HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1913-09-19, Page 4S'TRATFORD. ONT. CANADA'S BEST BUSI- NESS COLLEGE Our registration agin exceed that of any previous year. The boy or girl who has not received our free catalogue does not know the great opportunities of Commercial life. We have three departments, Com- mercial, Shorthand and Telegraph- y, and we offer you advantages not offered you advantages not offered elsewhere in Ontario. You may enter at any time. Write for our free catalogue at once. .A.cLachlan, Principal. Dashwood Furniture Store We are giving Big Snaps in Pianos and Organs for the balance of the year. Two big shipments of Singer and Rayln and Sew- ing Machines must be cleared out at once, at a low price. A. big stock of Furniture • always on hand. and prices the Lowest. Dried apples taken as Cash. UNDERTAKING Big stock night—call Central. or P. MOISAA0 Furniture and Undertaing LEGAL- CAI.DS, . Distriot News CREDITON Avery pretty wedding was solmeu- ized et high noon on Wednesday Sept, 17th, when Miss Myrtle Hintzel only daughter of Mr. and Mrs. George Hirtzel was united in marri- age to _Mr. Alfred Baker son of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. - Baker of Exeter. The bride looked charming in a gown of while Satin with a handgome veil of embroidered tulle with train carry- ing a beautiful bouquet of bridal ros- es, and was attended by Miss Baker, sister of the groom. The ceremony was performed under en arch of ever- greens, by Rev. Mr. Jefferson. About 120 guests being present after which a sumptuous repast was served on the lawn. Mr. and Mrs. Baker will take up their residence on John st Exeter. A host of friends join in congratula- tions. The following paragraphtakenfrom the Crandel paper of last week and was sent to Mr. and Mrs. Jas Lawson. Mr. and Mrs. Lawson visited Mr. and Mrs. Andrew just before return- ing home. The friends of Mr.and Mrs. Henry Andrew, Chumab, were shocked to hear of the death of their fourth daughter, Elsie, after an illness last- ing less than three days. Deceased was taken ill during school on Friday afternoon but was not finally confin- ed to her bed until Saturday morn- ing, when she radily became worse and quickly sank, passing away early on Monday morning. Spinal meningitis is given as the cause of her decease. The funeral was held to Hamiota cemetery on Tuesday after- noon and a large number of friends and relatives followed the remains to the cemetery. EXETER On Sunday September 7th. Mr. M. Elford of Welcome who for a couple of weeks has been visiting with his daughter Mrs. E K. Johns passed away at the .advanced age of 79 years 10 months and 18 days. The'deoeeris ed has been ailing all summer and in company with Mrs. Elford came to Usborne on .a visit. On Wednesday of lest week he suffered a paraletc' stroke and Gradually grew worse until the end came on Saturday evening. The deceased was one of the pion- eers of Usborne having settled on the 5th concession in the early sixties. On Sunday last week Mr. Thos. Willie passed away at the home of his eon -in-law Mr. Ed Willis at the age of 78 years 2 months and 26dys Mr. Willis was born in Exeter on the corner of what is known as Main and Simcoe Sts. His parents the late Mr. and Mrs. Willis came out from Ire• land and settled on a faun on the early sixties. - Mr. Francis Wilbert Coward pass- ed away at his home on the 15th. con of Usborne on Saturday Sept 6th after a lingering illness of anemina The deceased was a son of the late W. Coward and has resided with his moth er on the homestead. He was S4yrs. of age and was unmarried. t'ROUDFOOT SAYS & KILT,ORAN, Barristers, Solicitors: Notaries Public, etc. Goderich, Cenada W. Prov foot. K. 0. R. 0. Have. J. L. n. BUSINESS CARDS. B.S. PHILLIPS, AUCTIONEER. Exeter. Sales conducted in all parts. Serle - faction guaranteed or no pay rgiasonable. Orders left will be promptly attended s tt this office o. H. EILBEB & SON' Crediton t, '- Ontario Conveyancers, General Insurance Agents Telephone ---Office la, House lb. CENTRALIA Mr. and Mrs. S. Davis spent last week at Stratford. Quite a number from around here took in the Exeter fair this week. The school re -opened on Tuesday of last week with Miss Horton of Ex- eter wielding the emblem of author- ity. 'The W. 11I: S. Aunilary met on Tuesday at the home of Mrs. Ander- son the ladies are busy preparing a bale of clothes to be sent later. Rally Day will be observed in the S. S, on the last Sabbath of the mon- th. The practise for it has commen- ced. The Epworth League resumed its regular meetings on Monday night after a two months vacation. Mrs. Evens has sold her house and lot to Mr. Frank Hicks. Miss Mabel Elliott is attending the Collegiate Institute in Chatham. Mrs. W. R. Elliott left on Thurs- day of last week to make an extended trip to Ottawa. ANDREW F. HESS, FIRE INSURAN- CE) agent, representing the London, Economical, Waterloo, Monarch, Stand- Ards infireton and Guardian. Every - dc Dashwood Barber Shop Wednesday AILSA CRAIG e Mr. anti Mrs. A. E. Brown visited London fair: Mrs. G. N. Brown and daughter, Helen, of Hamilton, are visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs A. M. Munro. Miss Maggie Davies was a London visitor this week. Mrs. W. Yelf and children are • vis- ions friends at Lobo. Miss Mamie George is visiting with Mrs. Rothermal, of Port Huron. Mrs. D. Crawford and children are visiting relatives at Mount Brydgesi pen every 'Wednesday af tern con and evening. Saturda y Open every Saturday, all day, and evening. THOS. KLUMPP, Proprietor. VARNA Mr. Webster Turner, of the P Line, Stanley near here' last week,'' sold a good mare to Mr. Frank Allan for the neat sum of $275. This fine mare weighed 1,800 pounds, and was sired by that good breeding Colonel Graham, imported and owned by Mr. T. J. Berry of Hensall. It will be seen by this that although the horse market is said to be dull, horses of the right stamp still bring ` good prices and meet with a ready sale. PARKHILL Mr. P. D. Morrison, of Cleveland has returned after spending a month with his father and mother, Centre Road. The funeral of James Boyce, who died at Sault Ste Marie on Friday was largely attended. The services were conducted by Rev. Mr. Farney Anglican rector, and interment was made in Parkhill Cemetery. Mr. Charles Dishman held a most successful sale of household effects re- cently. 3. J. McDonald, Centre road, was in London recently. Mrs. McElrane, of Detroit, is vis- iting her father, 3, P. McCormick, who has been ill for the past year. Miss Kate Morrison, student of the Sacred Heart Academy, Stratford, has returned to resume her studies for an- other year. NOTICE Notice is hereby given that a court will be held, pursuant to The Ontario Voter's List Act, by His Honour the Judge of the County Court of the County of Huron at the Township Hall, Zurich on the 25th day of Sept. 1918, at 9 o'clock a. en. to hear and determine complaints of errors aitd ommissions in the voter's List of the Municipality of the Township of Hay for 1918. - Dated 8th. day of September 1918. Fend Hess sr. Clerk of the Municical- ity of the the Township of Hay. Messrs Jack 0. Hanley and John McPhee, of London spent a few days o'""'"'"!,77—'"'"!'—''"'"-"---""""" in 'Parkhill end vicinity reEentivt oAt' i% es 4ftARt9 EXP Rlrf9G1:: TO'DE Ail ARS 3 y_ z ¢� • DcSItrlNS * COPYRIGHTS dtC.. anyone bonding a Sketch and deseruDtlon may hh an yuickl5 cssertpain ouY pntentablO. Commutalea• •ice„tion ie confidential. p on Patents .,e t tree. oltlydest or sec 00K go receive tl eatbntb taxon t ronghoMunntho .regia. /pedal notic■uue,, without chargj�ey, I,Ayr ■6G Stie tilit is handsownly iiltretrated weekly. Largebt nutation of any Scientific Jourrnell. 'ronnad for Canada, $3.715 a year, postage by hevripddeapteera..f ,gyp + NIS & co 3slareadway. Neel 7.• WItShIngton,'r- WANTED—Girls to learn the knitt- ing and looping, in our factory. Guaranteed $5.00 per week, can make 12.00 to $15.00. Pleasant and Congenial position, Apply by letter or phone to manager. Clinton Knitting Co. Ltd., Clinton, Ont. -- i r. Willie Kavanaugh, who gradu- Iated last summer at the faculty of Education' Toronto is now teaching I in one of the St. Thomasaschools. —•— —. DWELLING FOR SALE DATES OF FALL FAIRS IN WESTERN ONTARIO New Hamburg Sept 11-12 Sept 28-24 Sept 28-24 Sept 24-25 Elnlhro„,Qeeeerr.e•.••.....• Oct 2 Galtee.i.... Oct 2--3 Guelph Sept 16-18 Hanover Sept .18 --19 Ingersoll Sept 16-17 Listowell Sept 16-17 London Sept . 5-18 Milverton Sept 25-26 Neustadt Sept 16-17 Ottawa Sept 5-18 Stratford ,Sept 18-19 St. Marys.,...• . Sept 28—.24 Tavistock Sept 15-16 Toronto Aug 28 to Sept 8 Sept 9---10 Drumbo Elmira Fergus Fall and Winter Goods Arriving Daily for Early Buyers We have opened up a shipment of Ladies Cleats, the very latest New York styles in some swell new cloths, prices from $7,50 to 20.00 each. NEW DRESS GOODS Velvets and Suitings, we have had several shipments for your inspection of Tweeds, Che- viots, Serges Corduroys, Whip (lords, Bedford Cords, Silks etc. in all the newest shades together with a swell range of Allover Laces, Fancy Silks, Braids. Laces }ate, for trimming. FURS We have opened up several lots of Mink, Marmot, Stoles, Muffs, Sable, Persian Lamb, Fox etc. We can save you money on your purchase this season. It will pay you to look over our stock. READY MADE CLOTHING We are receiving some of the very latest suits and overcoats we have ever shown, right unto date.`We have some extra values in Children's 2 and three piece suits If your contemplate buying Boys Suits do not fail to see our stock. ORDERED CLOTHING We have several hundred patterns of tweeds & worsteads for you to choose from,we get them made up in the very latest styles and guarantee you a fit, we would be pleased to show you our, entire range of patterns and quote prices, we feel satisfied that we can save you money on your fall suit, we have them marked low for quick sale. COTTONS Our stock of Flanelette, Sheetiugs, Pillow Cottons, Tiokings, Towellings, Bleached and Grey Cottons is complete and prices right, CHINA Sc GLASSWARE Our stook of Dinnerware, Hanging Lamps, Glassware, China, Parlor and Hall Lamps, is large, we; would be pleased to show you our dinner sets which we import direct from the potteries. POTTERY We have some very exquisite patterns in the very newest shapes etc. and if you intend to purchase a dinner set do not fail to see our stock, we have some pretty designs in 97 piece sets starting at 5.40per set. Our Grocery Stock is -.complete and over prices right be 'we quote_a few val- ues we are giving: - Redpaths extra etandard Granulated Sugar, in sealed bags, ae $4.75 per 100 pounds. 'Maple reef or Coronet Loskeys Salmon 20e a tin. Very finest seeded Raisins 100 or 8 for 25. Best roasted Reo Coffee 20c per lb. Corn, Peas or Tomatoes the very best brands packed 8 for 25. F k'” 'lQ Canned Beans 5c per tin. ' 20 lbs Redpaths. Granulated Sugar for $1.00. We have the agency for Martin Senor 100 per. cent, pure mixed paints, Gold Medal and Champion high speed washing machine, Royal purple Stock Food etc. We ar`e open for all kinds of farm produce for which we pay the highest pri ces. i Save our Coupons which we give with each cash purchase.They are valuable We pay highest price for all Farm Produce. A CALL SOLICITED TELEPHONE No. 3 ' All kinds Farm Produce Taken. Piliall111111.1111.11111M111111111111MOMMIMMIIIIIIIMMINIMMIM, C. ZWICKER Good house and good barn and stable 24x50, with 5 acres of land. Good kitchen, well and cistern and back well fenced and drained. All in grass. Within half mile east of of Zurich. For particulars apply o Peter Woolley Zurich, P. 0. there ale 4i acres adjoining which say also be purchased. Wellesley Winghain:..............Sept 25--26 Woodstock...... Sept 17-19 17.--18 ■■aZURICHI rn MEAT MARKET WE keep in stock a full line of fresh meats, hams, etc. etc Our cuts are noted for their tenderness and wholesomeness. Our aim is to keep nothing but t, ie best. We make our own sausages. Give us a call. k YDNiiT BL C� ICflBT. 131.alcie Chopper I am operating the Blake Chopping Mill every Tuesday and Friday. Have a first-class: new grinder, and will guaran- tee satisfaction. JACOB KIPPER BLAKE, - ONT, DR A. J. MacKINNON,,late House Surgeon, Erie County Hospital, Buffalo N. Y. Late assistant resi-`' dent Physician, Manhattan Maternity Hospital N. Y. city. Late of the House Staff, New York Palyclinic Medical School and Hospital. Drug store in connection. Office, Zurich, Ont. Men for Electric Restorer M Phosphonol restores everp nerve in the body to its Droper tension ; re+tore; a� vim and vitality. Premature decay and I1 sexual Weakness averted at once. Phosphenol will make_yrOu a now man. Price $11 a box,or two for 415. Haile ilo any ad.dress.The BoA.tlalllDrru' 1) APPLE BUTTER No. A-1 Apple Butter for Sale, Apply to S. J. SWEITZER Shipka. Stationery.—Up to date station., ery sold at our office. We print your initials on the palter 'free ot. charge. Mats. a box. The Stan Crediton.