HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1913-09-19, Page 8lYIILLINERY
Wenesday and Thursday
September 17th. and 18th
and following days
Miss Thiel is again in. chrrge of our Millin-
ery Department for the fall season and she will
be pleased to show you the latest styles in ladies
and childrens hat for fall and winter wear.
Fall and Winter Goods
Our stook of Fall and Winter Goods is now nearly
complete' Come and have a look through our various
lines. No trouble to show goods.
New Dress Goods
Berges in all shades. .Bedford Cords, Corded Velve-
teens, Poplins, Cashmere, etc.
Flannelettes and
A large stock of Flannelettes in good patterns at
close prices, also Wrapperettes, Flannels, Flannelette
Blankets. We have something new in Flannelette
Blankets. Come and see them.
Ladies Coats and Coatings
Our stock of Ladies Coats is now complete and we
would be pleased to have you come and see them before
buying elsewhere,
Sweater Coats
The famous Monarch Knit Sweater Coats for men
women and boys and girls. All sizesaall prices.
Gents Furnishings
Mena and Boys new Suits, Overcoats, Hats, Caps,
Gloves, Shirts, Underwear, Socks, etc.
Fresh Groceries always kept on mind
- Ali Kinds .ctece Taken in Exchange
1 s,
Shingles for All. Two Cars on liand
The Misting Brand that has stook the test of
time, and remember the test of time is the test
that tells.
Pt -ION -E Ig
Order at Once
171 EIS
Stili Doing
ausiness at
The Oki Stand
We !have been appointed Agents for
the celebrated
Massey Harris Implements
We handle every 1 .: ; in that lino,
Seeding implements, Manure spread-
ere, all kinds of Plows, Seed Drills.,
Disc Harrows, Cultivators,.
Harvesters, etc.
Harvesting Implements
Binders, Mowers, Rakes, Tray
L -%dors, Etc.
Massey -Harris
Cream Separators
. • ' All kinds -of Plow repairs, Gasoline
engines. See our line. of Callers •be-
• - fore von buy, all our own make. Bug-
gies, Carriages, Wagons, Sleighs.
Square Dealing Our Motto
P. Hess k Soi
Fanning Mill
I am agent for the Clinton faun
tun mill sieves, and farmers re•
quiring any, can procure them at
my farm, South of Zurich
John Hey jr .
get y ur
ow kiuit
At Zurich's Leading
Tailor Shop the only Place,
where the Newest is always
shown first and. satisfaction
Laundry in Connection
raj ler
13'ai11o1.1s Gray Motor Gasoline En
1; and 1 Horse Power
12 375, 00
Sold by r: HESS t� SON Agents.
$55. 00
75. 00
$105, 00
175. 00
285. 00
1 H 'P. weighs 320 lbs $50.00
2:1 400 " $6,ti,AO .00
4 our best H. P. " 600 `°
4 our cheapest 1=I,P, 725 ' 1i?` 1'86.00
6 IL P. weighs 1500 " $160.00
S " " 1820 "r"' $250.00
12 " " 2700 " 3365.00
For Sale by
Louis Prang, Zurich.
Henry Bossenberry
Licensed Auctioneer
Huron, Middlesex and. .Lampton
Satisfaction guaranteed
Dashwood, Ontario,
Daest arranged at the office
Mr. and Mrs. Win. Wein visited
friends in Dashwood over Sunday.
Miss. Laving Beaver is visiting
her parents Mr. and Mrs. M. 'Beaver.
The pie social given by the :Dorcas
Band of the Evangelical church on
Friday evening of last week was very
successful. The band took in some
Me. and Mrs. Thos. Trevethick and
Master Victor spent a few days last
week with friends in London.
Miss A. Rate of New Hamburg is
the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Chas
Mr. and Mrs. A. J: Clark ,and fam-
ily of Ailsa Craig visited Mr. and Mrs.
Jas. Clark on Sunday.
Rev. Mr. Becker preached ,annivor-
sary sermons at Shipka on Sunday;.
Rev. Mr. Thompson of that village
taking Mr. Becker's work here.
Remember the elate of the opening
of the Methodlist. Church shed on
Thursday, October,X601,- by: a big
foul supper. , Tbis proiazises to , be a
big. tine.
Mr. Hugo Schenk, who ha s been,
with Mr. F. W. Clark for the past
three years learning the harness busi-
ness left last Salurday.'and is DOW
taking a few holid:ws.
Mr. Fred Luber celebrated his . 90
birthday On Monday of this '.: week.
All his children were present with the
exception of George, who is in New
Ontario. Those present were Mr.
and Mrs. Louis Raymond of Buffalo
Mrs. Fred Cawley, Mr. and Mrs. G.
Treller and family, Mr. and Mrs.
John McDonald of Detroit, Mr. .and.
Mrs. Chris Eilber of Zurich Mr. Win.
Either of Newark, Ohio, Mr. and Mrs
Chas Eilber, Mr. and Mrs Win Weirt
tel, and Mr. and Mrs. H. F. Eilber
of Crediton. They presented him
with a purse of gold.. Mr. Eilber is'
still hale and hearty and does con=
siderable work. and leeks more like a
Man of 70 years than that of 90
years. His friends wi'sh him many
more years of health and happiness.
Miss Vera Bowman of near London
is visiting Mr, and Mrs. Win. Bow-
M r. Norman Holtzman has the con-
tract of two verandahs, one for Dan
Mcisaac anclon° for Wnl. Morlook.
Messrs Eli and Eimer Ls wson left
on Tuesday for a. trip through the
L-\wsoN—In Stephen, on Sunday,
Sept, 14th. to Mr. and Mrs, "Wiliest,
Lawson, a daughter.
Miss Ethel Clark, who has been. so.
seriously ill is now improving and her
many friends hope to soon see hon
about as usual.
Mr. Jas Lamport is at present oil
thgr sick list.
Messrs ans. Ilaist, and Got Gaiser
both lost valuable cows last week.
Mrs. F. W. Clark, Master Russell and
Miss Labra visited friends in Granton
on Thursday of last week.
On Saturday last a valuable cow of
W. B. Gaiser's in some manner fell
into a well near the barn and it was
with some difficulty that the animal
was taken out.Mr. II. F. Eilber and a
number of others from the.. village
with block and tackel pulled the an-
final out. The cow was not injured.
About 12 o'clock oat. Monday night
fire started in Mr. Peter Koehler's
about a mile and a half south of Zur-
ich and in a 3h0rt time the house and
barus`wore a roar:'iag mass of flames,
all the buildings being a total 7eck;
kr. Casper Walper a neighbor* and
M,0, Bilbek who happened to be on
his way from Crediton, were thefirst
on the scene, and with Mr. Koehler
and family succeeded in saving' most
of the contents of the main house.
The horses and other live stock and
a number of implement were saved
from the barn and stable, quite a
number from town were hurLid,
ly summoned by telephone to help.
The loss is oyer $3000.00 which is
covered by insurance in the Hay Mu-
tual. We have not yet learned
whether Mr. Koehler will . rebuild.
Much sympathy is expressed for the
family as it will unconvenience them
greatly for a thus at least. Mr. Mc
Leod, son-in-law of Mr. Koehler, also
lost a good deal of his. -house furni-
ture, which had been stored in the
house and w.bich will be a totol loss,
not having been insured.
Notice is hereby given that a bylaw
was passed by 'the council of the
Township of Hay, on the 6th day of
September 1913, providing for the is-
sue of debentures to the amount of
$2215.60, for the purpose of paying
a further portion of the Hay Town-
ship Telephone System, and that such
by-law was registered in the registery
office for the County of Huron on the
12th, day of September A. D. 1913.
Any motion to quash or set aside
the same or any part thereof must be
made within three mouths after the
first publication of this notice, and
cannot be made thereafter.
Dated the 19th. day of Sept. 1913.
Fred Hess Sr, Clerk.
A special meeting of the Council
was held an Monday to consider
the engineer''s report of the, East
branch North . and South Hay
swamp drain. The report was read
to the inteeeted,parties and. after:
considering tb,e same, the council`
was xequested to refer the report
back to the engineerto change the
tile dYrain'.to an open ditch,
The.geod Tuckersmith farms have
been sol'' during the past weep. Mr.
James Martin has' sold his on the se-
cond. cont west of E'gmonviile, to his
neighbors, Mr. l'oeest,, who recently
purchased the Dixon Farms. This
farm contains 100 acres and is in fine
shape. The price was $7,500. This
gives Mr: Forest oon estate of 400 ac-
res of as fine land we the sun shines
on, Mr. William Oise' .liar also sold
his farm south of E'ginondville to Mr.
John McCaa,. This -farm also contains
100 acres•and' is an excellent farm in
good condition and was sold for
$5,000: Considering the character
of these firms, their location and the
price at which land sells in some
other parts. of the province, they were
sold cheap and are a good investment
for the purchasers.. Both Mr. Mar-
tin and Mr. Oke give up a possession
The post off ee department is call-
ing for tenders for the carrying of
nails on a new mail route which is to.
be.served: from Dashwood office. The
tenders are to be deposited with the
Department by the 17th of October..
The contact calls for a daily service
to leave Dashwood on the arrival of
the mail from Exeter about 1 p.,
and travel via the road between con-
cessions 12 and 13, and the Ebiva
post office, to Mt. Carmel post office
and the town line between concessions
14 and 15, thence to the road between
lots 10 uiid 11, thence to the. road be-
tween concessions 10 and 11, thence
to the Sarepta post office, and
and the town line between : Stephen
and McGillvray, thenca to the Dash-
wood post office, and be due there in
four hours and thirty minutes, The
distance to be travelled is said to ` be
eighteen miles.
Lot 15 L.R.E., 'Clay Totvsiship, 100
acres more or less. The farm is tile.
drained and fairly well fenwcd. .with;
wire fencing. One barn 26; 56 and
one 28x40, frame and log house. For
price and terms, write to Michael
Malolely sbJoseph; P. 0,, or E, Zel�
ler, Zurich,
With the near approach of the
-hunting Season many are the plans
that are being laid by the sportsman
of the district. Vary little shooting
is done. until Oct.. 151h: of September.
but with the changeof the gains laws
the vacation period has been extended.
to correspond. From reports,, it
would seem that game is faily plenti-
ful in the surrounding districts. and
local sportsmen are anticipating the
open season with more than usual in-
terest. As in 5reviousyears a large
r uiid vicinity
.number from Inge .Sol
will go north in quest oC deer.
t�law'�c<�M.s✓,, ra .A n.,,,,..r,,,... : n. .. w.-,wa,cw+. .Kw .
p yot, ie er considered "Painting' from_ the standpoint of at
lifA' Ti 5, peal flU .,,. by the cost of painting (a is proportlo'J
• ,npo,prenie of rep'P it.a�, o higherthan othe,'fauronce)
y'ihe ct It , con ld the securityy fk iiifd 55 ,,,qhs uantit
Via; 10 fact it 1e consldQiahly 5alallei, slid s,io�e'A'dmaa. 4 y�"
Why Fire Insuradce i'oiattdd IasufdttCi'...t �htpiu ,roTs'1 ..
They only protect whet that which you Nidi to ate happens.'
Martin-Senour Paint .1 u /0 rlure
)Aftoids tie utmost protectida, jusures your property,_begigning
"With its application.: a .fir yrte,etaq i way ;`
It wardo ori tfe sun loge of Old Sol, the clpt of OId.Jack'Frosi=the
ravages of Old Fnther,Time. w � g�
:a— Pctvent6 dr9•rol—checks d leilorallog No safer, surerror more �.
rellablei Insuraacttr' chuld be offer . , r '
e, H7iRTL
Millinery Opening
Wednesday and Thursday, Septemb.
17th and 18th: and following' clays -
My Millinery Department is in charge of Miss,- DeLer
who, will show you all the latest in hats, shapes a
tai:rrliiniigs of all kind, from the centre of fashions at t
Ter lowest prices.
Yon are corniall to call" and talk --a
throes„ h before making. yo ,r hrehases.
' A full' stock of Dress Goods. Triritmings, Ladles, Goats,
Childrens Coats and all lines of fall and winter goodie at
prices as low as the lowest
Highest Prices pail for Farm Produce
Notice is hereby given, pursuant to..tbe
Stanca. in. that behalf, that all persons her
iug ?ny,,claims or demands against the..:late
Thomas.Philislty McLaughlin, in his . life.•
time of the Township of Stephen, in, the
County of Huron, Physician. Deceased,
who died on or about the Twenty-sixth:
of Aptil, A.D. 1913 at the city of London,
in the County of Middlesex, are required
en or before the fourteenth clay of Octob-
er. A.D.19.1S, to send by post prepaid or to.
deliver to the undersigned Solicitors here-
in for John McLaughlin, Administrator of
the property of the said Thomas Philislty
:,McLaughlin, their names and addresses
`tfand. full particulars in writing of their
claims tSiacl statements of their accounts.
;duly vorelled and the nature of the seem -
Ales, if any, held by them.
And Take Notice that after the font,
`teenbh day of October, A.D. 1913, the
said Johan McLaughlin will proceed to dis-
tribute the assets of the sad deceased a-
mong the persons entitled thereto, having
.regard only to the claims of which he shall
then have had notice, and that the said
John McLaughlin will nob be liable for the
said accosts or any part thereof to any per-
se'ns et whose claim shr,l not then, have
received notice.
Dated as London. Ontario, the Twelfth
day of September, A.D. 1913.
Solicitors •
74 Dundee st, West, London, Ontario,
Mr', Jos. IVa. ridge of Brinsley on
Monday sold $600 worth of honey to
Mr. Chas. • Zwicker.. This is only
part of this season's crop, , There is
good money in this business and is a
wonder that more farmers do not go
in for it. .
Britain's foreign,trade has assumed
aubstdit.tial figures this year .d. 'date.
It totals for seven months Lh352,000,
000 compared with Lb 730;000,000
during the corresponding period a
year ago. Exports exceed imports,
being approximately Lb501,000,000to
date against L351,000,000... A -year
ago there Were L13436,000,000 and
204,000,000 respectively. Exinailts
in August were greater than i1T any
his inti. r
other; month t ,. year, while 1 n is
Deleware, Lackawanna,
Western Co'al..'Co's
Scranton Coal
All Size
Mt. Clark of. Grand' bond,
owner of the monkey that brings
master many a five cent piece by c
ging the balls thrown at h-ini, wa.
before Magistrate Saunders fir 'cr
ty to animal. The Monkey Was
court as a witness. After lookin
the monkey and hearing the avid,
wore less by f.!07'eu,il, million pounds, his lordship clisilnimsed the case,