HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1913-09-05, Page 4ORAL Afie /1/// STRAT ORD. ONT. �... CANADA'S BEST BUSI- NESS COLLEGE We have three departments, Commercial, Shorthand and Tel- egraphy. Courses are thorouuh and. practical. We have•a strong staff of experienced instructors and our graduates meet with success. Write for our free catalogue and learn whative are doing. - • D.A®McLachlan, Principal. Dashwood Furniture Store We are giving Big Snaps in Pianos and Organs for the balance of the year. Two big shipments of Singer and Raymond Sew- ing Machines must be cleared out at once, at a low price. A. big stock of Furniture always on hand and prices the Lowest. Dried apples taken as Cash. UNDERTAKING Big stock on hand. Day or night—call Central. P. McISAAO Furniture ` d Undertaing LEGAL, CARDS. 'ROUDFOOT HAYS & KILLORAN, Barristers, Solicitors, Notaries Public, etc. Goderich, Canada W. Proudfoot. K. C. B. C. Hays. J. L. Killoran. BUSINESS CARDS. • B. S. PHILLIPS, AUC'T'IONEER, Exeter. Sales conducted in all parts. Satis- faction guaranteed or no pay. Terms raascmable. Orders left at this office will be promptly attended to. H. EILBER & SON Crediton, - Ontario Conveyancers, General Insurance Agents Telephone—Office la, House lb. ANDREW F. HESS, EXILE INSUWAN- ce agent, representing the London, Economical, Waterloo, Monarch, Stand- ard, Wellington and, Guardian. Every thing in fire insurance. • Dashwood Barber Shop Wednesday pen every Wednesday afternoon and evening. District News DASH'W OOD Stephen Council met on Monday. A number of the young people took in the sports at Zurich, on Monday. Mr. Win. Gossman of London was home over Labor Day. Mr. Gorden Goetz of Clinton . is holidaying at his home. A few more brooms for sale at 25o each D. Tiernan. Miss Ena Guenther is on the sick list this week. • Mrs. '\Vm. Ehlers visited relatives in Port Elgin over the holiday. Miss Lavina Koch is spending her holidays at her home in Dashwood. Miss Muriel Preeter was tire guest of Miss Leila Siebert a few days last week. Dr. H. V. Caton of London,spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Brown on the Goshen Line, near Zurich, Miss Lydia Brown and her broth- er Norman of Dashwood, visited Zurich on Sunday. Mr.. and. Mrs. Ezra Tiernan of Dashwood spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Brown. Saturday . Open every Saturday, all day, and evening. THOS. KLUMPP, Proprietor . 6s xr=a't6 EX fie.. ?wakes Wi�attsi� COPYP!:rrtp—r `0.11/00 ann'„ 'vt iAhret ;h fi ,:ct descwhbon rnnn • ersokir sa u, if' or :,,son free vL,At1tt,itle `• ,,, eutnble. Cgmivaillr4• ,,oisat.ieu Os11Mn, anttai. HANDBOOK' arc ente <enttree. OId@ . (sIXenor forseaurjng,patents. Patentb taken tbrOnl;h Mural , & Co. reoei'f+i •palet notice, Without charge, tri the 1 i111UC Jitlitt1 L it ilandsemoly illustrated ;eeiclq. r erar-st r r. tenlatton of any Artentifte iol,rnol. ierrny; 'a anada, Vis a year, postage i,repald - ', netC'Ad471111CU, ... ..:.. .. u, D•'.... ':. Miss Duffin of Thorndale returned to re.iime her duties at the Hay school. Bliss Tillie Miller of the Model School Clinton was home over the holiday. Miss Maide Routledge has returned after attending the millinery opening at Toronto and London. Miss Lydia Brown of Dashwood has returned from her visited to Thedford and is now camping at Grand Bend. Mr. and Mrs. s. Brown of Crediton and family, Mr. and Mrs. T. Jarvis of Dresden visited Mr, and Mrs. IV. L. Siebert over Sunday. The little son of Mr. and Mrs. Alex Zimmer unfortunately • broke his arm while running his waggon on the sidewalk on Saturday, Anetta. daughter of Mr, and Mrs. Chas. Steinhagen, met with a simi. lar accident on Tuesday breaking her arm near the elbo. Guinther is'stilt in a very low condition. But his many friends hope for his recovery. A.ILSA CRAIG Mr. and Mrs. Percy Calhoun and family of London, visited over Sun - with Mrs. E. Wilson at the Queen's Miss Ethel Clarke is progressing favorably after her recent operation for appendicitis. Mr. Harold Abbot, of Chicago, is visiting with his family at the home of lairs. B. MacDonald. The Ladies' Aid of the Methodist Church will hold their regular mon-* thly meeting at the home of Mrs. Risdale. Miss E. Anderson visited Parkhill friends on Sunday and Monday. Alex Towle was a London visitor, recently. 11: Clarke and children and Miss Gilbert motored to Crediton recently. Miss Lillie Martin has returned from,from•Millbank, after two weeks' vacation with, relatives there. THE TOWN BEAUTIFUL The following is clipped from an exchange. Think of what a change in appearance of any community it would make and what sweet repose at night would be had if all the citizens would subscribe to and observe faith • fully the promises: I promise to keep my sidewalk clean. I promise to keep the gutter in front of my premises free from weeds. I promise not to throw 'fruit skins or paper on the streets. I promise to keep my . back yard neat and cloth. Ipromise to keep my hens in my own back yard. I promise to keep my cat shut up over night, - I promise to attend to my own aff- size is rarely chosen. The .tour merit itself is a big event, but, the addition of an old boys' re-unitso, we expect the first week in Augithst will be the greatest that Seaforth Jars ever seen. EXETER Preparations are under way for . tli Annual Fall Fair which :will, be ;'lucid on Monday and Tuesday, 15 and il.Oth. The Exeter Fair is always Dopa a+l' with the people and this year pros es to be the best yet,,, Some suetik thief recently ori , the laundry of the local Chivai, while the latter wasengaged inr wash, ing and rifled the till stealing .' over eleven dollars in bills and silver •No` clue has been found as to; the guilty party, but a vigorous effort shoul& be made to locate the thief. Word was received last Wednesday of the death of the wife of Rev J. R. Gundy of St. Thomas, Mr. and, ,Mrs.' Gundy were former residents of ,Exe- ter. Mr. Gundy being pastor. ;of': the Main Street Methodist church.' The funeral was held to the Exeter.: co e tery an Thursday on the arrival; of the morning train from London.°"' Mr, Richard Coates of Usborne re- ceived a photograph last weelifroin re- latives in Douglas, Man.,of a boy liv- ing in that town that for avoirdupois and measurements outstrips anything we have ever heard of in these , parts Ile is only eight years old and' weighs 198 pounds, 4 feet S ' inches :" high, has a chest measurement of 43' inches waist 44, hips 48, thigh 80, arh, '141; neck 15, and calf of leg 113.e' He is possessed of an excellent - physique, is symmetrical and symmetrical and well proportioned and is a marvellous type of mankind. Mrs. Jas. Bawden after an exten- ded visit with her father, -Mr. Thos. Hawkins left for her home in Ed- monton, Alta,, on Saturday:.She was accompanied as far -as--'Toronto by her father. Miss Grace Sanders liaft'"iioi'' Tori onto where she will spend. t few days. before leaving for ' Batbleford, where she expects to remain fora tine, Mrs. Penhale of St. Thomas spent a few days of this week with friends in town. Mr. H. Harwood of Rochester N. Y. visited with his mother Mrs. R. Pick- ard over the holiday. Mr. Garfield Sheer, of ' Brantford spent the fore part of the week with his mother. ' A very quiet wedding was solemn- ized in Trivitt Memorial church on Saturday Aug. 30th. when Mr.. Rich'- ard Quance was united in marriage to Miss Allan. Rear. D. IV. Collins the rector of the church performing the wedding ceremony after : which Mr. and Mrs. Quance autoed , 'to Centralia taking the evening for. Tor- onto, Niagara -and other ' eastern points. After their return, they -will reside' on Andrew st. ' Miss Elsie McCallum returned, tee London to resume her teaching duties. Mrs. Douglas is visiting friends in Toronto. WANTED—Girls to learn the knitt- ing and looping, in our factory. Guaranteed $5.00 per week' can make 12.00 to $15.00. Pleasant and Congenial position. Apply . by letter or phone to manager. Clinton Knitting Co. Ltd., Clinton5Out. :, Fcuus and •not"speak slightingly' of my neighbors. ' : ' • A meetrno a f the citizens was held �' ,• in.conneatiou with; . the ;lairdilien's f Tournament in i.egtiest1,t9i.4. ' It is to regretted that firer'were not more present, at this is' an opportunity that • i 9rtih.'inav never have again ithat Se'ttifo , 'tc li irh'e''a'success of a reunion 101 this 'lid n a the 'IIremen's Tournament is a I in - liked fortunate to be able, to secure Fall and Winter Goods rriying Daily for Early Buyers We have opened up a shipment of Ladies Coats, the very latest New York styles in some swell new olothe, prices from $7.50 to 20.00 each. NEW DRESS GOODS 1 - Velvets and' Suitings, we have had several shipments for your inspection of Tweeds, Che- viots; Serges Corduroys, Whip Cords, Bedford Cords, Silks oto, in all the newest shades together With a swell range of Allover Laces; Fancy Silks, Braids, Laces Etc. for trimming. FURS We have opened up several lots of Mink, Marmot, Stoles, Muffs, Sable, Persian Lamb, Fox etc. We can save you money on your purchase this season. It will pay you to look over our stock. READY MADE CLOTHING Weare receiving some of the very latest suits and overcoats we have over shown, rightupto date.'We have some extra values in - Children's 2 and three piece suits If your contemplate buying Boys Suits do not fail to see our stook. ORDERED CLOTHING We have several hundred patterns of tweeds & worsteads for you to choose from,we get them made up in the very latest styles and guarantee you a fit, we would be pleased to show you our entire range of patterns and quote prices, we feel satisfied that we can save you money on ,your fall suit, we have them marked low for quick sale. COTTONS Our stock of Flanelette, Shootings, Pillow Cottons, Tiokings, Towellings, Bleached and Grey Cottons is complete and prices right. CHINA & GLASSWARE • Our stock of Dinnerware, Hanging Lamps, Glassware, China, Parlor and Hall Lamps, is large' we would be pleased to show you our dinner sets which we import direct from the potteries. POTTERY We have some very exquisite patterns in the very newest shapes etc. and•i£ you intend to purchase a dinner set do not fail to see our stock, we have some pretty designs in 97 piece sets starting at 5.40per set. Our Grocery. Stock is complete and over prices right below we quote a few val- ues we are giving: Redpaths extra standard Granulated. Sugar, in sealed bags, ae $4.75 per 100 pounds: Maple Leaf or Coronet Loekeys Salmon 20c a tin. Very finest seeded Raisins 10c or 8 for 25. Best roasted Reo Coffee 20c per lb. Corn,. Peas or Tomatoes the very best brands packed 8 for 25. Canned Beans 5q per tin. 20 lbs Redpaths Granulated Sugar for $1.00. We have the agency for Martin Senor 100 per. cent pure mixed paints, Gold Medal and Champion high speed washiug machine, Royal:purple Stock Food etc. We are open for all kinds of farm produce for which we pay the highest prices. Save our Coupons which we give with each cash purchase. They are -valuable We pay highest price for all Farm Produce. A CALL SOLICITED TELEPHONE No. 3 Cs ZWIOKER All kinds Farm Produce Taken. t... DATES OF FALL FAIRS IN WESTERN ONTARIO New Hamburgl.-- 1Sept',' 1-12 Drui ibo.. ..... Sept 28-24 Elmira .....,,Sept 28---24 Fe gus..........:......,...Sept 24--26 Einbvo Oct 2 Galt ..,Oct 2-3 (*uelph ...,Sept 16--18 . S µ--12' Ingersoll ......... ......Sept6-17' ListttWglt ......'Supt' 16.17: tendon Milverton • Sept 25-'20 Neustadt:.. , , ... .......Sept10- 17 Ottawa •• • . .Selat5--18 Stratford,Sept�`�18-19 St. Marys Sept 28-24 Tavistock . Sept 1:5.10 Toronto ... ...•....Aug 28 to Sept 8 Wellesley .. .Sept.: '0-10 Sart 25,.,-,.-2G VVinghai'n ., t ept;11 11—lb �.�. Weed gtocic>..,,'., <S, .. ZURICH .. MEAT MARKET WE keep in stock a Ty full line of fresh meats, hams, etc. etc, Qur cuts are noted for their tenderness and wholesomeness. Our. aim is to keep nothing but the best. We .Make ' our ' own `sausages: Give us a call. YUN SLUT RICHERT. RT. 1ake Chopper I am operating the Blake Chopping Mill ever y Tuesday and. Friday.. Rave a first-class; new grinder,, and will guaran- tele .satisfaction. .:JACOB KIPFER BLAKE, - ONT. Ilectric Restorer for Men Phosphonol restores every nerve in the body 0 its proper tension ; restores and n rem to ode nn all exual Vim end vitality. n r decays weakness averted et once. Tilnsphonoi will make_ volt a new num. Price $i a box, or two o fol' '15, Mailed to any, a l"dres., $lie Son"14iD3rns' r;e„. Catbitoix,a n BR A. J. MacXINNONolate Hou Surgeon, Erie County Hospit .Buffalo N. Y. Late assistant re dent Physician, Manhattan Matern Hospital N. Y. city. Late of House Staff, New York Palycli Medical School and Hospital. D store in connection. Office, Zuri Ont. APPLE BUTTE No. A-1 Apple Butter Sale, Apply' to S.. J. SWEITZE Shi Stationery. --Up to date sti ery soldat our office. We d your initials on the paper ft charge, 25ets. a box. The Oreclitou.