HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1913-09-12, Page 8MILLINERY
Wenesday and Thursday
September 17th and •18th
and following days.
Miss Thiel is again in chrrge of our Millin-
ery Department for the fall season, a..d she will
be pleased to show you the latest styles in ladies
and childreng hat for fall and winter wear.
Fall and Winter Goods
Our stook of Fall and Winter Goods is now nearly
complete- Come and have a look through our various
lines. No trouble to show goods.
New Dress Goods
Serges in all shades. Bedford Cords, Corded Velve-
teens, Poplins, Cashmere, etc.
Flannelettes and
A l;lrge stock of Flannelettes in good patterns at
close prices, also Wrapperettes, Flannels, Flannelette
Blankets. We have something new in Flannelette
Blankets. Come and see them.
Ladies Coats and Coatings
Our stock of Ladies Coats is now complete and we
would be pleased to have you come and see them before
buying elsewhere,
Sweater Coats
The famous Monarch Knit Sweater Coats for men
women and boys and girls. All sizes all prices.
Gents Furnishings
Mans and Boys new Suits, Overcoats, Hats, Caps,
Groves, Shirts, Underwear, tiooks, etc.
Famous Gray Motor Gasoline En
1i. and 1* horse Power $55. 00
2i ,, II 75. 00
4 „ . N $105. 00
6 „ 175. 00.
1} 285, 00
Sola by F.' 'LBS. & SONAgents;
375. 00
H P. weighs 320 lbs $50.00
•2i i•' " " , 400 :" $65.00!
4 our best I3, P, " 800 " $120.00
4 our cheapest H.P. 725 " ' $p85:00'
6 H" P. weighs 1500 •ii $160.00
8 1820 " $250.00
12 ' 2700 $365.00
For Sale by • .' �'
Louis Prang, Zurich.
Fresh Groceries always kept on nand
Produce Taken in Exchange
. _ All �®���� ®� ��� �
Shingles for All. Two Cars on Hand
The Hasting Brand that has stook the test of
-time, and renumber the test of time is the test
that tells,
r} J ®
PtiONCIE lig
Order at Once
SEPTEMBER • 11th, 12h, 13th
Round trip tickets will be • issued.
from all stations in Canada via Grand
Trunk Railway at•very loiv rates to
Port Huron Mich,, Detroit, Alicia.,
Chicago, Ill., Bay City, Mich., Cleve-
land', Ohio, Grand Rapids, Mich.,
Saginaw Mich., Minneapolis and St,.
Paul, Minn. Tickets good going.
September 1.11h, 12th, arid 18th.
Return Limit=All tickets valid for
return to reach original starting point
not later than September 29th. 1913,
Full particulars and tickets at all
Grand Trunk Ticket Agents or write
0. E. Horning, District Passenger.
Agent, Toronto.
F nning Mill
Still Doing
Business at i I am agent for the Clinton -faun.
Stan d Ing mill sieves, and farmers re.
The Old 6� quiring any, can procure them at
my farm, South of Zurich
John Hey jr
The Grand Trunk Railway will iss-
ue round trip tickets from all stations
Kingston, Renfew and west in Canada
also from Detroit and _ Port Huron,
Mich., 'to London at Single fare, good
going Selitember 5th, 6th, 7th, 8th,
10th, and 13th.
Special excursion rates will also . be
in effect from above stations on Sept.
9th, 11th, and 12th.
RETURN LIMIT --A9 tickets valid
for return until Monday,. Sept. 15th.
Fall particulars and tickets nt all
Grand Trunk Ticket Agents., •
Steamship Express leaving Toronto
10.15 a. an. Mondays, Wednesdays
and Saturdays for Hamilton -Brant-
ford, Paris, Woodstock Ingersol Loin
don, Strathroy and Sarnia, and train
leaving T'arnia Wharf 6. 45 a. In
Sundays for Toronto, will make last
trip westbound, Saturday Sept. 18th':.
and eastbound Sunday Sept. 14th.
We have been appointed Agents for
the celebrated
Massey Harris Implements'
We handle every.:;i'l;; in that line,
Seeding Implements, :Manure spreaad-
ers, all kinds of Plows, Seed Drills,
Disc farrows, Cultivatortt, l '1
Harvesters, etc. ,
Harvesting Implements
Binders, Mt. •.vers, Rakes, •
L .:tders, Etc.
Masser -Harris
Cream Separators
All kinds of Plow repairs, Gasoline
engines. See our line of Cutters be-
fore you'bey,'all cur oNvn make; Bug-
gies, CaarrYiit;es, Wtgons, Sleighs. •
Square Dealing Our Motto
get y UI
Mr. and Mrs. John Ort and family
of Drumbo were theguests of Mr.
and Mrs. Dan Mcisaac over Sunday.
Mr. Wrn. Brown of Zurich spent
Sunday., with his parents Mr. and
Sirs. G. K. Brown.
Mr. Rev. Becker lest Sunday after-
non for Chichago to attend the fun-
eral of'tho late Professor Umbach„
Mr. F, W. Clark put up a new, aw-
ning in front of his harness shop on
Monday, The awning is nicely pain-
ainted advertising his business.
The new verandah ereeted in oon-
rection with the ' Evangelical church
parsonage has been nicely painted
and now looks very cosy and. comfor-
table. Mr. Normans Holtzman was
the designer and builder of this liand-
com verandah. -
'1he members of' the Meshodist
Sunday School and friends of Miss
Myrtle iiirtzel gave her a, kitchen
shower on Monday night and ' pre'
sented her with many useful arti-
Air. and Mrs John T. •Bedford
axe spending a few days in Sarnia
with Mr, and Mrs. Geo, Bedford.
Miss Gretta returned "with them
after a few weeks visit here.
Live poultry tli°ken every Wed-
nesday forenoon' for which the
highest market price will be paid
Tiernan and Edighoffer..
Oar -flour is kept busy, - running.
from 7 in the morning until 9 in the
evening. The Encore flour is making
a name for itself. They shipped a
car of flour this week. •
The many friends of -Mr. T. Guen-
ther are pleased to hear that he will
soon be out and around again.
Mr. and Mrs'. Dave Tiernan spent a
few 'lays in London attending the
fair. •
Miss Edith Grey of St.Thomas vis-
ited her parents Mr. and Mrs. Grey
at Sarepta a couple weeks.
Mr. Geo. Hughes, and wife and
Mr. A. Matthews of Ailsa Craig, visit-
ed with friends here, recently.
Mr. John .McFarlane was here
recently on business.
Mr. Arthur Owens is slowly recov,
ening from injuries which. he received
some time ago by falling into the self
feeder of his threshing machine..
Messrs W. J. Ilodgiils and Ed..
Simpson of Clandoboye, visited here
Messrs Chas. and M. T. Rosser vie,
Ailsa Craig.
Mr: and Mrs. W. Tedder visited re-
cently with friends at Bluevale,
Mr. Ashley Lumley visited in Dc'
troit recently:
Mr. D. G. Carrie of Toronto, who
has been engaged as principal of our
school, and who has been confined
to his room shrough illness, expects to
commence his duties here in a week
or ten days.
Pie Social—There will be • a Pie
social given under the auspiees ,of
Derails Band of the Evangelical
church, Crediton, oh Friday Sept
12th. An excellent lunch consist.
ing of sandwiches, pie and coffee
will be served on tufa cb.utch latwtl
from 7 to 10 p �n ' idm1ssion It3c
'B verybody,.00t e, .' •
Mr. Lee Hoffinan of Zurich visited'
At Zurich's Leading"
Tailor: Shop the only Places.;,
where the Newest is al*ays.
shown first and satisfactidn.
Laundry in Oonniectiou
• The beautifully decorated home of
Mr. and Mrs. John Scott was the
scene on Wednesday noon of a wed-
ding of much local intetest, when
their claughter, Edna May was united
in marriage to Wesley A. Kibler ' of
Dk'ancsan, B: C; the'Rev. Dr. Barber
The bride was attired in a very be-
coming dress
e-coming.dress of white satin with tulle
veil and carried a bouquet of roses
and lilies of the valley. She was giv-
en away by her father and entered
the drawing room to the strains of
this wedding neareli from L.,oli'engriu
played by liiss•Floren'ce Kibler; sister
of the groom. The' marriage cere-.
inony was performed under a beauti-
fully arranged canopy of ineiiden.' hair
ferns and pink and white -„asters.
lI es .Luella Scott, sister . of the
bride, acted as maid' of honor, wore
pinks satin and' carried' pink roses.
The table decorations were of'smil-
ax and Mires of the valley and the
house adornment was effective carried
out in a color scheme of' pink and
The grooms gift to the bride was a
set of sable furs and iiciucled' in• the
beautiful and costly preseuts•of which
the bride was the recipient were' gifts
from the Epworth League and the
choir of the Methedist church: and'
from'the-pupils of the Sunday school'
• class of ivh'ichshe was' the teacher...
'These concisted of a magnificent dis-
play of eabglass, silverwear,.breeewais
tl,nd hand -painted China.
Mr. and Mrs. Kibler left on Wed-
nesdayafternoon on the C. P, R.
train for Hamilton, Buffalo, gild Nia-
gara, ' and after October 1 will be at
home in Duncan D. C., The Bride's
going away gown was of brown valor
With hat to•match.
Among the guests from out bf town
who attended the wedding, Were Mr.
and Mrs. A. Ito -rite, of Guelph Mr.
G. Kibler of Guelph, Mr. 7. Kibler
of Berlin Miss Laing of Windsor, and
Miss T. C'ollisor, of Palmerston.
/ Have you ever considered.`'PAinting” from the ..atandpoi„ t of any
insurance policy 1
f• Ttle,premiut represented by the cost of painting is in proportion to
the impartsace of the security afforded; no higher than ofberhuaurance 1'4
in fact it isconsidgrably smaller, and soon becomes a nlinhd quantity.y •„
why Fire lusurpnce—Tornadd InsUr4nce—Llghtpinkrods T
They oly protect when that which, you with to avert, happens
I Affords the utmost protectidn, insures your' property,' begiuning
with its application. •.a- •ret ;, : -„•• 7 ,- , 4
It wards off tfbe ssn leaps of Old Sol, tile nips of Old..lack Frost—the
ravages of, Old 5,ther Tftne. . • v..,i -s, -s• c,•+�ns:�:uap
Prdvents dryrot-checks deterioration.: No. spier, sorer or more
r¢UableInsuranc could be offered.
moment. PURL P4,nt. wonrRLAL.
of 1�
Millinery Opening
Wednesday and Thursday, September
17th and 18th and 'following days
My -Millinery Department is in charge of Miss. DeLeree
who show you all thelatest in hats,. shapes and
taimnnhags of all kind, from the centre of fashions at' the
. ery lowest a prices.
You arecornially invited tG calk and -tyke a look
;thr@lli'aIr before making your purchases.
A full stook of Dress Goods, Trimmings,Ladies' Coats,
Cliiildrens Coats and all lines of fall and winter' goods at
prices as low as the lowest,
Highest Prices paid for F'a mA Piiodtt
J. J. MERNER. Zurich
friends -in town•,cril.Sunday.
Mils R,oxie Either of ltitioil bus
again taken a position. in the aril.
livery depar'tinetit 'of Mr. Oh'tiv.
Zwickers store, •
The Bible Society met in the
Metliridlet elinrch on Monday even
trig, Rev. Etitilni of Toronto, re•
presentative of the society gavo'.;a
splendid 'address,
Mr. , Kuhn Who has been manager
HOMof the Bank of Commerce" at Cnbai°lt
has been transferred to . theCroditon
7tiR CIl. branch. Iris leans ftiends•«, iwcaitie
him back to town,
amda. Trunk. iii a System
:AUG 22—From all stations Toronto to Sarnia Tunnel inclusive, via Stratford, and.
South thereof.
;AUG 25—From all stations North.of, but nob including, Main. Line Toronto to Sarr-
nia Tunnel, via Stratford, all stations Toronto.an,d. North and East of Tore•
onto to Kingston.
'SEPT 3—From all stations Toronto and East, and East.oL Nate. and Scotia act.
;SEPT 5—From all stations Toronto to North. Bay inclusive and West thereof in,Q,At
i tario.
{The Grand Trunk Pacific Railway is the shortest and. qu kest route bete
Winnipeg, Saskatoon,. Edrnr niton ..
Lot 15 L•'L•t.E., Hay Townsbiu, 100
acres'niore or less,. The farm is tile
drained and'fairlywell fenced with
wire fencing. One barn 26x56 and
one` 2,8x40,; frame .and log house. For
price and terms, write to • Michael
Malonely`stJoseph, P. 0., or T. Zel-
ler,' Zurich...:
Henry Bossenberry
Licensed Auctioneer. ,
Huron, Middlesex and Lampton.
$attsfaetten guaranteed
'17 rshwood, Ontario.
t)!Itc''t tirrnn ged at the (Alice
August. 15,16,171519 and.
Low Round T4.,Rates t
New London Conneticut •
Portland Me
Old Orchard, Me
tenrieybtvnkgort, Me
cvlurray Bay Quedee,
"•vucouna Quebec
ct. John,New Brunswick
califs* Nova Scotia
E; hart, ttetown Pr.•ince Enward.Csland:
'Sydne yN. S.
Return Limit Septntiataor 4th. 13:13 •
Rome.s eker s' Excelrawas
Each Tuesday until
October 28th inclusiv{a,,'
Wiunined and Return • $35.0
Edmonton and Return a $43.0
Low rates to other points. Bottum liuii
two anontbs. Pullman Tourist. Sleeper
leave Toronto 11,35 p, m. on, above date
running through to WIbT W' 'i via . Chi
cage, St, Paul and Dulutiltwd.thietrtehanhe
Ti o ketsare now no sale via Sarnia au
Northern Navigation Oprn.pany,
Full P:ifrticulars• from any Grand Trunk A
Deleware, Lackawanna,
Western Coal Co's
Scranton Coal
ALF. All Sizes �TT
®' erotic, �;noierat .ds
Ii�iii eb'II1Iai w:Matrlsoeo Reauec
Prot pt Service
Moderate .rlharges
Zurich, , Ontario
N`,1"•V.� .W. ;i4t i '�l Vii, - !jf