HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1913-09-12, Page 4CENTRAL STFIATi''OPIP, ONT. . CANADA'S BEST BUSI- NESS COLLEGE • We have three departments, Commercial, Shorthand and Tel- egraphy. Courses are thorouuh and practical. We have a strong staff of experienced instructors and our graduates meet with success. Write for our free catalogue' and learn what we are doing. DgA.McLachlaii, Principal. Dashwood Furniture Store District . News EXETER.' Word was received on Mouday by Mr. Win. C. Rivers of the death of his little granddaughter Marjorie Irene Ross daughter of Mr. and Mrs.. David J. Doss of Winnipeg which took place in that city early - Monday morning; The child was 8 months and 17 days old and had been ailing about a month. Misses May and Ethel Armstrong have returned to Lucknow to re -open their -millinery store, after: spending the holidays with their parents Mr. and Mrs. I. Armstrong. Preparations are under way for the Annual Fall Fair which will be held on Monday and Tuesday, 15 and 16th The Exeter Pair is always popular with the People and this year promis- es to be the best yet. We are giving Big Snaps in Pianos and Organs for the balance of the year. Two big shipments of . Singer and Raymond Sew- ing Machines must be cleared out at once, at a low price. L big stock of Furniture always an. hand and prices the Lowest. Dried apples taken as Cash. UNDERTAKING Big stock on hand.. Day or night—call Central. P. MoIS.A.AO Furniture and Undertaing EGAD. CARDS. YROUDFOOT B..&YS & KILT,ORAN, Earristers, Solicitors, Notaries Public, etc. Goderioh, Canada W. Proudfoot. $, C. R. 0. Says. 3. L. liiloran. BUSINESS CARDS. B. S. PHILLIPS, • AUCTIONEER, Exeter. -- Sales conducted in all parts. Satis- -faction guaranteed or no pay. Terms reasonable. Orders left at this office will be promptly attended to. H. EMBER R & SON Crediton, - Ontario Conveyancers, General Insurance Agents Telephone—Office la, House lb. HENSALL A large number local are making arrangements to attend London `Pair next week. If all sections of Wes- tern Ontario do as well as this for the show the management -will have a record year. Rev. M. Hick and wife are expect- ed home from their three weeks' vac- ation shortly. The improvement in pasturage since the rains has delighted the far mer as during the dry spell the grass NOTICE. Notice is hereby given that a Court will be held, pursuant to The Ontario Voter's List Act, by His Honour the Judge of the County Court of tile. County of Hurob at the Township. Hall, Zurich on the 25th day of Sept, 1913, at 9 o'clock a.m. to hear and determine complaints of errors and. omissions in the Voter's List of the Municipality of the Township of Hay for 1913. Dated 8th day of September 1913. Fred Hess sr, Clerk of the 1!'Iunicipal ity of the Township of Hay. CREDITON Miss Ida Rau of London is spend- ing a few days with her parents Mr. and Mrs. Chris Rau. Mr. Frazer Brown is spending a few days in Stratford and'' Berlin `on b usiness. Mr. Milton Harris of London vis- ited at his home over Labor Day. Parkhill. Gazette. Messrs Jennie Fahner and ..Otto Ewald visited friends in -Dashwood on Sunday. Messrs Win. Brown and.E. MoFay of Winnipeg called on friends in 'the village the forepart of this week. Mr. Fred Duxon of ' the staff of the Rank of Commerce is spending a few weeks at his' home in became so poor that cattle were stiff- Steetsville. eying greats . Mi. and Mrs. Amous Geiger of A larger number of people than Pigeon Mich., who have been visiting usual attended Toronto Fair. friends and relatives in our village have returned home. The Male Chorus of the Evangelic- al church took part in the programa at the Harvest Home services of the Methodist church at Greenway on Tuesday evening. Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Cook of London passed through our village on Sunday on their way to the Bend. They cal- led on 'Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Silber and Mr. andMrs, Jacob Swatts. '' • Miss Carrie Wein is visiting frlen.cls in London this week. - nnmber cL osir citizens aiO ing in the •Londoia Fair .this weelt Mr. and Mrs. H. Sweitzer and Mies', Pearl Heist, who -have been visiting in Toronto have returned home. Miss Lulusnider of Drysdale visited at the home of Mr. Rabat Essery on Sunday. Mr. Sam Finkbeiner left on Mon- day for Chatham, where be will att- end the business college of that city, Mr. John Holland of Saskatoon the guest of Mr. and Mrs, Robt Ess- ery, The framers are busy this week putting on the roof of the Methodist shed. It is expected that it will be closed in this week. Mr. H Schenk left for ixuelph on Wednesday where he has been employed to do teaming on the prison farm. Taring you watch repairing to the Crediton Jewelry store. All work, promptly attended to. Jas. Law- son. Mr. Arthur Kellerman of Dashwood preached•in the Evangelical church on Sunday evening in the absence of the pastor Rev; Mr. Becker. The bean crop in this section will not be a above a good average, but if rain does not injure them the quality will be extra fine. The Grand Trunk people have been doing more levelling up and making repairs in the station yard, and it now presnts a very neat ap- pearance. ANDREW P. HESS, FIRE INSl7RAN- ce agent, representing the Loudon, conomical, 'Waterloo, Alonareh, Stand- ard, Wellington and Guardian. Every- ' thing in fire insurance. Dashwood Barber Shop Wednesday pen every Wednesday and evening. Saturda y Open every Saturday, all day, an evening. THOS, KLUMPP, Proprietor aftern oon d CENTRALIA The re -opening services of the Meihodist church last Sabboth -were eminent oesful, Rev, -D. N Can;.us of Landon preached two earn- est anti ably ssrmons to large congre- gations; An appeal was made for $215.00 to cover the balance of in- deptness on the improvements and the entire amount was paid er pledged ed. The whole cost has been about $500.00 and Centralia has one of the most beautiful churches to be found within a considerable distance. Mr. Vander Feen the decorator did his work in an most satisfactor manner vtAPr PX.PCRIfIPYGm TRADE Ait•`;i; ;;t;,git4iVe 4 Como/more lanrielna r - 7."ctrh anddeearlgu! �tn9onry Iy,iTrki� ye.e.aut,t oux apnrlon free whether tlon an r.wettttun ie prallden , teutabie. on Pateuie noneetr .Oldest ngetbta. oroecu DK ..ont'ikee. Oldest thFeoCg foreeCnring_ptteeel Fatonts taken through Munn . CO. epeCtat Otto. $incur oharae, tate ff�' IIIA a 4 t A. iiartdeotnely lune rated meekly,. I,ara"pt rtr.. mastics set ms yeltr,itpustlige prepaidebold for r aua Vro ei n'ewedeaTea ' IVI t'titi� 8 Co.3fllvtoa.iwhv. p. ,, "'".U'p fgoe. Rif I. 3' • DASHW OOD Miss Vera Siebert was in Zurich on Saturday. Miss Lydia Brown has returned after visiting her sister, Mrs. Jenn- ings at Thedford. Mr. and Mrs. Morlock of Crediton, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. T. Guenther. Mr. Fred Guinther and daughter Emma left Monday to attend the Eondon Fair. Mr. and Mrs. Heist of Crediton were with Mr. and Mrs. T. Guinther on Sunday. Miss Adeline Brown of Thedford is visiting her parents Mr. and W. Brown for a few weeks. Messrs Andrew Musser, John Kraft and Ezra Tiernan and son Addison took in the fair on Tuesday The Misses Ruth and Ada Grenze- back returned home Saturday, after spending two months visiting friends and relatives in Welland. Mr. and Mrs. Philip Fassold and son Walter and Dr. J. Routledge and son Kenneth took in the fair at Lon- don on Tuesday. The Misses Maude and Bertha Eidt who have been at Mackinac for the past three months have returned home. Mr. and Mrs. lima Whyliii of (xuelph............. ....Sept 18-18 Chicago and Mee tizttel ` ,Vol:JJ. Iftwover Sept 18-19 Crediton visited friend in town on Ingersoll .......Sept 16`--"17 'f~tiesday, Listowell.... Sept 16-17 London . Sept ,5-13, Milverton Sept 25--26 l�WELLt'G FOR SABLE INeustadt ....................Sept 16---17 Good house and good barn and stable Ottnwn Sept�SW-'48. oistorr s f land.- Good Stratford ....................Sept 18- 19 ive11and x50, with 5 ne a o 8b•Mary°..................Sept 28--24 ccistern and back kitchen, Tavistock Sept' 15—J.6 well fenced and drained. All in Toronto.........,..Aug 28 to Sept 8 grass, Within half mile east of of Zurich. For Particulars s apply Wellesley _ ..Se 5 t 9-1,0 Winf;�xn •.. Sep��'�5-°~26 to Peter Woolley Zurich, P. 0, W� oodstock.11x7—. moi1, 9 There ate 44' acres adjoiningwhich mast'also be ptirebesnd, S WANTED—Girls to learn the knitt- ing. and looping, in our factory. Guaranteed $5.00 per week, can make l.00 to $15.00. Pleasant . and Congenial position. Apply 'by letter or -phone to manager. Clinton' Knitting Co. Ltd., Clinton, Out. DATES OP FALL FAIRS IN WESTERN ONTARIO New Hamburg Sept 11-12 Drumbo Sept 2p-24. Elmira Sept. 28--24` Fergus .......Sept 24---25 Enibro Oct 2" Galt... , ........ e.... Oot 2.8 Fall and Winter Goods rriving Daily for Early Buyer, f We have opened up a shipment pf Ladies Ceats, the very latest New York styles in some swell new cloths, prices from $7.50 to 20.00 each. NEW DRESS GOODS. Velvets and Suitings, we have had several shipments for your inspection of Tweeds, Che- viots, Berges Corduroys, Whip Cords, Bedford Cords, Silks ete.`in all the newest shades together with a swell range of Allover Laces, Fancy Silks, Braids, Laces Etc. for trimming. FURS We have opened up several lots of Daink, Marmot, Stoles, Muffs, Sable, Persian Lamb. Fox etc. We can save you money on your purchase this season, It will pay youto look over our stock. • READY MADE ' CLOTHING We are receiving some of the _very latest suits and. overcoats we have ever shown, "right up to date.' We have someextra values in Children's. 2 and three piece suits If your contemplate buying Boys Suits do not fail to see our;;=stook., , ORDEREDCLOTHING We have several hundred patterns df' tweeds & worsteads for you to choose from,we get them made up in the very latest styles and guarantee you a fit, we would be pleased to show you our entire range of patterns and quote prices, we feel satisfied that we can save you money on your fall suit, we have them marked low for quick sale. COTTONS Our stock of Flanelette, Sheetings, Pillow Cottons, Tickings, Towellings, Bleached an d Grey Cottons is complete and prices right. CHINA & GLASSWARE Our stook of Dinnerware, Hanging Lamps, Glassware. China, Parlor and Hall Lamps, is la?go, w e would be pleased to show you our dinner sets which we import direot from the potteries. x POTTERY We have some very exquisite patterns in the very newest shapes etc. and if you intend to purchase. a dinner set do not fail to see our stock, we have some pretty designs in 97 piece, sets starting at 5,40 pea",sec;, , - Oiu Grocery Stock is complete and over prices right e g below Waote,a few gal lies we are giving: Redpaths extra standard Granulated Sugar, in sealed bags, ae $4.75 per 100'pounde. Maple Leaf or Coronet Loskeys Salmon 20c a tin. Very finest seeded Raisins 10c or 3 for 25. Best roasted Roo Coffee 20c per lb. Corn, Peas or Tomatoes the very best brands packed 3 for 25: Canned Beans 5c per tin. 20 lbs Redpaths Granulated Sugar for $1.00. We have the agency for Martin Senor 100 per. cent pure mixed. paints, Gold Medal and Champion high speed washing machine', Royal purple Stock 'Food. etc.. We are open for all kinds of farm produce fox which we pay the highest prices. Save our Coupons which we give with each cash purchase. They are valuable We, pay highest price for all Farm Produce. A CALL SOLICITED TEIJEPHONE No. 3 All kinds Farm Produce Taken. C. ZWICKER ZURICH... MEAT MARKET WE keep in' stock a full line of fresh meats, hams, etc. etc Our 'cuts are noted_ for their tenderness and Wholesomeness. Our :aim is to keep n, othing•but :We best. We make ' olir -own :Sausages.. Give us a earl: YIIN6 BLOT 411 Blake Chopper I am operating the Blake Chopping Mill every Tuesday and Friday. Have a first-class: new grinder, and will guaran- tee satisfaction. JACOB KIPFER . BLAKE, - ONT. Electric Restorer for Men Phasphenol restores every nerve in the body restores itl es ee tension proper to its P s p d alll � ua rim and vitality, Pro+daflture decay ansc* weaknesle averted at once. Pboephondai will snake_ you a new mho.. Price SRtt box, or two for 35. Mailed to any add esu; tChbSanNatOrgg 1%00. Atithtir'iite,4. . DR A. J. MacXINNON*.late Hous Surgeon, Erie County Hospital Buffalo N. Y. Late assistant resi dent Physician, Manhattan Materiiit Hospital N. Y. city. Late of th House Staff, New. York Palyclini Medical School and Hospital. Dru store iii connection. Office, Zurich Ont. . APPLE BUTT No. A.1 Apple Butter f,o Sale, JAPPlr to` may' S. J. SWEI1�+'R Shipk Stationery. -4Th to date station e>" +n y s bilk 'initials y ohar�e Croat Oo ld at ottr caffie We prin on the power r free o 25btS, 1w ,.,; The Ste i,