleep and if neglected
become chronic disfigurements.
Millions of mothers use these pure,
sweet. and ° gentle emollients for
every purpose of the toilet, bath
and nursery.
Cuticura Soap and Ointment are sold throughout
the world. A liberal sample of each, with 32 -page
booklet on the care and treatment or the skin and
scalp, sent post -tree. Address Potter Drug d: Chem.
Corp., Dept. 21D. Boston. IT. a..A..
The Animals Are Easily and Cheap-
ly Raised.
Why not eat the guinea-pig? And
why not rear guinea -pigs for the
prevision mar1tet I These are per-
fectly serious questions. The gui-
nea-pig (which is not a pig at all,
but a rodent related to the rabbits,
and which does not come from Gui-
nea, but from South America) is as
edible as a hare or a, squirrel — a
little bundle of fat, perfectly whole-
some, flesh. It is small, to be •sure,
but so are several other game ani-
mals than we seek for the table; a
full-grown one ,will weigh nearly
two pounds, dressed.
The animal, which is rarely, a
cavy, is nice in its habits, and feeds
wholly . on grain and green vege-
tables. It is' not subject to the in-
ternal parasites, such as tape-
worms, that afflict so many rab-
bits, and its flesh tastes much like
that of a squirrel. Its relatives,
the rock -cavy, the .agouti and the
capybara, are highly esteemed in
South America,.
When the Spaniards conquered
Peru, they found the ancestors of
our pet cavies an ordinary and fav-
orite feed. The natives prepared
them much as we do a sucking pig,
by scalding and scraping off the
hair, and then roasting or baking
the carcass whole. European trav-
ellers since have found the meat
excellent when thus baked or roast-
ed, when made into stews, or
served in a curry. It is best when
the animal is about a year old.
Guinea -pigs are easily and cheaply
reared, increase rapidly, and 'could
readily be furnished by the thou-
sand to town markets, or kept to
serve the home table. It ins a waste
of opportunity not to make use of
the animal for food.
Hurrah, No More
Lame Backs
This Case Proves That The Best
and Strongest Li.nilnent Ever
Made Is Nerviline.
When it comes to determining the real
merit of a medicine, no weight of evi-
dence is more convincing than the
straightforward statement of some re-
liable and .well-known person who has
been cured. For this reason we print the
verbatim statement of Juan E. Powell,
written from hie home in Oarleten. "I
am a strong, powerful man, six feet tall,
and weigh nearly two hundred, I have
been aecustomed all my life to lift great
weights, but one day I overdid it, and
wrenched by back ,badly. Every tendon
and ninsele wee sore. To stool) or bend
was agony.'I had a whole bottle of Nervi -
line rubbed on in ono day, and by night
1 was well again. I know of no liniment
possessing one•half the penetration and
pain•eubdning properties of Nerviline.
I urge its use strongly as an invaluable
liniment 'and household cure for all
Minor ailments, such as strains, sprains,
swellings, neuralgia, sciatica, lumbago,
rheumatism, and muscular pain."
No better medicine for curing pain was
ever put in a bottle than Norviline—rub
it on and rub it in --that rubs out all
aches, pains, and soreness. Large fam-
fly size, 60e., trial size tt60„ all dealers,
or The Clatarrhiizone roe Buffalo, N I ,,
and Kingston, Ont.
Future Emperor and Son.
Crown Prince Frederick William,
of Germany, and his youngest son,
Prince Frederick. The Crown
Prince has grown irritable lately
under the rigid discipline of. the
military division to which he is at-
Impertinent Things.
The phonograph talks back.
The pitcher has lots of lip.
The dictionary gives us impu-
The wagon sticks its tongue out.
We get saucefrom the fruit jar.
An eminent scientist, the other day,
gave his opinion that the most won-
onderful discovery of recent years was
the discovery of Zam-Buk. Just
think! As soon as a single thin 'layer
of Zam,Buk is applied to a wound or
a sore, such injury is insured against
blood poison ! Not one species of
microbe has been found that Zam-Buk
does not kill !
Then again. As soon as Zam-Buk
is applied to a. sore, or a cut, or to
skin disease, it stops the smarting.
That is why children are such friends.
of Zara-Buk. They care nothing for
the science of the thing. All they
know is that Zara -Bek straps their
pain. ;Mothers should never forget
Again. As soon as Zam..Buk is ap-
plied to a wound or to a diseased
part, the cells beneath the .skin's sur-
face are so stimulated that new
healthy tissue is quickly formed. This
forming of fresh healthy tissue front
below is Zam-Buk's secret of healing.
The tissue thus formed is worked up
tp the surface and literally casts off
the diseased tissue above it. This is
why Zara-Buk cures are permanent.
Only the other day Mr. Marsh, of
101 •Delorimier Are„ Montreal, called
upon the Zam-Buk Co. and told them
that for over 'twenty-five years he
had been a martyr to eczema, His
hands were at one time so covered
with sores that he had to sleep in
gloves. Pour years ago Zam-Bult. was
introduced to him, and in a few
months it cured him. To -day ----over
three years after his cure of a disease
he had for twenty-five years—he is
still cured, and has had, no trace of
any return of the eczema!
All druggists sell Zam•>Buk at 50o.
box, or we will send free trial box if
you send this advertisement and a ic.
stamp (to pay return postage).. Ad.
dress Zam-Buk Co., Toronto.
The Provident Citizen and the Ila -
provident One.
Save something, if it is only $1 a
week. The interest on a year's
savings will buy a first-class hat or
pair of shoes. And the $2 will
meet many unforeseen conditions.
It will also increase your confi-
deuce. Put it into a,' savings ac-
count 'that you cannot easily ;dis-
turb. Learn to resist the tempta-
tion to spend, and every payday
add a. little bit to what you already
have, thus making a; little bit more,
as the popular song runs. The time
will come for you when an oppor-
tunity will afford itself to secure a
lasting .advantage by reason of your
ready cash. The improvident will
wonder at your luck, a thing that
really doesn't exist. Study 'the
rudiments of banking and learn
that every dollar working for you
is also assisting others to become
prosperous. Then you will under-
stand why the frugal and provident
citizen constitutes abrick in the
wall of ,community strength, while
the idle and wasteful member is as
near being a hole as useless matter
can be, Become a brick I
"Do you now, old man, that
young' fellow saved me from abso-
lute bankruptcy last, year, "How
was that I" "He married the girl
I had beenengaged to for
Bright, Ruddy Cheeks
For Pale Girls
No (eager Any Need. to. Be Pale,
Weak or Anaemic.
By Following the Advice of Miss McEwen_
You Can Quickly Become
Strong Again.
The pallid' girl always lacks appetite.
What little she eats is badly digested.
At piglet ' she is restless. she dozes, hut
doesn't sleep' soundly.
Vital force must be inereased, new
blood.•nesiet be •supplied and a general re-
building take, place before she will feel
like she ought.
Ar.Hamilton has invaluable exlieri-
enoe in these' cases and found nothing so
prompt in building up young. women as
hie vegetable pille of Mandrake and But-
Dr; ltanailton's Pills begin by cleansing
the , system and purifying the blood; they
also improve digestion and render food
ready for absorption. Additional nour-
ishment is also supplied and the patient
is fast strengthened and invigorated.
Pull of spirit, ruddy and strong is the
girl that assists her system by the use
of Dr..; llantilton's Pills.
The following recent letter from Miss
Etta, :llteltlwen, of Haliburton, speaks for
itself; '
"In.les'ing Dr. Hamilton's Pills I find
my' System ig wonderfully built up. It
is "certainly the most effective remedy I
ever used. I: have now a good appetite,
sleep: more soundly, and awaken in the
morning feeling quite. refreshed.
"Formerly I felt tired and depressed.
I looked as if a severe illness were hang-
ing over my bead.
"Nothing could give quicker results
than Dr. Hamilton's Pills and I strongly
advise every young woman to use them."
All dealers sell Dr. Hamilton's Pills,
Lie. per box or five boxes for $1.00 by
mail from The Catarrhozone Co., Buffalo,
N.Y.,' and Kingston; Out.
Time Will Tell.
A' story is going the rounds about
a, local juryman; an Irishman, who
cleverly outwitted the judge, and
that without lying. He came
breathlessly into court saying,
"Oh, my Lord, if you can excuse
the, pray do I I do not know which
wa17 .die first, my wife' or my daugh-
ter." "Dear me ! That's sad,"
said the innocent judge. "Certain-
ly you are excused." The next day
the • Irishman was met by a friend,
who, in a sympathetic voice, asked,
"Hoe's ° your wife I" "She's all
right, thank you." "And your
d, liter l" "She's all right; too.
it ao 'You ask?" "Why, yester-
day you said you did not know
which would die first 1" "Nor do
I. That is a problem which time
alone can solve,"
Minaret% Liniment for sale everywhere.
Milligan—If I be afther laving
security aquil ter what I take
away, will yez thrust me till pint
Sands (the grocer)—Certainly.
Milligan—Well, thin, sell me two
av thim hams, an' kape wan av
thim till I come agin.
Try Murine Eye Remedy
If you have Red, Weak, Watery Eyes
or Granulated Eyelids. Doesn't Smart
—Soothes Eye Pain. Druggists Sell
Murine Eye Remedy, Liquid, 25c, 50c.
Murine Eye Salve in Aseptic Tubes,
25c, 50c. Eye Books Free by Mail.
An Eye Tonle Good for All Eloa that Need Core
A4trriae Eye itosixedy Co.. Chicago
The Latter Kind.
The Man—What kind of a bunga-
low can yeti give me for $3,000
DI'afsman—Do you want one to
live in or just to refer to?
Minard's Liniment Cures Dandruff.
Paw Knows Everything.
Willie—Paw, do you know every-
Paw—Yes, thy son. Why I
Willii:--Well, why doesn't a rose
smell good as long as a moth ball
Smells bad?
Paw—It's .time you were in bed,
my son, .
She—``Was it a simple wed-
ding?" He—"Yes ; two poor
`situps.' ';'
E D . 7.
Upon It We Depend for health
and happiness.
That mysterious condition of re-
pose in which our consciousness is
in abeyance and which we call sleep
has ever been a subject of interest
and investigation, but we are still
only in the twilight of knowledge
in regard- to its true nature or the
ultimate physical conditions upon
which it depends, says Dr. Guthrie
Rankin. Cerebral anaemia seems
to be an important factor, and this
is probably associated with exhaus-
tion of the brain and chemical
changes due to an accumulation of
fatigue products, with consequent
diminished receptivity for afferent
stimuli. We are aware that sleep
may be disturbed by a multitude of
causes, but in its perfect expres-
sion we only know it as "Nature's
sweet restorer," upon which we all
depend absolutely for health and.
happiness. A hard-and-fast rule
cannot be applied to indicate -the
amount of sleep required by every
individual in order to, secure com-
plete restoration of nervous energy.
No two persons are similarly con-
stituted, for whereas one is refresh
ed and reinvigorated by four or
five hours' repose, another requires
seven or eight hours to achieve a
like result. Sex, age, tempera-
ment, occupation, habits, climate,
and environment are all factors of
importance which bear upon the
faculty of sound sleep, and as each
of these conditions is of individual
application, it follows that the per-
sonal equation makes any general.
rule inlpossible of universal appli-
Manslaughter in Second Degree.
Cutting corns with a razor is danger-
ous and useless. The only remedy is
Putnam's Corn Extractor, which removes
corns and warts iu one day. Because
painless and safe, use only "Putnam's,"
25c. per bottle at all dealors.
Hubby—You really must reduce
your dress bills, my dear; they are
far too large.
Mrs. Newlywed—How inconsist-
ent you men are. You speak just
as though I made out the bills,
is the most beneficent medical discovery
of the present century. The change in
our methods of living has • deprived the
system of some of its most necessary in-
gredients. Our grandmothers give us
SULPHUR, but the doctors laughed. It
did not assimilate with the blood. The
discovery of liquifying SULPHITE hex
changed the doctor's opinion. LIQUID
SULPHUR assimilates readily with the
blood. Leading physicians are recom.
mending LIQUID SULPHUR for all blood
troubles. LIQUID SULPHUR is a ;mei-
tire cure for ECZBMA. hundreds are
willing to testify to the benefit it has
been to them. A few drop three times
a day will care the most acute case of
For sale by all druggists. 50 cents per
Pater—"I wish Mary's young
man would come round after sup-
per." Mater—"That's all lie cues
come after."
Minard's Liniment Cures Burn's, Eto.
A Good Trait.
"I'm such a poor conversational-
ist," she said. "What would you
advise me to do ?"
"Cultivate the habit, madam,
cultivate the habit !" he replied
quickly. •
Carterhell, Nfid.
btiriard's Liniment Co., Limited.
Dear Sirs,- While in the country last
slimmer, was badly bitten by mosciui-
tote, so badly that I thought I would be
disfigured for a couple of weeks. I was
advised to try your Liniment to allay
the irritation, and did so. The effect was
mare than I expected, a few applications
completely curing the irritation, and
preventing the bites from becoming sore.
NTNAItn'S LINIMENT is also as good
article to keep off the ,nnsquitoea.
Your truly.
W. A. V. :i k..
A man, in speaking of arelative
who was hanged, says he died dur-
ing a tight -rope performance.
Minard's Liniment Relieves Neuralgia,
Perhaps You've Seen Hiln.
Once upon a time there was a
tailor who announced to a cus-
"This is an exclusive pattern. Im-
ported stuff, I've got the only
piece of this goods in town. When
you get a suit of this you may rest
assured that you will not see an-
other like it in the city. Exclusive
pattern and weave."
So the man was much pleased.
He went about the streets think-
ing, "I'll knock 'ern stiff With that
new suit, Not another like it in
the town. Gay life, There will he
rioone arrayed like yours truly. I
won't see another suit like it,"
Nor did he, Only about 543 like
it, ,did he see,
• Highly
Choose your variety and
ask your grocer for
H. W. DAWSON, Ninety Colborne Street. l
IS Farms in all sections of Ontario,
anme snaps.
Railway trackage. in Toronto.
Hran,,,t.,., „fid n+h,rr tr,wne and cities.
Brampton and a dozen other tnsana4
H W. DAWSON, Colborne St., Toronto.
lJ Sale in good Ontario town. Excellent
opening for man of energy. Write Wilson
Publishing Company, Toronto.
t ferent Foreign Stamps. Catalogue,
Album, only Seven Cents. Marko Stamp
Company, Toronto.
you quickly, cheaply, thoroughly and
furnish tools free. We give you actual
shop experience. Write for free cata-
logue. Molar College, 219 Queen St. East" '
,j internal and external, cured with.
out pain by our home treatment. ' Write
us before too late. Dr. Reitman Medical
Co.. Limited, Collingwood, Ont.
'43r der Stones, Kidney trouble. Gravel,
Lumbago and kindred ailments positively
cured with the new German remedy.
"Sanol," price $1.50. Another new remedy
for Diabetes -Mellitus. and sure cure, is
"Sanol's Anti -Diabetes." Price $2.00 from
druggists or direct. The Sanol atanutatt»
taring Company, of Canada, Limited.
Winnipeg. Cm.
and Telegraphy Courses of the most
complete and modern kind taught
right at your own home by Shaw's
Telegraph and Railroad School, x
Gerrard St. East, Toronto. Write
for particulars and sample lessons.
W. H, Shaw, Pres.
n 1'll1OOp nut
BOU5l GIVE, us a
little a£ our
time and get your choice
of the best and most
popular of all
Cowboy, Rough Rldea''
Scout, Baseball or
Indian Suit$.
Civen abeolutely FREE
for selling only 24 of our
benut :ul Mexican Drown -
work handkerchiefs al
10c each. Your friends
will gladly buy Several
eaeb. No money requir-
ed. We trust you.
cft1Er 61,1 O. CO,
Chloe Brei „. - Ecacaba, P.Q.
Employers -It takes half my time
rectifying your mistakes
Office Boy—Oh, well, I will take
my vacation next week, and yea
can rest up
Low Colonist Rates to Pacific Coast.
Via Chicago end North Western Rail. ;
way. On sale daily Sept, 2itli to C)"t.
10th inclusive. from all points in Cenade
to Los Angeles, San Franeieco, Portland,
Salt Lake City, Seattle, Victoria, Van-
couver. Nelson Roe,;land, and many other
points. Through tourlet sleepers and
free Teelining chair cars from Chicago.
Variable routes. Liberal step overs. For
full information as to rates, routes and
literature, write or call on B. H. Bennett,
General Agent,. 46 Yonge Street, Toronto.
The story is told of a young law
yer who was nut overwhelmed with
clients. A friend, entering the of-
fice one day, observed on the desk
a cheap alarm clock. "Taking it
home," he observed, "to wake you
up in the morning?" The lawyer
smiled. "I\ Cl," he replied; "I am
keeping it here to wake me up
when it's time to go home."
if'e Horse's
En ,a. t Root Pills
exactly meet the need which so often
arises in every family for a medicine
to open up and regulate the bowels.
Not only are they effective in all
eases of Constipation, but they help
greatly in breaking up a Cold or La
Grippe by cleaning out the system
and purifying the blood. In the same
way they relieve or cure Biliousness,
Indigestion, Sick Headaches, Rheum-
atism and other common ailments.
in the fullest sense of the words Dr.
Morse's Indian Root Pills are dr
rifi no'aasat'AoId l iQisaeGilr