HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1913-05-30, Page 8iPR(\
Our stock. of Spring and Sum-
mer Goods is -now coinplete. All
the latest in Bedford Cords,
Whipcords, Foulards, Repps, •
Chien r • '
Linens, Mulls,�>�ll�.s, etc.
A. special Black Pailet Silk 1 yd
wide ataP' 1.00c yd.
Laces and Embroideries
lf:y'ou: Cant the newest in Laces and
Embroideries. We can stir ply you. Colpo
and see theme.
Men's and Boys' Suits
A shipmentof Men's and Boys' ready to
were suits arrived. We do not carry' a large
stock of these. so we can sell ata narrow mar-
gin. It. will be illorle'1' in w t= nL°'inncket to see
theme before buying elsewhere.
Hats and Caps
A full range of straw hats for men wo-
o-men and children," all styles and prices.
Lhioicuniris and
floor Oil Cloths
If you are in need of Lintithei11g in these
li1e•, Colne and see our stock. We can please
Field and Garden Seed
r ' . Jumbo sugar beat, Yellow Leviathan,
Yellow Intermediate, Long Red. and Yellow
Globe Mangold seeds on hand also different
varieties of carrot and turnip seed.
o wayiz kept on I-loma
Ail iCi I3 o ?mince Taken in Exchange
'NV out for Shing=
le,s next eek
PhONE l{
Stili Doing
inless at
The Old Stand
Vo have
l,r1En ;rpr':rite(1 -Agent...., for
the ceiehrii.ted
Massey Harris Aar ,'e_ aerits
We handle everything in that line,
ceding implements, Mannr'e sp' '4-
's, all kinds of Plows, Seed
rise Barrows, Cultivators, L - 1
:arvestees, etc.
Harvesting Implements
adore, Mowers, Rakes, Hay
Loaders, Etc;
Massey -Harris
Cream Separators
V1 kinds of Plew repairs, Gasoline
;'Ines. See our line of Cutters be-
i you buy, all our own make. I3ug-
s,. Carriages, Wagons, Sleighs.
quare Dealing Qur Motto
Hess 41 Son
Veer stag say Grill talc; t rr�n s en
C132si ii learned at peel Ire n t,
eve a fled sse:1 rp.:�:i settee.
f ee'� my to ° eu . , a ley e"I a:ei 1 s
teed »eenn t, h c:.r 1',+eeell-
,l tled t :"i e + •. els. r.
6 a 3
eeicel , e E3 t o'eai1 cs e i" ek
° Gita €;. .. "m. ea b Isifets ce bee.
rrorIt.,w'PEI.,n t,a ,
Famous Gray lliortee Gasoline En-
and1'k Horse Power $55. 00
2.� 7". 00
/I Ii
12 'F
Sold by : HESS tie SON Agents.
$105. 00
1.75. 00
285, 00
375. 00
Much of the so-called wit, of the
funny seetious- of soma" newsptpeis
is too silly to be liuhnorot s, The
drawings are a carnertture' on ollmost
the womb specluian-ol bum inity and
if the .``artist got 90 daysin jail. ' : he
possibly would still' have somethii
coating to him. +Pun is all right in
its place bet litany of thelokes deserve
ru clearly printed label so that the
reader Will net he mistaken in the
intent of the ttuthor. Pine illustrat-
ions are of great interest in this laic
tonal age but our_adsicc is tocnt' oat
the rubbish.
first class concert ivlien tkew=all known
entertainers, :Rog. Bloor ,of Z1ig ispll.
and Emery Disjardine of Grand Bend
will assist. "There will be dialogues,
duetts; assisted by an Orchestra,.; Ad
hnissian• to ground, morning, . '10 and
2004afternoon, 1:5' and 25ets.. Ad-
rissien to concert, reserved seats, 85c
general adAiissjo 2c, children 15 cts
doors open at 7.0.0, •cbncort at 8.00,,
plan of hall at Tiou an iC rdighoffer's,
store.: , . .
Check your Temper—If 'bad 'tem-
per' were irreifttidablo there. nigh%' be
some excuse' for trying to look at `it.
from :'ft,dilferent point of view. If
a§ it were a disease for which its victen
Issietc Denson Lnbiie, member ifene
Centre Gray since1SQ3 and Member'
of the Whitney Government' With -Mit
portfolio, since Jinme 1909, was sivern
in hitt• week as -provincial troasurcu''
succeeding the late Hon. A. 7: 1lfathe-':
son. lie has been acting treasure"'
sine's C'olenel"lfat'heso`ii's death.' itlr:"
Lnease was born in Conferdeiation
yea r, l8b7r'Itnd, because of his youth
ful appearance has been known as tile'`
boy minister. He goes back ,to
conetitueney for re-election on the 9th,
of June.
An stein of interest 'to chui'eh 'Deo,
ply, especialiy'Mexhodists, is the:, fast
of a ten -storey Book and Publeebing
House being built in Toronto, ,to cost
a million dollars. The business has
developed to such dimensions that the
old quarters are inadequate tomeet the.
necessities of the work. 11lodern offs"-
ces, Committee rooms 'debartnlents:
for officials will not be wanting: in rho-
new structure.Thenew block is further..
West on Richmond street. $900,000
is expected from the sale of the for=
nun. Book Room. Solus advice the
establishing of .acconhodatioii ' for _ ah•
sort of Methodist quarters AC persons
visitin ;,Toronto frau time to time.
4o it seethes Goderich is not to.
have the military camp after ah:The:
mayor of Goderich received a Message;
Saturday from Col. Ilodgins, instrnot7
in; him to discontinue fall preparations
for the military cttiinp iu June:
01113 - reason assigned 1}y= the. niilitaree
authorities is that the Water .`supply+l
on the proposed camping grounds
tleaerich is ivaclieluate and unsatisfa-
ctory. Colonial Itodgins says." -lie,
had rush' -ilea the deeerthnetit that the
water supply was not satisfactory.'
The springs, which had appeared full
at an earlier visit, were nearly -dried
up Col. Belton was with him tad
had agreed that the water supply \vas
inedequats. This will be a greatdlsap-
pcnutnielit to the Goderich people ' It
lute not yet been tuinottnced where the
camp. will le heIl-1,1)1nt it will likely 15:
held in London,
The new marriage act of last ses-
ti:iih which requires non-residents of
a municipality county, or district to
, ',.,`ive three w'.e 1•.s notice to - an in-
tee•ridodltlanlih.,'ecame iii force last
Tlltu stlo>-. The net make.; it necess-
ary for non-residents securinrg a
marriage Iieenee to advertise Ode
intention in luced newspapers once a
week for three weeks and to present
affidavits and copies of their notices
to tlto ismer Of licenses, Exception
to this will only he made under eel -
be ni ciroitnlstancess and upon direct
appeal to ut'e. register General. ri.'.hr,
le i�,ht,tien vwhile mined at se,t ret tear.
lieges ;.;t:imerally is expepially directed
al the ,'e rr etna Green" at' Windsor
where the marrying of young.; people
from acrese the line has heroine quite
a profitable business. In addition
'to the oily tistnent clauses the act
contains sections making clergymen
and others qualified .to a heavy pen-
'nity for marrying persons the; they'
kniowv to be under the influence of
liquor or mental deficient.
A desirable home, on main street
Zurice, Two story brick, seven
foot basement, with furnace, bath
electric wired through, soft water
top and `bottom, good well with
force pump, fine stable, everything
modern and in first class shape
Posession will be given on:April
P. S;—I have bought another prop.
erty and will stay right in Zurich.
Second annual celebration to be
held in Dashwood on the Iing's birth.
day on Tuesday, June 3rd, 1918. A
big calithaimpian parade in the morn -
hug at 9.30. Prizes, 1st $15.00, 2nd
$4.00r•$3rd $3,00, 4th $2.00, 5th 1.00
Base ball; Zurich seniors vs Centralia
seniors, game called at 10.30 in the
morning, prize $85.00. Crediton vs:
Fullerton game at 1.80 in the after-
noon, prize 40.00 Horse races; green
raco, purse $80, 'for horses 'that never
started in a race before,. half mile
heats 1st $15, 2nd $10, 3rd $5. 2.40
race, purse $50, half mile heat, let
$25, 2nd $15, 3rd $10, Free for all
purse' 70, mile heat, 1st $35,2nd $20,
3rd $16. All -trotting association'
ules.to govern, hopples allowed. En -
ranee fee 5% of purse, 6% off winning
orse. Exeter brass band in atteiid-
ttnee, In the evening there will be a'
F. s HEa S,�i J vi . h
could in no souse be heldresponsible,:
it might evehh be necessary that . one
shoulii sufii r its outrages meekly; . .116 t
when ive realize that the disposition
that is the datise et such Misery some-
thing niMeethah aihebit-.-a habit tb`at
t ,in, be cltted just as others are cured.
t rhibitions of temper a very *distinct
z+•speeb' of crttelty, tyranny, and cow-
u'dioe. Better a fow weeks of heart -
eche, better months of sorrow • and
dissa nointnient,than the lifetime' of
misery that is certain to result when
tither 'wife or a b hsband isice selfish
a,; to' allory the evils of bad temper` to
go unchecked. -Graham Hood..
Mr. Robert 14I3L` eau's," canclidatuil
as a Senator is being bootied by his
fellow townsman, Mr. El. N. Lewis,
M. P. The farmer- Ill wy have a claim.
thatshourhl be recognised, but we
'fancy that the "poll' -is in a different
geographical location and will prob-
all,ly gotto some discarded lli. P. oi' an
nfllneiit, brothor who well not object to
beingagenerous subscriber to the
party. Mi. McLean, Reeve Cantelon
Mr. John Ransford and others could
fill a cosy seat'at Ottawa as wellas.any
of theins ere it not for the greed of
office seekers who may already . have:
had more than theit share. Clinton
New Era. .
1liiss Metal liartleib attended the
horse races in Mitchell on Saturday;
Mr. Chester Geiser of London, was
'home over the holidays.
Mr. Edgar Siebert of Vietora B..C.
is liolne for a couple of months.
Mrs. D. Betcaten and Ana .Guinthei.
were in' 'Crediton on Saturday.
114 :and ill's. C 'Falmer and (laugh
e?iblo visited M. -and . leers, P
Tletehen en `Tuesday-.
11liss Young of ' London visited
friends and relatives at the Bend, over
the holidays.
An auto load of Dashwood oxen
attender! the horse races in Mitchell,
'The Y. P. A. will serve runner
and slipper on June �rcl, Drib"
wood's big celebration ' ;Meals
"note. . • .
• The Stephen Council are replacin
theO14,ww'ood bridge two.miles east of
Dashwood land initting in a large coy-
rigated iron tile and. covering it with
earth, Thej' arc also putting one in
on the 16th.' This 'will make a `safe
bridge and a cheap one.
Mr. P.iic:IsaLc has put in au big
stock of jewelry, including watches,
clocks, rings, etc. Repairing of all
kindd-prohnptly attended to. This is
another -addition to the village b tsi-
ness and one that was greatly- needed.
Patronise Isom industry, and buy
everything 3tiu Can at home, 'Tri:: is
;what helps to build up a town.
11r.:Ed Siebert and sister Vera,'
visited. friends in Giediton a few days
this week. -
'Quite a number here attended
the celebration in'Orediton on. Satin.-
- lllr, and Mrs. D. McIsaac anti two
children visited Mr:and Mrs.. P. Mc -
Isaac mi Seedily. •
Mss. Ed. Neeb reed daughter 11Igrtle_
anti Mr. anti Mrs. Henry- Roesler are
visiting Mee. Gosh of Pigeon, Mich.,
:whale seriously .ill,
• We have a :Reactionory° Storm Per-
iod extending over the 2nd, 3rd and
4th, Moon is in conjunction with
Sun and Earth on the 4th, This of
course'; gives us new moon- at high
north declination. The new moon is
always at or hear its greatest north
Point in the heavens in ' June, This,
eve bold, is one of the prime causes of
hnatiimeem lightning, thunder and rain
in. this solstice month. The falling
baroeter, and storms of rain *and
wind, which will develop in the west
about the 2nd, will reach 'different
longitudes in their eastward progress,
nn and'touching the 3rd and 4th.
These storms will roachtheip greatest
eytent and strength on and next to
4th. The first June seismicperiod
covers the 1st to the 7th, having its
ceirter on the 4th.
1Hade you ever. considered 'Painting" (rain the Atandpoint of an
Insurance polis
�u Tlte,premi,m recresented by the Cost o1 pgmting Isla proportion to i''
the importance of the'aeeurity afforded, no higher thou other tnunrance
fu fact itis considerably smaller, aid so= becomes a miphs quantity.,
Witt' Fire insurance-Tornadd Insurance—I,Igbtpink.rods? '
---The), only protect when that which you wish to avert, Itappens.
Affords the utmost protectidn; insures yopr' property, beginning
Wilhite application
H wards off tile 'WO 40u9 of Old Sol, the nips of Old,tack-Frost-the t :
ravagesof Old FatberTime. .r-rMe:i,,..-1, «1,i .- .a's.' W
» 0KI: r
.1. Priventa..dr -l'ot-checks deterioration:- No' safer, surer or more r
ret able
4=3=0 chuld be offetetl., ,twati..,.y, -•-' ""`
ay -Sala.
Of naw and fashionable Summer Goods of alt kinds. Mnsiine, Cotton
Voiles, Rajah Stripes, Repps, Foulards, Piques; Bedford Cords, E.
broidered Skirtings, Mulls, Linens, Lawns "etc. -
Ladies Vests toe, 12 i -2c. 15o.2oo and 25c. Special Ladies
Hose, big value, 2pairs for 25c. Special value in Sard wide
Silks, black and colors.
Special Bargains in Millinery
if you are looking for anico Up to date trienened hat at a sliecial close
price be sure and call before enakixig your purchase.,
Bargains in Men's aliel.tioy"s Clothing in units; IIlit�,� tae ]ts' a$ra..
tee, Gloves, et:o.' Big value; given in pugs, Linoleum, "Wall Pap-
ers, Curtains, Etc. Etc,
Fresh Groceries always on hand
- Zurich
—aro t1—
—• at—
In support of the course persued.
by MR. W. PROUDFOOT M. 1'. P
at the recent session of the Ontario
Friday, ay 30th.
Other prominent speefrers including
N.W. WE L L,.
Eeveyone who believes in honest
government and fair play invited.
Chairman .
W: H. Robertson.
cu sm
The Daily Globe may be obtained
through this office from now until the'
end of the year for $2.0a:. As the
regular price of the Globe is ,$4-00
per year, this splendid offer should
Appeal to you. 13ev subscribers to
oar paper mar 'have the two papoz;l
:for the balance of the year for only
$2.50. Order at entice and take full
advantage of this low figure
Annual Meeting,.
The annual meeting of the South
Heron Eeferni Association will be
held in Dixon's Hall, Brucefield, ons
Friday, June'6th, et 1.15,p. in. The
election of offit;ers and other general
bueine gill be tramaetedi,
Prompt Service
Moderate rha'rges
W.- i1gF'M '
Zurich, - Ontario -
"Com an-
e it your
n awg Suit
A.t Zurich's Leading
Tailor Shop time only Place,
where the Newest is always
shown first and saL;tis.faetion
Laundry in Coniln.eetion
YYtt Y eHorTmAN
fai Por
The concert which is to be given on
the,eveninxg of June sta. will beheld'
in the new building of Mr, id. Nadi;