HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1913-09-26, Page 51
For Sale ;a
a alit: receiving numerous
enquiries reSp.ectlllg EIurou
County Farixi Lauds
If you
want to sell
I will assist you with an., advertising
campaign that will bring buyers
to our favored County.
No Buyer - No Charge
Call, write or phone
for particulars.
Conveyancer, Real Estate, &c
A eiremnstaucesillustrating the
scarcity of�1I 1ntosh Red apples tble
year is the purchase by the Govern -
went at Ottawa of an orchard In
Dundas County, near Morrisburg, at
the rate of 10 per barrel, The - ap-
ples will be packed itt boxes and sent
to England for exhibition in the Im-
migration Office there.
WANTED—Girls to learn the knitt-
ing and looping, in our factory.
Guaranteed $6.00 per week, can
make 12.00 to $5.00, Pleasant
and Cc,ngenial position. Apply by
letter or phone to manager. Clinton
Knitting Co. I.tcl.. Clinton, Ont.
In every town and locality to ride and demonstrate a sample 1913 H YS LO P
SPECIAL" bicycle furnished by us and fitted with coaster brake, roller
tures s' three-coil
ood money eau be made selling our handlebar
icye es, tires a other
sundriesl. fea-
onclarge building bicycles, placesius iunexcelled stn ttooishipshigh grade whrs'eels
direetfrom factory touser at LOWEST PRICES.
YY dressing Canada on app ovalto yad-
�t w 10 th dtatime laWe cos a not affordytomake this offer it twe wot ere not keep
our wheels are the
Good house and good barn and stable
24x50, With 5 acres of land. ,Good
well ant cistern and back kitchen,
well fenced incl drained. All in
grass. Within half mile east of
of Zurich. For particulars apply.
o Peder Wooiley 7,nrich, P. 0.
there are 4* acres adjoining which
lug suppleinentecl by one or more of
[71 PII
°(?repar ;tions are well tinder "way
for the bolding, of the Thirtieth Ma-
nna/ Qntario Provincial Winter Fair'
to be hold: in Guelph, Dec. 9th. to 12
•191.3, The premium list which is
now •ta Hanel, show a very attractive
classification and a considerable in•
crease is the amount of prize money
offered over. former years. • Several
extra section; hate been added in the
horsedepertinent. In the Dairy Cat-
tle section, the prizes have been • in-
creased in several, sections. In the
Swine depdrtient last year, .a ''class
5vae`j5rovided for: any other beeed,
grade: or, cross, this year and classes
are provided, one for "any other pure
bred", and on e, for "(Mules rides or crosses
of any'Llreel In the poultry depar-
tnerit, several classes have been add-
ed sad the prizes for ducks are to be
increased according to the number of
as is now the case in classes of fowls.
Quite'a number of Connty Coun
ells are offering special prizes for Am-
ateur Exhibitors from their Counties,
every section of the premium list be -
Want Column
Carriage and work horses for sale.
Apply to Kellerman & Son.
W.A NTED—At the Alexandra
Marine and General Hospital, Goder-
ioh, three or four pupil nurses, Apply
to Miss Griffiths, Superintendent,
day also be purchased.
For their Bine Peach, Apple, Plum
and Cherry trees. They 'have the
best nursery soil in Canada and are
the largest growers of trees in the:'
Dominion. All scions and burl sticks.
are cut by one Tuan, and he has been
in their employ litany years so no
mistakes are made by using wrong
scions or buds. Send in list of stock
required and get their prices. Write
for agency as they have some unocc-
upied territory in this County.
Brown Brothers Nurseries.
Welland, Ont.
'these county specials. A copy of the
list upon application to the Secretary
R. "W, Wade, Parliament Bnildings,
E. E P. BALFOUR, graduate
er abest value for the money on the marke
Write atoncefor new illustrated catalogue and full particulars et our St- !the Military hospital and Victoria
tractive new oiler and special prices. 1 Hospital, London. Office in the
HYSLOP EROTDERS, LIMITED building formerly
Dashwood. cupiby
the late
'Western University, late of
FMK"�/O'LLIak Tr k
R t M
Sept. 25th to Oct. 15th inclusive.
From all stations in Ontario
. at very low ratas to:
Vancouver B. C. Los Angels Cal.
Victoria, B. C. San Deigo Gal.
Free Ladies and Gents Watches, Nelson, B. C• . San Fran Sisco Cal.
Rugs, Bracelets and Jewelry of Every
Description, Lace Curtains, Bugs,
House Furnishing,Rifles, Moving Pic-
ture Machine, Skates, Printing Press-
es, Fountain Pens, in fact nearly
everythnig you can think of you cau
get AbosluteIy Free for selling our
Beautiful Fancy Drawn and Satin
Stripped handkerchiefs at 10 cents
each. They sell rapidly 6 can gener-
ally be sold in every house. Don't
send us any moiler, but write as to
send you a lot of 'Handkerchiefs to
sell, that when sold you will send us
the money and the premium selected
Selling 24 hanclkerchieff entitled you
to your choice of an elegant Watch,
3 gold Laid Rings, Lace Curtains, etc.
Write us to -day, we trust yon and
t 1 b cle the goods if you cannot sell
represent the OLD AND RELIABLE
did. list of fruit and ornamental Steck
for fall delivery 1013 and Spring del-
ivery 1914.
Statt at once and secnre exclusive
territory. We supply handsome free
outfit and pay highest commissions.
Write for full particulars.
Stone and Wellington
Toronta,Ontari o
I7oTle-3iention name of paper schen answering this advertisement
Beauty i� � tiny ' °one
Homes --like people -have an individuality of their own. A cheerful looking
home --like a cheerful looking person—is always pleasing to see. Any home
may be brightened—made more attractive outside and more • cheerful to live
in. --merely by a little care in the selection
and use of proper Paints and Varnish
Finishes. We have the Paint and Finish
for every taste and every scheme of decor -
don — good, honest 100% Pure Paints and
Superfine Varnishes -- that we know will give
complete and lasting satisfaction.
Come in and talk over • your fall paint
problems with us.
Perhaps we can suggest some
new ideas in. colors --or give you
a better way of making the
interior. `-Spic and Span "—or
s4ve you a little money on the
whole job.
Anyway, stop in and get a color
cal and particulars of Martin-
enour Paints, Varnishes,
trashes and Enattiels. ' s
Beauty on the Walls
"Neu -Tone" is a delight in the home.,
It's a soft, •$at, durable sanitary wail
finish, that anyone can apply. Costs
little --lasts long. Racily cleaned with a
damp cloth. 16 pleasing tints, suitable
for every room in the house..Ask about it,
Floor Paint that Stands the Scuff
That's the kind we handle—the old reli-
able $enour's door Pettit — the kind
that's heel -proof. Remove all trace of
Summer's open house with
a fresh coat of Senour's
Floor Paint. 12 beautiful
shades—to choose from. Call
for a color card.
Freshen ],Ip then Oil Cloth
Linoleum and oil Cloth
'wear twice as long if made
s'spic and span'' with a coat
of Varnoleum. So easy to
apply—to freshen the cillo e
and pmteet the pattern., It
dries over night with a
ort iful glass, and. does not
pot or crack. Trya�can,
It Pays to Use
For Sale by C._I-1ARTLE1B Zurich, Ont.
Prince Rupert, B. C. Mexico City Mex.
Portland Ore. Seattle, Wash,
Spokane, Wash.
a.e a
Sm-arr Loss In 0ct-ber,
The Monetary Times estimates Can-
(ida's fere losses for October at $580,-
750, as compared with 62,195,781 dur-
ing October, 1910, end $1,123,550 in
September. The greatest damage to
one plant was done at Blind River,
where the property of the White Pine
Lumber Co, was -destroyed, the loss
being estimated, at $125,000. The own•
ers, the d-. W. Wells Lumber Co., car -
tied $90,000 insurance.
.The most gratifying feature during
tlr `Montle lies teas the clirninution
in fire losses: •
Seventeen people met their death
by burning •durilig the inonth, as
emnpared with sixteen a year ago
during the same period.
Gasoline was the cause of an. EX
oeptional proportion of the fires
Through the explosion of a lamp on
an Intereolonial mail coach the car
liras destroyed, and 125 bags of mail
were burned, including 75 locked
bags, Since the beginning of the year
gasoline has been the cause of no less
titan thirty-eight fixes in Winnipeg
Proportionate low rates to other
points in Arizona, British Columdia,
California, Colorado, Idaho, Montana
Mexieo, Oregon, Nevada, Texas.
Utah, Washington andWyoring.
t Pull particulars. berth aeseivations, etc.
from any Grand Trunk Agent:.
Dr. de Van 3 Fernal( Pills
A reliable French regulator ;never fails. These
pills are exceedingly powerful in regulating the
generative portion of the female system. Refuse
all cheap imitations. Dr. de VanS are sold at
15 a box, or three for $10. Mailed to any address.
INOLA CO. CHICAGO, ILL Vbs gonbell Drag Co,.. rpt. riatltazlnea, ontt.
$18.00 FROM VVINilllPEG
Plus half cent per mile from all points east o f
MacLeod, Ca lgery e r Edmonton to R^lnntper
pins half coot per mile from Winnipeg np
to Maeteod, Calgary, or Edmonton.
AUGUST 18th —F-Oromntarioall. stations Kingston ,to Renfrew inclusive and east thereof in
AUGUST 22nd --From Toronto and West on Grand Trunk Main Line to Sarnia inclusive
and South thereof.
—From Toronto and North-Western Ontario, North of but not including
Grand Trunk Line Toronto to Sarnia and East of Toronto to Kingston,
Sharbot Lake and Renfrew, including these points.
SEPTEMBER 3rd—From Toronto and all stations in Ontario East of but not including
Grand Trunk Line Toronto to North Bay.
SEPTEMBER 5th --From all stations on Grand Trunk Line Toronto to North Bay inclusive,
and West thereof in Ontario, including G.P.R. Line Sudbury to Sault Ste.
Marie. Ontario, but not including Azilda and West.
One-way second class tickets to Winnipeg only will be sold. Each ticket will include a
verification certificate, wither". extension coupon: When extension coupon has been signed
at Winnipeg by a farmer, showing he has engaged the holder to work as a farm laborer, the
coupon wilt ba honored up to September 30th for ticket at rate of one-half cent per mile
(minimum fifty cents) to any station west of Winnipeg on the Canadian Pacllic, Canadian
• Northern or Grand Trunk .Pacific ? Iihvays in Manitoba, Saskatchewan or Alberta, but not
west of Edmonton, Calgary or MacLeod Alia, •
A certificate will be issued a atitluig purchaser to a second-class ticket good to return
from any station on the Canadian 1'a .ific, Canadian Northern, or Grand Trunk Pacific
Railways In Alberta, Saskatchewan and Manitoba east of MacLeod, Calgary and Edmonton
to original starting point by the same route as travelled on going Journey on or before
November :,0th, 1013, o,:.payment of one half cent per mile (minimum fifty cents) up to
WInnipeg added to 111.00 from Winnipeg, provided the holder deposits the certificate with
the ticket ageat on arrival at destination, and works at least thirty days at harvesting.
For full particulars see nearest C.P.R. or write—
i. 6. MURPHY, D.P.A.. C.P.R.. Toronto
1 "Nice d Snug."
Duckworth we, , itch a delicate cour-
tier he could a -t tel. to lest with a
-queen on a vera unpleasing subject
even. Once he was showing Queen
Victoria over Westminster Abbey.
When they Dame to the spot where
kings and queens lie Queen Victoria
shivered a little and said, "I should
not care to be buried here -it seems
so cold and damp." "Madam," repli-
ed Duckworth, rI assure you it is
perfectly dry. You would be quite
nice and snug."—London. Saturday
Cemetery for Pets.
The picturesque village possesses l s -
worth, Huntingdon, Eng.,
unusual cemetery. It has been es-
tablished about seven years, and up
to 'date there have been interred about
200 pets, mostly dogs, although there
are a few birds, about fifty oats, a
marmot, and four monkeys. The place
is beautifully kept,StL,ee graves being
planted with flowers, while the • stones
and ourbs are pi noipelly of white
marble with suitable inscriptions,
You will always find all the latest styles in furniture such as
Brass and Metal Beds, TaLts, (kite, 'Eft
ou could find no designs prettier, more striking or pleasing.
we can surely satisfy you in the selection of ftrniture as re
gards design, construction and price.
Fun ill'd
°m 11 elf) 1 ileac)
Way of the Waves.
A strange thing about waves that
are rolling in from the sea is that
they bring no water with them. While
these mad waves are rolling in a piece
of driftwood may ride them steadily
and make progress away from the
land. This is for the reason that
waves are made in the very way a
wrinkle inay be pushed across the
igb1eeloth with a pencil laid flat. The
tablecloth does not advance, but the
ridge, , because of a force bearing on
It, goes forward. ---Neve- York Tribune,
Neither Rot Nor Sympathy.
:Teacher — Willie, did your father
cane you for what you did in school
yesterday? Pupil No, ma'am, He
sdid the licking would hurt him more
ban It would me Teacher—Wbatr
rot! your father it, too syrfipatbetie.
t'1YpR-.»leo, nlit'aifl• t,,it tae's got Ibe.
c.tr•uaiatism. ill k.ottl arri1S. Lilllatu
of trusted MEN'.
GLOVES is the per
feet brand. This i
why we are exclusiv,
agents in Zuricll
Ours. is a perfec
store You are invii
ed to call. Our cal;
ers become sutisfie,
El A 1L
A Carhartt Souvenir to ' r
callers who a.k for
the same.