HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1913-09-26, Page 4CENTRAL /r/ STRATcrORO. ONT. CANADA'S BEST BUSI- NESS COLLEGE Our registration agin exceed that of any previous year. The boy or girl who has not received our free catalogue does not know the great opportunities of Commercial life. We have three departments, Com- nnercial, Shorthand and Telegraph- y, and we offer you advantages not offered you advantages not offered elsewhere in Ontario. You may enter at any time. Write for our free catalogue at once. D A■ CLaCh'aC, Principal. t Dashwood Furniture Store We are giving Big Snaps in Pianos and Organs for the balance of the year. Two big shipments of Singer and Raymond Sew- ing Machines must be cleared out at once, at a low price. A. big stock of Furniture always on hand and prices the Lowest. Dried apples taken as Cash. UNDERTAKING Big stock on hand.. Day or night—call Central. P. MoISAAO Furniture and Undertaing LEGAL- - ARDS, YROUDFOOT HAYS & 'KILLORAN, Barristers, Solicitors. Notaries Public, : etc. Goderieh, Canada W. Proudfoot. K. C. R. 0. Hays. T. L. Killoran. ; BUSINESS CARDS. 1 t B. S. PHILLIPS, n AUCT'sONEER, Exeter. v Sales conducted in all parts. Satis- s taction guaranteed or no pay. Terms a reasonable. Orders left at this office t Will be promptly attended to. c N H. EMBER & SON a Crediton, — Ontario e 1. Conveyancers, General Insurance c Agents it Telephone—Office la, House lb. c I ANDREW F. HESS, FIRE INSURAN- ce agent, representing the London, Economical, Waterloo, Monarch, Stand- ard, Wellington and Guardian. Every- thing in fire insurance. Dashwood Barber Shop Wednesday pen every Wednesday afte rn con and evening. Saturday Open every Saturday, all clay, evening. THOS. KLiJMPP, Proprietor. District• CREDIT ON Mr. Godfrey Nicholson shipped a car load of lambs to Toronto on Mon- day. Miss Lyclia.Baumgarten of Shipka visited over Sunday at the home of Mr. Jacob Swartz. Miss Ethel Farrow of Goderich att- neded the Kuhn -Clark wedding on Wednesday. • Mrs. Dr. G. D. Orme and Mrs Gibson of Lucan visited Dr. and Mrs Orme on Friday. Mr. Thos. Mawhinney had a sue cessful raising on Monday. He i putting up a large driving shed. Mr. LeRoy Coultice of Toronto att ended the Kuhn -Clark wedding on Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Procter and f am ily spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs S. Brown. Mrs, Wm. Martin of Exeter is visi ting friends and relatives on th Goshen Line. • • s • e Mr. Norman Holtzman left for Saskatoon on Tuesday, where he will spend a month. Mr. Fred Wuerth, who has beenout west for the past month returned home on 'Tuesday. Mr. Wuerth is greately taken with the west. Mr. R. S. Williams of Toronto is acting manager in the bank here dur- ing the absence of the manager Mr. August Kuhn. Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Holtzman and Mr. and Mrs. Sam Brown and Frazer Brown autoed to Exeter on Sunday evening to hear J. W. Bengough in the James street Methodist Church. Mr. William Hill has purchased a few traction engine with all the lat- st improvements, and with Nelson 3aker, who purchased a corn cutter Sill use the machinery for Silo fili- ng. KUHN—C AL RK A very pretty wedding was solmen- ize4 on W;,nesday September the ' fret the home of the brides parents .1r, and Mrs. W./Clark Credit}' )n. When their only daughter Myrt- e was unite3 in marriage to Mr, A.E. [iuhn • of the same place. Rev. S. Teffersonn preferred the ceremony. 1'he bride, who was given away by rer father, entered the drawing room o the strains of Lohengrin's wedding march, played by Miss Kuhn, and as daintly attired in ivory duchess atin, with bridal veil, carrying a shower boquet of roses and lily of he valley, Miss Carrie Kuhn, sister f the groom, attended the bride and Yore a becoming gown of bink duch- ss messaline. Mr. LeRoy Coultice f Toronto, cousin of the bride, assist - d the groom. During the congratn- tions, Miss Kuhn sang "Oh 'Fair, Ih' Sweet and Holy." After partak- g of a dainty luncheon the happy Duple left on the evening train for uffalo, New York and Atlantic City; after their return they will reside in Crediton and will be "At Home", to friends after the 10th of November. IN MEMORIAN In memory of Henry Eckstein who departed this life, on September 25th, 1918. His memory long will live alone In all our hearts as mournful light, That broods above the fallen sun, And dwells in heaven half the night Sleep sweetly tender heart in peace, Sleep holy spirit, blessed soul; While the stare burn, the moon's in- crease, and And the great ages onward roll. Family. OVER 66 trEAF"- EXPERIEi'doii TRADE. M .:..7,3 Oceiams CoPtti3ieeii'rs vivo, o nvnn' n tank r, stteteh and deeerlpttoit me9 t. 4: k1 ,ornnn our opinion free whether an Damm is y r''t,Sbt patentable. Communion.. 'ne et'tet19 oc+nndential. HANDBOOK on PCtent3 'ill...), Oldest agency for securing patents. otor;.a taken Brough Iltunri Si Co. recetv9 axe.: i,t 7 oaeo, wit !,ort charge,: a the .our« .1'f9.BPD1Cf6'tL et 1r. 3 er ra' olr v iuutnri, Ter, r FATAL ACCIDLn IN0.'NLLY About nnirinight 1if6tnday, while Mr ai'r. mg, Ralph Stepheson of the IParr Line, were returning home from visiting relatives their Morse shied at i. small flro k( -dune the road, making a s,nitdcm swerve into a deep ditch, close to a cementeillvert, The buggy overturned and Mrs. Stepheson was caught underneath the rig resulting internal injury which caused the sad mishap. Coroner Campbell was cal- led, who decided that an inquest was not lnecessary. '''Il Ire .relatives have the sincere svnipathy et all ih their sudden bereavement: News PARKHILL All the farmers of this - vicin:ty have finished the seeding of the. fall wheat. The dry weather made. seed- ing a little backward. The recent rain was a great help and was badly needed. t The funeral of Mrs. Flora Steel, who died at St. Joseph Hospital re- cently, was held on Thursday at the Sacred Heart Church, Parkhill,' and interment toed place in St. Coluiarbia Cemetery, Bornish. The s®ivices were conductod by Rev. Father O'Niel parish priest. A great number from the vicinity attended the fair at Strathroy.. Mr. Donald Morrison, of Wast Williams, has left for South River, where he has been working for some time. Miss Elizabeth Anderson, teacher of St. Joseph Convent, London, visit- ed her sister Mrs. Angus O'Hamley of the Centre road, for a few days re- cently. The fourty hour devotion will vornn mence at Sacred Heart Church Bel- nish on next Sunday morning at 8.80. * EXETER Mr. Harry Parsons, who carries the mail onn,R. R. No. 1 out of Exeter had a runaway on Friday last. He was driving along the 2nd. concession of Stephen, when the horse became frightened at a coil of wire which Mr. S. Jory was working with. It gave a jump and Mr. Parsons pulled it up when the breeching broke. The bug- gy struck the mail box of Mr. J. Pres- zecator throwing Mr. Parsons oist smashing the buggy and the horse freeing itself. Mr. Parsons was cut in the head and badly injured. He was brought home and the wound was dressed by Dr. Hyndman. `He res- umed the route the following day: On Tuesday morning last Mr. Rich- and Crocker of Exeter passed away at his home on John Street at the age of 79 years and during that time had made a wide circil of friends. In hie earlier days he was an active 'work in Temperance cpmpaigns.: an. known all over the county. He 7 it :,s a member of the Methodist _ church and was also a member of the Bible Christian church: In politics . ho was a conservative Mr. Crocker was also a member of the I. 0. 0. F. in Exeter The deceased was born in Devonshire England. Mr. S. G. Bawden trophy was won. at the recent bowling tournament in• Exeter by a rink from the Gederich bowling club. The winning rink was compo red of F. H. Martin; 0. C. Whitley, F. J. Butlancl and Dr. A. C. Hunter, skin. The trophy which is now displayed in Mr. F. J. Butlands window, will be held by the Gederich club ion one year. To hold the cup permanently the Goderich club must win it in 1914 and 1915. Word was received here on Sunday of the death of Dr. Lutz; Grananogue a former resident of Exeter. The de- ceased was 70 years of age and has been in failing health for some time has been quite seriously ill. Seven. year ago last May the deceased sold his drug in town. He was survived by his widow and one son Frank also four sisters, and two • brothers, Mrs. W. Moncur of town being a sister. The remains were interred in the Ex- eter cemetery on Sunday. Mr. R. Phillips, who spent the past couple of months at his old home in England has returned to town and will preside at the organ in St. James church next Sabbath Miss McFalls, who has presided at the organ during Mr. Phillips absence has given entire satisfaction. The death of Mr. Thos. Case on Tuesday morning last carne as a very great surprise to his Many friends here. He had been around as usuial, having been up town in the morning n,nd on returning home was suddenly strickened, death coming without warning. Mr. Case -was only in his 62nd. year and was strong and vigor- ous always active and well. He 'Neitlt his daughter was preparing to snake a visit with. one of his sobs, and his sadden demise was a very sad sur prise to all. ,11.1i31"5 pit 'A+Ci <t1�?rt d : ,. 4c 10,94 , ti.. i Sin Fall and Winter Goods Arriving. Daily for Early Buyers 01011011411111. We have opened up a shipment of Ladies Coats, the very latest New York styles in some swell new clothe, prices from $7.50 to 20.00 each. NEW DRESS GOODS Velvets and Suitings, we have had several shipments for your inspection of Tweeds, Che- viots, Serges Corduroys, Whip Cords, Bedford Cords, Silks etc. in all the newest shades together with a swell range of Allover Laces, Fancy Silks, Braids, Laces Etc. for trimming. FURS We have opened up several lots of Mink, Marmot, Stoles, Muffs, Sable, Persian Lamb, Fox etc. We can save you money on your purchase this season. It will pay you to look over our stock, READY MADE CLOTH ING We are receiving some of the very latest suits and overcoats we have ever shown, right up to date.4We have some extra values in Children's 2 and three piece suits If your contemplate buying Boys Suits do not fail to see our stock. ORDERED CLOTHING We have several hundred patterns of tweeds & worsteads for you to choose from,we get them made up in the very latest styles and guarantee you a fit, we would be pleased to show you our entire range of patterns and quote prices, we feel satisfied that we can save you money on your fall suit, we have them marked low for quick sale. COTTONS - Our stock of Flanelette, Sheetings, Pillow Cottons, Tickings, Towellings, Bleached and Grey Cottons is complete and prices right, CHINA & GLASSWARE Our stock of Dinnerware, Hanging Lamps, Glassware, China, Parlor and Hall Lamps, is large, we:would be pleased to show you our dinner sets which we import direct from the potteries. POTTERY We have some very exquisite patterns in the very newest shapes etc. and if you intend to purchase a dinner set do not fail to see our stock, we have some pretty designs in 97 piece sets starting at r s et. Oar Grocery Stock is complete and over prices right below we c a val- ues we are giving: �a I e . Redpaths extra standard Granulated Sugar, in sealed bags, ae $4.75 per 100 pounds. Maple Loaf or Coronet Loekeys Salmon 20e a tin. Fes^ Very finest seeded Raisins 10c or 8 for 25. Best roasted Reo Coffee 20c per lb. Corn, Peas or Tomatoes the very best brands packed 3 for 25. Canned Beans Sc per tin. 20 lbs Redpaths Granulated Sugar for $1.00. We have the agency for Martin Senior 100 per. cent pure mixed. paints, Gold Medal and Champion high speed washiug machine, Royal purple Stock P ood etc. We are open for all kinds of farm produce for which we pay the highest prices. Save our Coupons which we give with each cash purchase.5They are valuable We pay highest price for all Farm Produce.- A CALL SOLICITED TELEPHONE No. 3 All kinds Farm. Produce 'Taken. Aim ..,ZURICH.. MEAT MARKET WE keep in stock a �1 full line of fresh meats, hams, etc. etc Our., cuts are noted for their tenderness and wholesomeness. Our aim is to keep nothing but the best. We make our own sausages. Give us a call. YUNGBLUT .f 3r 1$ Ts ..�. y .dc•' :. C. ZWICKER Blake Chopper I am operating the Blake Chopping Mill e r y Tuesday and Friday. Have a first-class: new grinder, and will guaran- tee satisfaction. JACOB KIPFER BLAKE, ONT. Electric Restorer for Men Phusphonol restores every nerve In the body to its proper tension ;restores vim and vanity, Premature decay and all sexual weak.lees -terted at once, Pb.•phoreol will Crake vo a awn man P . cP a t,)r ,wn ^t '5,hntiea .c ant 11 v g.n, r y,�,' ith us Cr �R A. J. MacKINNON:late Hous Surgeon, Erie County Hospital Buffalo N. Y. Late assistant resi- dent Physician, Manhattan Maternity Hospital N. Y. city. Late of the House Staff, New York Palyclinio Medical School and hospital. Dru store in connection. Office, Zurich, Ont. JPPLE VITT 11 No. A-1 Apple Butter s} for Sale, Apply to S. J. SWEITZER' - Shipka. Stationery._.0 to date station: cry sold at our fC.ie. your initials on the ,01,1ewfree of charge. •25ots,. a box. The St.r. Crediton.