HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1913-09-12, Page 1Iket Drel ns 25 can or 25 .0 LIT an Sar Tor n Ont. :twee TUR and, OnSi. ;35,0( 43711 leeper , date Ohi hanh a an The,, Official Organ of 44umeh, and my Township Vol1 X1V1.• FRIDAY IVIORNING, SEPT. 12, 1913. 01:366. 3100EME3023SE:34331013/13131:38C4K3CIOU OZWeltz 0113£3413%. Wednesday and Thursday Septem.ber 17 nd 1.8 1 illinerg Openifig a and Following Days When Miss Kerr willbeptea- sed to show you the latest styles in ladies' and misses and, child - rens' hkts. You are cordially in- vited. New Dress Goods We.wish to call. special attention to our line of new dress goods consisting of velvets in all new shades in cord ed, brocaded, plain and striped designs. These goods are very popula,r this sea nd are reasonably priced, New Coatings Just the thing for winter wear. We have chinchillas tweeds, Diagonals, a.bstrachen cloth etc. We want you to see these goods as they ase just right in patterns and col- ors. Ask to see our ready -to wear ladies coats and mantles. Sweater Coats „itrrt-tItir er-e -40-0*.ezel • 4 • e, f.„33„..) ••••. • ; Cikif DUNNVILLE. • twrtiononst. ' CANAAN'S,' • OUP FALO. In large quantities and manycolors at all prices. have them for the baby as well 1139 for -the old man. early and get first choice, We Call Peninsula and Happy Thought Stoves and Ranges. • Remember we are selling Agents for the above stoves and ranges. Every one fully guaranteed. Burn coal and wood. Large ovens and perfect bakers. If you 'are inter- ested in a range call in and let us talk it over -with you. A full line of Baseburners, Oak stoves and Heaters of all discriptions. Hecla Furnaces are our, leaders. Produce always Taken. Telephone '9 - Z UR IC . •tgm't,or,..so rE:2$0..o:Velf 0 /t21. ))/fritta. '47, (4 •=1 0. NO7 re, re,T. <It* Miss Matilda Johnston' is visiting LOCAL NENVS friends in Buffalo, N Y Blake on ;he 7th. hist, to Mr. and Mrs Chas Meyers a son. Messrs Lou Hoffman and G;30 Hess Mr. Alex Ehries of Edmonton visited in Credit= on Sunday. is visiting his brother A. G. Ebner. -Messrs Dr. McKinnon and. W.J, Mrs. D, S. Faust visited in London yisitea in Highgate Saturday few days this week. and. Sunday in the Dr's Auto. .„ urs. Ea. Appel and mre. H. Well Mr. F. Ness sr. has disposed of his' left on Thursday for a visit with rel - Roo runabout ante, to Mr. Emanuel' Atives in Detroit. Volland of the Babylon Line. :qr. Arthur Well, who spent his Business men in town will do Veil holidays here, left Thursday on to begin planning their decorations motorcycle for Detroit. and exhibits. • s •miss Kate Campbell returned on " Mr. Wiliam Fee purchased a., Ford Sth4irday evening from a visit to a.,nto recently and not'a few of :13erktr" egible Yonne; ladies are casting wiSt" (1.3:11MM:to-At Zurich, on the 2nd. ful eyes William's way. lust, to mr. and Mrs. Dr Campbell, Mr;G.Tani3ilYbaraeserorf• a son,:ExeterattenedtheDivisi:con-i.r<I: 1 ••_rs Fred. Kehn of Berlin here on MOudaY. 'Tre .u...„iiiir,rrat the home of the letters Miss Mary Gellman left Tuesday parpn l ir. and urs. J. Brown, for a for Seaforth, where she intends to millibar of weeks. spend a few weeks witl her aunt Mrs. I Mr. Robert McBride's young son had his leg fractured on Sunday, by Mr. F. W. Hess las purchased Me falling out of a buggy while the horse Geo. B, Brock's obey and intends was being hitched up. turning it into an up-to-date gar " Mr. and Mrs. L. B. Marshall and and auto repair shop. son. Gordon and Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Mr. J. I-Mei:11er wishes to announce Gosnell; all of Merlin visited with that -his Cider mill and -apple butter [Mr. and Mr. E. Zeller, over Sunday. factory will be run- Tuesday of each week only, commencing next Tuesday 1Gth Inst. An error was made in class 8 ok the Zurich prize list in which prites vere noon. given separately. It should have been Mr. Henry Kalbfleisch of the 14th. three prizes for herd of 10. grade, and ,con. preeenbed the Kilter with a home three prizes for herd of 5 Durham. grown peach of splendid flavor and' Win, Wagner returned on 1),7044 I goior,' which, for size is hard to beat. nesday evening .from Berlin, where;I The peach Measured. 8 inches In cir- he had been undergoing treatment foTti Oiilmferetine and weighed 5?;- ounces. proved and, is able to walk with tUi Louis and was Planted abou1,12'Years. several months. He is soinewa4 Ttte tree is on the farm' of his son 3 ' s Lt Th end arrived at &aerie?), on Tuesday with 9,000 bushels of wheat for the Goderich elevator. The new dredge which hitherto has been without a name, is now 'the Goderich, and the rebuilt dredge, formerly the Arnoldi has been renamed the llenesetting. Nearly the whole of the old dredge as it now stands is new, $12,000 having been spent on it by the owners, who now have a first-class dredging out- fit Rev. R. J. Bowen of London del- ivered s splendid discourse on the Ev- angelestic agency of the. Bible Society at the 14th. con, last Sunday after - of two: canes. ire -18th annual: ktiriCh Fair ,: be held on Wednesdayy. and ThureditY next, 17th and 18th. - Bekaa. the usual exhibits, Which prom* to, .be larger, there will be several - speeding events which will be interesting. Services in the Evangelical church next sunday at the usual time; In connection with the evening services the pastor will speak on the subject "Probation after death, or Probabilit- ies of a second chance," Everybody welcome. Mr. William Brown and Mr. Mc- Veigh of 'Winnipeg are the guests of 'Arr. andurs. 3. Brown. Willie has not been home for over four years and he was quite surprised. over the many changes thrt' have taken place during! his absense. He left for the 'Vesb on Thursday. The annual meeting of the British , and foreign Bible society of the Zur- ich branch wai held in the Mennonite church last Sunday evening. The President, Rev. Mr. Brown opened the meeting with devotional execises, after which Rev. R. Bowen of London agent of, the sodiety, delivered a mag- nificent address, on the work of the society. The officers of last , year with Mr. Schrag as vice Pres., werr re- appointed for another year. Zurich branch did nobly for the cause last year, and a word of recognition by the president to the collectors and those who liberally supported the cause was a word of encouragement at the proper time.' SNSIXOIMK.-41111ragA372EINSIONSAMISire The Established 1853 Opened Branch in Huron Co. 1874 Saving Bank Actounb Solicited. Zurich Branch R. T. DUNLOP, Manager 7r3.V.:§M'i Trai.oV=VZSM11..A32.234. I Anniversary Services in connection with the Methodist Church, Crediton will be held on Sunday and Monday Sept. 14th and 15th, 1018. Rev. Dr. Knowles of Chatham will preach on Sunday. at 10.80 a. in. and 7 p. He will addiess an open meeting of the Sunday School at 2.80. Special music by the choir. A thank offering will be taken at each ,service. The annual Concert will be held on Mon, day nicht begining at S o'8Iock. Ad- dresses will be given by Rev. Dr. Knowles, E. Powell ank E. D. Becker with special, musical items. A free will offering, will be taken at the door. HICK'S FORECASTS A Reactionary Storm Period will bring storms and other disturbances atid touching the 14th, 15th and 16th. The great planet, &Anna, is in qrtadraturo with earth and sun on the 10th a fact that almost certainly in- creases the tendency to severe earth quakes for several days before and af- ter. This period is also near the cen- ter of the Earth's autumnal equinox, and at entrance 'of the Mercury equinox. . Watch your barometer at this period, it will fortell the approrch of any possible danger from atmos- pheric convulsions. Earthquakes and storms will reach a marked cline within- sixty horn's of sunset on the 15th. Another high barometer, and change to very much cooler, with frost northward, will follow on the western flank of these storms. Watch- fulneSs may save many perishable plants and fruits from damage-es- peCially in the northwestern to centr- al sections. HAY COUNCIL Council met Sept etb, all present Ai Bngineers report,- ,assessment, Plan and Profile re the East Branch, north and south drain was received her the council. It was Jo cid ed 'that th report be con- sidered at a special meeting at the connoil to be lield on Monday the h Sept en beru t 2,, 00: 0 !clock. LATEST J SHOES OF THE DAV IN TAN 'ATENT AND GUN METAL SAM. E. FAUST, MN IMO ZU Zurich Peed Store Leading Brand of: Flour, Short, Bran and Feed Corn Course and. Fine Salt. Produce of all kinds taken in exchange. 4 hole, No, 23 HENS'ALL MARKET., Beans primes per bus $1.20 Cook's Snowdrift Flour $2.75 Snowdrift flour in 5 bag lots $2.50 Feed flour 1.80 Bran per ton $19.00 Shorts per ton $20.00 Wheat per bus. 94cts. Barley per bus 55ct.s. Oats per bus. 82cts. SPECIALS. For 2 Weeks 11) Gentlemen's Watch Chains. SilverWare savii you 'Oh these and other lines. F. W. Hess G. R. Hess Jewellers, - ZURICH Our Sping S oes have avived. Come in and have a look at the many different styles we carry. z-rrm 07-e 11 Lye Tho Horn of Good Shi.-...es‘ LUtr I Let me Know Your ants If you are looking for a Farm, Town Residence, 'ou Vacant Lots, I will try to satisfy our wants. . Loans arranged on mortgage security;' . E. ZELLER, Zurich