HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1913-09-05, Page 8Famous Gray Motor gimmos:---- 1'and 1.:1 Horse Po» er 4 8 12 Sold by F. HESS & SOIL mummer Goods Coo , comfortable material for summer wear, comprising Bedford Cords, Whipcords, Foulards. Repps, Linens, Mulls, Marquisettes Silks, etc, Whitewear- Underskirts, Corset Covers,'Waists,Porous Knit Vests .and,Drawers, Laces and Embroideries 1:f you want the 'newest in Laces and Embroideries. We can supply you, Conte and see them. Men's and Boys' Suits A shipment of Men's and Boys' ready to were suits arrived. We do not carry a large stock of these, so we can sell at a narrow mar- gin.. It will be money in yoiu pocket to see them before baying elsewhere. Hats and Caps A full range of straw hats for men wo - men and children, all styles and prices. Linolenrnns and Floor Oil Cloths If you are in need of anytheing in these lines, come and see our stock. We can please you. CAI NAWARF A new shipment of Chinaware to hand. Dinner Sets, Toilet Sets, 4 -piece Table Sets, Water Sets, etc. 'wssh Groceries arrays kept on Land Alt Kinds of Produce Taken in Exchange RUBY PHONE 17 OASCt-'IO. Shingle4s Shingles for All. Two Cars on Land The Hasting Brand that has stook the 'test of time, and ren -.ember the test of time is the test that tells. Order at Once F X:ALB h Cs PHONE I �I JSCIT ZU RICI-i Still Doing Business at • The Old Stand ere ghavo been appointed Ageiif,5 foe! the colnbreted Fanning Mill Sieves I am agent°for the Clinton fann•' ing mill sieves, and farmers re. gniring any, can procure them at my farm, South of Zurich John Eley jr, Massey Harris Implements Cone and get your new Suit 'We handle everything. in that line, Seeding Implements, Manure spread- ers, all kinds of Plows, Seed Drills, Disc I3a,1'rows, Cultivators, 1' • t.n Harvesters, etc. Harvesting Implements Bidders, Mowers, Rakel Laders, Etc Hay, Massey Harris - Cream Separators All kinds of -Plow repairs, Gasolilae engines;' See our line of Cutters •be fore you buy, all our own make. Bag- gies, Carriages, Wagons, Sleighs, Square Dealing Our Motto At Zurich's Leading Tailor Shop the only Place, where the Newest is always shown. first; and satisfaction guaranteed, Laundry4iai Colhiiection W., H. HOFFMAN 11"ailor - ZURICH as' e En- /,, „ „ j.55.:00. 75. 00 1'05. 00 175..00 '285. 00 0.5. 00 ,Agents. —. cl Am, BIG BA•RRGAINS IN GAS ETGINES 1t H. P. weighs 320 lbs'' 150.00 2* " „ 400 " $G0.00 4 our best II. P. _ " 800 " *120.00 4 our cheapest H.P. 725 " $85.00 6 H. P. weighs 1500 " , $160.00 8 <' °� 1820 " $250.00 12 " " 2700 " $365.00 For Sale by - Louis Prans, Zurich. • C33,FaDITON ` Miss Clara Fabler spent Tuesday' .iu London. Mr. and Mrs. H. Kuhn visited in Toronto, last week. Mr. and Mrs. John 'Sweitzer are visiting in Toronto, this ',week. Mrs. (Rev.) Becker is visiting friends in Berlin, . Mr. A. H. Burland spent the holi- day with friends in Grinsby. Just received a shipment of men's shirts, collars and ties. Feist Bros. Mr. H. Beaver of. Hamilton spent the holiday at his home here, AIF. Sam Finkbeiner, wlio has been visiting in Sarnia has returned home. Mr. and -Mrs. Ed Wurni and little daughter Kathleen of Zurich visited friends in Crediton on Tuesday. Mr. Pfaff of the townline has charge of the Principal's room in our school during the latter's illness. Airs, Richard Johnson London, is visiting for a few days: tliis.weekwith Mr. and I1rs. Thos. Trevethiok, Remember the date of the opening of the Methodist church shed, Thurs- day October 16th, There will be a big foul supper, followed bY e 'good program. The many friends of . Miss Ethel Clark will be pleased to learn that she is doing nicely after the.: opera- tion for appendicitis on Wednesday last, The work of painting and 'decorat- ing the basement of .the Evangelical church is progressing rapidly and'may be completed this week. Tthe of6.oials are consideringof having the inain prrt of the church decorated. Mrs. Short and daughter of London are the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Heist. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. ',tricker spent a few days with friends in New Ham- burg, Miss Lizzie Oestreicher who has been visiting in Berlin, kis returned home. AIL. and Mrs. John Slams spent. Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. M. Man. son of Mt. Carmel. Mr. and Mrs. Dan Oesftidier tiro this week visitingin • '.rat istook end ToroiIto. Mr. and Airs, Harry Sweitzer . and Miss Pearl,Haist are yisit,nt iii i'br- onto this week. Mr. and Mrs: Wm. Young of Liman visited their parents Mr. and Mne. John Young, over Sunday, Miss CafEory aai1d Miss ToIng'o£De- troit spent a 1ew`elaq thio weekOs the home of Mr. Jnr Guinan; , Voters' ,Lists 1913 Municipality?- .of'ilm Townslii of Hay,, County of 1•lurnh. Notice is hereby given that I have transmitted or delivered' to the per- son's mentioned in section 6 of the Ontario Voters' Lists Act, then; eooiies required by midsections to be ;inti tuan smitted or delivered of the list, 'Made pursuant to said Act, of all persons appearing lay the last revised Assess-' Inont Roll of the said Municipality' to be entitled to vote hi the said ' Man- icipality at elections for members : of the Legislative Assembly and et' mun- icipal eleetions; and that the said' list was first posted up at my office at Zurich, on the second day ;of Angust 1013, end remains there for i ns>:aeeti on. And I "hereby call upon al voters to take immediate'pr'ooeeding, to have any errors onomissions e0ii.e lade ace, ordirig to law. Dated: Zurich, Aug. 2nd, '1113, Fred ITees `'in?, Clei•l: cf Iles to Messrs Herb and Everett heist and Roy Palmer' left Tuesday morning for Chatham to attend buisiness college, Mr: Barney Brown is spending this week in Toronto combining business' with pleasure. Messrs Otto and, Ezra Ewald are visiting their sister Mrs. Redfern in Toronto this week, Mr. II. Trick, who has been in Chicago for some timeis ab present visiting his parents Mr. and Mrs. C. Trick, • Just received a shipment of ladies' and children's coats, they are new. and up-to-date and prices right. Feast Bros. Messrs -Chas, Finkbeinerand 'Nelson Schenk who are Ming acourse at the Model Farni Guelph, were lioino for the holiday. Mr Chas. Kinzle and .daughter Reba, left Monday for Delhi. Miss Kinzie 'will teach in the school where her father and mother went to school. Mr. and Mrs. Tonin Jarvis of Ridge - town have returned homo after a pleasant visit with.Mr, and Mrs. S. Brown. The Misses Nola and Addie Geiser who have been visiting Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Warm of Zurich for a few weeks returned home on Tuesday. The Donees Bance of the Sunday School of , Evangelical church are preparing for pie social of Friday Sept. 12th. For lOots. you mill get several pieces of pie, sandwiches and coffee. This will bea splendid opp- ortunity for young men to find out the good cooks. The basement of the Evangelical church is going to be beautiful and will reopened Sept 21st. A S. School rally will be held in. con- nection with this promises to be a great day in the history of the school. A. lively contest is being waged be- tween the adult classes one of the pro - grains is being prepared. Don't forget the date. The annual meeting of the Credit- on branch of the Upper t aeade bible society will be held in the Methodist church Sept, 8th at 8 o'clock Rev, R. J. Bowmnan'Agen1 of the society will address the meeting. Our school reopened on Tuesday. The teachers are as follows. Miss A. Schmidt, Miss Moderwell and Miss Mildred Brown. The principal Mr, J. Curriehas not arrived owing to illness but is expected by the end of the week. ' Our Brownies drove to Zurich on Monday and played two games with the•Juniors of that village.. In the morning the score was 8--2 in favor of the Brownies. Harrison Holtz - Mau pitched and Murry caught. In the afternoon the Zurich boys won the score' being 7-2 in their favor. Fahner and Holtzman were the bat- tery. Services be held in the Evan- gelical church, next Sabbath morning at the usual time. The pastors subj- ect will be "The Judgment In the evening the annual Bible society will behold in the Mennonite church at 7.130 o'clock, Rev, ATr. Bowen of Lon- don Ont. agentoff the society will del- iver the annual Address'. Mr. Bowen is one of the best informed nien on the society's worm. Come and hear ellen." This is an interdenominational work, let all the Churches participate, FARM FOR SALE Lot 16 L.R,11., slimy T'e'wnship, 100 acres more or less..'Tlie' farm is tile drained and fairly welt fixnced with wire fencing. Or 'born 26x56 and ono 28x40, franmc•ased tog, house. For price and terms, write to Michael Malonoly stJasep lh.,. P. C:t., or E. Zel- ler, Zurich. PTIMIRRWiawW,..o,..e VIIV., Y.AQ,,11a.P.;..Y1.ltiv. Henry Bossenberry License's ..%uottoneer, Hmmron, Midd'esee and . Lanapietre, Satisfaction gnitranteecl, Dashwood, Ontario, Dates arranged at the office elk WESTERN FAIR London; Ontario, Although a number of important buildings on the Exhibition, grounds at London have been destroyed by fire, the Directors of the Exhibition and the oily Council have already er- oded buildings to take care of all ex hibits,'end everything possible will lee done for the comfort of the-exhibit- ors he exhibit- ors and visitors. Horse stalls have been erected' and plenty of stable room provide. The Exhibition opens Friday, September kith. Single Pare over"'ail railroadsitt Western Ontario, /Have' you °ever considered ', Painting ' lrom the standpp,nt-of in Insurance policy T - The,preinitim represented by the cost of painting is In proportion to y the Importance of the security -afforded; no higber,thao otherigsumnee I . RJ. Ju fact It is considerably smaller, and soon becomes'i mhibs quaptfty. •' Wby Fire insurance-Tornadd Insurance-.m,ightpinnrxds•1 They only protect when that which, you wish to then, happens.' Alartln-Seaoir Pant100%!Pine AA$ords the utmost proteetldp, insures yourrpropert begion . ' •Witbita application. tC,s: :, ~ ralwM•=„;;._ .±t... },� r •d' It watds off ifie son doge of Old Sol, the pips of Oid..fack Prost—the 1 as nvsaePriven of oldts Pether,Tichmece,ksd,,,.Per a p� dr •t'.l-tltloiiUoli. No ssltr, surer or more rellabiniusurane cbutd be offend w5gq+r✓”" �- • Ads �7THE MARTI N -SE NOUR COy I4 deed �' 1.1414,RN• PUPr PAINT, IOC'. pURE e. I-11-IRTLEIB, 7[JRiC 1IURON'SI,LARCEST COANBINATION:STiORE The Quality STORE Fall and Winter Goods are Arriving Daily Are arriving daily. Sweater Coats, Underwear, (Goods, Coatings, Etc, Bargains will be given on the balance df all lines of Stemmer Goods to clear. Flannels; Flannelettes, Blanket Hose, Ladies Coats, Dre Special Bargains in Men's and Boys' Ready to wear Suits. Fresh Groceries always on hand 5 pound's Roasted Coffee $1.00 3 lbs best seeded Raisins 25 3 lbs best Currant 250 2:cans good. Salmon 25c reg, I4o Oat 3 boxes Corn Flakes 25c ti 6 boxeS Matches, 5o, for .25 Highest Prices paid for Farm Produea J. J. METE Zuric Grand Trunk Railway - Syzte FARM LABORERS' EXCURSIONS $10.00 to WINNIPEG VIA CHICAGO AND DULUT AUG. 22 --From all stations Toronto toSarnia Tunnel inclusive, via Stratford, an south thereof. .AUG 25—From all stations North of, but not including. Alain Line Toronto to Sar *gra Tunnel, via Stratford, alt stations Toronto and North and East of Tor onto to Kingston. SEPT a --From all stations Toronto and, East, and East of Orilla and Scotia sct.. SEPT 5—Fse n all stations Toronto to North Bay inclusive end West thereof in Ont taria, The Grand TuuitkP*cific Railway is the shortest and quickest route betwee Winnipeg, Saskatoon, Edmonton;. Canadian National Exhibition, Toronto NENSALL TO PQRONTO AND RETU1t $3;.85, Aug. 23. to Sept. 6. inclusive $2.85 Aug 26 and 28, Sept. 2 and AIll tickdts valid for return until Sept, 9, 1913 A, L. Case Statien 'picket Agent Rensall Homeseekers' Excursions, SEASIDE EXCURSIONS Aujust:-15, 16,12 18 19 and Love Round Trip 'Rates to Me+a+ London: Conneticttt Portland Me. Old Orchard; Me benneybunkaort, Me ,Murray Bay, Quedec "nucouna Quebec ,wk, John Neur Brunswick rfalifax NSIM. Scotia Charlottetown Prince Enwardlslattsl Sydney N. 5. Return Limit September' 4th. 1013 Each. Tuesday until October 28th inclusive Winnipei xd"Return $35.0( Edmonton, and Return •. $13,0 Low rates to othor points. Return litni two months. Pullman Tourist Sleeper leave Toronto 11;35 p. m. an above date running through to WINNIPEG via Chi sago, St. Paul and Duluth without, cllanh Ti o ketsare now no sale via, Sarnia an Northern Navigation Company Full Particulars from any Grand Trunk Agent, COAL! COAL! Deleware, Lackawanna, & - Western Coal Co's Scranton Coal All 'Sizes. ALF. SCRUTON Hensall. %5kn o.+i,. �u' re•131014, 4.4".114A: e'ae* ,itE'• >(!?u11bQ! 'XAr't9mai cies a hese si 5111101162111111111111 UNDERTAKING Prompt ervvice Moderate rtlaatge ., W. 11OFFMAN. Zurich. ' Ontario ,•'r''%�•..,