HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1913-08-22, Page 4„u. a i1tUf,.a THE PROMOTION rt nT, igr- , R The six -o'clock bell had. rung, Land the clerks at Munger Z Ath. wold's were putting awe. the :etaok that had been left on the counters, Two young clerks, Harry and Wel; ter,, friends and recent confers to the store, worked at the came coun- ter. W1Len the last bok hoed :been, put in place, W,plterto sed and began to study the labels..en. the rows of 'boxes on the shelf. ” What are you '.doing,'aa i”l". asked Harry, with languid interest, as he drew on a pair of new gloves. .Harry was good-looking, and he knew it, and he had spent all that he had earned, so far, on clothes. Once or twice he had seen Mr. AtIi- wold himself looking over with what he thought was an approving glance, and he had remarked confi- dentially to Walter that "it paid to keep well-groomed. The manage- ment wasn't likely to promote a clerk whose looks were not a credit to the store." Walter understood the insinua- tion. Nature had not gifted him with good looks: Moreover, he- had. a, widowed mother to ;support, and he had to wear a suit that was not exactly shabby, but that wasfar from new. Now Harryhad repeat i to p his question before Walter answered. "I'm going to study._stock a fe minutes. I -don't know just where everything is, yet." Harry laughed a cahtemptuous little. laugh. "You don't catch •'dis :. chile' studying stoe z after hours. If you don't know where a thing is, ask somebody ` else. That's my motto." Things went on as usual for the next three weeks.` Then '.One day Mr.. Athwold Walked down the aisle. He' stopped at the counter where the 'b*o friends stood, and. asked Harry t0.• ,wait on him. `!Will you chow, me some ,pajam- as:" he.said "What size 1" ' asked -Harry. Mr. Athwolcl appeared to hesi- tate. "I really have forgotten hat size I ado . wear. What size would. you ;:suggest 1'r Harry .had"no suggestion to offer. "Let zee see the: largest size, you have," Mr. Athwold said, finally. Harry nulled out several boxes, 1 , . l *-1 tb ''rummage through hem. , Then he turned to Walter. 'Say, Walt, ' are 'theist any larger sizes than these in sternkf" Walter put his hand iltitantly up- on the size desired. Me. AMhwold chose a, suit,' and hen asked to see seine hose, size 11?e. Hairy hunted aimlessly for a minute or two, but could not find Arty half -sizes. He called upon Walter again,;and , Walter ;imme- diately found. the = right. box. Next Mr. Athswold asked for a' pair of extra -length suspenders, then for some collars of &shape' that differed a little from the kind usually sold, and.finally for gloves with cadet fingers. In not asingle instance could Harry find the a.rti ole desired. But Walter got it with a promptness that showed how per- fectly he knew the stock. The next morning Walter was called to the office. He went with fear and trembling, but when he came back his face was beaming, "What's up I" asked Harry, cur- iously. Walter told him. He had been promoted to the position of head clerk, with a substantial raise in salary. Harry's face fell. 'You!" he ex- aaie etL... "Why, he almost prom - sed. that to me. He told father' hree weeks ago that, Jerrold was oing to `leave, and that I was in ane for promotion. But that's just t," he added, with easy ph.iloso- hy. "You can't put any depen- • once on a man's word nowadays." Ready to. Quit. Pat had been at work for three ays digging a well,' and as the fore - an wanted it finished within'. the week lie had promised Pat another 'an to help him. It was getting ,on to le o'clock ,and Towser, the fore-, man's bulldog, was looking oven the edge of the pit, when Pat said to himself, "I'll have a smoke." ]W Siad. filled his pipe arid' was. about; to light it, when lie glanced lip' and -beheld' Towser's ' handsome. fes'.ttureg. Slowly moving' his pipe front 'his mouth, he said, "Be-e-gorra; Oi've wor-rkcd wid Germans and Hen garaans, and Oi've worked with Ooitalians, but if a man "wid a face like that comes down to work be- side,9ne Oi gets up." When the girl yawns it's the cung man's cue to get into the home stretch. i CA 5 Sores Spread Until Fac`Was ,Cov- ered. So•Itcii Could.Not.Resist Scratching, yy Entirely tl � Cured RantlreR i • About Two ,Weeks by. 'Cuticul^a. Soap and'Olntment. Clachan;. Ontario.--" My trouble startedi ;with sores breaking out on the face. They came as pimples and were unsightly. These sores seemed to keep spreading until my: face was covered.' They were so itchy that, at times I could not Mist scratching them.' After trying two or three different salves which did not atop ;the Berea breaking out. X' tried a cake of Outicura Soap also Outleura Ointment. T found that they cared 'me, entirely of the sores in about two weeks.';, (Signed) rivet 1 E. Meyer, Fob. 12, 1912. LEGS BUPNED AND ITCHED Souris West,- P. E. Island.—" My little girl, aged four.yoars, was troubled with a painful rash oa her legs.- It began M. a dry rash very hot and itchy and after a. few days it.lpoked like little pimples with a white toll on them. Her legs burned and; itched very moth and she was very restless. ;and weir else' cress and fretful.' She,used' to scratch and stake sores. when X was. not' watching her. I'1iad'to leave her stockings,' off her tis tin -3y would irritate her legs •I used.to bathe her logs witch warm' Ovate and use the Onticure .Boaip. fteely,,'then her legs and rub,on the'Qutioura'Ointmen and she was cured :in one week." + (Signed) Mrs: F'. J.1Viulla)tg, Ruts: , igi2. . Cuticura Soap an'd•Outicura Ointment -are sold by drdggists and dealers everywhere, For a llbl a'I tree• mple or i4t, .with 32-0. book, song Scenesretto PotterDeug&Chem. Corp., Dept. 51D, Sostnn;'U,..8,,A.. COREAN JUSTICE. The Judges Have a Poor Idea of Administering It. The Lorean judge dispenses jus ties an the open, and by etiquette only the judge can sit; everyone else must stand, excepting the pri- soner and his friends, who are forced to remain inan humble kneeling/ position with' bowed heads, says the Wide World Maga- zine. Until quite recently these trials were always very one-sided and shockingly unjust. When n man was •brought to a judge; it was taken for granted he was guilty, and, if he did not confess he was tortured and made to. do so. Wit- nesses, too, were openly* bribed. In fact, giving evidence' for or against an accused person meant a living to a -portion of the community, and these witnesses naturally favored those who paid best., Punishments varied. If the prisons , were too full, and the condemned could not pay .a fine, they were oftengiven a chance to escape, or disappeared by some means. Though these are. 'things of the past, Corean judges,• like':those of China, possess a poor idea of the sense of justice. Twinkler Twinkle! Wilbur—Do they always 'keep that big bell on the cow Papa—Yes, Wilbur. Wilbur—1 suppose it' is to keep her from falling asleep in this quiet place. True prayer brings bu. wants to heaven and leaves them there. Post • To sties f®r Lunch Appetizing and . .whole- some these .hot' , Summer days. No cooking no hot kitchen. , Ready to eat direct from the package-- fresh, crisp and dainty,, Serve 'with , cream and`,' sugar—and 'sometimes fresh berries or fruit. Post Toasties are thin bits of Indian, Corn, toa ted to a goldn brown. Acceptable at any Post. T'oasties' Sold by Grocers everywhere., Cauadlan Postaim Cereal Co., Ltd. Windsor. 'Ontario. SALT AND 'GOOD, LOOKS. German Physician Advises Its Cl,.c to Whiten Skin. According to a German psr i t. salt taken with food has"a 'whiten•. ing effect on the skin. This i.s ac; counted for by the :fact that it i'; a compound 'containing the power- ful bleaeliing agent, chlorine. At any, rate, it is undoubted that white people eat much more common salt than dark rages. Fruit, on the other hand, dark- ens the skin, because it contains salts of manganese, Besides whitening the skin it is probable that abundance' of salt iu the diet makes the face :and the whole body 'plump. '' When a per- son eats salt •freely the;,re,sult is that the blood, skin, museles, see<. retain a great ' quantity of\. luid:.. Hence the effect on 'the 'face tw"ou:id be to make it full and rounded. But it should lie eaten with .judg- ment and moderation. If 'a young girl eats a large quantity of salt and makes her face plump then the skin is stretched and, as she grows older and• drier, wrinkles appear. But if she uses a saltless diet while young; then when the wrinkles come she shotld be able to disperse them by adding salt to -her diet. .So far'as observatidn goes salt has the -virtue: ofp reserving the health of the `skin and preventing ,eruptions ; But only; when used in moderatiOii' is it of real service, and..., people with ' weak hearts . or kidneys or 'who hax'e :'a, tendency to dropsy, are better 'without any or with the smallest possible quantity. Try Murine Eye Remedy If you have Red, Weak, Watery Eyes .gr Granulated Eyelids.' Doesn't Smart —Soothes Eye Pain. Druggists Sell Murine Eye Remedy. Liquid, 25c, 50c. Murine Eye Salve in: Aseptic . Tubes, 25c, 50c. Eye Books. Free. by Mail. An Era Tonto, Good dor All Lyea that Need Cara Minims Eye Remedy Co.. Chicago. 'Grains of Gold. A man never rises, so high as when he knows not whither be is going. -Oliver Cromwell. To l'.1e free -minded and cheerfully disposed at hours of 'meat, and sleep, and exercise is one of the best precepts of long lasting.— Bacon. Wealth is honorable, and May be used most 'blessedly when mien -re- gard themselves as being what in-. deed they are—stewards of it, and not the owners.—Farrer. The middle class• is alarge and important class of. the population, which •is, often over -looked, which, has to bear a great' Many of the burdens of the State in almost un- due proportion, .and w'hieh does not' in these days receive either the sym- pathy or the attention or the . cre- dit which it deserves,—Lord Bal- four of Burleigh. Minard's' Liniment Cures Diphtheria, To Be Well Dressed. Don't be extreme, in anything: Don't . spoil the gown for a yard of stuff. Don't wear red or purple veils. ' Don't go in for the style of "sweet seventeen" at 40 Dbn't' tvear a,neay. dress ;,with a dowdy bonnet. Don't wear . too' 'many rings.. Don't wear evening jewel- lery at'breakfast, Don't pinch your feet and hands by taking a size too small in shoes or gloves; it tends to make the offending inlenl-: bers:.a<ll the larger; Don't wear a fur boa with a Cottou.Zress. Don't wear .a fkvrory hat with a coat and .skirt,: Don't adopt acolor merely because it is fashionable. Don't; drink lemon juice to. make you thin. ` ' Don't forget that "a stitch in time saves: nine,” Don't make a visit of condolence in gay -colored clothes. Don't wear,gold or silver jewellery while in Mourning, Don't wear bright jet in the first stage of deep mourning, only doll. UN.err8WEllARLE. "Acether, do- deers talk I" `rZclo; etWh r do you s:sit 'l" "1,17ell; ' I heal d you tell Mary tci answer the doeeet" URIC AID NEVER ': CAUSED RHEUMATISM . "WA%TT to prove it ttu your•''ssti'sfa�crtion, It you•, have Ith8umat alu, acute or chronic --no; hatter whetyour condition--writeto l a, for my 'PREP ilOOIf' on "'RIIErI'dlA- l'IS "leo , and, Cure: ' Thousands cull 'it The most, 'wonderful book over written,""Don't send a, stamp -eta AB- SOnUTELv l'1I]55, JESSE A., CASE, 'Dept, 476x-lintickton,, Mata„"Tf.S,A, Maybe. --Wbo way, it that said :— Letter to,g'ive than to re - Seine bachelor who was auy,i erg wedding presents for a rtr�tl, ,1 guess. sup -mete , TOURIST.. GATES .TO 'THE 'PACIFIC :COAST. iTi Ci Goago and •',NArth Western'; •Ry. ^@ 1 tow .,'kat' tea ud trip tickets on roux kris" uoin„s. iu Canada. -to Les es,. San Franoisko, Portland. Seattle, tattvet, victoria, Edmopnton, , Cale', r l nif,'y'ellowsto,ie Park, etb., daring4i, I2 u , ,wind :September,.; Excellent „traif, roe* ' 'or rates, illustrated. ;folders.,: , ,e to bIlia,and , fi�il particulars ,a dyes, e Ti n t t cI r b e arta al • A. nt ,• : n 5 A6: k ThrOnto,, Ontario. `: .A 'Linguist'• Ar old but sturdy Irishinan,'who Ixtttd, made a reputation. :jell a 'gang. "boss," got ajob, with a railroad c ia5truction company. •M 'Port all Prince, Haiti. , /One day when the sun .was -iota, t e t'ha e usual his gang of: ,'aitiens began tee slum,. and as the'...ehief",.. enQnee.'r" rode lip on his horse 4� Ix t . he ii d the Irishman shout. lY, "Aller le—you Sons', of gime !- - Lee 1'', Ten., turning ;±o' the ,;regi- neeee he said, "I cur i' the day I ivs r leitrrned theil°'langu ' ,Minarrsi.ialment tures colds, Etc. I 'optll 'T' lags.. There are text" t "inn ',•r. which no onehas ever yet been N'rry. These are -For doing good ter, all; for speaking evil of none; .for hearing bellies judging; for •thinkiig:before spa iking;; for holding a z -..angry tongue; for being kind to thdis tressed ; for asking pardon : for all wro' gs; for being patient towards" eterrbody ; 'for stopping the ears of a, tale -bearer; for disbelieving most of the ill reports. e t 1A»IAN NATIONAL EYHI- BITIO . We learn from a reliablesource that: ��jj''e'Auto-Strop Safety Razor Co., Ltd,., r Toronto,who are well-known throughout the orld as manufactur- ersof the Self -Stropping Auto -Strop Razor, have arranged a nOvel and 'at- tractive method of advertising which will be demonstrated at their booth in the Manufacturers' Building, at the Canadian National Exhibition This demonstration will.. be' con- dueted as follows: Each' visitor to the Booth will le presented with a muni- ,bared' badge, which will be issued in duplicate. By finding the person bear- ing the duplicate number and pre. senting same to the Auto -Strop Booth each' 'holder will be given a' :$5,00 Auto -Strop' Safety Razor free of charge, It is safe to say that this Booth will prove one of the' most attractive at. the Exhibition. Cowardly. - • Asking permission of a girl before you kiss her is`.cowu.rdly, It is putting the responsibility` up , to her. Mt 'ard s Liniment . Cures ' Distemper. Pearls of Truth. Speculation is a word that some- times begins with the second letter, -e-Chatfield, , The -virtue of prosperity is tem- perance ; ' the virtue of adversity is fortitude—'—Bacon. • Be' not cv riouse in • unnecessary matters, for more things are known unto thee- than men- understand.-- Ecclesiasticus. I think you will find it true that, before any vide. can •fasten on a' min, body, hind; or moral nature muse be debilitated. The mosses and fungi gather on sickly trees, not thriving ones. -0. W. Holmes. An Irishman complained that his. doctor kept stuffing him so with. drugs that ho 'was "sick for a Week after he, was quite well." 1). 7 <'- ISSUE 34---'I3, Berberine Belief. Everything that goes wrong is at- tributed by the Berberines, a tribe of the, Sudan, torr the devil, Ethel S.Stevens, in My Sudan Year," quotes a story 'told her by Bishop, Gwynne of his "boy's" coming' to him one day and announcing, "The d,rive e'g liis yin the.. house!' Oh", said the bishop, "that' is very interesting f When did he .ar- : "He came in with the cook' from the souk market yesterday even- ing," "Really I" commented the bishop, puzzled. ) 1 "Yes, and in the night he came out of tile; cook and. passed into me," "Oh, and :what did he do?" "He went to the. cupboard' and broke a' plate and the top of the jean' jar.' A light broke in on 'the bishop. "Oh, he" was aftpzf the jam t I Suppose he ate. some I'" r' Yes," : said the :boy, "he did !" RUIT, sTOOK, GRAIN AND DAUM '• Tho idea of 'devil-posseeeion is F Parse in, all sections of `ontarlo, not.nierely an' elaborate form of ex Rome• snaps- cuse'; the native servant really be- lieves in it. . 4. ON THE MARRIAGE -D-A Y. ,:Romance ceases and Itistorr.,begips=an'd•- k'orne begin to go lob' when." 'utnamts t is applied -it takes, otic roots, broad). and stem, Nothing So sure and painless se Putmimt,'s 1'. orn .and. Wart ,Extractor;. try "Putnam's," lie,.: at all 'dealers. --L-11.-"L—. One Woman, On'e Carriage. "Men are really too Mean for LARGE 40 x.P- 3'k31�7RING GAR. .Cosi' lz, « , �' 54.000-. 'Will sell for 66800. .or; wilt ex. anything . ',hat. s the trouble , change .for a few. cows. horses„ hay. or now $.'a ' ,s `Why;.I asked+.John for an feed.. This is a beautiful car ;,a'ttd,•re.: is first-class running order, Toronto, O -Box S.p. automobile to -day, and .., he $ said 73 Adelaide St. W.. •Toronto, Ont, ' that I must, be 'content With. the t splendid carriagi, that Nature •has MALE 11ELP,, WANTED. MEN' WANTED YOUNG MAN •BE;: A BARBER.' i T1aAGX You quickly, oliea.ly, 'thoroughly ace{ , furnish tools free. - We iqd you to $ at ai The child's, delight. The picnicker's choice. Everybody's favorite. W. CLARK. M'f'r., Montreal POTTED ME Tfi--- 1'ull. fiayored and Perfectly cooked Make delicious sandwiches. FARMS FPB SALM. H. W. DAWSON, Ninety Colborne:' Streets Toronto. , • A' ACTORY SITES; WITH OB,,, wrPaotrn .L' Railway trackage, In ' Tnrouto„ liramnton and .(Aber .fnwna and .ettiea.. $SIDENTIAL ' PROPERTIES Brampton And a dozen .other tcrwne. H . W. DAWSON, ',tSotborno, S,t., Toyonto. STAMP'S ANDDOiN3, y ++�� TAMP COi�LE�Ol1E1=iitiNiDiti•;L pl • Serene:'Foreign, : Stamps. ' 9Cat$Ip*4e. Album, only 'Seven Center ifarks &tam! company. Toronto. AUTOMOBILE FOR SALE., given me:!" 'f 1> s, e'hop.., experience. Write for free cata- Mfnard's tiniarant Co., T,imited,, - rogue. Molex, College. 218: Queen St. :East. ' Gentlemen.—I -have need ' . minji'D'S Toronto. LINIDmy IENT on , vessel and in my flim- i.. fly for.years, and for the every day ills WANTED and accidents'' of life I consider 't has no.I- nal: �?. would not"start"'en a voyage without IMISCELL4NEOil.5. ' it, i t coat a dollarr;t bottle. ' �..,, ,. OAPT,' F. ,R. DESTARDIN, Schr. "Stoxke St.f.Andre, Itamouraska. Using Hila. ' "Lie still there and. I won't i you. All I want is your money a, your jewels, and thew I'll git "All right, old man, and while you're searching for the jewels if you run across my dress -shirt I wish you'd put them on the dresser. haven't been able to find them for 'a month." Minard's Liniment Cures Cargct in Cows. Very Good. ' -A Highlander fell into '•'a river, and after desperate efforts manag- ed to reach the bank in safety- His "wife, who had been a distressed on- looker, exclaimed, as soon as her anxiety was relieved ' -"Ah, Donald, ye 'should' be verra t'hankfu' tae Providence for savin' your life." Donald was somewhat aggrieved at What he deemed an unequal appor- tionment of the credit. "Yeas, gess," he replied, "Providence wass very good, but I wass ferry clever too, whatefer." • s the . es : lei .edy knownst 'for sunburn.. Ilea. whales; i' ecze sore feet', stngs, n Rblisters. A skin food : 411 Privates and Storm -554 , The Soul of o. Plano Isthe t Action. indict Orn the HIGEL" Piano Action TRAWBERRIr .PLANTS - - : caolO i 1,73 thrifty young• plants frdhi` Mercian vines 'only, now ready: Price.51.00 per 100, by maiI,' post paid, '• River'sido Nurser. iesi Central West atrv'er, N.B. Cti'lcCR, TUMORS, LIYldP'S 1 rq internal and external, cured wit* cut nate by one ..homex eatinent. Write before lion Jath. "Ilr..,,Ttelirnan.Medtsa, .itnitad, Colllnrwoei :' Oct STONES. Li- 11l'if'entvti..141,AD. oar'Stones, >%Wrier- trouble, araveL Lumbago and kindred ailments positively eured with the new German Remedy, !vital $1.50. Another new remedt for..litahetes•Mellltne. and sure cure,` le %anon; Anti -Diabetes." Price 8500- Ironit druggists or direot..The Ranal.lianure& luring. Company of Canada Limitei,. winntpeg: Man. ESTABLISHED 1809. Best Up-to-date Courses. i:,divtdual In- structio•'.; Write for'Cata•o i un FOR SALE" Pulleys Shattint Sultab'o for Mills, Manufacturing ' Plants, Printing ileuses, ,Etc. f -W06.6 Split Pulleys, ` 12% x '18 for 3418/16 in.. shaft, 1 Wood. Split Pulley,: 13% x 48 ill r: for 2 15/16 in. shaft. Woody Split Pulley, '12. x 28 iuj for 3 7/16 in. shaft. 1 Wood Split Pulle3r,•'-10% x 36 >n> t for 3.7/16• in. shaft, • Pulleys .of smaller sizes Shafting of various :.lengths Bites to he isold'at very .low figure BBox 23, Wilson Publishing Co., : Toronto.,\ lJNIVI RSiTY O'P TCROIdolTC _ •.E 'i"RAiVi4Y C+�Ri~iLR�'Gli* ....: Flit `Courses 'in Arts atzd►i�ni% Leading to Vie 13.A. Dotiree.gnd to the B.D. and^D.D. Degrees i R excellent Staff of Trinity College arid t'iie.whole,;resources Of the "linivcrsity of , Toronto,r with- many...e ceptiohul advan.- Cages, are. open to Students of the University of Termite, .0x6' enrol . !n Trinity College, Students of Trinity College achieve? notable suc- ceases in the examinations of the University of Toronto • every dear. Correspondence invited from Students lAoking forward' to Law, Medicine, Teaching or Holy Orders. A BRIESIDIEN`'IAL LIEO ,00.LE. OF 60' YEARS' STAND NO NOW FEDERATED WITH THE UNIVERSiTT OF TORONTO t' ,pov Caknd.sr. d tllustyaled llo,Xrlet, adores, • 1 RET): ,bX. MAC , 21k7llrl?'r. G(3LL