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The Herald, 1913-09-05, Page 3
OVER World ported rming- forsti rst,. veilson hat he aged Kin Le Do ►g de passe to he gree, gran west bush ginee is th by 3ritie cutch sr fa Bente P. 'fo ed 'fo i Cos ;bag Pro ?t. er, as edb b ein tusin usan Hugh wb 'sur• to o int n�Ii,• LiiIic' plc a it TI ,scl Ca g a ; Mi ion na. r. ort say co, ca sat ft 04 we nd ff .a. re S 8,6 L Ln re a ................., HEALTH i Help for the Nervous Ile A person who has a nervott must s rst. find out • �. what caul ,be .nervous. The condition. h many different origins that t no 'single course o£ treatme all cases. At the same;time, form of excess is usually at th torn of the trouble. Whether excess of play or excess of wo symtptcros will be similar, a results will be equally disa unless the fait is corrected, lected functional heart trouble becomes tin incurable organic „trouble. When your heart begins to signs of. irritability,`—•when it tates or works irregularly or occasional pain,, -have a phy who underetands'the heart ex it, He can determine how s the condition is ; self-diagnos heart trouble of way type is s ae waste of time. When ;;the excess consists youthful over -indulgence in letics, alcohol or tobacco, the per treatment is evident. Reli pends on, the common sense selfeontror of..°the. patient. W however, the trouble affects busy and aging head of a fa ;,-who 'cannot afford to retire work, it is ,a more difficult. m And yet careful management good sensecan do much to. these cases, tome, • Those who not take as much rest as they o to have, often find it possible take enough to get on with. If cannot go to the Riviera or Swi land, they can get an extra hou bed every night, a quiet half - after the evening meal, •a Iran and restful Sunday, and the 1 and nourishing diet for which condition calls. It is true that 'some cherished habits must be giv up, tempo sly, at least. Tobacco in any f is bad for the nervous heart,. tea and coffee coxae under the;s condemnation. At the same ti those who are accustomed to tea coffee, especially at breakfast ti often do better when they decre their 'allowance gradually t when they abandon.the habitraptly. Let the owner of a nervous he persuade' himself' to humor . faithful servant. Let him give running for trains,- carrying, ba and overtaxing himself in any W by and by he will find that his he has had the rest it needs, and is iing again to 'toil for him with lit or no complaint. —Youth's Co panion. art, s heart es ito as so here is nt form soe. e bot it is rk, the rel the strbus Neg- often heart show palpi- feels ,sician amine erious is in imply in a ath pro- of de - and hen, the mily from atter, and help can- ught to they tzer- r in hour quil ight their ii rar- orm and ame me, or me, ase ban art that up gs, ay;. art w Advice on Nerves. tie m- A case of "nerves" is like a bad habit easily acquired and hard to get rid of. Nervousness affects the digestion, dulls the eyes, gives a strained look to the muscles of the face, and, if allowed its course, will even make the hair thin, So the we_ man who wants to be beautiful must Jeep an eye on the state of her. nerves. The best cure for nervousness is est. Resting is an art known to w women. rThe only way a woman may re ose and relax the body and nerves $ by actual will power. Carrots are prekribed by physi- ians and beauty doctors alikeas a ure for' nervous indigestion. You i e told to eat them three times 'a ay, either cooked or raw, Young onions or scullions are ex- ellent eaten with plenty of salt; leo lettuce with salt and plenty of live oil, but no vinegar or red ,pep- er. Sleeplessness' is the greatest men - e that tired or • overwrought erves have fox beauty and health. Sleep Lay be induced by warm ilk; sipped slowly, or, if this it in fective, by long draughts of cool ter and 'a cold bandage around e brow. Diamond Crown for Duchess, he younger members of the royal ily are; coml?ining to make one'pre• t to the 'Duchess of Fife on her rr'iage, and this is. to take the form a magnificent crown of diamonds: e design is composed alternately. ducal . strawberry learns and ties It had been proposed to use, red stones for the thistles, but the: 1 bride, prefers diamonds through?: and her wish in this respect will ratified, Queen Alexandra is lim- ing her eldest grandchild with a tiful diamond collar, and it Is 'ex.. ed .that She will wear . this at hes ding. e`'man nvho marries to suit him- is easily, suited-eso his friends 'PL£S Successfully and Speedily With CUTICU SO P Arid Cuticura • Ointment, at a trifling . cost, is learned from the special directions, which; accompany these pure, sweet and -gentle emollients. Cuticu iSoap and Ointment are sold throughout the world. A liberal sample of each, with 82 -page booklet on the care and treatment of the Wtla'aa4 scalp. stmt poet -free. Addre a Potter Ionia Chart, Corp., Dept. 26D, Boston, V. B, A. TOO MUCH CONTENTMENT. Dissatisfaction Has Caused 1Iany to Rise From Poverty to Wealth. It is- perhaps true that some writ- ers and teachers have over -empha- sized the gospel of contentment with our lot. Advancement in every line has been made by people who were discontented . with their pre- sent opportunities :a. and broke through to something higher. But even allowing this, it is undeniably true that there ie a, vast amount of unholy and wasteful discontent. While history presents many oases of people who broke away from a humble taskto force their way to something higher, it is fuller of instances in 'which a man or wo- man, by doing with patient fciithful- ness, an insignificant task, has 'been called to greater things. "Because of the nail the shoe was Iost; because of. the ,shoe the horse was lost; because of the rider the battle was lost." So it was the blacksmith, after all, who lost the battle. If he had done his work well the cause might have triumph- ed. St. Isidore, P.Q., Aug. 10, 1904. Minard's Liniment Co., Limited. Gentlemen,—/ have frequently used MINARD'S LINIMENT and also prescribe it for my patients always with the most gratifying results, and I consider it the best all-round Liniment extant. Yours truly, DR. JOS, AUG, SIROIS. One Rind. "Pa, what's cold • comfort?" "Being locked in an ice box on a hot AugtLet day," Mlnard'a Liniment Relieves Neuralgia. $100,000,000 Tax on' Childless.. A hundred million dollars annually is the estimated revenue from the proposed tax on persons • not contri- ulation in buting-to t�S Statistician Bethe increase rtllon declares there now are in France 1,850,000 cell- brates, 1,800,000 couples without child- ren, 2,650,000 families of two. children, 2,400,000 families with one child. All these will be required to pay, as it is proposed to tax every citizen who reaches the age of 45 without three children living, or -who' reached the age of 21. The tax will be $6 per child for each one under the minimum, ED, 7. ISSUE 36—'13, Fact and Fancy. Love is . blind --.but not so the go-- s1ps on the hotel piazzas. The best wooden legs are made of aluminum. The average man would rather kiss abbrowbeautiful mouth than an intellectual , Camel's hump, white like veal, Is a; new Parisian delicacy. Don't forget that the pensive sweet- heart may make an expensive wife. Bulging eyes are usually short sighted. Some men's idea of religion is to loaf round the house all day Sunday in shirt sleeves and stocking feet. Over twenty per cent. of the. Eng- lish nobility are, childless. When a girl boils over with rage, she is apt to weep scalding. tears. France will handle no cloth that, mud stains: They who. know the, value of a dollar usually want a dollarand a half foa,r it. Munich banks have girl clerks, When the average man discharges an obligation, you can hear the re- port for miles' around. All Smiles. A Frenchman, staying at a Lon- don hotel, when presented with his bill, paid it' without formal protest, but w.ae most indignant at its amount. "I vish to see ' •zee pro- prietaire," he said to the clerk. In a minute the proprietor appeared, The 'Frenchman was all smiles. "Ah " he .exclaimed, "I must em- brace you 1" "But why should you wish to embrace me, sir ?" asked the astonished hotelkeeper. "I do not understand." "Look at zees What of "Yes; your receipted bill. "What of it? Simply sees, zaire; it means.,zat I shall ne- vaire, no, nevaire, see you again!" Cured Stomach Gas, Stopped Hiccoughs Pains in the Stomach That Yield to Nothing Else, Pass Away Quickly If Nervilino Is Used. READ MR, BRAUN'S STATEMENT., "A few regetableswaand some fruit ethat m'wasgrnot (pits ripe. It first brought on a fit of indigestion, but unfortunately it develop- ed into hiccoughs; accompanied by nau- sea and cramps.D'way dreadfully ill for two days --my head ached and throbbed; I belched gas continually, and I was un- able to sleepy at .night. A neighbor hap*,. pened in to see me and urged uie'io try Norviline. Well, I wouldn't have believed that any preparation could help to quick- ly. I took half a teaspoonful of ,Nervi - itch in felt better at on eat I used Nc rvitline several times, and was completely re- stored." G The B. above aun, a vel welom a l -known stockman and. farmer near Lethbridge, Alta. Mr Braun's favorable opinion Of the highmerit of Nerviline IS shared by thousands of Can- adians who have proved Nervilino is sim- ply a marvel for cramps, diarrhoea, fiat ulenee, nausea, and stomach disorders: Safe to use, guaranteed to cure—you can make no mistake in keeping Nervilinefor you family remedy. 25Large ar AllP dealers,ze or bottled 5 Cattrial size arrhozone Co„ Buffalo, N.Y., and Xingston. Canada. A man boasts of having an um- brella that has been in his posses- sion for more than twenty years. That's long enough, he ought to re- turn it. Wa Stomach Rumblings istress ''Before Meals chloro Free From That Weary, Droopy, Half. • Dead Feeling, Now tired, , and a t � elves 'Coed Advice Others With. byspieptia 'randomise. If ynitt have any stomach distress at all von tc i11 certainlybe interested in the follow.ng experience Which is told by Mr. I dwas.4ti Dawkins: ."Whein I was working around the farm last.linter I had an attack of inflamma- tion, ,r rites- Mr. E. P. Dawkins, of Port Richmond. "I was weak for a •long time, but well enough to work until. spring: But something went Wrong with my bowels s foA Thad to use salts or physic all the tl ti r� stomach kept sour, andalways of x <ating there was pain and fulness, and ; the .symptoms of intestinal indi- gest Nothing helped me until I used Drs'. milt m's Tills. Instead of hurting, like or pills, they acted very mildly, and a tl ed to heal . the bowels. I did not regal." `a ergs dopes to get results with. i+., ,ikon's Pills, and feel so glad that I llavi ;., t nd a mild yet certain remedy, To -day I atawell—no pain, no our stom- ach, a. good appetite, able to digest an thing," .This is a whole lot of g g od one Medicine to do, and I can essay Dr TIamilton's Pills are the best pills, and my later, I am sure, proves it." Refuse a. substitute for Dr. -Hamilton's Pills of Mandrake and Butternut: 25e.. per box or five for $1.00, at all druggists and storekeepers, or post paid from the Ca•tarrhozone Co„ Buffalo, N.Y., and ICiugston, Canada. CHANNEL TUBE PLAN AGAIN. Scheme to Connect England and France Ey Tunnel. Are England and France to be connef';:ted by a Channel tunnel? This old question is again being, seriously considered. As long as thirty years ago a violent campaign was 'waged against this scheme. At that time a protest against it was Ogled he leading peers and digni- taries Of ell .churches, in England, blab:lieg the late Cardinal Man- ning, by a embers of Parliament and 'other ;,rominent men such as Sir &Dim Lubbock, Browning, Hux- ley-;' Spencer and Frederick Harxi- son r by the great London editors, by army teen, such as the Duke of Cambridge and Field Marshal Lord Wolseley, and by the heads of the Admiralty, while men like the late Goldw'in S.idth wrote articles of virulent denunciation of the propo- sal. The result was that Sir Ed- ward Wetitin's scheme was for the time buried, but it eras not dead. It was; brought forward again in 1906 ?ai'.19'07 and found seine, friend's t hone of great ins er- taxice who would go wholeheartedly for it, and the London .newspapers where they, were not hostile were uncertain in tune.. Meanwhile French approval of the scheme became practically un-. animous. The entente cordiale was of course used as en argument in its favor. Themain arguments, how- ever, were purely economical. The project, for a tunnel is now seriously revived. The arguments opposing it are also, revived. The first one .to -day is the cost, which^ those who favor the plan estimate at $80,000,000, while its opponents„ say it might be much more, and add that it would not appeal to the or-, dietary investing public in France •� Minard's Llniment'Cures Dandruff. 61.England•; Then •comes the engi. neering question. Great authorities Going Down. Gabe—"He claims he is a descen- dant from a great family." Steve—"Yes, and he is still des- cending." Try Murine Eye Remedy If you have Red, Weak, Watery Eyes or Granulated Eyelids, Liquid- Smart —Soothes EDruggists2 Murine )yeRemedy,c, 50©. Marine Eye Salve hi Aseptic Tubes, 25c, 50c. Eye Books Free by Mail. An Wye Tonto prod for All Ryes that prod calm Mtsrlrao Ey* gegaedy Co..-,Clitiorage His Revenge. "Then you won't marry me 2" "No ; but I'll be a sister to you." "I can suggest a better scheme than that. Let me call you mother." Then he made a quick getaway, Minard's Liniment for sale everywhere. Useful in the House. Murphy's wife was ill, so he thought he would make himself use- ful inthe house. He bought a pound of bacon; also a • pound of soap, and he set about preparing a'nice meal for his wife. She, however, wondered what was the smell, and, called to. Murphy what was he do ing. "Cooking bacon," he replied: `Bacon! Why, that is soap." "Then, bedad," said Murphy, "I must have washed my shirt with the 'bacon." •• Eara--Worked Father -"l cannot see why you dislike ywork. To me it's real enjoyment. Lazy Sot— "That's. it. I don't think it's right for one to give one's self up•whhbIly to pleasure." are divided on this point as to its practicability, Thirdly, there is the strategic question. This is admit- tedly not so important as it was thirty year ago, and to -day the British War Office and the Admir- alty are not believed to be hostile to the project. The supporters of the scheme de- clare that financiers are sufficiently well disposed toward it to facilitate the finding 'of the capital required. There remains the sentimental difficulty in addition to others, but so strong and influential is the backing,of the present movement in support of the tunnel scheme that it must be considered as adistinct possibility of the near future. NERVE! Boy—"If you please, father's sunt' the ladder back wok 'e hollered: He's broke it, and will you please ave it repaired'• hvt once, 'cos 'e wants to borrer, it Agin next Fri- day." Minard't LI•ninlgnt Cpres Burn's, eta. $160,000,000' FOR TOURS. Travellers on Continent Spend at Rate of .$30,000 Per Hour. A well-known statistician has just calculated that during the holiday season tourists in Europe spend 3 $ 0,000 per hour, and that they spend more than $160,000,000 per Year. Of the countries which reap the principal harveee of the tourists' money Switzerland is easily first, with 3,000,000 visitors annually, re- presenting about $32,000,000. The Riviera, Spain and Italy have fewer tourists, but not over $60,000,000 among them. The expense of holiday-makers, both foreign and provincial, in Paris, with 1,000,000 visitors ; Lon- don, with 000,000; Berlin with 500,- 000, and Vienna, with 350,000, amount to at least $45,000,000, not counting the purchases of souvenirs and various minor articles. Finally, the European watering esti- mated to gain. $16,000,000 from the annual invasion of tourists. FOR SALE • Pulleys & Shafting Suitable for Mills, Manufacturing Plants, Printing Notions, Eta. S Wood Split Pulleys, 1224 x 48 in. for 3415/1,0 in. shaft. 1 Wood Split Pulley, 12% x 48 in. for 2 15/16 in. shaft. Wood Split .P•txlley, 12% x 38 in. for 3 7/1e in. shaft. 1 Wood Split Pulley, 10% x 36 in. for 3 7/16 hi, shaft. Pulleys of smaller sizes and Shafting of various lengths and sizes to he sold at very low figures. Box 23, Wilson Publishing Co., Toronto. See How the Wringer is rAttached The wringer Board extends Dorn **aide, out of the tray of the cover, This idiom practically the whole top °CM(' tub to open up-,^ wakes it easy to put In and take out clothes, No other washer has as tarps en opening. No other washer mn be worked with o-au7 handle at slefeas well as top lever. Do you use Maxwell's "Favorite...the clan= that makes quality butter? Write as for catalogues if your dealer does not handle them. al DAVID MAXWELL d, SONS, ' ST. MARY'S, Ont. Delicately tel y flavoured.--, Highly concen- trated, WHY WORRY l Choose your variety and ask your grocer for - "Clark's" Teacher of Hygiene—tiVhy ,must we always be careful to keep our homes clean and neat? Little Girl -Because company may walk in ai any moment. FARMS FOR BALE. H• W..DAWSON, Ninety Colborne Street, Toronto. $, Run' STOCK, GRAIN AND DAIR'i Some P arms in all sections of Ontario, L{ AMORY SITES, WITH OR WITi OU2 xx.` Railway trackage, in Toronto, Brampton and nfber *nano And chine. 11011 ESIDENTIAIA PROPERTIES IN. Brampton and a dozen other •�trno. W. DAWSON, Bolborne St., Toronto. AGENTS WANTED, A N ESTABLISHED MONTREAL .IN. .cam vestment Company selling dividend paying Securities. requires the servicers of able men. Exclusive territory to right parties. Good profits r"tn be made iri whole or spare time. This is a solid Pro, position backed by influential men who form the directorate. Write P. O. Box 1445, Montreal, for particulars. Mention paper. STAMPS AND COt'N$, TAMP COLLECTORS—HUNDRED DIE - 1 -79 ferent Foreign Stamps. Catalogue, Album, only Seven Cents. Marks Stains Company. Toronto. MALE 'HELP WANTED. MEN WANTED YOUNG MAN BE A BARBER. I TEACH! you quickly, cheaply, thoroughly an furnish tools free. We give you actual dhop experience. Write for free cats. Logue. Molar College, 219 Queen St. East. Toronto, MEN WANTED MI$CSLLANEOUS. f ' `f ANGER, 'strl<wn:4 er-nee,, te,) internal and •exlernai, car.'d with- out ,pain by our Moine ireatmeat, Write as before too late. De' liellnian Medical Co., Limited, Collingwood, Ont, An ALL STONES, IZIDNEY AND BLAD. u der Stones, Kidney trouble, Gravely Lumbago and kindred ailments positively" cured *with the new German remedy, "Sanol," price $1.50. .c,nother new remedy for Diabetes -Mellitus, and sure cure, its "Sanol'a Anti -Diabetes," Price $2.00 from druggists or direct. The Santa Manufac- turing Company of Canada, Limited, Winnipeg. Man. When buying your Piano insist an having an 170MEL" Piano Action t, 'jeleeSissee ha; x est OP. edt oil m t. I4n•w.,, 'Y,. . tp After the bath with I3ABY''', OWN SOAP the'. sklxi "ii>�s 'arnuoothi, comfortable and a '.laeles the -- aroma of freshly out. 'Xreedoets front sick, troubles eel lauins in sQx»,e •measure the refr'eehi1 f jeep whlcii tBaby'le . Otertli S+as, tabs . ,> c 9 , , 1 `fornursexy,use insistou,f� i1b , A1; a to ilii n +P< ill itS•4114 c1e �l�actttinrap '. li�';�°I� �� .?