HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1913-09-26, Page 1Vol. XIV,. 1 3 3400£3C1M38.38C3 3+E3�3 E30113SC3<3E.A3F3sn BC:3 3E38Qs§ Jer a tt �IlIllnerg Opanirq Wednesday and Thursday September 17 and 18 and Following Days. When Miss Kerr will beplea- sed to', shove you the latest styles in lades' and misses and child - rens' hats. You ate cordially in- vited. ew Dress Goods We wish- to call, special. attention to our line -of a new dress goods consisting of velvets in all new shades in cord-, ed, brocaded lain and striped designs. These goods : are very Pon, season and are 'rF,asons:ally:prteed, LO Il 0 Few Coatings 'Just the thing for winter wear. ' We have chinchillas tweeds, Diagonals, abstrachen cloth etc. We want you to see these goods as they ase just right in patterns and col- ors. Ask to see our ready -to wear ladies coats and mantles. Sweater Coats In large quantities and many colors at have them for the baby as well as for the early and get first choice, all prices. We old man, Call Peninsula and Happy Thought Stoves and Ranges Remember we are selling Agents for the above stoves and ranges. Every one fully guaranteed. Burn coal and wood. Large ovens and perfect bakers. If you are inter- ested in a range call in and let us talk it over with you. A full line of Baseburners, Oak stoves and Heaters of all discriptions. Hecla Furnaces are our leaders. ge byC wCI, . ' Cr as viii 0 Produce always Taken. i 0 eter, 0 ZURICI .....,...,... Z.,r 4(01000 30:2118 Telephone 9 :in tea s k;::A:s The Official Organ of l,, rich. and Htiy Township', FRIDAY MOR>! SEPT. 26, 1913. sea ra ra. rar,.ra �s 7 as 4s 4-11 S Mr . John Hall of London was a 5 LOCAL NEWS .visitorin town, on Wednesday. Mr. John Bedard of Stratford ararararaaraaraa-sali.ayse was a visitor at his old home near Drysdale on Wednesday, , Miss Laura Steffens of Detroit . is visiting her friend, Miss Emma Mrs.0. Wagner left for Colborne -' Heideman. st Friday on a visit toher Grand - Miss Flossie Hartleib spent .'S•un- daughter Mrs. J. Durst. day in London with her aunt, Mrs. Mr. Wm. Schenk al the 14th con.,, Nicholson. is laid up with tyhoid fever, and will Mr. Jerry llaeroher of North Niro- dot ha out for some time. ta, is back to the old home, renewing The highest market prices paid for chickens, hens and ducks every Wed- nesday forenoon at Ruby & Gascho's, -Mr. Louis. Jeffrey has disposed of Drysdale, the fore part of the week his business, and now wants all ac - Mr. and Mm, Egbert Heideman are , ;Ountsto be settled befor the 15th day of October. • acquaintances. Mr, Eli Ducharms of Stratford was a business visitor in town and at back from a visit with relatives in De- troit. Every Wednesday, morning, live hens and ducks will be taken, J. Guns fel! Sale:—New and second hand guns for sale, apply to 3.Pass more Hensall. ; Mrs. John Miro and daughter of Listowel. Grand Forks, are visiting relatives and friends in the vicinity. Auction sale of farm stock ane im- plements on Lot 10, Con 12, Stanley, on Friday Oct 10th. B,,Bossenberry and., George Sparks, prop. Auction Sale of farm stock and implements on lot 18, con. 16 Steph- an, on Monday Oct. 6th. E. Bossen- berry auct, Louis Adams prop. Auction Sale of chattels in Zurich Oil Saturday Sept. 27th. at 1 o'clock. Miss Emily Schroeder of near Positively no reserve. E. Bossen Dashwood, is visiting at the home of berry acct. Jacob Hoveld prop. 112r. and. Mrs. E. Bossenberry, a tow ' day dais week.; -•F Rev. i1Tr. Brown will preach in the Mrs. I, N. Taggart of South Bend,'eninggelicaon thecsubjecct, "Probation after da,u*h death", unless unforseen things show - ii Sfru ti . yin Ass9 , its -Mr. Allan Hamacher, of New Dun- dee, a native of this section, after an absence of many years, was a visitor in town, last week. Miss Lydia Faust attended the Y. P.A. convention held at Mildmay last week she also visited at Milyerton and Mr. Harry Parker met with a fat- al accident in London, on Wednesday in a lumber yard where he . was em- ployed, He was a son-in-law of Mr. H. Randall and leaves a widow and family, Miss Flossie Weber's Sunday school class held a surprise party ai Ada and Louisa Howald on Sept. 16th, Indiana and Mi s Philker• tot A;delaide,,,of .tlj the hof. ndMrs.Fred I-1 ssr. Rev. •Miller and the Ladies held a surprise party at the home of Mr, and Mrs. Jacob Howald on Tuesday even- ing.of this week, an pleasant evening was spent. Lutheran Church—Sevlces at the usual hours; Sunday School at 9.00 a.m. German services 10.30 a.m. Eng- lish Services 7.30 p.m. A. cordial we - dome is extended to all. Mr. Peter Ducharme of the Bron- son Line was thrown out of his rig on Sunday last, while returning home from church and sustained a broken leg. The team they were driving shied at some object on the road and without warning, he and his family thrown out. The others escaped with- out serious injury. Rev. Miller of Toronto who is talc - charge of the Lutheran congregation was in town this week, and expects his family this week. Mr hiller has aireapy Tilade many friends, by his genial manner and the congregation is to be congratulated on securing his services. He took the church servic- es on Sunday, both morning and ev- ening. Messrs A. F. Hess and J. W. Graybiel won the final round in the booth doubles. on Wednesday defeating Messrs T, Wurm and E. Zeller, by a score of 14-24. The winners each get a pair of bowling shoes. It was an exciting wind up and was witnessed by quite a num- ber enthusiastic friends of the bowling green. The Established 1853 Opened Branch in Hurotr. Co.1874 Saving Bank Accounts Solicited, Zurich Branch R. T. DUNLOP, Manager .aassrs Lotus eber and Charles Meyer have several large contracts in Medford.. They have about comple- ted the brick and Mason work on a large church and a public school, in that town. Dr. S, H. McDonald, dentist of Hensall will make his first profession - visit to Zurich, on Monday Oct .6th. He has taken Dr. Sellery's office at Hensall and expects to come to the Dominion House every Monday. The none v -saving boy becomes the banker, the merchant the profession- al man. The boy who never saves a cent makes the man who "earn his bread by the sweat of his brow," who never owns a home or enjoys the lux- uries of life. Rev. Calvin McRae Ph D lecturer in Otientals in Toronto University de- livered a very thoughtful discourse on Temperance, in the Evangelical Chu- rch Sunday evening. In his delin- eation of the Temperance aiid Moral Reform work done in this county dur- ing the past, he extolled the work done by tlio various political parties rf our land in connection with the cause yet he could not uphold some of the legislation done by the present government critizing especially the three-fifths clause. The evils of intem- perance wore clearly marked, and ad- monished the people to take a de- cided stand for the cause of temper- ance.. A quiet but pretty wedding was celebrated at 9 p.m. Sept. the 23rd at the Evangelical parsonge, Dashwood, on the occasion of the marriage of Alias Theo 3. second youngest daught- er of Mr. and Mrs. Jones Hartleib to Me. William Hey, Zurich, Rev. Mr. G:renzebach officiating, The bride wore a charming gown of tare charm - masa satin and point d' Macon lace and an orange colored bat with shad- ed plumes to match. Her only orna- ments was a necklace of pearl and peridots. The maid of honor was Miss Aldo P, sister of the bride who wore a tanioline rose color silk dress, and white picture hat. Mr. Samuel Iloy•brother of the groom acted as best Man. After the ceremony dinn- er was served and the happy couple , motored. to Exeter the following morn ing froth these they wont to London, Ingersol, Woodstook anti other eastern Points. The bride's travelling suit was Navy` blue serge and hat to match upon their return of their honeymoon they will reside on the groom's fine thefts on the Dabi'loi-i bailie. , N09 L .AT EST SHOES OF THE DAY. IN TAN PATENT AND GUN METAL SAM. E. FAUST, -- ZURICH Zurich Feed SPECIALS Store Leading Brand of: Flour, Short, Bran and Feed Corn Course and Ping =Styli. Produce of .all kinds taken in exehalige. Louis J eff rey .-^*aa h3 - HENSALL- MARKET Beans primes per bus $1.20 Cook's Snowdrift Flour $2.75 Snowdrift flour in 5 bag lots $2.50 Feed flour 1.30 Bran per ton $19.00 Shorts per ton $20.00 Wheat per bus. °acts. Barley per bus .55cts. Oats per bus. 32cts. dor 2 Weeks Gentlemen's Watch Chains Verware yM We wi save you Oh these and other lines. F. W. Hess G. R. Hess Jewellers, - ZLJRICR • Our Fall Shoes have arived. Collie in and have a look at the many different styles we carry. The Horne of Good Shoes Let me Know Your Wants If you are looking for a Farm, Town Residence, or Vacant Lots, I will try to satisfy s our wants. Loans arranged on mortgage security. E. ZE LER, Zurich.