HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1913-06-13, Page 5The question of what machine to harvest with is an important one. An incorrectly constructed binder will not get all the grain, but will- leave a large part in- the field— good crows feed, but a dead loss to you. Your harvest will be most profitable if you HUM UP TO DLEMNE NflCHINE Prang Ei��h,' Zurich Agents for Brantford Windmills. . ZURICH SOME DE THE BRIGHTEST BOYS IN CANADA 'ARE EARN MONEY AND PRIZES UM= ]laza. JrAuss ie yeeaiwiroenc. C. WALT. alis" made, Allsobverl, a..: noon Nod w a Oa* I loinisinsa tl. m ■ bwnaliel libithod *am as a. sok vioh.. A BOY'S CHRISTMAS POCKET MONEY ANY BOY can turn his spare time into Xmas pocket money by selling copies of the WEEKLY Wrrtntss and the Cwmw)IAN Piero- RUL. You -can build up a regular route in a short. time which will " give you a permanent weekly income. We give you a free start in Business and besides The best boy wins a Shetland Pony, Cart and Harness or $100.00 in Gold. SIMPLY SIGN THIS COUPON AND MAIL IT TO -DAY DIY We E. Williame;; Pres. Supt. W ION DOROTHEA VOTED For four years and seven months women had possessed the right to voteand theee had been three el,. cations in; that tune—yet Dorthea• although she had always been• in- b' ct' terested in the sup, la ,, had not once been to the polls. The first election after the law was passed took place en that beautiful'a,utuinn day on which she had become . en- gaged, She had really been too, gloriously hapyy to think about el. octions or, indeed, ubant'. anything.. else beet John, and the „young man himself had forgotten about voting until until it eves too late; Then and come their wedding. and after wards the honeymoon trip and the planning and arrangements for the bungalow which had occupied her every moment for weeks._ Some - tin -:es, in the midet of her daily household cares, the thought oto-. erred to Dorthea what a splendid thidg it was that wpmen had suit rage, and she rather looked fore ward to the next election, On another `voting day, which was a June primary, just as the polls were opening downtown, Do rothea, who was lying among soft, white pillews in her own room in the bungallow - cottage, looked, downupon something tiny and warm and pink whioh w`as nestling against her arm. -The scent of the June roses was coming in through the open windows and she was ask ing for John. 'She's all richt now my dear fellow," the dotter was saying, " the baby -is a boy." Then had come another Novem- ber, when the boy was only five months old. Dorothea was still so lost in wonderment at his charms and so engrossed in doing the bun. dred and one ruffy and powdery and cuddly little- things in taking, care of him that it seemed to her she couldn't get away long enough to vote. Anyway, John didn't care much about women voting. At college he had been called "a conservative." John was such a dear about things, and as she was so busy, what did it matter wheth er she took advantage of her vot- ing privelege or not. And now the time- had arrived for another city election. One afternoon while calling upon her dearest friend, she bad been per- suaded, half in fun and half m ear- nest, to accompany her andregister but with hardly any intention of tasting n vote. (To be continued) Mabee Carried It. - There is a good story told of Chair; man Mabee of the Railway Commis- sion, It has to do with a Certain bylaw which war: to be submitted le Stratford, the purport of which is a matter of no moment, Mr. Idington was city solicitor. , He was violently opposed to the proposition. He eras and th "t . address public actin e o d ss a m• g, friends 'of the - bylaw 'were almost pe.nie-stricken, for they had no 'ma- terial heavy enough to oppose him, At this critical moment, however, a member of the Board of Trade hal aninspiration. He imparted his idea to a few of his colleagueki and: they -at once sought out Mr. Mabee.. He ..took little interest in civic -affairs, .•had noknowledge of the .question, at, issue, et he loved a "scrap," and he r e,.hly fell, in with the plan. The • fx? .ng was held, and after Mr, ,igton had fired ' all his big guns, ,lir. Mabee appeared on the platform. to all but those concerned in • the. plot, his arrival was a surprise. Then, for the space of an hour or _ so, to the infinite delight of his hearers, he proceeded to twist Mr. Idington in- side out. It cannot be 'said that he bad a his "case" well prepared. He did not know the intricacies f the . situation, bu did know, how to make fun dif Nis opponent. '- After that night there was nothing to it but the bylaw. frMsA lam!` 1: ilu 0404414 aa l. -1.44,040......4640o MssMM .. V.. ,......,,I....i i♦ ♦i .. ..} THE WESTERN FAIR LONDON ONTARIO The Western Fair, of London. Ont., will be held this year September 5th. to 18th: Already active preparations are being made for it. The grounds present a very active appearance as dozens of workmen are engaged in their day after day. A new addition 60 x 75 feet is being erected to the Main Building and the space in same' pressure of engagements• he had to is practically taken. An addition is I leave the same time as the bridal also being erected to the Poultry pair, on.utwas driven to a As he proceeded to takerel it Building, which was absolutely neves-1 place in the train, with the porter at sary on account of the overcrowding his heels carrying his traveling-ba,g, in the old building. The Government has kindly come to assistance of the Associaton in the erection of these new buildings, A large amount of money is being expended in necessary repaias and improvements throughout the Grounds, the City of London kind-, ly helping in this matter. The grounds and buildings will be in first class condition when the opening day of the Exhibition -arrives. Any infor- mation regarding the Exhibition in any of its departments will be furnish on application to A. M. Hunt, Secre- tary, Room 802 Dominion Savings building, London, Ont. "Go it, Dad." Rev. Jesse Gibson,the traveling F. ee retary of the British and Foreign Bible Society, delights to tell this good story on'himself. He is a member of Jarvis Street Baptist Church, and oc- casionally takes one of his young hopefuls with him to prayer -meeting. On one of these momentous occasions, the lad noticed that his father was seeking a chance to get to,. his feet and make a contribution to the devo- tions of the evening, but each time some one else got the -floor ahead of him. Sudeenly there was a lull, and 'quick as a flash the boy leaned over, poked his sire in the ribs, and in a stage whisper that could be heard all over that side of the room, said: "Go it; dad! Now's your chance!" Need- less to say, it was up to Mr. Gibson, and he had to make his little speech, uur rant Column Carriage and work horses fo_ Apply to I ellerman& Son, If you want to buy a nice up ..to late Mime in Zurich, ready to,�uiove into. Apply to F. W. ZIess: BARLEY FOR SALE. --A ` small quantity of No. 21 seed barley for sale. Guaranteed free of wee4s, 'Oseaielelopee, Zurich.:2e WANTED—At ' ' the Alexandie Marine 'and General Hospital, ,Gedet- ieh, three,: or .foto.` pupil nurses. Apply to Miss Griffiths, Superintendent, Goderiek, sale. Free Ladies and Gents Watches, Rids, Bracelets' and Jewelry of Every Description, -Lace Curtains, Rugs, House Furnishind,Rifles, Moving Pic - fire Machine, Skates, P rinhn d Press- es, Fountain Pens, in fact nearly eyerythnid you can think of you can det Aboslutely Free for selling our Beautiful Fancy Drawn and Satin Stripped' handkerchiefs at 10 cents each. They sell. rapidly 6 can gener- ally be sold in every }louse: Don't send us any money, but -write us to send yob a lot of Handkerchiefs to sell, that when sold you will send us the -money and the preinium selected Selling 24 handkerchief! entitled Ion to your choice of an elegant Watch, 3 gold Laid Rings, Lace Curtains, etc. Write us to -day, we trust you and take back the goods if you cannot sell them. reereeete21NOLA CO. CHICAGO, ILL Paterson's Career. Hon. William Pa'aaxon, Mr. Field. ing's colleague in the reciprocity negotiations, the proprietor of an extensive and thriving industry, has 'had an interesting business career. Born in 1839, he was but ten years old when his parents were both car- ried off by cholera. He was adopted by Rev. Dr. Ferrier, a Presbyterian minister, and early entered the house of Ignatius Cockshutt, Brantford. When 24 years . old he went into business for himself, as one of the founders of the enterprise which he now owns. In his bakery and eon- le"tcr't'ionery business ha was first in partnership with Mr. H. B. Learning, but on that gentleman's retirement in 1676- he became tole proprietor. That Yell -Tale Ribbon. A certain well-known but rathiet near-sighted and absent-minded bis- hop once went down to a. place in the West. of England to officiate at the marriage ceremony of a lady whose parents were amongst his old- est friends.. He arrived the day be- fore the wedding, but owing to the THE' C. T. A. FOR HURON .The Canada Temperance Act is nanifestly growing in public favor. Conventions of representative tem- perance workers have decided to circulate petitions praying for its submission" 'in Algoma, Sudbury, Muskoka and Parry Sound districts also in the Counties of Peel and Wel- land,and the city of Niagara Falls Petitions are also in circulation in our own County'of Huron and re- ports from several places show they are, being largely signed'. Brussels has completed their list with a good mar' girr ItepOrts from othermunicip- alities; show that this 'ubrk is being pushed • forward as the petitions are 'supposed" "to' be ' completod• ,at an early date. R. g, B. BALFOUR, -graduate 'Western University, late of the Military ,.Hospital and Victoria Hospitals London. Office in the building formerly occupied bywtiaes�lat�e ilii A2c?ai!iughlipi, Dafllll't'OOd.0j�. w:' he became dimly conscious of the fact that he was creating a great sensa- tion, but was entirely at a loss to account for it,. Then, when he had taken a corner seat, he could not help noticing that quite a number of pee. pie passed and repassed the window, stealthily glancing at him meanwhile At last a• porter came to look at the tickets, and he seemed hardly able to restrain his laughter. "Whatever is the matter with you and all the people, my man?" asked the bishop. "They want to know," was the re- "pav: ee,`eein been and cleft tthe ladyadialect, be- hind,; stir?" "What?" exclaimed the astonished hi shop: Then his eyes fell on the side of the bag which the porter turned . roun,i on the seat before him. There, glued to it, was a wide strip of white satin ribbon, on which was painted in large letters: "Married this morning." One of -the jocular guests at the. wedding had mistaken the bishop':' traveling -bag for that of the bride- groom. ! Properly Resented,. An ,extremely timid widow living alone in the suburbs of the city was afraid that agents and tramps would discover she had no protector, so she wasted no words upon them. Answer- ing a ring at the front door, the mat standing before her asked: "Is the gentleman of the house at home?' "No, he is not," said the widow shortly. "Do you think;" the strangeff' mild. iX persisted, • "he.. would be interested in a chemical• lire extinguisher war- ranted to put out the fiercest fire if taken in the beginning?' "No," replied the widow, deeply shocked; "I'm sure he wouldn't be, for -he's in nd need of ane." The agent is still wondering why fate, ela>auated the door. ao hard in lis fate, CANADIAN p13 CU FIC HOMESEEKERS' EXCURSIONS TO MANITOBA, ALBERTA SASKATCHEWAN Each Tuesday until October 28th: inclusive, Winnipeg and Return $35.00 Edmonton and Return - 43.00 Other points in proportion Return Lintit two months. HOsiESEEKERS' TRAIN' leaves ' Toronto ZOO p.m. each 'Tuesday. Mat to August, indusire. Beat train to take as Winnipeg ie numbed early morning watt t passengers to maks all branch line connections. Wan Throoth � Toronto to Wt Pautienhan gots Canadian Oc is or D,P-A4 C -p it., Taaoato laillmoussissosseam GR. Canadees c1'ill RK '�atL T�it►^i SYS Line/ How.eseekers; Excursion ToManitoba,:Saskatchewan, Alberta, eacll. Tuesday.Until October 28th,, inclusive . Via Chicago and St. Paul: br Sarnia Winnipeg and Return .435,00 Eel hontoii sod Return... $43.00 Proportionate low ratesto other points. Return limit two months. Through Pullman Sleepers to Winne. peg on above dates,, leaving' Toronto 11.00 p. m.' No change of cars. Re- turn limit two months. Tickets arealso on sale via Sarnia, and Northern Navigation Company Ask Grand Trunk Agents for full par- ticulars, reservations, etc. or write 0. E. Horning, D. P.,A., Union Station, Toronto, Out MEP FOR SALE French °Iron No. 69758, (a542) A desireble home, on main street Zurice, Two story brick, seven foot basement, with furnace, bath electric wired through, soft water top and bottom, good well with force pump, fine stable, everything modern and in first -class shape Posession will be given on April first, P. S —I have bought another prop- erty and will stay right in Zurich. F. W. HESS, Jeweler Route for 1913 Monday—Will leave his own stable Zurich and proceed south to Mark Wilds, Stephen for ncmn, thence south to Crediton Road, to Hill's hotel, Crediton, for night. Tuesday—North to Sherrin Road then 11 miles west and 14 miles to Jos. Wildfoug for noon, thence north to Zurich Road, then 1¢ miles west to his own' stable where he will remain until the followin Thureday Morning.. .Thursday -l' Guiles west to Bron- son .Line ron-son-'Line then north to Harry Zapfe for noon, then 11- miles east to the Goshen Line, then south to his, own stable. Friday -1i miles west to Bronson Line, thence 25 miles to Henry Walper's for noon, then 1.1 miles east to, Goshen Line, -thence north to his own stable where he will re- main until the following Monday W. H. BENDER, Proprietor, Girl Wanted—Good girl wanted to do general house work in God,. erioh, Comfortable borne, and all conveniences. This is a good poli. lion. For particulars apply to R. E. Hodgens, Goderich, GLOVES OVERALLS TROUSERS They Have Arrived A large consignment of justly celebrated CARLIARTTT BRAND of. trust- ed Men's Working Clothing and Gloves. Made in a honoroble way for honorafile: men. We have secured the sole agency for these goods for this section, and invite your, inspection, E, A PELF ClothieZA.tn,tize Peelae A Carhartt Time Boole Free for , glee,Asking.