HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1913-09-05, Page 1le
he C 7.cial Ora a;i;l
' Vol. XIV.
FP 1 D:°:;
Our annual and .summer clearin sale is,Iilow on
We have great reduced the prices on many lines kg
our store, and this sale will save you money. Below
are a few of the lines We are going to Cleax cut. .
'S, Slitting
a` , W e have a number of suit lengths in black, blue and
fancy worsted, Canadian and Snitch tweeds, also' pai'nting
which we are offering al greatly reduced prices. It will pay
yotato look these over.•
flen's Summer Vests
A few lines of men's summer vests to clear at cost price.
Pretty pattern a quality goods.
A line of Ladies' shirt waists will be sold during this sale
regardless of cost. Come in and see those bargains.
Fancy t"1uslins
A nice line of fancy tnuslins which we are pronnd to show
you many pattet'ns and colors.
Straw mats
Tlte.balatiee of our non's anti boys' straw hats at great
y reduced prices
S -W Bugoy Paint
For something teal good in buggy paint use Sherwin
Williams buggy paint. Paints and varnishes with one opera-
Hardware Specials
Weare agets for Zurich' for Royal Parple Stock Foods
and preparations. Made of the peirest raw materials and
fully guaranteed.
Re -nu -al Polishes
Have you tried Re.nu.al Wood Polisher? Just the thing
for dusting and polishing your varnished woodwork. Use it
on your buggy or automobile.
Oakville A.luniinulTnwai•e
For something good in cooking utensils buy Alemintun
ware. : Last a lifetime and will not •burn.Are light`in weight
and easily cleaned. U'
Harvest Tools
We handle only the high quality $ansson and Gold Medal
Harvest Tools. None betaer can be made. All full guaran-
Produce always Taken,
J. 1--'reeter9
Telephone 0 a .o - Z U' R' I C 1H
Hazen -Zeller is pending Labor]
lvitkt relatives in,Detroitq
10,'•and Mee, W. $teekopf
inMitchell ov'er,Sunday.
Miss Susie Johnson its visiting
Mitchell and Clinton:
Mta.'A. G. l hues left thisweek fo
Buffalo gad New).Tdrlr city.
ra ~ eSeloh.0C '4Tateeloo'
town tied baht week.
kacl are. F4 W. Fie and on
, vc ited1iondon • on Labor
a1�S c.i`bowie s' from Dash-
re entertained in town on
by the local club.
liaM Klopp • of , Stratford
is•sons' and other relatives
oyer Labor Day.
4 r G. Millar, assistant busieess
Fnaiaaaer of the Lodnon . A.cluerliser
ifills a caller at our office on f:onday
Ctrs. John Brenn•er and two child-
reo are=visiting relatives'in Berlin
nzrs:,Snlius' knell spent the ho
days. with her parents at Kincardine.,
Mr. and; Mrs.; Ed. Ho fald anti
daughter sent Sunday with the for -
pees mother Mrs. B. ]owald.
Mrs Louis Jeffreyais visiting with
relatives at St, Josephfor a few - days
this week.
Miss lma Weseloh »of Waterloo is
spending the holidays with Mr.` anci..
Mrs. H. Weselo-1.' .
Mr: and Mrs. TEd igerner and child-
ren of Bayfield spent the holiday with
Mr. and Mrs. G.Mer ler.
Mr. and Mr : ?'red Witmer and son
Roland, of Exeter spent- Sunday air
the home of Mr. and.Mrs; D. Koehler.
Mr, Elgin Hest, accompanied by
his sister Flora left Monday for Sea
forth where they will attend Colleg-
Marshall Zeller,;,who for the past
two months has been. visiting` with his
grand -parents at Merlin; returned. h;o
me on Thursday; evening_
• Miss Mat, ,thiel. eeturned to -bee
home on Motility evening," after_'
spending a week in. Toronto,: V'at '* the
Millinery Openings.,„,
Rev. Eoy Elmwood
of our boys, preached•,tu'; larges c, a-
gregation in the Ej ugelierl • church
las Vatinday evening ., :.•
error was niade in class S of the
Zii soh• pr s list‘in•which nrrze5 tyer -
given separately. 'It should have,Geeii
three prizesfor herd of 10 grade, and
three. prizes for herd of 5 Durham.
Messrs Henry Gellman and Win.
Fee took a trip to Detroit and Windsor
on Saturday last. Mr. Fee purchased a
1910 Model Ford Touring Car. They
metered home on Thursday and re-
port a pleasent trip.
Mr. M. Stumpf of Mildmay died on
Sunday as the result of accident. ° lie
leaves a widow, a daughter of the late
Nicholas Foster sr, and a family of
twelve children to mourn his untime=
ly end. The funeral took place on
The item sent from Zurich publish-
ed in Monday's Free Press, regarding
the local eater needs some correction.
Firstly, there is no political editor
here, as the Herald's stand, politically
has always been independent second-
ly—Jokers in Dashwood did not
change the wheels on the buggy as
stated. Thirdly, the "political editor"
knew the condition of his rig, when
he left that town. Anti lastly, if the
local scribe of the aforesaid Free
Press, would take as much pains with
his. correspondence as he door
keeping the three coats of
his oesophagus greased with Slit.'
Fico. the readers of the Free Prose
would be assured of getting an occas-
ional Zurich item that would be cor-
rect and worth reading; but we bel-
ieve the case is hopeless.
Estalblislned 1853
Opened Branch in Huron
Co. 1874
Saving Bank Accounts
Zurich Branch
R. T. DUNLOP, Manager
nd stratford.
The Jackson Clothing factory ,as
doted this week, to give the hands a
The h isles Olive O'Brein, Pectin
h.dbfieiSeh'ai ti Miranda .'mown, left
on ilfcanday to attend High School' at'.
1�.tietQa.'r '
11cv.. A. stroeder, Mr, and Mrs,
} lin Zettl e, Mrs. MceCormick,: urs A
sittelho'ltz and in. John Foster were
ar alildivay this week -to .attend the
'.1oneve' of the late err.' Stiimpf.
A meeting of the Blake Branch of
111Qa4en's I,p:stitute, will,be' heldat
the home of Mi s. DayiclTough, Peon-
e,thae, an '. uesday, Sept. 9th. All
menibe s and visitors weclome.
(School re -opened on Tnesday. with
Crr Archibald as principal and Miss
Trade Bess Who had been teaching at
Nye y lmrn Sask.., for`some: time and
Miss Woods of Barfield' as assistant;
lint/ .Miller, of Toronto has.accepted
toe eeall to the Lutheran church here,
and iseirpected to arrive abort the
tat cl of the mouth. err. hiller is . a,
selenid speakerin both languages and.
;tire'conregatioia; is tobe congratulat-:
.0(tin eecuring;`his58L'"� ccs.
4th'aaataittal ri trent crf. 41,e Zut :
'Tia Club were held ton .Moii:'
da.Y and proved a. splendid success
Thdgattendance was large and all
enioyecl th'e sports. 'l. he popular
Jubilee Silver Band rendered some
fine music during the afternoon,
-and the weather ideal, Following
is the result of the races.
Green Class
Bessie Bars (Mo'Ewen Hensall) 1 1 1..
Mandy E (McKenzie Brucefield) 2 2 2.
Nellie B. (Bos'enbsrry Zurich) 3 3 3
2.40 GLASS
Pntchen Wilkes (Hodginc Clandeboye 1 11
Minnie Bars (Kiemp Dashwood) 2 2 2
Minnie D (Deeher v Zurich) 4 3 3
Mandy Hunter (A Anderson 3 dr
Peach Bars (H Bossenborry Bend) 1. 1 1
Roadtnaster (Muraoek Hensall) 2 2 2.
;Erie Hunter (Henry Pfile. Zurich) 3 3 3
Wee.. McDougal 1st., D. McDou-
gal 2nd, J McAllister 3rd.
Elmore Oeseh 1st. Win. Fergus-
on 2nd. Dan Staubus 3rd.
The concert in the evening was
well attended, and the Hensall Am-
ateurs are to bo highly congratul-
ated on the splendid rendering of
the drama, Valley Farm. Victor
Riddell of Louden delighted the
audience with his dances.
The 'Junior baseball boys put on
a double header with the Crediton
Brownies, losing the morning
game, 8.2 and winning in the after-
noon game 7-2. Battery for both
games ; in morning: F. 'Thiel and
i'. Howald. in afternoon: i... Hoff-
man and F..Howald.
A Regular storm Period is at its
:Oaten: on the 8th, covering the 0th
ceche 12th. It will be remembered
b;' those who have studied our fore -
:Oats closely, that September the
i lth, and afew days before and after
ihe'drate, ass rule bring a phenemen-
al crisis hi the magnetic and electri-
cal elements. Northern lights, elect-
ical storms, earth currents, volcanic
'unrest and ail related phenomena ale
most probable about this time, If
the barometer fluctuates rapidly, fiu-
a,lly falling to very low readings, any
time in or about this period, such
may lie regarded as'ovidonce of violent
winds, hurricanes and possibly torna-
does. These disturbances will pro-
bably culminate on the 9th, 10th,
1I th and 12th. Cool nights . with
frost in the northwest, will follow
this period, spreading eastwardly over.
the c6utt•y from about the 10th to
IN A1*6'.
Leading. Brand,f
Flourr, Short,
.Bran and Fee
Course 'and. Fine Salt.
Produceof all kinds tal;en in
• Phone.
Louis 'Jeffrey' No. 23
Beans primes per bus $1.20
Cook's Snowdrift Flour 1;2.75
Snowdrift flour in 5 bag lots $2.50
Feed flout' 1.30
Bran per ton $19.00
Shorts per ton $20.00
Wheat leer. bus. 94c ts.
Barley per bus 55ets.
Oats per bus. ii2cts.
gentlemen :
We -
Jaz e you`.
Oh t "` and other lines.
F.. W . Hess
G. R. Hess
Jewellers, - ZURIC
Our Spring
have adved. Come in and have a look at the luany'clifferen
styles we carry.
The Home of Good Shies
Let me Know
your Want
If yen are looking -for a Farm, Toss
or Vacant Lots, I will try td ,ssrtisfy
Loans arranged on mortgage ,eecu,
E. JL L k , A.
s ants, •