HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1913-06-13, Page 1The Official] Organ . 0:
stxrieh axed ;Hay Towpship
'Vol .X111.
Fly I DA►Y
IVI t�`Fi N 11' G, J v.14...4 # al•19.,13.
The hot weather will be hese in a few days and
you should be ready for it. There are cool summer
underwear and whitewear, Summer Gloves etc,
Hosery, thin dresses for yourself andehildren, cool
waists, collors etc.
Summer Wash Goods
Linen suitings and Repp for ladies and misses dresses, suits
and coat effects, shown in all popular colors.
We have a large range of wide embroideries far skirts etc.
Just the thing for summer dresses.
Lace Curtains
When looking for lace curtains be sure and call, and look
over our large stook. We,haveathem at all prices.
Clothes For Men
We are slashing the prides in all our ready to wear suits
:famen hawrs, we `"must
haveor the roomandboys. and willTese clearre themallgood out;, regarearedlessbut of
Dost, it
will pay you well to buy your next suit here. We give a good
knife free with every boy's suit we sell.
Dinner Sets
We halve
dinnersets, These are specially good and we want you to.
.: .see them.
ptrtr irrterstook .et.. large assortment (i .new',
Dustless Maps
We have the Ezy oil neaps. A great labor saver fordust•
fess dusting, dry.cleaning and pulishing hardwood varnished
painted, linoleum, oilcloth etc. An absolute necessity in
every home.
You can burn food -stuff to a cinder in them, then
shindy pour in water and all the burnt stuff will come -.
away, leavinj`tho utensil absolutely clean, sanitary
and undamaged This is why they are so economical.
Marinte tl Guar-
Wye Manufacturing
Campo -ay limited
olovow orroof Sold by
Screen Doors etc.
We are rignt in the fly killing line. See'bur Fly Swatte
ors, baloon fly traps, wonder fly killers, Also a large stook
of screen doois and windows.
Bergers Paris Green
We handle the famous Bergers pure Paris green strongest
and best We are sole agents for this in Zurich.,
Headquarters for Samson.
and Gold Medal Harvest Tools,
Ropes and Twines.
Roofing and lavetroughing
Produce always s Taken.
ar% irA eta eaIMcak4114s.1►. rte.
o ea:o a.e+e eaca.4s4'#.s-v• 4.4%,,
Mr. John Decher jr, is enlargeningi
his dwelling house.
The enteranoe exams commence
on Wednesday of next week.
Mr. Casper Walper Wolper of the
Goshen Line, is building a new house.
Mr. and Mrs. Louis Jeffrey were;
London visitors' over Monday.
Mr. Ferd Howald was a Dash-
wood visitor on Saturday.
Snow flurries are reported on :St;
James Street in lVIontt:eal on June 9.'
mrs. Frank Bossenbery of Berlin is;
visiting relatives in town and vicinity>
for a few weeks. '.
rr. Stanley Brisson of ` St, Joseph
has passed the may University;medical
Mr. and Mrs. John Howald of the
16th con. were in town Monday, visit.
ing relatives.
Mr. and Mrs. Win. Hoffman and
daughter Mildred, attended the funer-
al Mr. Hoffman's sister, who was
Mr. Elgin Hess of the Serforth
Collegiate is horn for a week's poli-
Mrs. Northwood of Windsor visited
with her sister errs. Dan Koehler, this
Mrs, Ed, Appel was in Toronto for
a few days this week to attend the
funeral of her sister mrs. (Dr.) Buch-
At the sale of the effects of the
late Dr, McLaughlin Wm... Cairns
oe Parkhill bought the auto, and
Mr. M. Brokenshire the lot. We
understand that Mr. Brokensllire
will erect a house this summer.
qtr. and Mrs. J. F. Rickbeil, mrs.
roser, errs. ir. Kaercher, bxr. and Mrs.
Wni. Bender, rarr. and :errs. Simon
,Sararas;and mr. Wm. Beaver, attend-
ed the Amoral of the late Mrs. Ezra
K arch r at Berlin, on Monday.
The ;� omen's Foreign Mission
have d tided to hold a garden
party n the Church grounds at
Hillsg een, • on June 20th. rhe
Hensa I band willIgiv the music for
evening. Everybody welcome to
attend. Adnlissien 25cts.
buried at Listowel on Sunday. The first Quarterly Conference
Mr. Sol. Sohroader is visiting • and communion service of this con
friends in Mich, for a week and ferenee year, will be held in the
Mr. Elmore Willert is .taking Mr, Evangelical church next Sunday
Sohroeder's piece on the farm. The preparatory services will be.
Rev: Mr. Sauer of Rodney wl o held on Friday evening at 8 o'clock
was attending the S. S. Convention when Rev. S. R. gnechtel P. E.
14th con., this week, was tailed will preach. On. Sunday forenoon
home on Thursday, owin to a death Suppehe rlw l be dispen ed Revcrament of the Lordds
in his congregation. Grenzebaoh of Dasl vvocid,will offi
Rev. A. W. Sauer and Mrs. Mist date both at the .morning service
ele of Rodney, who were on their All are welcome.
way to the S. S. Convention 14th. The Semi annual election of oft,
con were the guests of Rev'. ' and dere of the Y. P. A,. : lvange1toal
church took place on Tuesday e'v-
ening and resulted as follows—
President Rev. G. F.'13rown; lst.
rico, pres. Miss„A. °t«E,ess. 2nd,'vice.
Tc.s Miss P Wnactz, d vice :'pres.
114't65^many.ahaz g" 1RT, _ i4tr' ft l ,.� a
s6 Ethel: ifi��iixtieat/ taeo.
An ice cream social: under the prey, Miss: Carrie Gallman, Treas.
auspices of the Evangelical ohurcb. Mr. George Hess,' •Ornanist Miss
14th don, will be held in the very L Galster, Assistant Organist Miss,
near future, watch for further an q; Ua •tleib, Librarians E. Weido
neuncainent.next week. This will and Melvin Brown..
be one of the best social gatherings
of the season. Mise. Ezra Kaercher of Berlin.
Uncle>'the auspices of the Ladies formerly living in this Township
p died on Friday last after a short
.raid a supper will be served on the illness. She was a daughter of
lawn of the Lutheran Parsonage on Peter Bonder and was to the prime
Tuesday the 17th. of June from 5 to oflife being about 40 wears old.
8 p. m. After the supper refresh Besides Ser sorrowing husband she
meats will be served some quilts leaves a family of six daughters to
and other useful articles will be for mourn the loss of a kindhearted
sale. Admission 25cts, for adults and wife and mother. The funeral was
15 for children. All are welcome. held at Berlin on Monday after -
neon and was largely attended.
Mrs. G. F. Brown on Taeseay,
Miss, Mina Doan of Kansas for•
msrly of Zurich is in town calling
on old friends, It is seven year,
since Miss Doati left sieve and: she
The following particulars relating
to the death of errs. Buchanan was
taken from the Toronto Globe of
"Mrs. Buchanan, wife of Dr. G. Buch-
anan, died at her home, 2.1 Chicora
avenue on Friday last. She had been
ill some three months. Dr. and mrs:
Buchanan have made their home in
Toronto since, the year 1906. Prior
to this city. they,resicdecl in • Zurich;
Huron County, where Dr. Buchanan
practised his profession for over thirty
years. •lairs. Buchanan is survived by
her husband., three sons, arilton a
member of the Romance Department
of the University of Toronto, Dr,
Norman of Peterborough, George E.
a barrister of • Sudbury, and two
claughtor, Clara a gradate of the`"class
of '06 Arts 1Yniyersity of Toronto,
and Pearl. The funeral took place
on. Ironday to mount Peasant Ceme-
Telephone. 9 R 1 C Fl
Established 1853
Opened Branch in I-Iurorr.
Co. 1874
Saving Bank Accounts
Zurich Branch
T. DUNLOP, Manager
eineh sympathy is expressed for
the bereaved family.
Mrs, (Dr) Buchanan died at Tor-
onto on Friday evening after a ill-
ness extending over about five
months. .She had reached the age
of fifty-nine years and' leaves to
mourn her loss : her husband, three
sons, George of Sudbury, Milton of
Toronto and Norman of Peterboro,
the tveo daughters who are living
at hone, beiug Clara and Pearl,
she also leaves two brothers and
'four sisters and a great many
friends -in this section who sincere•
ly regret her demise, The funeral
took plata in Toronto, on Monday
afternoon. Mrs. Buchanan was
the oldest daughter of the late Mr,
and Mrs Michael Zeller, and only
lived in Toronto a few years, mov-
tothat city after ohe doctor, gave
up his practice in this town.
The W.C.T.U. met Monday evening
at the horde of Miss Ethel Williams.
A short Devotional service was con-
ducted by Mrs. C. Heyrock, after
which the President Mrs. Merner took
charge of the business. First was
decided that 55.00 be sent Mrs. Ditlor
North Bay, in aid of the Mission
Work among the . lumbermen and
Miners, $2.00 to work among sailors
et Goderich Port, $2.00 to Tidings
birthday Shower, London, $5.00 to
County Work, Tho election of officers
was held and resulted as follows:
President, Mrs. S. nierner; vice pres.
Mrs. C. Fitz, Corris Sec miss Ethel
Williams; trews mrs. C. Heyrock; Org-
anist airs: A. Geiger. Superintendants:
Lumberman's Mission, Ethel, Wil
limns, Parity andmother's metting,
itr,s.Ieyrock, arcs, Koehler. Pres.
7tiss Eva Williams; Law enforcement
airs. 5 iitener. Sailors work errs Ehnes,
lure Zeller, arcs M Geiger. Temper-
ance in 'Sunday School, airs A Geiger,
mrs Heyrock;Anna Hess Ethel Wil
lama.. The meeting was brought to a'
close by singing the temperance dox-
La aAT E S T
Zurich Feed
Leading Brand of:
Flour, Short,
Bran and Feed
Course and Fine Salt.
Produce of all kinds taken in.
Louis Jeffrey No. 23
Beans primes per bus $1.20
Cook's Snowdrift Flour $2.75
Snowdrift Hour in 5 bag lots $2.50
Feed flour 1.80
Bran per ton $18.00
Shorts per ton $20.00
Wheat per bus. 9lcts.
Barley per bus 55cts.
Oats per bus..32cts.
See our
New Designs
F. W. Hess
G. R. Hess
Jewellers, - ZURICH
Our Spring Shoes
have arived. Come in and have a look at the anally di:fferen
styles we carry.
e. FRITZ. = Zurich
The Home of Good Shoes
The Brownie Camera is simple' to operate, thoroughly
Practical in results: The No. 2 Brownie takes a
Picture 2 1.4 x 3 1-4. Price $2.00
catalogue sent Free can Bequest;
'. Appel:
rine'watch rei+airing my Fpeeiaity. Agent for Canadian i'<o:1ak