The Herald, 1913-08-22, Page 5''arm For Sale 'T am 1'ebe villg' irdi prons' enquiries respecting Huron: County Farm Lands. If you want to • sell T will assist you with an 'advertising campaign that will bring buyers to our favored County. No Buyer No Charge Call, write or phone 'for particulars: E. ELLER, , Conveyaneer; Real Estztte,, &&e ZURICH, ONT. Westeni Fair - London Ontario THE GREAT LIVE STOCK EXHIBITION $27,000,000 in Prizes and Attractions. Magnificent Programme of Attractions • Twice Daily.. Western Ontario's Popular Exhibition Sept. 5 to 13 Two 'Speed Eveets Daily Fireworks Every Night $2wO00.O0 ADDED TO THE'PRIZE LIST THIS YEAR Take a 'Holiday andavisit'London's Exhibition Single Fare n all Railroads in Western Ontario SPECIAL EXCURSION DATES --=September 9th, 1 lth and 12th Prize Lists and all information from the Secretary W. J. REID, President A :M. HUNT, Secretary RIDER AGENTS WANTED Tiaeveryttewnanciiootilityito: ride and ,demonstrate;asample 1913 "HYSLOP SPECIAL" bicycle furnished by.us .and 'Mod ;with coaster brake; roller chains, three -colt spring g aladdle, extension handlebar and other reading fea- tures. Good money.can be made•seiling,our.bieycles, tires and sundries. Onrlar o.pproduction,togetherwith unexcelled facilities and26years' ex- ppecrienee1n butlding:bicycles,;places min a positton,to ship high-grade wheels direct from factory totuser at ;LOWEST .PRI C Its. TEN DAYS' TRIAL We will -send a wheel to any ad- dressin Canada on approval and allow tOdays' trial. Braili not cost you one cont if you do not desire to keepit atter that time. We cpnld net afford to•make this offer if we were not certain our wheels are. the best value for, the money on the market. Write at•once for new illustrated cataalggue ,and,full partioulars:of our at- tractive aew.offor.and special prices. HYSLOP BROTHERS, LIMITED SHUTER AND ViGTORIA STREETS, TORONTO,, ONT. Norm-WWI=nameadgam l;Wienanswarizntthisadvertisement. EN DI DOU ,,s WHAT? t THEN YOl.I ASKI'F011a AOD1 CJ' ER L._ LS. IF.YOOR L(nAL DEALE?' 'AYS' Hl;, i,•CASt , SOM'ETHiNG".7ti57 AS GOQR jCOMPARE+,;;T,HEM. MOTE THE.) IFIT:MATERIAL,WORKMANS11 011 ND,YARDAGE;NUMBER OF POCKET JOP THE OVERALLS;ALSo ON jtHE COATS NOTE ifHE,GAUNTL ET tCUFF, tiND`,JHELUN,,,eIFQRMDAND1 cOLLAR kl DITHEN f TTHE JUS',S GOOlPGARMENT STANDS:TME OMPA SON,BUY4JT•By ALL MEANS„: BL1T;,MORiC YOU `� 1 tI .'EY—+,W�ONTAS` MNID A CAB L 'COMPARISO ;.. WE_ARE THE AGENTS 1301) OVERALLS sed GLOVES or Sale by ►N"TEDIG HOFFER 'shwood. THE WEST.ERN° September 50 t,0 13t The prograrntnai'of _ .,ati at)tiou the Exhibitie4 has lust and is a very attractive laool will bo ten free acts before`the:Wanicl Stand twice daily. Inh; additigzx tor thisTthe Boy Scouts and Oplle'tTTate Cadets will give avel:y 400 dill"; each evening. ,The 7tb; Field'C.lObelA e"y.of Civil Engineers will put Mi a very in- teresting and instructive feature; !;ezic1 night before the Grand Stan&•ix'here 'will'be six` different b4ds: In ' at,t arcT- ance giving an abundance of txusic. all. thetiva.e. ,A progrlaxkme of fire- works such as has"never been-see,n in London before, will be given .'each night. The Midway will be bpbZ1 all the time. T,,he management nava secured excellent Railway: xatee lacy ing single fare from the firer 'day'. of the Exhibition with, several• sp.4ill excursion -days. all tickets good iil'`til. September,15th. "Write the Secret- ary, London, for allinformation, it rr BROWN'S 'NURSERIES ARE FAMOUS For their fiine Peach,. Apple, Plum and Cherry trees. They have the best nursery soil in Canada and `are the largest growers of trees in the Dominion. AlLecions and bud sticks are cut4by one'n- ati, and he has been in their emploYanany years- so no m mistakes are ade by'.using wrong scions or buds,' Send'in'list of stock required and get their urines. Write for agency as they have some unocc- upied territory in this County. Brown Brothers ..Nurseries. Welland, Ont. MUSICAL SURPRISE Big Number at Canadian National will be a Novelty The musical surprise, a tuneful medley of marching and music, is one of the big novelties prepared for ' this year's Canadian national Exhibition, Toronto. •That it is a big number is evidenced by the fact that eight bands 100 Cadets and 100 Bov 'Scouts will stage it, and that means it will be ar- tistic in every detail. Hon R. L. Borden, Premier of Can- ada, will officially op.n the Canadian National Exhibition on Monday Aug. 25th. The Legislative grants to rural sch- ools have just been apportioned by the Education Department and ord- ers for the same will be sent to the secretaries of the boards in a few days. As explained in a circular sent to the trustees about New Years, the money apportioned by the Government for. this purpose has now been fixed, so that, as schools generally through the province have qualified for heigher grants by paying higher salaries and engaging teachers with better qualm fzcations. it has become necessary td base the grants on a heigher minim- um and even after that to make a pro rata reduction' In consequence the grants this year are 28 per cent less than what were anticipated., The sums received on salaries and artifi- cates in East and West Huron last year were respectively $7272.40 and $8208.70; this year there has 'been apportioned 5606.86 anti $6183.32 respectively ora decrease of $3740.02 FOR SALE.—One quarter mile from Zurich, Good 'brick house, frame kitchen and woodshed, bank stable all.. gement floors, driving shed, gran "nary, small orchard first class well and cistern, to -Other with'8 acres. sof god land. For particulars apply to Jacob Howald, Zurich P, 0. DR. E. B. BALFOUR, graduate Western University, late of the Military „Hospital and Victoria Hospital, London. Office in the, building formerly occupied by the late Dr. McLaughlin, Dashwood. TRESPASSERS FORBIDDEN Notice is;;lseby given that berry pickers are}.forbidden to enter lots 14' and 15 L. R. E,. Stanley. M..µ". Wm.: Slack George Campbell WANTED -Girls to leartl the knitt- • ing and looping, in our factory. Guaranteed $6,(O per week , can make 12.00 to . $15.00. 1'leasaant� and ;Congenital position.. Apply .;by letter or phone to manager. Clinton Knitting CO. Ltd; Clinton„Ont.. „' THE TRUE OF MAC, It Has the Clads Of the Smiths and dogeses 'Beeteai' a Mile. The tribe cif Ata' is greater even than. the Smiths, the 3oneses or the Oohens, and you nover .will rnistake thein for anything else. <,'You' Might accidentally address a roan Whose real name was Smith. as Cohen,'but you would not do it to a Mac, and you wrulcl not commit, the blunder of thinking a man whose frame is Mac Somethingorother was named Jones. The Macs have the advantage of be. ing able to come ' from everywhere, and most of them do. Furthermore, most of themo everywhere. They may be descended from the pioneers who settled in America, or from the persons who were forcibly settled at .Botany Bay, or from kings or chief- tains, or almost anything. Itis the easiest part of a name there is, and it is an open question as to whether the collective Macs do not exceed the sons, sohns, tens, and vitchs of the rest of the world. One thing is certain, the Macs have such a flying start that they•neaver can he overtaken, Even now the directories and other lists have to divide thein into sections under Mac, or Me, or M', but they are all Macs. If you walk along the streets of most Nova Scotian cities and yell "Hey, Mae!” two-thirds of the people will turn around' to look, because you have pronounced at least a part of their name. In St. John perhaps half have been interested, and in the streets of every ..other 'city and • town of Canada there will be some.: -net now it is a safe bet that there are Macs in the Mexicanrebel army and other Macs in the regular army are seed them around or being, chased about. , But while it is a satisfying thing to belong to such .a multitudinous and ubiquitous family, it has its disad. vantages. A person who does • not have the name finds it easy to walk up to one who has the name and say "Mac old man,let me have $$10 until.; to -morrow, will you?" Now you' coulcin'taaot---in.. the same familiar, easy, confident '"'si ay with a . man whose name was 'M.. Whiddicomb, or Jameson, or Petersen, or Berko- witz, or Simkovitch, ,or I'!andelsohn. Any name that inspires you to put Mr. before it robs you of confidence. anh very few persons with a Mac to their name ever hear the whole of it pronounced, and the lair. is prefixed still less often. They go through the world as Mac from boyhood till th"y forget what their name really is. Another disadvantage the wide fam- ily of Mac have is that it is easy for a tempter to say: "Come on, Mac; let's go out and get something.' It is also easy for one who has but slight acquaintance with the person to say, "Got a smoke about you, Mac?" Pawnbrokers and Brass Rings; "These," said a pawnbroker, open ing a drawer, "are pawnbrokers' brasi rings. There's a couple of hundree of them here, but they'll only last nu about a month. "I hand out one gratis to everi poor woman who has to pawn her wed .ding ring. They resemble weddini rings, you see, and with their help aI wife can pledge her gold circlet with out the knowledge of her friends. '"I've studied the pawnbroker's busi rless in England, Germany and France and in those countries, too, it is thi customary thing for the progressiva •deal., r to keep a supply of brass ring: on hands for free distribution among weedy wives."—New York Tribune. Lucky Escape. A motorcar came pelting down the high street of a little country town the other day and in turning a corner at the bottom it collided with and knocked down a pedestrian who wat carrying a basket of potatoes on hit shoulder. 'Wlben he had recovered somewhat a spectator said to him: "That was s lucky get -off." "Yes, so 'twee,'° replied the victim, groping for his potatoes. "S'pose I'd been carryin eggsi;"—London Mail. Hope. Rope Is anticipation. 1t is an in. berent feeling in mankind and a divine provision for the sustentation of in- terest in life Hope Is a chord which strikes pleasant desires for the future; it is every one's sunshine, the rainbow in the Storm, the silver lining to the present cloud, a star set in the 6rma- ment of our lues, to brighten, lighten and cheer the way and differs in mag- nitude and brightness according to oc- •caa iqn. Hope is an antidote of misery, a co7!'di for the desponding and a ch; t s with many links,—Nellie 13. Mata, The End of the Story. There is an amusing anecdote about icing Louis of Bavaria in Lady Dora, thy Nevill's reminiscences: "Resoly- ing to relieve the needs of one of his poor but: brave aide -de -camps, he sent Niru a small portfolio, bound like a Book, in which were deposited 500 crowns. Some time afterward he met the officer, and said to him, 'Ah, well, how did you like the new work which t sent you?' 'Excessively, sire," re- plied— the colonel: • •'I read- it- with -- such interest that I expect the second volume with impatience.' The king smiled, , and when the officer's birth., day arrived he presented him with an ;other portfoliosimilar in every respect to the first,tint with thesewords • en staved, upon it: 'Thier boar fA come. plet�e iln levo volutnes ur Want Column Carriage and work horses for sale. Apply to Kellerman & Son. WANTED—At the Alexandra Marine and General hospital, Goder- ich, three or four pupil nurses. Apply to Mies Griffiths, Superintendent, Goderick, Free Ladies and Gents Watches, Buds, Bracelets and <jewelry of Every Description, Lace Curtains, Rude, House Furnishind,Ttifles, Moving Pic. ture Machine, Skates, Printing Press- es, Fountain Pens, in fact nearly everytlinid you can think of you can. let Aboslutely Free for selling our Beautiful Fancy Drawn and Satin Stripped handkerchiefs at 10 cents each. They sell'rapidly 6 can gener- ally be sold in every house. Don't send us any money, but write us to send you a lot of Handkerchiefs to sell, that when sdld you will send, us the nioneyam nd the premiuselected Selling 24)iandkerchieff entitledyou to your choice of an elegant Watch, 3 gold Laid Rings, Lace Curtains, etc. Write us to -day, we trust 'you and take back the'goods f -you cannot sell them. INOLA CO. CHICAGO, ILL nada i i 2S�tZ ac 1<' LXX Only Line Reaching All Summer Resorts in Highlands of Ontario Including. Muskoka Lakes ' Magan etawansRiver Lake of Bays :French River. Georgian Bay Timagami Algonquite Park : Kawartisa Lakes Full Slimmer Service now in effect to all of above resorts. Write for full, particulars and illustratee folders to any Grand 1'runk Agent. HOMESEEKERS EXCURSIONS Each Tuesday until Oct.28 inclusive Winnipeg and Return $35,00 Edmonton and Return - $43.i)pµ Low rates to other points. Be. turn limit two months, Pullman Tourist Sleepers leave Toronto 11 35 p m on above dates running through to Winnipeg v,ia Chicago and St Paul without change. TicI- ets are also on sale via Sarnia and Northern Navigation Cowliany., ,. The Grand Trunk Pacific Rail- way is the shortest and quickest. route between Winnipeg, Saska- toon and Edmonton. Tickets now on sale at all Grand Trunk Ticket offices. y u r,y, r A�VAglAfV. ACwFIp' �'" FOR HARVESTING IN WESTER NI CANADA , `GO[NG TRiP WEST." ".RETURN TRIP EAST.," $10.00 TO WiNN•IPEG G18.00 FRAM WINNIPEG Plus half cent per mile from Winnipeg up Plus half eentper mil emu) allpointsemit of to MacLeod, Calgary, or Edmonton. MacLeod, Calgary or Edmonton to Winnipeg , iAOJNG DATES P,glt AUGUST 18th east thereof in Ontario, —From all stations Kingston to Renfrew inclusive and AUGUST. 22nd --From Toronto and West on Grand Trunk Main Line to Sarnia inclusive and Souter thereof. AUGUST 25th —From Toronto and North-Western Ontario, North of but not. including Grand Trunk Line Toronto to Sarnia and East of Toronto to Kingston, Sitarbot Lake and Renfrew, including these points, sepaemBEil 3rd—From Toronto and all stations in Ontario East of but not including Grand Trunk Line Toronto to North Bay. SEPTEMBER 5W—From all stations on Grand Trunk Line Toronto to North Bay inclusive. and West. thereof In Ontario, including C.P.R. Line Sudbury to Sault Ste. - Marie. Ontario, but not including Azilda and West. ONE.WAY SECOND-CLASS Ticiirrs WiLL BE SOLD To WINNIPEG ONLY One-way second lass tickets to Winnipeg only will be sold. Each ticket will include a verification certificate, with an ectensioucoupon. When caeneion coupon has been signed at Winnipeg by a farmer, showing aged the holder to work as a farm laborer,the coupon will be honored up to a, for ticket, at rate of cue -halt. cent per nO' (minimum fifty cents) to any 5. innipeg on til Canadian Pacific, Canadian west of Edmonton Calgary or Mac cod Northern or Grand Trunk Pacific . sin Manitoba, Saskatchewan or .Alberta; but not , Alta. A certificate will be issued entitling purchaser to a second-class ticket good to return from any station on the Canadian Pacific, Canadian Northern, or Grand Trunk Pacific Railways in Alberta, Saskatchewan and Manitoba east of MacLeod, Calgary and Edmonton to original starting point by the same route as travelled on going journey on or before November 30th. 1915, on payment of one half cent per mile (minimum fifty cents) up to Winnipeg added to 118.00 from Winnipeg, provided the holder deposits the certificate with the ticket agent on arrival at destination, and works at least thirty days at harvesting. For full particulars see nearest C,P.R. Agent, or write— 'iltlllltllilk 407000 F LABORERS R xr b TEO M. G. MURPHY. D.P.A., C.P.R., Toronto FURNITURE You will always find all the latest, styles in furniture such a Brass and Metal Beds, Tails, (hares, Etc You could find no designs prettier, more striking or pleasing we can surely satisfy you in the selection of furniture as re gards design, construction and price. C.BEAVER., THE ACME OE PERF ECTIO N FIRST INEgat HEARTS 1011 UNION MEN Furniture and Ful]e)al D iJectc ALL MEN WHO TOIL and wear working cloth - are invited to inspect The Carhartt Brand of Union Made Over- alls, venalts, Coats and Gloves. We are exclusive agents for the same and always have a complete line in stocks i Clothing for all men A Time Book for Men that Toil It is Carilartt's Too