HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1913-08-22, Page 8summer Goods Cool comfortable material for summer 1 rising Bedford Cords, Whipcords, 'C�'`ear, comprising >a Foulards,'Beppst Linens, Mulls, Marquisettes Silks, etc. W h iteweai Underskirts, Corset Covers, Waist Porous Knit Vests and. Drawers. Laces and Embroideries if you Want the newest in Laces and Embroideries. ° We can supply you. Come and see them. Men's and Boys' Suits A shipment of Men's and Boys' ready to were suits arrived. We do not carry a large stock of these, so we can sell ata narrow mar- gin. It will be money in your pocket to see them before buying elsewhere. Hats and Caps A full range of straw hats for men wo- men and children, all styles and prices. L.i oleu ns and Floor Oil Cloths If you are in need of anytheing in these lines, come and see our stock. We can please you. CA1 N AWARE A. new shipment of Chinaware . to hand.. Dinner Sets, Toilet Sets, 4 -piece Table Sets, Water Sets, etc. Groceries always kept one La& Fresh an'tous lay i' or ora no n'. gins:'--'. 1* and 1t Horse Power 55. 00 2* sr „ 75. 00 4 u r, $105. 00 0 „ /, 175. 00 .8 ,285. 00 12 ,, 875. 00 Sold by F. HESS tiv SON Agents. STEPHEN COUNCIL The council of the Township of Stephen convened in the Town Hall, on 1Yfonday, the 11th of Aug- ust 1913 ug-ust-1913 at 1 p, m- All members were present. The minutes of the previous meeting were read and adopted c`' Elliott—Love—That the report of F. W. Farncomb, P'' L T, and Township engineer on the Central is Drain" Med. with the clerk on the 25 ult., be referred back to the engineer with the request that the said drain be made an opea one and carried to a better :outlet and that certain persons on the west side of the London road, who use the said, drain as an outlet, be assessed for - outlet liability. Carried. Love-Finkbeiaer-That By law 201 for the general levy of taxes for the year 1913, having been read the third time, be passed and sig ned by the reeve and clerk and the seal of the Corporation attached thereto. Carried. The following orders were passed Express Company 35; R. Hill gravel and work in pit $22.70 ; H F. Either Expenses re Sarah Danacher insane 20.00 ; D. Oestreioher mak., ing tile and hauling cement 100.65 A Baker Drawingtile moulds ;3.50 R. Holt Repairs to baiclge 2.60: A. Golein Repairs to.bridge $5.00,' W. Baker Gully bridge $3.00; Win. Moir, Filling in road anddrawing tile $2.20; F: W. larnconyb Arb itator on Hutch.inson's Cords 23 50 ; Jos. Laymen Pt Payment on bridge contracts $500 00. The council adjorned to meet again in the town hail Crediton on Monday, the 1st. day of September 19I3at1p.m. Henry Eilber; Clerk. On Friday last the employee of the Jackson Co. Clinton gathered the work room and presented Mr. Joel McLeod who has been superintendanh for the past six years and a half and who now leaves to take a position in All Kinds of Producelteen in Exchange Guelph,'with a handsome gold heacI- V PHONE 17• S Sningles Shingles for All. Two Cars on Hand The Basting'Brand that has stook the test of time,' and remember the test of time is the test that tells: Order at Once PRONE 19 KALBFLEIS _ Z U RI NH Still Doing Fanning Mill .. Business at { Sieves I am agent for the Clinton faun ®d an The td ing mill sieves, and fanners TO. 99 quiring any, can procure them at - my farm, South of Zurich John Hey jr. We have been appointed Agents for the celebrated Massey Harris Implements We handle everyl'iityg in that line, Seeding Implements, Alums spread- ers, all kinds of Plows, Seed Drills, Disc Harrows, Cultivators, .1,..;') Ha rvesters, etc. Harvesting Implements. Binders, . '41p,;vers, Rakes, Hay Loaders, Etc. Massey- Harris' Cream Separators All kinds of Plow repairs, Gasoline engines. Seoour line of Cutters :�be; fore von bay, all our own analfe. -Bug- gies, Carriages, Wagons, Sleighs, '' Square Dealing Our Motto Co e and het your now Suit At Zurich's Leading Tailor Shop the only' (Truce, where the Newest is always shown first, and satisfaction guaranteed. - I aliuidry lin Connection' HOMO ed cane. The by-law to grant the .Clinton Knitting Company free rent to the a- mount of $100. for five year and free dom of taxtion for a like period ' pro; viding they established a branch fee - tory in S'oaforth was voted on Monday 108 voted 07 voted for, the by-law and 30 against it. The new post Office ab, Clinton is now completed and ready for occup- ancy with the exception of the post office boxes, which have not yet ar- rived. Mr. Richard Wright the sup- erintendent, takes great pride in showing people through. It is a beautiful building both, inside and out' and does more than fulfil axpeet- ations. BLAKE miss Welde Stephens is visiting friends in Elma, :firs. Dick of Hensall is the guest of her daughter Mrs R. N. Douglas. arias Irene Douglas of I3ensall is visiting relatives and friends in the neighborhood. Messrs arusgrove and Arthur of Toronto were guests at the home of Mr. W. J. Stephens last week. in'. G. S. Howard has returned. home from London. ;hiss Annabel McDonald is ill Lon don this wok. tuadian National Exhibition ,XPANSION YEAR New Livestock Department Everything in Agriculture Iindalhits by the Provinces Er'hibits by Dominion Government Exhibits by Foreign Countries Acres. Of Manufactures • 4AGNIEICENT. ART EXHIBIT ,I Paintings from Germany, Britain, 'United States and Canada ducational Exhibits Cadet Review Japanese Fireworks • .Canada's Biggest Dog Show ,America's Greatest Cat Show H AND' NERO Toe BURNING OF ROME The Musical Surprise The Musical Ride. •. Auto -Polo Matches Circus.and Hippodrome Roman Chariot Races Athletic Sports Great Water Carnival IRISH GUARDS 'BAND Score of other Famous Bands Twelve Band Concerts Daily • Wreck of the Airship Withington's Zouaves New Giant Midway Grand Double Bill of Fireworks PATRICK CONWAY'S' BAND Aug. 23 1913 ' Sept.8 TORONTO Browning a Great Talker. if Lord Houghton talked more ,than most people he certainly was eclipsed try Mr. Browning who spoke louder and with greater persistency than any one I have ever come across in my life. Although I had -known him ass.. girl, rue did not renew our acquaintance until after my marriage, when I saw a great deal of him, as he constantly dame to our house. He dined with us often and used to come and see me generally every Sunday afternoon. He was very agreeable and kind, and, al- though I was never one of his devoted followers and often told him I had never been able to read a line of his poetry, be still continued his friendship with me. I think most people feared rather than loved him—certainly men did, but women adore poets, and they Worshiped Mr. Browning.—From Lady St. Helier's "Memories." . Voters' Lists 1913. Municipality of the Township of Hay, County of Huron. Notice is hereby given that I I. have transmitted or delivered to • the per- son's mentioned in section. 0 of the"( Ontario Voters' Lists Act, the copies•, required by saidsections to be so tran- sinitied or delivered of the list, Made pursuant to said Act, of all persons appeating by the last revised Assess- ment Roll of the said Municipality to, be entitled to vote in the said 'Mun- icipality at elections for members of the Legislative Assembly and at'niwi- icipaI elections; and. that the said lint was first posted 'up at my of ,00 at Zurich, on 'the second day. of August 7:91:3, and remains there ,for inspection. And I hereby call upon all; voters to take immediate proceedings, 1.0.htNo any errors on omissions corrected acc- ording to law. Dated Zurich, ' Aug. 2nd.1013.- Fred 'less, er. Forgot His Own Tongue. A traveler in arctic Siberia, Mr. Van- deriip, a gold hunter, told the follow- ing of his return to civilization: "I found that half a dozen of the officers and men of the steamer which my em- ployers had sent for me bad come to hunt me up. The captain dismounted, and I tried to address him in Russian, but he said, `You forget that I speak English.' Now, it may seem scarcely -credible, and yet it is true, that for, Si few' moments I was totally unable to converse with him in my native tongue. I bad not used a word of it In conver- ration for months, and my low physic- il condition acting on my' nerves con• fused my mind, and I spoke a. jumble of English, .Russian and Korak. It was a week before I could talk good; straight English again.". invincible Amazons. "And just to think, John," said Mrs. Stubb proudly, "If the suffragettes ever get into power the leaders will have their- pictures on the postage stamps." "By crickeyl" sighed Mr. Stubb, with a faraway' look. "That's the only way we'll ever be able to dick 'em."—Chi. cago•News. VA ; 1. Fla Melon.01.0"..".: -71 09119 li N.fU J hair yott elier considered"Painting" from the standpoint at ,ati,. I atettraact policy 7 °' ap+) Tile,pretitium represented by the cost of painting is in proportion to• y the importance of the security afforded, _no higher thou othe trine nee i '• in; fact it is considerably smaller, and tent beeopnca midi quantity, Why Fire lnsurance—Tornad6 In urance_Lightning.yods They only protect when tbaiwbiek you wish to atlert, happens.' Martin-SenourLPaint 100% Pute "Afford* the utmost protectidtl, •futures your proopet'ty,_ begioning withite application. ,ut'^'ee^ v it wards off the sup dogs of Old Sol, the pipe of Old jeep Ffo�st:-the %i wages of Old .Fether•'rime. „ : Iv is «e+P rd�" tld+ 3 . , • Prevetttd dr,%. rsl—cheeks ddeNoptltlavr ' No safer; sprat or more. reilablgituuranedchuld•beoffet4 THE MARTIN.SENCUR Gto7Lieglted W NCNt61,A runt PAINT, ?'' _• -QK :JONTWCA4• W PMONE13. o I41RTL.EIB,zuRic'i, HURON'SiiLARCEST CO1VIBI1NATION:'3ToRE he Quality STORE. The policy of this store is to give the biggest possible value at the least possible price. For warm days to come the summer goods am. needed. Our goods -are at such moderate iirices that every person, can ,afford to get •the proper goods to znake•themselves comfortable. Wash dress goods in all the stylish 'shades in Linens, Rajahs, Bedford cords, Whipcords, Repps, Galateas, Ducks, Muslim, . Indian -Queen Suiting, Chambrays, at low price from 10 cts to 2 eta per yard, Mull Stock of Ladies Whitewear all ` toclearduring the month of June consisting of Night Gowns, Underskirts, Corset Covers, Drawers, Vests, White Waists, Embroidries, etc. We can save you money' on a Miles Dinner Sett or Toilet Sett. Bargains in China and Glassware. Fresh Groceries • always on hand• Favorite Seat. Friend—Wh5 do you do your se'vthg at this window inthe air shaft? You can't half see. Mrs. De Platt—No, but I can hear beautifully, -New York' Weekly. If we cannot strew life's path with 'dowers, we can at least strew It with smiles.-1)felten3. ' How to Test `Eggs. Take a deeti dish, fill with cold wet- L is and drop in your eggs. 'If 'they are fresh they will sink to the bottom on their side; it they.are cold,stohge they will float on end. Take some 'fresh eggs and some, cold siorege. eggs and try it. This is an unfailing test. Up to 14itn, , Tom--T'tn dead sore. I lost $5 'to- may. , I feel like 'somebody ought- to deli Toss (absontiy.)—Why' don't you alk l's 1. ^and to -night.. Canned Corn 8 for 25 • Seeded Raisins 3 lbs 25 Canned Peaches .15 cts . Highest Prices paid for. Farm Produca .Good Salmon 2 for 25 Cleaned Currants; 3.for,25 10 bars. Soap .25 cts S. J. MEP1TER, - Zuric. Gra,rnd, Trunk Railway. System FARM LABORERS' EXCURSIONS • - $10,00 to. WINNIPEG VIA CHICAGO AND DULUTH AUG 22 ---From all stations Toronto to Sarnia Tonne!. incrustve, via Stratford, and South thereof. • AUG 25—From all stations North of, but not including Main Line Toronto to` Sar- nia 'runnel, via Stratford, all stations Toronto and North and East of Tor• onto to Kingston. SEPT 3—From all stations Toronto and East, and East of Orilla and Scotia Jet. SEPT 5—From all stations Toronto to North Bay inclusive and West thereof in Ont. tarso. ' The Grand Trunk Pacific Railway is the shortest and quickest route between Winnipeg, Saskatoon, Edmonton. IsomieraiMMIMMISoweemesereffaass Canadian National Exhibition, Toronto IIENSALL TO TORONTO AND RETURN $3.85 Aug., 23 to Sept. 6. inclusive ^ " • $2.85• Aug 26 and 28, Sept. 2 and 4 All tiokclts valid for return until Sept, 9, 1913 ••A. L. Case Station Ticket Agent 1`i:ensall SE ASIDE EXCURSIONS Auttist 15, 16,171819 and Low Round Trip Rates to New London Conneticut Portland Me Old Orchard, Me Kenneybunkqort, Me Murray Bay Quedec Coucouna Quebec St. John New Brunswick Halifax Nova Scotia Charlotteto'Wn Prince Enward island Sydney N. S. • Return Limit September 4th, 1913 Pull Particulars Iran Flomeseekers' Excursions Each Tuesday until October 28th inclusive Winnipeg and Return - $35:0Q Edmonton and Return . .$43.00 Low rates to other points. Return limit two months, Pullman Tourist Sleepers leave Toronto 11,85 p, in. on above dates. running through to WINNIPEG via Chi, cage, St. Paul and Duluth wi'thollt chanhe. Tick eta are now no sale via Sarnia and Northern Navigation Company .any •Grand Trunk Adept, COAL! COAL! Deleware,.' Lackawanna, & Western Coal Co's • Scranton. iton. Co .:. All Sizes TO H.i sail. ,p+ �t a s :'oiic Crialer2 srtii tM gfl tt• rtttbee •. " tnetitrr ZIOn .o- .µgilt, 10., . Prompt Ser rioe • 1VIode~Di ..°te Cl4rges' . 11OFFMAN' Zurich. tario