HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1913-09-19, Page 1The Official Organ of Zurich and Hay Taw hip Vol. XIV. to g FRIDAY MORNING, SEPT.. 19, 1913. ilIiner� enijq Wednesday and Thursday September 17 and 18 and Following Days. When MissKerr will be plea- sed to show you the latest styles in ladies' and misses and child- rens' hats. You, are cordially in- vited New Dress Goods We wish. to call special attention to our line of new dress goods oonsist'l , f. velvets in all new shades in cord-. ed, brocaded, Plain ,,s .tripod designs. These goods are very popule W tl . , and ere reaseaably priced. . � z TCW Coatings Just the thing for winter wear. We have ohinohillas tweeds, Diagonals; abstrachen eloth,eto. We want you to see these goods as they ase just right in patterns and oo1- ors. Ask to see our ready -to wear ladies coats and mantles. Sweater Coats In large quantities and many colors at all prices. We have them for the baby as well as for the old man, Call early and get first choice, 0 Peninsula and Happy Thought g Stoves and Ranges Remember we are selling Agents for the above stoves and ranges. Every one fully guaranteed. Burn coal and Wood. Large ovens and perfect bakers. If you are inter- ested in a. range,oall-in and let us talk it over with you. A full line of Baseburners, Oak stoves and Floaters of all descriptions. Freda Furnaces are our leaders. Produce always Taken. ZURIehh A 0 Telephom.e 9, -a 3 W,,?is* a'3 3 ' . ,*i. "P,C3* fDi LOCAL 'NETS ea ea,ar erasm,t 4 s 4 fM 4, -AAA ; Miss Ida Ortwein spent a few days in London last week.; Miss Bulah Koehler is spen a few days at Exeter with " her grandparents. Mr. Chas. Weber of ; 1',resten is spending the holidays with re': atives in town, Mrs. E. A. Axt. ,retnrntd borne Saturday after visiting relatives in London during Lair week. Mr. J J Merger wishes to announce that his cider mill and apple butte[ factory will be run Tuesday of,each week only, commencing next Tuesday 16th inst. Mr, and Mrs. 0. Eilber and claw - ter Miss Dora attended the celebra- tion of the 90th birthday, of the far- mer's father, at Orediton, on Monday. The old gentlemen is said to be quite hearty and can. do a days work -equal to most men at two-thirds his age, Mr. W. B. Wilson, who had been employed in the Molsons .Bank,. here for some time'. got word c*n Saturday that he had ' been trans- ferred to Calgary. He was lar on, ordered to stop: at Winnip6* We wish himall kinds of good luck in his new location Mr. Louis Jeffrey has disposed.' Of his flour, feed and grocery business to Messrs George Douglas and George Sparks. The new owners. will take possession on the 15th :of next .:month and as both are well. known in this section, they should succeed in main- taining a large business worked` op b>:. Mr. Jeffrey. • The Voters' List for the town of Olin tan was' first: up in - the 'Clerk's office on August 80th. . Them.: are 8 S names on the .409 are entitled to vote at Bath p .wi- mentary and municipal elections, 828 at municipal elections 'only and 91 at political elections oily. 821 are quali- fied to serve an jurors. Hon. L. P. Pelleter, postmaster General, in a speech at Winnipeg said the parcel post system to be es- tablished in Canada oh January will extend from coast to coast, with a flat rate between all points in each province. "The saving to private citizens here" the postmaster General continued, "will enormous, the rate df course being much less than at pre- sent, September ROD and GUN contains a list of contents appropriate to the month and to the character of this magazine of out door life. The Am- erican Scamp on the Pacifico Coast is. Bonnycastle Dales Contribution, "Cusick" gives some practical advice to hack shooters and relniniscenses of duck hunting expedition in days gone by. Shooting over a dog by ri ''i he of interest to those Senex YxL haznt sportsmen Who find big gniii� Tug to strenuous but en,f;);' the milder form of sport involved in the poi X1111 of small winged game. A. day among the Ducks by a ,Saskatrs.'1ewan writer is a very amusing account of the duck hunting experiences of an iauiat- ear shot. Amongst the Mart:tuba Prairie Chickens, The Cab Arras the Midway, Minting the Loon, the seed. of theelled Men, and other illustrated articles make up an entertaining number of this issue by W. J, Taylor Limited, Woodstock, Ont. UNASMSLCEMENSEMBESMISSIERTZDZSEVegn The Established 1853 Opened Branch in Huron Co. 1874 Saving Bank, Accounts Solicited. Zurich Branch R. T. DUNLOP, Manager Farmers are busy hauling gravel ou.the roads this week. Mr. Orland Johnston and . some friends from. Clinton spent Sunday in town. Mr. Harry Bassow visited his sister Tillie is London on Tuesday of lat,t week. Mr. and Mrs. Bassow of the Brons- on Line, visited Mr. and Mrs. Amel Gollin at Greenway on Sunday last. Mr. and Mrs. Mono Kipfer of Wat- erloo are visiting with the former's brother Mr. Solomon Kipfer. Mr. Herb Becker of New Dundee was a visitor on the Goshen Line over Sunday, returning to his home on Monday. Mr, Orland Johnston left , last ,week for Clinton, where he has secured a position in the Molsons Bank of that town. Aviation Sale of chattels hi Zurich on Saturday Sept. 27th. at 1 o'clock. Positively no reserve. E. Bossen- berry and. Jacob Howald prop. 'Mr. and Mrs. Fred Kohn, who vis- ited at the home of the hatters parents for a number of days returned to their home in Berlinon Monday. Rev, G. F. Brown will preach in Dashwood next Sabbath morning in connection with the communion ser- vice to be held in the Fvangelical church Mr. E W. Stoskopf V.S., had nearly= sit hundred wagon loads of earth hauled to his property, • raising the ground on the lot by `nearly two feet, Mr. H. Neeb,had the contract, Mr, August Wagner of Winnipeg is calling on relatives;and, former at- quaintauces this week. it is 22 ,years since Mr. Wagner left town and ' his many friends are Pleased to see him back for avisit to his old home. meet -tr of the Directors of the Hay'i!p, h arinersriTETR' Fire Ii siiii- ante Co., met ire Hensall on Saturday about $4000 in claims were paid The Directors have decided to leave an. assessment of 5% on the policy holders next month. The second Quarterly meeting and communion service of the Fvangelical church will be held at the 14th Con. next Saturday and Sunday Rev. S.R. Knechtel P. B. of Berlin will be pres- ent and officiate at these services. The Evangelical Association has purchased a ten foot strip at the rear of their property from Henry Truem- ner and are getting ready to build a large covered shed, early in the spring. Nearly $1500.00 has already been subscribed towards the expense, Rev. W. O. Ruby of l'espies, a for- mer clerk at Mr. J. Procter's store, occupied the pulpit of the Evangel- ical church last Sunday evening. He delivered a very earnest and practical discourse to a large congregation. His many friends were glad to greet, him and congratulated him on hie eellinee Go nigbor Pale n°h er 541t'lf'a" " _ :S1IcRae Ph. D. Lecturer in Orient- als Rey. Ce viii of the University of Toroiltt? 4111 Mefloh art Nhe I?hn.1';gel- iced church, next Sunday evening. ryit. 1feltae is a well informed advocate of temperance and is qualified to present this great cause in an interesting and impressive manner. Don't neglect to bear him.'. HICK'S FORECASTS A Reactionary Storm Period is cen- tral on the 25th, 20th, and 27th. These are a strong probabilities of a poli of threatening, stormy weather extending over several days, and per - ups filling the gap between the reg- ular storm periods immediately after hese dates. There will be danger of rests at nights, in the high baroniet- r areas that follows on the heels of toric areas, and the danger of frosts t these times will be in proportionto be lowness of barometer readings at- ending the storms. The 29th and 0th belong to a regular storm period carat in October. On and about he 29th there are good reasons to ex- act violent perturbations of Earth, tniosphere and seas. On that date con is in perigee', on the equator id new at eclipse node. One of the naxim um seismic periods of the year central on the 20th, extending from bout the 25th to October ,611i In oh localities, the barometer should closely watched, and storm warn.. tgs heeded. r h f 0 s a t t c p bI is a sir be %r. NOS LATEST SHOES OF THE DAY IN TAN PATENT AND O U I ETA:; SAM., E. FAUST, -- ZU"iCH' Zurich Feed SPECIALS Stom Leading Brand of: For 2 Weeks Brian and Feed Corn Course and Fine Salt. Produce of all kinds taken in evc'bwage. Lori' efro,� 7� n 1'lrr�n? l HENSALL MARKET Beans primes per bus $1.20 Cook's Snowdrift Flour $2,75 Snowdrift flour in 5 bag lots- $2.50 Feed flora• 1.80 I3rau per ton $19.00 Shorts per ton $20.00 Wheat per bus. O4cts. Barley per bus 55cts. Oats per bus..82ct s. Gentlemen s Watch Chains Silverware Oh these and other lines. F. W. Hess O. R. Hess Jewellers, - ZURIC ur Spiing Shoes liat-e aii' ed. Come in and have a loop at the many diiferen styles we carry. C3 ee of 000,-.) Sinres L4L • Let me Know Your ,Wants If you are looking for a Farm, Town Residence, or Vacant Lots, I will try to satisfy y our wants. Loans arranged on, mortgage security. E. ZELLE. , Zurich