HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1913-05-30, Page 5cm6.
The .question of` what machine to harvest with is an
important one.
An incorrectly constructed binder will get et all the grain,
but will leave a large part in the field_— good crows?' ' feed;:
but a deadloss to. you.
Your harvest will'be most profitable. ifYou
ng Sz 011, uri h
Agents for Brrantf/ard Windmills. ZURICH
2111-: IA' CAMIti.
1 WN
ANY BOY can turn'
his spare.- time. into
Xmas pocket money
by selling copies of the
You pan build .up a
regular route•in a ,short
time which will .give
you a permanent
weekly income.
We give you a tree
start in ,BtlSiness'arrd
The best boy win. s a
Shetland Pony, Cart_.
and Harness "or
$1100.00 in Gold.
rhl'kr •(WITNESS,'
` i eriesa Block, Mon tre61, •Qate.
Please send see t sisal in bta,EwN {�tl
bcautifil Shetland •Pbsy, if Y 451too.
Signed ... ...A .,.. ....A Pose*...
A'ddresa. rrY..... e...., eHvtra,
.4r......`........ rsww
isle ail *bout kaw I roar
a the
'YY�1 >Cn T.
'Mother-, mother V' he coiitinnecl
I wish yon wouldn't cry, 1` ant
not sorry to die only foryou and
father 1 You know it is' not pleasn..
ant • here; but tixere-I shall sets
trees anti gVe n grass, ' and sweat•
smelling flowers --and 1 shall heir
the birds sing, (tncl:I shall see the
angels?' •„Me paused and 161..ked
wist;fullytxhollt itis if searching t'ol
something.. '"My'iolin 1”"lie i slticl
sand his mother laii1it ora his breast
and' he bootkec1 at it foiadly...A 1)1e11s
g Mlle hovering round his ,.1f,pq
"I,shall Bitty with the angles"
1•arrers of Canadian Northwast•Suf.-
feting From Lonelines ;.'
he fztrrners hang about the ,tiny
stations that dors the great transoon.
tinental railroad tracks between Winn.
uipc„ .and the 'Rockies, waiting for a
eight of the emigrant girls on the west-
1youad train that 'goes through one,
:its 24 hours., Every one et. them is .in
the lookout for a wife•" • -
"" 'lit,sa are the words of a wr-ter
vho has' studied the conditions 'of
^ }est,:in life and who knows that the
tried of domestic, help in Canada is
rahxonic and cdntinu'ous, Loneliness is
not good for a man, and `that' is tt•tty
one find Iiuzuirc
he repeated: softly, "never more in sof young flls)
the Stat'—never ! If only I oottid Great
aro developing ha land of tl
�' , .;;rent Jfart+htvest eager to' find a mat
knew that you would not c1'•y end flow scarce the right type of gi
inonrn for me ton much " • for domestic work in Canada is to
But his mother only 'sobbed and be judged from. the words uttered
clung:to him, wildly-'' beseeching the Ifishop, of Londouc:•a; short tin
hint riot' to die, not to go and leave ago. It is practically impossible
ken hbe could not live witlhout for love orttnone S(,r old i11 .Canada
hon,, she couldno•t7°i Y ) find places
Pea: solvernotnents lie 1a.q regal' for oU girls to-Inurruw' if we Lad
money to send them out"din her very, gorractllly, mow-
4tnd then utter ing a -faint roan Canada
is the dearth-of.w1
g Men in Gonads is'furflislled by A. M.
which all his brave little will could Grenfell, son-in•law of Earl (hey, tib_
not repress. Govurnor-General of Canada, < wh .
"131it mother,; lie sailed tit len sat'• ; "There are eight men to -every
gill, his eyes` bri;hte.nflig eagerly wolutn in the land. Domestic ser.
`•oonld yon not len hili• go, if father vice( of various kinds is to be had for
would. promise never•=to'think tiny sue itsking "
Just a word of warning, however;snore? It Would be': worth
.wvaailo inuwt not expect to go out th rt>,
then—to save father ! I • aim oat b s ; napped up by the first n iu that
a little bov, }ion know --:and father conies along and have a nice, easy
is big and: -strong; ;tine se -good Sind- t mo of it. Girls are clil,y, want;;d wh.
kind.—when he is•h-ot drunk! You •know lluw to work and" who will work,
love him, .don't you mother—Riot and for them the wages range from
lier dear?" ..•'Al a month for common help to $;i
He looked .t her • wistful]lai3 :And $50 for specialists—that is, for
y x can't dye and lett„1n�t;1alce, qualified eoolis.
ve ,you—so he said 'Women, indeed, are wanted in Can.
',(•13ut you •osai _not die—y6.11ad`s to tlfo number of many Onus.anti;, both as workers and w ivt.s,"
must not !" she groaned I. cannot i -to quote the words of the superintau
think of hini now—and, besides deli: of Canadian emigration in Lon
she added, bitterly, "lie will .not l, don, while both New Brunswick :nut
promise he never will. 1 1�,i . h Calumbin offer great iuduc4•
metas to worsen emigrants. Says the
(To be`. continued) agent general for the latter country:
"1 •:10 not know any Dart which is
COSHE . L[VL sue:, pr)mising country fur tiorn 11
as iii ltish Columbia ' while tit r. p.
Mr. Alev.:llagni of Salem spent rc. ittative of New Brunswick x,..
Sunday visiting friends along the . `V hrt constantly e.niding girls ou.
the , Line . I an,: ard receiving satiri'ifattis;.report_•.I
11ILs.l[ercer anddaughter11!I• of ii pr..gress rom time to tLno.'
Ross and little Son spent: ati few da'YHis Turn Next.
visiting friends and i elati\'es ill the'r ,, -isles , L. Hughes, who has been
neighborhood. p `17.,1: .'t+:r UI 1'�.rt•i711ta''' l ubik
The 111isses`Tillie and -May 'Tides . t t.'• to..... -='...x,:: ii i tti ,
of the T Lt13.,00]1, slieritp Silticlay ,, , far_.'lies His first family consists .0
tit • ..iauf;Ilteis; his' second of a datii
1L. Simon tIlttthihacbs. ti ,ira1 a San. His. second ii•if:`'ta
Tile :Goshen Line Maple„ Leafs Sl _ litor, has alit ays `h: en ion:' of
ii lthent (tics; Even .ha a`chilt] she Fast
jilayed a giolie of bitli with 6-1'eenw:)7 11i.1t : lrt.,t.ic;al problems in 14.ir euvir
on the Sbhp11r 'gt'ouiids 011 last, -'Tries'•^.:Qum, '1 tri:cia;; O. )Erie1in' -very Cly ar.y
day evening the ,cogs .boli ii' fit 7' :in: unt sco t,
One •iay, at luncheon, > wvliezr she .yv:aas
Ltvat of Green .Way, 'a;Ucl-on ';rrllurscla4i> r0 yy^tr, inti, sbo.'-wan• 'wry gt.tit'f,.r
•soli t, true
then 1 `
-• n' Sl Elrl
a fast
e.t tLd.
ba,lria was 111ay�t1' ou. the local ilei �i� ttlit,r .and .s•aid: ' l�Tariilnn IT: 1
grouud,4 botweeli !lie 1J.ItyIe Lesfs alld etc ,i, l Bet'tha” (her oldaek Slateri
Shipkaithe.seot•o•beini 6-7 :iii • fav- `a,re'--oI' half-sisters to •t;lles�tr`r aid'
or of the 'faplea Leaf.. i'5 --d '' Tilevlutt, if yaui sholuld die, vand parth;
Mr.Tolinuie1illran spent 81111- i have (11pdreli•vud their 'children
day uni:Iei' the Parini—la roof. • • L be,. til, relation at all to Helen and
1:Ir. mid Mrs., Short speflt Sunday l' ha P"'. - .
„'",She knew that the death of one wife .
at Mr.- Ge•orge Mawhinney.
had ffun0 away witli one, half of the le• .
Mr. 11 tlhain Yearley failtied slit, I8tionship, ,and she wondercd whether ,
sbontin match in ll:eltsall nil the21 'the death of another wife would do
away w•ith'the other -half relation a'tip. '
i\Ir. Ire i'y Smith purchased a new and leave no relationship what:,,- . r
driver last week. 11 Ir. Gib Yelland between the first family and the thi.4.1
spent'Sunday at his.11onle in F,xoter. fgily.
Her younger Brother, then nitwit
fear years' of age, was evidently not•111EETING OF IHURON 'COUNTY c nsidering. the question from a
COUNCILmathetiiatica'tl standpoint, -but from;
'lie stand tlppoint of justice only. Ile
The conneil,bf the corporation of tn'omptiy'
said: `.x think it's dad's
the County of Huron will meet in . turn to die next."
the town of Goderich on - Tnesday
7'nue the 3rd. at 3 o'clock. Accounts
:requiringsettlement roust be placed i, " Might Seem Longer.
with the clerk before this date. I.?rr`you think buttermilk will pro -
Dated, I i at `20'th, 1913, W. Thine ''',gig one's Iife, Colonel Soaksb�y r
y hem! I. have no doubt, Miss
Clerk. Plumper, that if• a person had to
• il,inis buttermilk every „day it would
make life seem lodger."
, Canada's ' Trade.
C;alxada'•s .trade for the first ten Undefeaidd.
tnaiiths 'a tlie'^aurrent-fiaeal Year to- The Boy -'You're. a fine weather
tailed $634,431,075, an uiexease of -$70,- prophet. You said it would snow
144,295 over . the corresponding' ten j
months, of •.1909-10:
The imports totalled $376,481,520, an
increase of $74,431,$13.
Exports of domestic products total-
ed $238,907,285, a decrease of $2,-
767,934. Exports of foreign products
Were $19,042,270, a decrease of $1,519,-
The January trade totalled $56,431,-
147, an'inerease of $4,631;345.
Potato Scones.
To . bake potato scones sift a cupful
and a 'hall of flour With' a half tea:
spoonful of salt and two teaspoonfuls
of baking 'powder and rub in three
tablespoonfuls of shortening: Adel one
-cupful of light, freshly mashed pota-
toes, add one well beaten egg and
enough milk to make a soft dough.
atoll outhalf aninch thick, cut and
bale on -a hot griddle or in a bot oven..
Serve very hot, with plenty, of butter..
A Wise Guy.
"Gustav's letters to me nre exceed-
ingly dull and commonplace,i1 said one
Pair girl. -
"Don't you know 'why?" reeionced
the other. .
'.NO2. -•
"Gustav ()nee served en the jury 1n
a'' breach tlof promise case ?`Washing•
ton Star.
,c ofe morning. .
The Girl -:Ob, Well, I changed liir
nfind: _.
William Sora Middlebre.
After the votes were counted at Vue
•ist'general elections, among the gains
'be found is the Conservative co:.
;tun was North Grey: The turnov:r
11 a riding which had gone consiA
I Liberal by law -majorities' ine•,
'was due entirely to the goo'i
campaign o William Sora Middlebro,
n barrister -at -law at Owen Sound
Since he entered Parliament Mr. Mid-
dltebro, has forged his way rapidly to
thelront and this session he was call-
ed upon by his leader and colleague's
to 1111 tlho• pvosition of Opposition whip
for Ontario:. A forceful debater, with
the ability, of• thinking clearly and ra-
pidly; while onhis feet; Mr. Middlebro
is •oasaly `a,; leader of the group of
younger Conservatives who came to
strengthen the old fighting lisle of Op-
positionists. at the last appeal to the
country. He has a head which close-
ly resembles` iii its'.contour that on
which •reptxses the Sauey black derby
of Sir Alaff"• Aylesworth. • The kyles-
wortlrBead, with its long bald stretch,
and massive forehead, is as familiar
to those who frecllient the precincts -
as the clock in the main tower. .It
seems to be built in a :aeries of layers.
But his fame does not rest. on that
alone. The inemttaer for North Grey'^
is always in the thick of the fray, and.
his • oratorical. repertoire eon'tainc,
tetany italashing n ercnt.--Tile .Mane
In Saltirday Night,
- .
-ant Column
• .
Carriage anclovol'k horses for sal(
Apply to Kellerman h Son, '
11 yOa virttlit to buy ij,' nice lip 'ti
date home 1t1 1 urlcb, ready to mov,
into.„, Apply to�I+'. W, Mess.
quantity of No. 21 seed barley fol
sale. - Guaranteed free of tooth
Oscar Klopp, Zurich.
)'ANTED—A4 the Alexandra
..Marine iuid (leneral :Hospital, Godes'.
ich, three or four pupil nurses.' Apply
to Miss Griffiths, Superintendent
'AUCTION SALE-- Une parlor suit,
I two bed roan suits, kitchen range,
writing desk and book slfelvte-', a 11'i•
lion piano, tables and chairs and va-
Haus household articles too minter
ot15 to Mention, will be sold .et the
Luthertitn l'ar'sonag • on Saturday
the 11.ot \tat itt 2 p. 111.
Notice is het given that the -first
sitting of the court of i vit'1(ii ( f tilt
.k sessiiient Roll •of the 'Town -hip (1i
lilay, for the y;,c'ius I91t;, will 1 e hehl
in the Town pall, Zurich, on t atur•
day the ;31st day :•f May 1913. at l C
o'clocka. 111. t
!-• A11 person,, having business at said •
court will Itill govta'n theItlstives ae-
Ltuich,,:llay 1 5th, 1t)1 •l.
}l'i'ed I Icss sr. 'I'p. clerk.
Free Ladies and Gents Watches,
Rads, Bracelets and dewell'yof Every
Description, Lace Curtains, Ruds,
House FurnishinrAilles, Moyind Pic-
ture Machine, Skates, Printing; P ress-
es,'I''>mfain Pens; in fact nearly
every'thniti you can think of you can
Eief AboslutelyI'ree ftr t ellii)g - our
1I( 't ti fill I•'aney- 1)tawn and tial in
S1rippt tl Inunli.erchiefs at 10 cents
each. "'`.111ey s: ll. n pittly- t) call gener-
ally ],, ;.-told in evcty l:oli;,t>. Don't
Se11d us any money, but write 111 to
soma you tt lot of Handkerchiefs to
snit, that w hen sold yI a ,will ROA us
the 11((u,ey and the premium seili:Cted
Selling .i-1 h„ 1 e liwi ehieff entitled 3 o11
10 onr•c11oice of an elegant .Watch,
t , o1I Laid Rings, S Lice Curtains,nG etc.
\Vrile u14 -1l) (1 ty-, lvt trust yOti and
titko back the ,roils if yon cannot sell
HO SEEK x'j � S'
Each Tuesday until October 28th, inclusive,
Winnipeg and Return - $35.00
Edmonton and Return - 43.00
Other points in proportion
Return Limit two months.
2.00 p.m. each t Tuesday May to August
Inclusive. Best train to take, as Winnipeg is
reached early morning, enabling passengers to
make alt branch line connection's.
Through trains Toronto to
Winnipeg tad West
/Particulars from Canadian Pacific Agents or ° I
Write M. G. MURPHY,
D.P.A. C.P. Ry., Toronto
`Victoria Day
'Single Fare for, Round Trip .
Between all stations in Canada east.
of Port Arthal', also to Detroit `and
PorbI•Itir'oli, 1\lieh,, Buffalo, Niagara
Falls, Black Bock and Suspension,
Bridge:, N. Y.
Good Going May 2 and 24
.Return Limit May 27th. 1918
Hozneseekers' Excursions
ToManilob11, Sii kat('l1Wafi, Alberta,
each Tuesday until ()ctol'er 28th.,
Yid Chicago and St. Paul or Sarnia
Through Pullman wicel^ets to Winni-
peg on a Love (Tutt s, baying Toronto
11.00 11. iii. No an -ITT, of cars: Re-
turn limit two months.
Ask Grand Trunk Asents for full par-
ticulara, reservations, etc.
French Giron
No. 697x,8. (8.7)-12)
Route for 1913
lfot tl ty--- SVill have ! o .t,v- a stable
Zurich at! lona . t1 ,t this to Mark
11"iltls, Shpht n 1•: t i a l, tbcnee
youth to ('i- t1 1 1l 1,t'. to I1111',
hotel, (':tt it; n, f; r
Tue:4111y- - th to 11i.11111 llo'ld
then 11 initis 11(.l 11,11 1 1 niil('s to
.las, \V ildl'c)mg for 1,( c O. thence
north to Zurich '11t ail, 1lo u 1 �
miles wot.t to lib, r nu stable where
'110 ti 111 remain until the following.
Thurtd ty :llorllinf .'
Thni'st1ay-1 k: toile; •trc�t.to :Bron -
soil Line. then1k 11i to " "Flttri
a )fig for noon; then 1:y
tulles easfi
to the (108111-n Line, then south to •
his otivn stable.
Friday --1 utiles•t: est to Bronson.
Line. then ee `..).!_f L11lt. to Henry
\1 1dl)t 1'S for to on, 111.-1) 1 1 miles
i 1( t to (t(,lit`a'1 1 •tno, tbe.tics' north
to hip+ (Zan ;:ral,lr wlit 1.1 110 will re-
main tln4.i1 tla(- t•ttliotvii:e; Monday
W. II. BENDER, Proprietor.
FARM 1`011 SALE:
.Got 11.. Ii. W. flay acre,.
There is a good brick house, wood-
shed. frame barn, drivingSlled. The
land is 111 good 1011)1. and as this
place is Within a few rods, of the
tit. Peter's catholic church and sep-
arate i- ht o1, it will ltmkt' a A0>y • dis-
1ro11y location for ant' OIto. Pllr-
eht1Se1'w111 c.rl,tyin rte $l siult flet. 1St,
1''(..r further particulars a1(1)1y to
llrs. Silicon 13 it1„tu Sr: on the lire -
mise;,, or t,tldivse to Llry'sdale - P. 0.
They Have Arrived
A large consignment of justly celebrated CARHARTT BRAND of trust-
ed Men's Working Clothing and Gloves. blade in a.11ejncroble way for
honoreflle men. We hive secured the sole agency 'for these goods for
this section, and invite your inspection,
Ems„ AP
Clothiers to the People
A t7arhartt Time l3ook Free for the Asking,