HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1913-05-30, Page 4CENTRAL STRAT ORD, 0 -ti • .The best -Practical training seh0g1 in Ontario. Three .depart - Monts —COMMERCIAL -STIORTHA\D —AND --TELEGRAPHY AU courses are thorough and pract- ical. Teachers are experienced and graduates are placed in positions. We give' individual attention and students may enter at any time. Write for ]Free Cataalodue at once .A. cachran, Principal. Dashwood Furniture Store We are giving Big Snaps in Pianos and Organs for the balance of the year. Two big shipments of• Singer and R•ayntoitl Sew- ing 3Iac1liries must be cleared out at once, at a low price. IA big stock of Furniture always on hand and prices the Lowest. Dried apples taken as Cash. UNDERTAKING Big stock on hand. Day l.r night—call Central. P. MoISAA0 Furniture end Undertain3 .mark 1 Another of the pioneer residents t'TRR an the parson of RosanaRete ler,. On baterdey May 17th Mary Tay- died ,t ole e ome:,• fah :eon e .'uesday for begot ei;1 wife of AIr. C. T. rooke, tt.t the it alicod'age, of 91,. years, 2 classed away at, her home on Wilii t nnths an t CG day's I cianbits atnatreit after ailing for about ten ed was the,widow late: Geo Months. On October tenth the ole- rg a Roeszler, Who predeeesieed her ceased underwent an operation at about 81 years ago. , Tho f ineral the Lont on,,Hospital but for a few will take place from Iter late. home months llre-ious to that she had been on Friday 30th roar at 1.30 a'olook under the doctor's eare. The opera -The atoilthe the ittseof Johnlical son -.te Lion was unsuccessful. Mts. homestead and Charles of Crediton Brooks was born near Zion, 1'sborne • and who have the sympathy •of , :ill Township,being, a daughter of thelate. in their loss. John Taylor. Twenty live yeti's b.go The farm of Mr. Henry .aist she was married to her bereaved bus- was the scene on, 1'lxesctay, ill k> 'band and they left for Winu,ipeg tore- tire that might ,have proved discs. side, roturing to Exeter in 13)00 where eerous i:ad•there been a high wind, Mr. Brooks has since been express a- As it lytta the loss will be over $400 gent. The deceased had been a mueiu-- which is pa,.•tially covered 1iv` fit her of the Methodist church since her suranee, Besides.thti hen • awl. pig youth taking; an active part in au honiaes 'end ice house, a large straw branches of church work, and lying• stack was destroyed, and as the mg a host of friends who held her in fire was within 8 or 10 feet from the highest esteem. 4Besides her ser the barn this also *owlet. have been burnt had it not, • been for the rowing husband, slie'ie survived b)' timely aid of his neighbors. Mr. five brothers and four sisters; Haist desires to °heartily ',thank and Robert of Zion; John and Janiesi those who turned out to "gtesist in of town and Andrew of Yarmouth , getting the blaze under con trot;.. centre; lIrs, Cook of SLTlhomas; Mrs. Pierson of London; '1lrs. Geo. Thomas"Eight houis' work is enough for and Miss Taylor of town. The funcr- any man," ,said Farmer ,Corntoesel. al was held privately on Tuesday "Yes' replied .i . wife, as she dropped opc afternoon to the Exeter cemetery: 5 to armful of stare wood a u slit n • Mr. and Mrs. P. Iltwkshatt and 'the, question is how are you'going to two children visited at the Thome of get any Ulan to that doninch Work." Mr. J. ilawkshaw who continues very li•tashiu;.;tou Stott, • :Masonic. ---District Superintedent among; those who spent the Boli .tacksa)rr Paid hi'official visit -to 1lallueli Chapter, Royal Arch Mason. days hero with friends were: llr. and Mrs. C. Spackman and child ,,of in Seafurth, on Monday last. There Guelph, -hiss W. Huston of 1 latmil- , was a large turnout of members and Iota. Miss Jean Walker of London, exemplified the third.degree in M;r, H. Hooper of London. Wes. Vale ; a most ere,litalblo manner. of Niagara, Mrs. Ilneston of London. Egiuondrille bus had 7iustalled. tunMrs. McTavish and children of Shalt-' street liti ats, the Hagge as tii se in. ; ospe=are. i Scaf'orth and provided from the Hv.., Mr.. and Mrs. E. A. Follick and ; done in tlru commission here. The work was 1Mydre is. Enoch Folliek are Spending a ! staff, Messrs Case and irst class le by Neilands.H The week at Grand Bend fixing .up their, lights were turned on for the Bast cottage for the the summer months. tittit on Thursday evening. lri s T. White spent the 24th in; \Vith trate black champion awaiting Windsor. sentence for as violation of the-Vhite L. GAL. OARDS,. Mr. and Mit. J W. Powell 'spent slave law in Chic ag,o, and the 1101W• the holiday with friends i tl hite.champion under arrest . on. . YRO 1 1i't fT HAYS & KII,I.O AN, I St.Thonns• t charge of manslaughter;. -the 'itixxn� a I nrra,tet;, Solncator ,Notaries Public The death took place on fieturclitiy t ate Future of the prize.; -'mg , Is _• y , ate: C:nrlor lei,':n,iet Canada Liifilfrroi, of 7'hoG 1.3royk at the a:p of vI years i very bright.. Xs t,r. ss. t 9al • after a short illness from cancer: De- f ti2a,000,000 is the amount of . the t ceased was taken to Victoria hospital loan negotia.tecl•by Mexico in Lonidcn I ' BiISl1VESa^ t ARL75 London o atiltI ergo an operation but and Paris to help restore the amines .B. S. PHILLIPS 9 ., AUC'I'iOr41iER, Exeter. Sales conducted in all parts. Satis- faction gn aranteed or no pay. Terms reasona)ila. Orders left at this oiliee •will be promptly attended to. H. EMBER & SON Crediton, - Ontario Conveyancers, General Insurance Agents 'l.elephone—Office la, House 1b. tNDREw F. HESS, FIRE Iiv'SURAN- ee agent, representing the, London, Economical, waterloo, Monarch, Stand- ard, Wellington and Guardian. Every. thing in fire insurance. R. P. A. SELLERY, DENTIST, GRA- duate of the 'Royal College of Dental Surgeons, Toronto, also honor gradu- ate of Department of Dentistry, To- routo University. Painless extraction of teeth,. Plate work a speciality. At Dominion House, Zurich, every Mon- day. • 7-26 • ZELLER, • CONVEYANCER AND Notary Public. Do eds., Mortgages, Wills and other Legal Document care fully and promptly prepared. 'Office -- Zoller block, Zurich, Ont, PALM FOR SALE Lot 423, Con 7, (Parr Line,) Hay )wnship, 100 acres; 30 acres of od bush. Brick house and good auk barn. *Well fenced and drained, )r particulars apply to Duncan tylor, Hensall P. O. OVER Erb *rt:i:,t TRADE MARKt% D5sitslvs COPYRIGHTS &d. anyone sending a sketch a d deedrlptloh mai Maly ascertain our opini - tr8e whether an %I/Outten i8 probably paten le. CommnniNt. ons strletlyconfidential. li t7D00OK on Patents tot iron. Oldest at(ttotu y Yee securing patents. ratenva 'taken through. Minn & Co. reeet1'n 'echo uhttc8,Without charge, in the ''Stititftf c . merkaii.. handsomely lmietrate& weekly, Largest Or. lation of any scieutitle journal Terms for tnada, 8815 a year, postage prepaid sole by ne tdealere: ya,,. ., !UNN &�Co,36! 0r0 wavRw nothing cunh1 be done to relieve. his .i caused by the'inuurrection to pubis suffering. The funeral took place on buildings; bridges, railways, etc,. 'Thi : Tuesday to the Exeter cemetery. ; is a pointer to the eredit of the bless. lir. W. 1, White of Ottawa spent edges of the peacemaker. Yon can• Sunday with his mother. not fool with shot and shell. With- ' Mrs. J. f,latchford ti,nd,Mies lkIar. Iout somebody paying sweetly for it, ion spent a): few days of last week in' In the supplementary estimates Lucan. which were laid before the House 01 Mrs. W. J. (xoaclison and two Comm!) tm Friday there is the sun of , +;+.'t) f,m tot' extension of - the children of Sarnia, spent the holidays 1 , with DIr, I) Johns. Clivi, n past office. Goderich gets I.still another $8,000 for the harbor. We have the the largest stock' of 1,131 ussels i- 10,000 for a postoince and Exeter ti15,000 for a like purpose. furnitnre in the Cdtuifty call and see $2,500 hill be sent in l'Vinghaln for and gee prices before you buy. At public 1ntiltling improvement. H,art 1t l )'1 s. CREDITON M:r, and Mrs, Eslia Heywood ited in town over Sunday. Miss Elsie Geiser of Toronto home on a visit. Mr. Howard Hoffman of is visiting in theti•illage. c i1Tr. and Mrs. W. Paget are spend- ing the holidays in •St.Catherines. 'Harold Glenn spent the holidays at his home near Hensall. Mr. rlmsr Sheardown of•I3enniller visited ii, the village over Sunday. Mrs. Pinkbeinitr and dan ;hter Mrs. Smith are visiting the foriner's sister, Mrs. John Wein, Mr. and Mrs. Garnet }3aker. and (laughter T)orthy of London are visit- ing Mr. Chris Beaver 'over the holi- days.- a . Miss Minnie Motz of Detroit, is spending a few days with friends and relatives around here. 11'essrs Frank au.d Chris Pinkbeiner !t£ London visited flrtillclq in the viii• age over the holidays. 11Ir. and 112i,s. Ti, Webi, of London visited the ltitte'rs parents Mr. , and Mrs. Sohn Wein for a fete days. Mr and Mrs. Jack Peeeter of Ztir- i' h visited Mr, and Mrs. Tack Swei- •.t• ..er on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs, Sana. Sbeardown of Gocderioh viiiLed the formersniother over, Sunday. Mr, SVin. Brown of Zurich spent Sunday with his parents Mr. anis Mrs: G. K. Brown. HARPLEY' -lIiss :Mattie Hodgins of Detroit was vis- a holiday visitor at home. We are gald to report that Mr. Geo. is Webb is improving. Toronto Mr. Geo; Thompson of Battle Creek was called to the bed side of his fath- er the latter end of last week. Mr. Thompson still continues very low. Miss Lydia Sherritt returned to Toronto Tuesday morning, after spending; a few .days over the 24th, with her parents. Mrs. J. Mims of Brinsley was a Saturday visitor in our burg. Miss wood teacher of S. S. No. 10, Visited at her home at Bayfield, Sat- urday and Sunday. Mi. Lloyd and Eolith Taylor visited in 11IaGillivray ono day last week; SHIPKA Sandy McEachan and Albert Keys visited friends in Parkhill. one day last week. Some attractions _boys. •111isc L' Lacey of Dashwood was a yisitC)r OtiVisS f'.. Treys last week, Miss L. Palmer, wholes been vis- iting friends here has returned to her home in Crediton. Miss V. Gainer is visiting ^art the home of Mr. J. Geiser at time of writing•. Mr. al d Mrs. Jolan Bats visited in Ramon g last week. Shipka ramblers are•to platy the. the e G shag Lint Thursday.. Jvei3 : body is welcoine. .Come and hoot for the .ramblers We have received another shipment of Velvet end Tapestry Squares, exgUisite patterns, in sizes 2% by 3 to 4 by 45.E yds Call and examine our stock. we are giving extra value. It will pay, " you; to buy your House Furnishings here, 4 yd. wide Linoleum See our stock of 4 yd wide Linoleum we imported rheni direct and can show you a large variety of patterns both in. -lorail and tile effects.. toll can get a nice choice here. Our. prices range from $2.00 to $2.50 per yard. we are also showing agood stock of Carpets, Floor Oil Cloths, Stair Oils, ike. at right prices. Wall Papers we have added several - patterns of wall Papers to our stock this week, and are giving 801110' special bargains to clear out several lines, 0u � str)c;li is large and well assorted t,:ucl values.' right. Ready Made Clothing We have several hundred Mens. and, Boys Suits of up to date goods. Call and examine our stock as we are off- • eying some extra bargains in Boys Suits to clear. - See ..our Boys Knickers at 25c per pr. Good Solid Wearers. Millinery We have some special bargains in this department and invite you to call. Miss Link is showing some new Summer Hats in Panamas, Miians, &c. The very_,ne •, tr=,t styles you will find in this department, + Dinnerware Glassw See our Dinner Sets, we • have a grand selection. we start a nice' Printed Porcelain 97 piece set at $5,40 each - Our Grocery stock is well -assorted with the very best obtainable, at Close Prices. We pay highest price for all Farm Produce. A CALL SOLICITED TELEPI3ONE INTO. 3 ill kinds Farm F Produce Taken. a as MEAT MARKET 'E keep in stock a ly lull line -of fresh meats, hams, etc. etc Our cuts are noted for. their tenderness and .wholesomeness. . Our aim is to keep nothing but the best. We make our own sausages Give us a call. YUNliBLU 1 BEICHERT. 1. ERT. ZWICK 1 ice 11 A. 3. MaeIINNON late House Surgeon, Erie County Hospital, :- Buffalo N. Y, Late assistant resi- dent Physician, Manhattan Maternity House Staff, Y. city. Late of the Medical School and Hospital Drug Hospital N Y • Cioppex •, Newt York Polyclinic store in connection. Office,Zurich, Ont, X am ..operating the Blake Chopping Mill every Tuesday and'Priday. Have a .first-olass new grinder, and will guaran- tee satisfaction, JACOB KIPFER. BLAKE, GRA D TRUNK RTES AILWAY TESYSR SIA TEM Tickets will bei sstied atSINGLE FARE for a round trip between all Stations in Canadaeast of Port Arthur; also to Detroit and Port Huron, Mlch., 'Buffalo, • Niagara Palls, Black Ronk and Suspension . Bridge, N•Y, -, Good going March 20, 21, 22, 23, -. ONT. and 24, valid returning up to „ andinolndi'ng'Wednesd'ay, March 26, 1913. Pun particulars and tickets :from Grand' Trunk Agents. Electric Restorer for'Men 4 Ph osphonol restores everynerve in the body to Its proper tension ; restores vim and vitality, Premature decay and all•aertual Weakness averted at tante. Phospbonol ^will make_, you a new man. Price $5' box' or two for $5, Mailed to ahv address. The Soobell Dratt, (10..91t. Catlu ria¢q. Ont. Stationery, Opt todate station- ery sold at our, office. We print your initials on the paper ;.free of charge, 25dts. a box. The Star Crediton; •