HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1913-09-12, Page 6Parm Porleb, • ca 1011S I tun reeeiviug 11111LIO enquiries vespeotirig Huron County Farm. Lawes, If you Want to sell I will assist you with an advertising campaign that will bring buyers to our favored County. No Buyer - No Charge Call, write; or phone for. particulars. E ZELLER, Conveyancer, Real Estate, cc ZURICH, .ONT. RIDER AGENTS WANTED In every town and locality to ride and demonstrate a sample 1913 "HYS LO P SPECIAL" .bicycle furnished by us and fitted with coaster brake, roller chains,three-coil spring saddle, extension handlebar and other leading fea- tures. Good money can be made selling -our bicycles, tires and sundries. Our large production, together with unexcelled facilities and 25 years' ex perienee in building bicycles places us in a position to ship high-grade wheels dhectfrom factory to user at LOWEST PRICES. TEN DAYS' TRIA Wdreswll Candda wn eaptroaaly aandd allow 10 days' trial. It willaot cost you one cent if you do not desire to keep It after that time. We could not -afford to make this offer if we were not certain our wheels are the best value •for•the money on the market. at- tractive offer for d p illustrated. ilu tr ced catalogue .andfull .particulars of our HYSLOP BROTHERS, LIMITED SHI.lTER AND VICTORIA STREETS, TORONTO, ONT. Morn—Mention name -of paper ‚when.answeripg this advertisement. A BUTTER iLYIN CITY STREETS Astray from country's catty retreats; Lonely is flutttered by, A. butterfly in city streets, L()ne of his kindred nigh, I wonder if, that sunny morn, It laiiged not £or the rest Of garden fair where it was born And rose it loved the best. It seemed to know not where to go -- Restless and weak of wing: No flower's bloom,. no„•'sof els flow, . No hirci to w'.aleohne sing Lost child are you in city streets, Without a guide to, roam, While friends afar, with love and sweets, Wait for your coming home. . St. Marys Council has agneecl to submit a by-law to the ratepayers guaranteeing the bonds of the Flonr and Feed. Firm. of Carter Son and Co. Water street to the extent of $50,000 the company intend to erect a 600 barrel mill at the cost of ;ii75000 One hundred and fifty barrelsis the present Capacity. The new capitaliz- ation will be $200,000. BROWN'S NURSERIES ARE FAMOUS PROF. HUTI'ON'S HalOtt ,F . He Discusses 'i miversity Staff In Classic .fashion. Prot ' Maure Hatton,- principal yf, university College, has a repute- ion,',for classic wit and refined speech perhaps without parallel in all Can. ada. His recent address at a college sinner was a masterpiece. '• Replying to the toast, of the Faculty, be di .• cussed the ".University Professor as - a genius, in his inimitable style, and concluded.. with mirth -provoking allit: cions to the, Faculty of our owl.Una•' v'ersity. "And naw, sir,” he said, "by these cautious and innocent periphrases and laarap'hrases 7 approach our own pro- fessors. But, sir, I have already on other accaaions paid my 'glowing tri- bute to these friends of .my, boson. •find hero in• his Residence dining -hall hot chestnuts are not served; it is only in Paris that the delicious fruit Is ' at hand at every corner, to cheer and console 'the dark and waning au- tutitln.,days; and to Paris it is a far cry, "Suffice it then to say that our diprofessors also are' as incalculable, as versified, a those elsewhere. You never know them by theirappearances only; you never can interpret them merely from their chairs. We 'have a Professor of Ethics, and 'he drives, or drove at least when I last left Canada, a horse; would that all dealers in horseflesh professed ethics; so 'Gould some of them at least practice it, nay, more, it was a pale horse, and one's For their fine Peach, Apple, Plain imal,,rination turned to the Book of ,K vexation and to, the pale horse and Cherry trees. They have the there and the man who sat thereon best nursery soil in Canada, and are the largest growers of trees in the Dominion. All scions and bud sticks are cut by one man, and he has been in their employ many years so no, mistakes are made by using wrong scions or buds. Send in list of stot'k required and get their prices. Write for agency as they have some unocc- upied territory in this County. Brown Brothers Nurseries. Welland, Ont. DR. E. B. BALFOUR, graduate Western University, late of the Military Hospital and Victoria Hospital, London. Office in the building formerly occupied by the Iate Dr. McLaughlin, Dashwood. It Pays to aint in The Fall!- The better the Paint, the better it pays. It pays, because the wood is free of moisture and, no hot sunto blister the paint. It pays, because there are not many rainy days, and the flies and bugs are gone. It pays, because the paint has a better chance to take hold of the wood and dry hard and smooth, protecting the surface better_ for the eight roughest months of the year. And it certainly does pay to buy good paint. It pays, in the fresh, bright colors—it pays in protection—it pays in the longer wear. 'here isn't much difference between what you pay for good, honest paint, and "cheap" paint—but there's a big difference in what you get. IT PAYS TO USE We handle 100% Pure Paint—(Pure White Lead, Zinc and Linseed Oil Paint)—the . kind that takes less and wears longer. Such paint as this on your house, is a good invest- ment. It brings daily returns in pleasure, protec- tion, profit. "The Paint For Wear end Weather." There's no guetion about our prices being right for the rind of Paint we handle. We have the Paint, the Varnish, the enamel, the Stain for any kind of Painting you want to do to make everything "Spic and Span" throughout the house. Come in for a color card. >t For Sale by C. -IARTLEIB, Zurich, Out. whose chair was a pale horse. An .yet you. would be mistaken if you set. down our professor horseman as a soldier and • a man. of Death and Slaughter; he is the keenest anti-mili- tariat on our staff." "And yet once more: in England (it has been said) men carry the spirit of sport into war; in America the spirit of war into sport; well, we have our sports professor, the Profes- sor of Oriental literature; no football game is complete without him; he is as inseparable from the Rugby team as their mascot; but, be careful, or you will be again mistaken, this lover of athletics has a horror of war; be also is anti -militarist. "And" our militarists then, Sher' are they? Why in the department c:! Mathematics • of all places, two of them in that department already mili- tarists, and the third half -way towards militarism; for the third member of. the department, the third (or solid) dimension of their space, besides b:'. ing the greatest punster and humor- ist of our staff, and the best dance:, is also the invariable attendant at Niagara Camp dances and at other Military dancing; the virus of militar- nl has reeled` at- least his leg:, 11are.I not said enough to prove that t,ur professors are as incalculable, as ;deity-eided as their polygons. "Fou :cannot prophesy of them from their chairs I said, neither can y: u interpret them by their appearance. The Professor of geek is a young lay- man, very young and very lay indeed his speech betrayeth him, but' our Profi•ssor of History, who is an elder- ly clergyman, is invariably taken for a stock broker, with whom indeed he has deep affinities; he might have passed into aviation and we should none of us have wondered, one form ,of sky piloting succeeding another, but to become . stock broker is a sea- change rich and rare, possible only to a professor. Let me conclude my eu- logy by quoting of our Faculty the words used by a previous orator on a kindred theme, 'age cannot wirier, nor can custom stale their infinite variety'." .•.0.10 - Want Column Carriage and work horses for sale. Apply to Kellerman cti Son, WANTED= -At the Alexandra Marine and General Hospital, :Q cler- lair; three or four pupil nurses'. Apply to Miss Gil ffiths, Superintendent; -Goderick. �r ArM[pr DovtieJ1�."5rh�'1< y . Lin Rategsmatwomu ANNUAL WESTERN EXCURSIONS. Segtsmber 11, 12, 13 Round Trip Rates from, iiensatl,to: Port t-luron Detroit, Mich. . Free Ladies and Gents Watches Chicago, 111 Rugs, Bracelets and Jewelry ofEvery Description, Lace Curtains, Rugs, House Furnishing,Rifles,Moving Pic- ture Machine, Skates, Printing Press- es,' Fountain Pens, in fact nearly eve'rythnig you can think of you 'can. get Aboslutely Free for selling our Beautiful Fancy ]Drawn and Satin Stripped handkerchiefs at 10 cents each. They sell rapidly 6 can gener- ally be sold in every house. Don't send us any money, but write us to send you a lot of Ilandltercbiefs to sell, that when sold you will send us the money and the premium. selected Selling 21 handkerchief entitled you to your choice of an elegant Watch, 3 gold' Laid Rings, Lace Curtains, etc. Write its to -day, we trust you and take back the goods if you cannot sell them.. • If -we cannot strew life's path wttb flowers, we can at least strew it W'" smiles.—Uicketua, 11%1OLA CO. CHICAGO, ILL • $ 2.95 $4,45 $1Q.25 $5.35 Cleveland, via, Buffalo :.. . Cleveland via Detroit .. $7.75 Grand Rapids Mich .. $7.20 Saginaw, Mich ....... $5.25 Minneapolis or St. Paul All Rail . .$28.40 Rail and Steamship , . ....... $32.40 RETURN IIMIT-All tickets valid for return to reach original' starting point not later than September 29th. 1913. Full particulars from' Grand Trunk Agents. Dr. de Van . Femalt PillsI A reliable French regulator; never fails. These pills are exceedinglyowerful in regulating the generative'portion of the female system.. Refuse all cheap imitations. Dr. de Van's are sold at 05 a box, or threefor $10. Mailed to any address. The itcobell Ditig Co.. Si- flstbarines, Ont.. H'.? Syron 'ought Fat. Poetry and a too pronounced plump nese do not harmonize well. and no one was more widely awake to this fact than Lord Byron. Many were the means be adopted for ridding himself of his unwelcome "adipose deposit." In a letter to his solicitor he says: "I wear seven waistcoats and a great- coat, run and play cricket in this dress till quite exhausted by excessive per spirntion. use tbfl•'bath daily, eat only a quarter of a pound of butcher's meat In twenty-four hours, By these .means myribs display skin of no great thick- ness. and my 'clothes have been. taken nearly halt a yard." ' • The Whole Thing. "I suppose," said the absconding cashier to the friend' Who. had run Across him ..in 'parts unkno'y n, "that ",there was agood deaf of talk about me after I ,disappeared." "1 anduld think there wast",. answer- ed the friend. "Why, man, the Weath- er .wasn't, mentioned, at all to two teaks." Rich Man, Poor Mon. You can easily tell a poor man from a rich one by examining- hip mail. The poor .'man's ,mall•, consistt. of requests for money that 4e owes, the gree roan's for money that he doesn't owe.. -Lip- pincotti9. _ .. varesisri �lw kart'+. TED FOR HARVESTING IN WESTERN CANADA "GOING TRIP WEST." $10.00 TO WINNIPEG$113.00 "RETURN ETURN TRIP Ed+ASTGCs Plus half cent per mile from Winnipeg up Plug half sent per milefromallpnintsoastof t0 MneLeod,FRi?[l!lE;algnrrorlG Calgary, or Edmonton. biaeLeod, dmontontolA(1I'i9NiPWinnipeg GOING DATES - .—From all stations Kingston to Renfrew inclusive and eastthereof in Ontario. —From Toronto and West on Grand Trunk Main Line to Sarnia inclusive and South thereof. —From Toronto and North-Western Ontario. North of but not including Grand Trunk Line Toronto to Sarnia and East of Toronto to Kingston, Sharbot Lake and Renfrew, including these points. SEPTEMBER 3rd— From Toronto and all stations in Ontario East of but 'not including Grand Trunk Line Toronto to North Bay. SEPTEMBER 5th --From all station on Grand Trunk Line Toronto to North Bay inclusive, and West therebf in Ontario, including C.P.R. Linc Sudbury to Sault Ste. IVIarie, Ontario, but not including Azilda and West. ONE-WAY SECOND-CLASS TICEETS WILL hi SOLD ID WINNIPEG ONLY . One-way second class tickets to Winnipeg only oit1111be4old. Each ticket will include a verification certificate, with an extension coupon. allies nsiop coupon has been signed. at `Winnipeg by a fai'ln5iTtltowing ha bas engaged the h ut •t ';'Work tie a farm laborer, the coupon will be honored up to September 80th for tic et at rate of one-half cent per anile (minimurri fifty cents) to any station west of Winnipeg tin the: Pacific, Canadian'' Northern or Grand Trnak•Paeifie Raihvayain Manitoba, Sasketehewan or Alberta, but act west of Edmonton, Calgary or MacLeod, Alta. A certificate will be issued entitling purchaser to a second-class ticket good to return from any station on the Canadian Pacific, Canadian Northern, or Grand../rank Pacific Railways in Alberta. Saskatchewan and Manitoba east of MacLeod, Calgary and Edmonton to original starting point by the -same route as travelled on going journey on or before November 50th, 1013, on payment of one half cent per mile (minimum fifty cents) up to Winnipeg added to $18.00 from Winnipeg, provided the holder deposits the certificate with the ticket agent on arrival at destination, and works at least thirty days at harvesting. For full particulars see nearest C.P.R. Agent, or -write -- M. G. MURPHY, D.P.A.• C.P.R., Toronto AUGUST 18th AUGUST 22nd AUGUST 25th ,The Reason. Daughter—There ain't anybody come u, let dinner today; Ma. Landlady ic;ri rnly) lsloi 'this is the day`Haat. thu'y aft promised posltlibly to•pay.—PttilL FURNITURE You will always find all the latest styles in furniture such as Brass and Metal Beds, Tails, Ellett,' Lte You could find no -designs prettier, more striking or pleasing. we can surely satisfy you in. the selection of furniture as re gards design, construction and price. . C.B1EAVER, Furniture and , 3i1•ne1al T a((in. 11 Ps u or ro is wl Pa Pe 0 sk n 'IM] �bu an ci ii u 1 n h a THE CARHARTT BRAND of trusted MEN' CLOTHING AN GLOVES is the pe feet brand. This i why we are exclusiv agents in Zurc Ottrs is a perfec store. You are invi ed to call. Our cal ere become sutisfie customers:' A> Carherttt• Se uveniir,: to ,awe:-'• colter* who ask for the sante.. 0 at ee iU d t sir "ur le .le e. the not pet fief per ire, P fo mei asF s11 put eon. ele as S -cur min A• she yes A noti 1'1 ilex cent on i wee he a of.. rent foal inflt suol avid ,nd pro trig The had ?Milli *el be cell. T !get 'nosi tela