HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1913-09-05, Page 5Ion Ipit re lin 'cli D ate For Sale I am r'ecei'ving numerous enquiries respecting Hilroii County . • Farm Lands. If your want to .. sell' Twill assist you with an advertising campaign that will Daring buyers to our favored .County. No Buyer'.- No Charge Call, write or 'phone for ipar.ticula,rs.. E, ZEI[ER, Conveyancer, Real Estate, &c 'ZTJRICH., ONT. The Western Fair London Ontario THE GREAT LIVE :STOCK EXHIBITION $27,000,000 in Prizes and Attractions. Magnificent Programme of Attractions Twice Daily Wes tuft' Ontario's PopulaT Exhibition' Sept. 5 to 13 THE WESTERN FAIR September 5th to 13th The work at Queens Park in "pre- paration for the big Exhibition, in September is progressing nicely. The new addition to the Main Building is nearing completion. This will be' a great improvement and will give acc- oinodation for fifteen or twenty more exhibits. It will have a front entr, ante in the'line with . the present building and two other etitrance into it, snaking it very convenient lor visitors, and a very fine lc cation fer Exhibitors. The addition to the Poultry Building is about completed This extension will give ac000 odation for about 200 additional coops, besid- es a comfortable office and storeroom for the empty crates. Contracts have been let for painting the Grand Stand and the West end of the Main Building to correspond with the new building. Tenders are being called for an entire new lighting system. This will be pan expensive proposition,, but it is f'e'lt to be almost a necessity ;and the management of the Exhibi- tion are very anxiousthateverything shall Ire the very best this year. The addition of .$2Q06.00 placed on the prize list has created a greater a- mount of interest, and it is necessary that the best accommodation possible be provided for Exhibitors and visit- ors. With all this expenditure of money, and increased Lccomodation, the management feel assured -that if favored With good weather, this year's Exhibiton will eclipse anything aver attempted before in London.. Allinformation regarding spaceand everything in connection with the Ex- hibition given on application to the Soudan`, General Offices, Dominion Savings Building, London. Two Speed Events Daily Fireworks Every Night $2,000.00 ADDED TO THE 'PR ZE %1ST THIS YEAR Take a Holiday and visitLori$olis Exhibition Single Fare on all Railroa& in Western Ontario SPECIAL EXCURSION DATES ---September 9th,11th-and 12th Prize Lists and all information from the Secretary A.M. HUNT, Secretary W. .1. REID, Presialent Certain Gre A xeth y that .l America carnival days. housetm and all In Cal is scarce safe against attacks from - doorway, balcony or roof. In Lime, when one. eros the Cathedral Plazaat noon, be is s ibioete*i to a shower, bath, and as the Afternoon passes the sport in- crea ,es i'n intensity, every successful cleliitery from bucket or dipper being gt eetc.d. with shouts of laughter. Ser- vant, in the hotels station themselves -upon ;thr roofs, and for hours not a carriage or a 'pedestrian goes by with- out, Bolts' saluted in approved .carni- -val,attle, The street is wet from side-, walk tO sidewalk. Hundreds of men an Mitten are showered during the day Ib1it none sbovys signs of resent- ment of anger. nail and pitcher, however. are noise and clumsy weapons , f t11ie rrrir0ie . warfare: There are more refined insruinents of torture known as ehiseuetes. These are toys by which jets of water can be thrown direc't1- into the eyes of an -antagon- ist. r Roughly dressed men, saunter- ing tbronnli the plazas, feel at liberty 'to open their batteries upon anyone at bends. There will be a quick move- ment oaf the assailant's hand,. and a stream of water, often colored with pinment, will be discharged into the victim's face. Those attacked in this: way merelysmile grimly and take their medicine in true carnival spirit. UE CARNIVAL. is of South America Iiav6 Sport With Water. unique form of carnival. at certain part... of South t is known. as the water t 'continues for several er is showered from the with wanton extravagance sses join in the frolic. Peru, at such. times there a street where one can he Our Want Column Carriage and work horses for Apply to Kellerman tG Son. WANTED—At the Alexandra Marine and General Hospital, Gabr- iela, three or four pupil nurses. Apply to Miss Griffiths, Superintendent, sale. D rn1 T "etcl< . . Line, 40 Only Line Reaching All Stunnw1" Resorts in,.: Highlands of Ontario including Goderick - Muskoka fakes . Maganetawan illvea' Lake of Bays French River. Georgian Bay Timagami Free Ladies and Gents Watches, Algonquin Park 4Kawartlaa Lrakes Buds, Bracelets and Jewelry of EveryFu11 Summer Service now in Description, Lace Curtains, Rub, House Furnishind,Rifles, Moving Pic- ture Machine, Skates, Printind Press- es, Fountain Pens, in fact nearly everythnid.You can think of you can Jet Aboslutely Free for selling our Beautiful Fancy Drawn and Satin Stripped handkerchiefs at 10 cents each. They sell rapidly 6 can gener- ally be sold in every house. Don't send us any money, but write us to send you a lot of Handkerchiefs to sell, that When sold you will send us the money and the premium selected Selling 24 handkerchief entitled you to your choice of an elegant Watch, 3 gold Laid Rings, Lace Curtains, etc. Write us to -day, we trust you and take back the goods if you cannot sell them. 1NOLA CO. CHICAGO, ILL RIDER AGEe'TSANTED $ EC 1 * L." and tlocality e f nl to by us and 8 ed with. coaster3braHke SLOP SPECIA9 tures s' three-coil monspring y c n be made extension lli g our bhandlebar oyc es Sires and soundries. leading e� Our large production, together with 'unexcelled fadiities and 2liyears' ex- perience in building oiter a, places a position o ship high-grade wheels direct from fat y will send a wheel to any ad- dress my Canada on approval and fterthat Ume. 1 We col could hotaffordyto m one this offer do mot twee not certain our wheels are the best value for the money on the market. Write at once for neiv illustrated cataogiie and full particulars of our at- tractive new offer and Special prices. ITV -SLOP BROTHERS,. LIMITED • ;SHUTER AND VICTORIA STRETS, TORONTO, ONT. Nora --Mention name of paper when am erh g this advertisement. -- -- - --- BROWN'S NURSERIES ARE FAMOUS For their fiine Peach, Apple, Plurn and Cherry trees. They have • the best nursery .soil in Canada and are the largest growers of trees in . the Dominion. All scions and bili sticks cut by one inali and he 'has been Th4 Animal Way. A fiy on n window pane will crawl to the top, fly back to the bottom and crawl Yip again. This order is seldom reversed. Why, no one knows. It is on` ecord that afly crawled up a window pane 32 times, returning each tbt'e a -wing. Rens scratch for food with the sun behind them, the reason being that the rays . reflect on the minute par- ticles, artitles Ceti seldom lie with their feet to the fire. Usually they lie on the left aide. Dogs , lie with their fore- paws to the fire. . A house will ignore a food supply sufficient for a meal and run great risks to nibble at a wholesale supply. It ii ill hide at the source of food sup- ply and .not depart therefrom until actually disturbed. It isn't true that ti mouse runs to its hole at the first xlarll. ` Find aharmless little snake the tmeth of a lead pencil and provide ^r effect to .all of above resorts. Write for full particulars and illustratee folders to any Grand 1`runk Agent HOMESEEKERS EXCURSIONS Each Tuesday until Oot.28 inolusive Winnipegand Return $35,00 Lc'dinonton and Return $43M0 Low rtes to ether points. Re- turn limit two months. Pullman Tourist Sleepers leave Toronto 11 35 p m. on above dates running through to Winnipeg 'via Chicago and St Paul withont change. Tick ets are also on sale via Sarnia and Northern Navigation (:owpany. The Grand Trnnit Pacific Rail- way is the shortest and quickest route hetwecn Winnipeg, Saska- toon and Edmonton. Tickets now on sale at all Grand Trunk Ticket offices. sire , box for it -in the house, visit it in their employ many years so no en,rl at the end of three months it mistakes are made by using wrong scions or buds. Send in list of stock required and get their prices. Write for agency fix they have some unocc- upied territory its this COX nay. Brown Brothers Nurseries. Welland, Ont. will crawl l to you for foo . Goldfish usually swim around a Nobe '1 , the right. They can be tnrght to t•alt- a fly out of the hand in . si' weeks* time. The presence of Ilidt okfisltin 'theglobe is generally Tailored by goldfish. Drop a piece ,t chip on -the surface of the water and it will frighten a fish. ;fidIt1.bOij$ „ AT?.r� ' 1 WHEN YOU, ASK FOR 1 ADODY O ER CA.LL• LS; '" IF YOUR LODEALER- SAYS- HE HAST_: 4 ;'50METHING`JUST AS GOAD JCOMPARE ;TSH EM, NOTE T"' "FIT.MATERI AL.WORKMAN5t11 R ND YARDAGE:NUMBER OF POCKETS' OF THE gVERALIS;ALSO' QN I iTHE•COAT3.N01f THE GAUNTLET CUFF, AN D,TIIE;U ,Ovittp1,Nm �coLLAR;AND THEN 4F.,,THE JUST AS 400D104RMENTSTANRSJ} .COMPARISON.8PY; I,T-BY'ALL MEANS ;431.1T tjAR .YOU 'iq, WONT,STAND.WCik ' OMPARISCI ‘r WEARE TO).AC ENTS R'OR PA.OYSVERALLS and GLOVES; 3 3h w oo Important Changes In Grand Trunk Train Service From Toronto. Train leaving Toronto 10.15 a. in. daily except Sunday for Penetang Wharf will be discontinued from Al- laudale to Penetang after Saturday, September 611i. but will run through to Hnntsville and North Bay via Mus- koka Wharf, commencing Monday, September 803.. Muskoka Express, leaving Toronto 12.01 p. m. daily except Sunday for Muskoka Wharf and Huntsville, will be discontinued after Saturday, Sept- ember 9th. Buffalo -Muskoka Express, leaving Tot.onto 2.20 a. m. daily for Muskol{a Wharf, Huntsville, Burk's Falls and North Bay, will be discontinued after Sunday, September 7th. Buffalo Express, leaving Toronto 12.05 a.m. daily for Niagara Falls and Buffalo will be discontinued after Monday September 8th. Bird Charmer Decorated. M. Henry Pol, the famous bird - charmer of the 'Turneries, France, whom all Paris .knowsd Minister been decorated by the of Agriculture. His •daily "receptions" of bis birds in the Tuileries form one of the most fascinating entertainments in Paris, and aro always watched by hundreds of interested sightseers. M. Pol feeds his 'chirping flock regularly every morning, to the delight of children and grown-up strangers. He has very appropriately been palled the Saint Francis of the Turneries, and rightly ha for Tito .call Saint nbirdsf Afrsom, he the treescan down to perch o.t trees and they fly lyes 'his hand or his shoulders. them names which they remember, speaks to them, and they lista rema1i charm over the birds rs its l me and s, able. Each sparrow they and picturesque name They range from the Christian names of ,Jean. and Jeanette to those of revo- lutionary celebrities. "There is Phil. Lippe, now," he will say. "1 have not seen him for several days. Come here, phlllippe, you little rascal; wher4 have you been all -this time?" ekbrown PhillivPe, a very plump, out sparrow with a sly look, would fly out of a crowd of twenty l and ch hag for crumbs on the grave l ens perch' on M. Poi's fingerof effort, cess is the result of yearsthe ogar as he used to pass through dens on htaway tq work. . LA FOR HARVESTING IN WESTERN CANADA "RETURN TRIP EAST." $18.00 FROM WINNIPEG Plus half cent permit efrnm all point':east of MacLeod, Calgary or Edmonton to Winnipeg 40,0 F ANTED "GOING TRIP WEST." $10.00 TO WINNIPEG tuMacLeod, CaWinnipeg up Calgary, o • Edmonton. GOING DATES AUGUST 18th --From all stations Kings on to Renfrew inclusive and cast thereof to Ontario. AUGUST 22nd —From Toronto t o and West on Grand Trunk Main Line to Sarnia inclusive Grand Trunk Line Toronto Lok and Renfrew, including these points. SEPTEMBER Std F Toronto and all stations in Ontario L k Li Toronto to North l3ay. all ti Grand frank Line Toronto to North Bay inclusive, i i lading Aztlda and West. C ASS TICfi'rTS WILL DE SOLD TO t19NNTPEG ONLY and Sout t rereo . AUGUST 25th —From Toronto and Borth -Western Ontario, North of but not minding to Sarnia and East of Toronto to Ringstoa, Sharbot a en rew,ntt of but not including _ rom Grand Trun ne oron o SEPTEMBER 5th—From stations on and \Vest thereof in Ontario. including C.P.R. Line Sudbury to Sault Ste. Marie, Ontario, but notincluding Y SECOND-CLASS d ONE -WA One-way second Bass tickets to Winnipeg only will be sold. Each ticket will Include e a verification certificate, arertsl owing heihas engaged the holder extension o work as farm laborer, the at Winnipeg by coupon will be denoted UP to S,•ptember 30thfor ticket at rate of one-half cent per mita (minimum uri Northern orriGrandtrrunk Pacific station west 10 WinnipegibSaskatchewanor PAlberta butalot west of Edmonton, Calgary or MacLeod. Alta. second-class A certtfiiate wilt be issued entitling purchaser to or Grand good to Pacific froniany station on the Canadian Pacific, Canadian Railways in Alberta. Saskatchewan and m Manitoba t MacLeod, gong Calgary and Edmonton r out before to ortginal starting point by the same. u N"ventber 301h, 1013, on payment of one pall cent. per mile (minimum iifl y' cents) up to Winnipeg added to 318.00 from Winnipeg, provided the holder depoSltt'the eelcaLewith the ticket agent on arrival at destination. and works at least thirty days at harvesting. i or full particulars see nearest C.P.R. Ag, G. or MURPY, D.P.A., C.P.R., Toronto Train leaving Toronto 1.40 p. n?r Saturdays only for Jackson's Point will be discontinued after Saturday, August 30th. Train leaving Jackson's Point 7.30 a.m. Mondays only. for Toronto will be run on Tuesday, September:' 2nd. instead of Monday, September 1st, and will be discontinded after that date. Through Pittsburg Sleeper on 4,32 p.m train from Toronto will be dis continued after Saturday Septelulaer, 6th. Last Pullman Sleeper Car for Kingston Wharf -will . leave Toronto 10.45 p.m. saturday, September 13th and leave Kingston' Wharf 12.20 for Toronto after Monday, September 16th. ,. . DR. E,. B. BA.LPOURI g late ate Western University, the Military Hospital and Victoria • A Dodger. "Dibbles is a great elan to try to dodge a tesponsibuity on technleall- , tles." "Yea. He once signed a pledge. rhea he forgot about it and called in ., handwriting expert to prove that the signature was a Yorgery.'--Washing- tea Star. ' FURNITURE You will always fins all the latest styles in fiirniture such, as Brass and Metas Beds, Tah1s,lherie,iEte You could find no designs prettier, more striking or pleasing. we can surely satisfy yon in the selection of furniture as re- gards design, construction and prince Furniture and Fu eras D JI Ec t hospital London, Office in the building formerly oecupiad by the late Dr. McLaughlin, Dashwood. C,1f.ftp:d A%R, Invincible Amazons. "Acid just to think, John," said Idrs Stubb proudly, "if the suffragettes ever get into power the leaders will have- their pictures on the postage Stamps." ' "By crickeyt" sighed !dr. Stubb, with - a faraway look. "That's the only way. we'll ever be ableto licit 'cin.'—Ghi• cagy News. • Favorite Seat. Friend—Why do yon do your sewing at this window in the air shaft? You rant half see. Mrs. De .Platt--No,bitt 1 can hear bettatifulty.—New Weekly. THE CARHARTT BRAND of . trusted MEN CLOTHING A GLOVES is the p fect brand. This why we are exclus agents in Zuri Ours is a perf store. You are in ed to call. Our ers become sutis customers. E. APP A Carbartt Souvenir callers who ask f the same.