HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1913-08-22, Page 1XIV..
Our annual and sumthe '' elez(riuggale is now. o
We have great reduced the praoes'on many- lines }`
ow store) and thins sale will saveyou money, Below,
are a few of the liner we are going to"elear : tits
Men's Suiting
We have a number of suit lengths in- black, blue and
fancy worsted, Canadian and Scotch tweeds, also painting
which we are offering al greatly reduced prices. It will pay
you to look these over.
Lien's Summer Vests
A few lines of men's summer vests to clear at cost price.
Pretty patterna quality goods,
A line' of Ladies'. shirt waists will be sold during this sale
regardless of cost. Come in and see these bargains.
Fancy iius1ins
A nice line of fancy mnslins whioh we aro pronnd to show
you many patterns and colors.
Straw Hats
The balance of ourmen's and boys' straw hats at great-
• ly reduced prices
WW Buggy Paint
For something real good in buggy paint use Sherwin
Williams buggy paint. Paints and varnishes with one opera-
tion, .
Hardware Specials
We are agets for. Zurich for Royal Purple, Stock Foods
and preparations. Made of the purest raw materials and
fully guaranteed.
Re -nu -a.1 Polishes
Have you tried Re -nu al Wood Polisher,' Just the thing
for dusting and polishing your varnished woodwork. Use it
on your buggy or automobile.
Oakville Alut inuX ware
, For something good in cooking, utensils buy Alrimitn1ni-
ware. Last a lifetime and will not burn. Are light in weight
and easily gleaned. .
HarVest Tools
We handle' oily the high quality Samson and Gold Medal'
Harvest Tools, N one better can be made. All full guaran-
Produce always Taken.
Telephone, 9..
The .Offael
:i rich an i ' owii .ip .'
,.‘c1,2,11:: best �oxt1 ynd e `ai1t aa
lilr: 7. H Morse Ol l:�ttol
a few day rn to ri.last We
Mx. Willis Szi'axtk & :..i.'d:.:.:,:...,.
visiting here, �,rr?;vinggb; ; au, li ter part of 'last q'eel�p lits Cl Ior ,E elepainbel 1����t weep, ;. i ith
',grea6 aairlp.i.4AO'
1 50, 17:11e 01y1iSy" Clr ;h�i ,EY,
Sr , pal n.
.Mrs. ]',Jose . '( of er, and,oi
life tat -lensalrid Aspen
eiti,horne here.
anbaeli is in towns'
Blatt and fami:l at
otrq'viSiting at the Dominiifin
iss Rose &ercbe f BeAlin. is
zsiting roiatives- mrtd �? en s fog <a fon,
weeks. „..
llfiss Lottie.Calster'Attended the
Ukinery opersings•in "a ondoir last
anis yisitingg
For Sale—S
aiad one Co
xe visiting vela --
N C4
sid.o, laying. a. Apply at
Slipper4':and mon's oxford shoes, at.
are.down to Stilt 51 -on
' Miss' Asie Johnston, who las
gs. Win. Wagner vlsited her hes,
band at Berlin for a few' 'fist
is able te walk,withlhe'lieh• -of two'
.- The many -friends of Miss Lena
Pleased, 4.hear -that she is` foadiaihr.
Mr. -:Edward- Denonly of Sauble
Ce.4.,,.t9goblier with his:, hay crop
af.tdA4an Of. valuable ,mares. The
one of Mr. John B. Forest's
mares was struck: by lightening .,and
instantly Idlled. The' mare was a
good one. and valued at about $250.
Auction sale of household effects on
Saturday 28rd. inst. at the Babylota
Line, opposite Foster's brick yards.
Mrs. lierman Bender prop. E. Bose-
enberry and.
Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Moritz and
family of Guelph and Mr, George
Kibler of Berlin, were in town on
Sunday and Monday making the
journey in the fornier's auto.
Preparations are under way for the
annual Fall Fair which will be ;held.
en Wednesday and Thursday Sept.
17 and. 18. The Zurich fair al-
ways popular with the people .and
this year's promises to 'be , the best
Mrs.Mary Ann Dueharme widow
of the late Mr:Eli Ducharme sr. died
at the home of her damghter Mrs.
John Charette, Saubie Line, on Tues-
day, having reach the age of .79 years.
She leaves a family '•of sons and
daughter and many warm friends a-
mong the neighborhood. -where sho
livedfor so many years. The funer-
al will be held today (Friday) to
Big Bargains in Gas Engines:—
Louis Prang.
2.1 horse power
Established 1853
Opened Branch infl-luror.
Co. 1874
Saving Bank. Accounts
Zurich Branch
R. To'DUNLOP, Manager
the holiday
.safoth,,unliereapataashw400ir!, a, ora
jelitet •daf444'ught.14TrA1)4reov.isiliti,infatehibe
,riss Katie Cainpbell left on. Wed-.
for a visit to ',her eisters,
?tie at Guelphy '
.1,),/,oitT—At the Stinble, Stanley, on
kt We' Salable Stanley,
'I8th hist to atr and ma,: os -
Di Aitirn-L-AkDrysdades. on the 8th
, to xr and 3trp Joseph Duch-
, a daughter.
ar Day promises. a big, days
all. There will also be a bicycle
race and foot race. The day will be
wound up with a splendid concert in
the Town Hall in the evening. The
Jubilee Silver Band has been engaged
to furnish music, in the afternoon.
Come to Zurich on Monday Sept. 1st.
me. and Mrs. ituesell Rothermal of
Port Huron mourn the death of their
daughter, aged about 13 months.
The little one died on Saturday, after
a short illness.. . The funeral was
held on Monday, :qr. and mrs. Will
wood. were over to attend the funeral.
It was announced last week that
the by-law governing traffic will be
so amended that in the new; future all
drivers of motorcycles will be com-
pelled to equip their machines :with
belis,.horns -or . other implements
which will serve to give warning of
approach to pedestrians, Officials of
the government have announced that
so many complaints ' have reached
them. regarding the recklessness of
motorcyclisti that same drastic action
will have to be taken to safegEtal the
lives 'Of the
After having been deposited in the
sherifrs office and reinaining open to
inspection there for the required time
the petition for a vote to the electors
of Huron county under the Canada
Temperance Act is now being pre-
pared ior submission to the Secretary
of 'Stateat Ottawa and will be for-
warded in a few days. The petition
is said to centain 300 or 400 more
signatures than the required one-
fourth of the number of .electors
the county. It is expected that the
vote will take place in November. •
tontents of the August issue of Rod
and Grin in Canada, the Canadian
magazine of outdoor life, published
by W. J. TaYlor, Limited, Woodstock
Ont. include the following: By Canoe
,and Portage hi the Northern Wilder-
ness;by Henry Anton Auer;- Where
Shall. We go Duck Shooting in 191g-
1014, by Bonn ycostle Dale; Beautiful
Bay of Islands, Lacy Amy; - In
SontbPrn British Columbia, A Trip to
Grounds; Base6in,Buye a Coon Hou-
nd, by George 'J. 'Thiessen; Raising
Geld Fish, Luorative Sport; , A Talk
About Guns; A Fishing Trip to Poe-
61.egan, River; Bi etc., etc, This
pnblication eontinnes to live up to its
policy of supPlying coconuts of actual
oxperionees of sportsmen Canadian
ran- and
. Pine Salt.
of 'al inds &thin in
r 2 Weeks
Beans primes per bus $1.20 -
Cook's Snowdrift Flour $2.75
Snowdrift flour in 6 bag rots $2.60
Feed flour 1.30
Bran per ton$19.00
Shorts per ton $20.00
Wheat per bus. 94cts.
Barley per bus 56cts.
„Oats per'bus. acts.
Oh these and other lines,
F. W. Hess
jewellers, - ZURICH,
ur Sp' ring Shoes
have arived. Come in and have a look At the many different
styles we carry.
The Home of Good Shoes
Let me Know
Your Wants
If you are looking for Farm, Town Residence,
-or Vacant Lot's, wartry to satisfy 3,011.1! )tants.
Loans arranged bn Mortgage security. •